1 " :i:psipiEB';)s:! Rate-One cent a word, one-half a cent a word eh . i. -- J tion. Classified add. bring quick result Tea, J ? ' FOR SALE Ten head of horses, and one for rpmt . fresh milch cow. Inquire of M re. Rose i, 7 r houM- ,n- Harris. one door this side of Rohr and S"? . Mj. La Grande Co. Butcher shop. FOR SALE OR TRADE Two acres in Honan'e addition, nicely improved, large roomy house, good water. Will trade . - . C. ACary. FOR SALE Furnitiir. ; f " ,u, ,.,lk inquire oi Mrs F. I Hnnnal nkn. DI..I. linn -.., Kiiv uiabi 4U2 FOR SALE CHEAP A good house and out buildings, and 5 acres of good land in Old Town close to mill creek. In quire of . Mrs. A. Swaioir FOR SALE Air motor windmill good condition. ' "' '' " A. MciiiH N 4th et WANTED Men and boys for ' beet thin- ning.. , Apply to Samuel Storey, FOR SALE-An established, well paying business, small capital required, good reasons for ielling. .. Address X Observer. r OR KENT Cue iurnisiied ana one un . furnished house. Inquire of MrsS. C. Zuber. t . I LOST On the streets of this city, a lady black purse. Return to this office and receive reward. "FOR RENT Pleasant furnished front room at 906 Main Street FURNISHED FRONT ROOM-Phone Black 612 FOR RENT Furnished room' jn John Anthony house comer 6th and P st MONEY For loans on city property see Wm. Grant's agency. Also real estate and insurance. FOR SALE For the next ten days, brick building on Adams Avenue. A bargain for same one. Inquire of S. R. Haworth. LCST A Lady's gold handled parasol G. H. P. engraved on handle. Return to Mrs. Frank Pike and receive reward WANTED A girl to do housework In family of three, no children. . Inquire at No. 1605, 7th Street LOST In this city, a gold fob locket ' with emerald settings. Leave at this office and receive reward. FOR RENT To pepple without children. my rooming house on Adams Avenue. ; Suitable for boarding house, mostly furnished. Rooms now filled. . Mrs. Zora E. Patty. FOR SALE One threshing machine S3 by 60 with band cutter long feeder and everything complete will sell or trade. J. E. Reynolds Phone 1961 FOR SALE CHEAP-If sold not later than July 7th. Pianoes, stoves tables. . chairs, book cases, bed room suite, bed - eteads and springs, ice cream freezer etc. Call at corner of 8th and 0 St F. J. Boorey FOR SALE Near Cove. 380 acres o fi.ie fruit vegatab'e and pasture land, with fine spring water, for $4,500. Also the finest residence and acre 1)1 ock in Cove for $5,600, or land idi town property for $9,500 if taken together. Inquire at this office FOR SALE One 33 by 60 Russell Sep . arator with wind stacker and long and short self feeder and band cutter com plete. J. E. Reynolds, ' U Grande R. F. D., No. 2 The Eastern Oregon Trust and Savings Bank COMMENCED BUSINESS MAY 1, 1906. Statement of condition as shown by books June 18. 1906. which ie the date of call for statement for National Banks by Comptroller of the Currency. 1 ' RESOURCES Loans and Discounts,.. $43, 3 12. 93 Bonds 5.000.00 Stock Warrants. ' 877.96" Furniture & Fixtures 1,741.00 Expense 1.169.1 1 Cash on hand .,., in Banks ..... 34.621.38 Tout 7$86.722.37 We are not required to publish statements, but we take pride in our progress for the flrst six weeks. OFFICERS W.C BROWN, President , , Wei. MILLER. Vice Rresident GEO b CLEAVER, Cashier T. I SCROGG IN, Asst Cashier F. J. HOLMES. Treasurer, v National Bank. Good looks brin himn.. : BV....I. sare more for us when, we meet them wiui a clean, milling face,' bright eve, parkling with health th.,k KLit.. LIit " "rw Wuntort Taa i ea or i ab ets, t Nar,i n ft- "SWUM URUO. CO. TOOK A WHKUaR&OW The party who . took that square iron topped wooden frame whelbarrow'at my Building, Implement and' Material.. rH near the Tool House on the 16th without my permission will please' return same at once and oblige, - i J. L. Mars. ' Eifihtaces,fi room hoos h nW.fnr chickens, or bogs, orchard, all 'kinds o mm ana plenty of waliei. Located east of flouring milk! wifl viGhange for city property Apply at premises. JohnGavao Miss Bertha Youri Will ffive lessnn nn the Violin. Teachers certificate! from Whitman College Conservatory, Music. Phone -f TMWtoaittS f(J8 SAU Persons desiring strawberries can se cure same fresh from the .undersigned. Berries picked Wednesday and Friday. "J. A. Chandler Fruitdale . 'JUST'ARRlVtD Ladle's and children hose and shoe polish just arrived at the Fair store. ' ""' SPECIAL RATI i . ' The O. R. St N. Co. have made, a special rate of one and one third fare 90cts for the round trip to Elgin and re turn on July 5th, Pioneer :day. Ample accommodations will be provided for crowd. The train . will leave here promptly at 9; 15 and will return at 6 o'clock p. m. : BID TOR BONDS Notice ie hereby given that sealed bide will be received by the City 5ecorderof the City of La Grande, up to' August -1st 1906, for the purchase $30,000 Water Bonds, of City of La Grande, said bonds to bear 6J4 interest payable semi-an-ually, and to run. for a period of 20 years with privilege of redemption at any time after 10 years, upon giving three month's notice. G.E. Bowler j Chairman Ways & Means Committee WOOD AND (OAL WANTED Notice is hereby given ( at Schoo District No. 1 of Union' county, Oregon will receive up to 6 o'block p. m. of June 29, 19C6. sealed bids for fnrnishing said school District with 150 cords of fcAir foot split yellow pine, and red fir wood, said wood to be cut while green1 and not later than Aug. I, 1906, free from large knots and acceptable to said school board All wood to be delivered at high school building and to be corded up closely where directed by the Board. 50 oords to be delivered by Aug. 1, and all on or befori Sept. 6. 1906. Also sealed bids for furnishing -from 3Q to 1 10 tons of Lump coal to be delivered in coal bins at school buildings. ' " Bids for coal and wood to be asperate and may be for a less amount than the the whole therefore. Bids to be left with school clerk. Boird reserves the right to reject any and all bids. ? A. C. Williams. School Clerk. LIABILITIES Capital Stock,.". Earnings, Deposits , Total $60,000.00 i, 620.30 1 25.202.07 ....-.$86,722.57 . (OVMTfMS Work on the Cove Central Railway wil be resumed on the 6th despite the dreary dreams of the pessimistic prognosticators. :. Miss Ollie Chenault one of the popular grade teachers in Baker City public achooL leaves today after a short visit to her home in Cove, for Spokane, where she joins an outing party for the coast. - Wm. Alexander returned home Sunday from St Elizabeth hospital, in Baker City whither he had been taken 18th ult and underwent an o Deration for stranmiUtinn in hernia. He is looking well' --. S. W. Koger returned home Saturday from La Grande, where he has been under osteopath treatment the past ten weeks and is greatly improved. - : . One of the lowliest of Cove's young lady ninth graie students, Miss Dorcas Van Schoonhoven, has entered the Oreoon Journal's Educational Contest for the pur pose of completing her education, winning a acholarship in one of the excellent insti tution of learning offered by The Journa oeing long step in that direction. As she ie the only representative of Union county in the contest, it i hoped The Daily Observer will aive its suDtrt to Cove's fair candidate. Ed. Sure. Dudley Richards, who is at work in Wallowa county for the summer, is at horn for the Fourth, A concert ie to be given in the Odd Fellows hall July 8th. bv the L. D. S. Quartette of La Grande, on the occasion of the joint cession of the Young Men's Mutual Improvement Association. Tha following Sunday a conference of the .T...1 1 v V M riin ..ftl, n.ut W -I -I WANTED-Four or five girls for plain ironing. ABC Steam Laundary. 'Behold Uie'Western'sk'yV" " Where naonla Hva hnf n.r A The reason for this is plain to see, They all take Rocky Mountain Tea. Newlin Drug Co. Deaths from Appendicitis decrease in the same ra.io that tha use of Dr. King's New Life Pills increases. They save you from danger and bring quick and painless release from consti pation and the ilj growing out of it. Strength and vigor always follow their use. Guaranteed by Newlin Druo 25c. Try them. . JUST ARRIVED Ladies white canvas oxfords, at the Fair store. FAVORITE COLORS are all found in the list 'of Sherwin Wilhams Daints. and their high quality insures that any shade will be permanent. They don't fade like many so- called paints. Neither do they lose their life and scale off, are they affected by sun or ra'n. They can be relied upon as being thoroughly durable in all respect Now that tha- 4th of July is ap proaching it is a 'good time to celebrate by giving your house, fence, or outbuilding a new dress. STANIELS & JARMAN Paper Hangers and ; Decoratoratars " THE I OXFORD PAR : JAMES FARQUHARJON. Prop. Caaiptee ewUMil of WINES, LIQUOR t AND CIGARS I ' Cold lunches-and mixed drinks a J specialty.- Fair and impartial treatment to all. You are invited to call and get ac uainted. J L MARS, ; -Contractor and ' Buildrr Draler in Building Material Building Stone, Clean Coarse Sand and Gravel delivered. . f La Grande, Oregon Dro a line naming work, and I will name the right price. - , Sl'KMS AT SfA (Sorlppe News Aaeoclation) New York. July 6 F. N. Woodruff, a Chicago salesman aged thirty-sir, com mitted suicide by cutting his ' throat at sea on boari the steamer Majestic, which arrived today. The rash act was com mitted on the second of this month and the body had to be buried at sea. No reason is known. I Miss Gertrude Mitchell left this morn ing for Union where she will spend several weeks of her vacation visiting relatives. - La Grande ESTABLISHED 8B7 United States Capital Stock, Surplus and ) OPVICERS AND ifc-UKUE PALMER, President. J. M. BERRY. Vici President. F. L. MEYERS, Cashier. W. L. BRENHOLTS. Assistant Cashier. GEORGE L, CLEAVER, F. M. BYRKIT. ' A. B. COHLEY. ' C. C. PENINGTON, F. J. HOLMES. General banking business, -farts of the world Gouglii Remedy A eSafe Medicine for Children. ; In baying a oon.ih medicine for children, never be afraid to buy Cp ' ,v.k. LAIN'8 Couoa Remelt. There la no danger from It, and relief ie alwi i o ire to follow. It ie InteideJ especially for cough, oolda, croup and cing coui;h, and is the bent uei'icine in the world for these disease. It in .1 inly a certain cure for croup b t, when given a soon as the croupy cough will prevent the attack Whooping cough is not dangerous when tb ia given a directed. It contain no opium or other harmful drag, a given a coufidrfntly to a baby a to an adult. - Eczema ia a tormenting, stubborn disease canned by an acid butuor in the blood coining in contact with the nmtion and almost intolerable itching. An inactive state of the system and BluKgish condition ol the eliminative members leaves the waste and refuse matter of the body to collect and sour instead of passing them off through nature's channels of bodily waste. The blood in its efforts to purge the ys tern of all foreign matter absorb this acid and throws it off through the pores and rlands of flu- skin. The acrid humor seems to ooze out and set the ?kin on fire, the it-aw colored, sticky fluid drying and forming crusts and the itching is in ense. When these pustules are scratched off the skin is left raw and fevei. b and often a solid sore i formed and kept up by the constant escape of ai iii from the blood. Local application of alves, pow ders. lotions etc. an desirable and should be used because they alUy Lie iuhing and give the sufferer temporary comfort, but are in no sense curative because they cannot teach the seat of the trouble, which is in the blc-d . QUO A , . , . 9 ral'Ke . iiiiiauov eruptions uisappear. PURELY VEGETABLE, the iUhing and burning cease, and the acid- fired akin, beinv tA K a tu e.nm j ivU VUVIIUK aUCeUal of bliKvl, Incomes soft and smooth again. S. S. S. is made of healing, purify, ing loots, herbs and bark that will not damage any part of the system. Book on L-'n di.Heases and any medical advice free. THE SWIFT SKOinO CO.. ATIAHTA. GA. Repairs for Any Make of Bicycle at Smiths CREAMERY BUILDINO Agent for Cleveland Bicycles National Bank Depositary undivided profits $160,03000 r.ri DIRECTORS ' i i-;-: Drafts drawn on all .liar, rmedy i yb SKIN RAW AND FEVERISH- ' ITCHING IIJTENW aaaaie aau a MxikAri skin and nroduci " ! ' w. hucb iuwn mio me Diooa, cleanse the circulation of all acids and humors, buiUI up the thin, sour blood and by removing every oi me cause cures Eczema ptrma- ME A i Fresh and Cured Can be obtained at this at all times. We deliver orders promptly. Phone ? us or leave your order. V will do the rest ,1 KR0USE BROS Proj . - Successor to J. Bull and C Phone Main 48 . ; i i. mm To make the day a success one his to dine well. Look over this list and see if it does not make your' , . mouth water. Absolute purity of. - every article is assured and thiy ; are cervsiniy appeusmg. uo nov , wait until tha last minute bub cut. ; out this list, paste it in your mem- ' orandum book and call here im mediately and leave your Fourth of July order. It will be promptly '" filled New potatoes Peaches ; String Beans ' Heinz Picklos , Green peas , Olives" Strawberies , Shrimp Raspberries " Oranges t Cherries Bananas, etc PHONE MAIN 4J ' 'f. QEbDE-f NORTH FIR STREET CELEBRATE me : FOURTH v PROPER Tht material can be found - aU SELDERS ... . I-' Fire works of evrry , discription.l from Pin-wheels to Rockets. SELDER, The Candy r 7-t Man THE TAYLOR STUDIO To the Summer Qikl: I want you to visit my studio and! let me show you how succes&fuly! I can photograh you in your sum-1 mergown. Come while your gown; is fresh and new. it will look neat er in a picture than after it hasiv been to the laundry. ; Remember; the new location of ! v . . . '' ' i I THE TAYLOR STUDIO tie next door to the Observer ( nn.. i PHONE BLACK 1182 f !i . SUNDAY PHONE 841 ! 0 e t I LIGHTNING COLLECTION AGENT H. A. Watson, Mir. - Our system gets the money. : Full particulars made known upon-' application to interested parties. 1 . r Office Lewi building ij. La Grande, Or. ' , '"::. i : X 5 :,l'.?!;;'..V'tV