La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, June 25, 1906, Image 4

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S Burch & Sons of Blalock drove a
bunch of 10 medium-sired mules to
Arlington iast weak and traded t hem for
a $1603 che;k.Tnafs a hncy prce $320
aspanor $160 for each long-eared an ,mal
Arlington Record
The first sheep shipment of the season
was made Monday when J. D. Long Si Co.
of Montana, shipped 28 car loads of Wal
lowa county yearlings and 2- ear-olds
from the local yards. Of the ship ent
23 cars went to the Montana tange and
5 cars to Recorder.
! rK n nn n7 f7r n n rrr ctp !i:
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1155 HI HH. SB !
PM0 . !
'an Kelley the phenomenal athlete who
Is from Baker City passed through the
city this morning enroute from Spokane
where he made what is perhaps the great
est records ever attained by one man
Duiing the Northwestern track meet
Saturday in one day he equalled the
world's record in the hundred yard dash,
ran the 220 yards in the wonderful time
of 21:1-5. and sailed through the air for
23 feet 9't' inches in the broad jump.
Geo. Hug of Elgin who has been witl
the Multnomah Athletic club and who
won laurels in the weights as a team
mate to Kelly at the big meet, returned
this morning and went to his home In
The business men who are to participate
in the big game next Wednesday are
playing premature games in their offires.
Dlerks are telling each other what they
intend to do and those who are not so for
tunate as to be eligible are standing quiet
Iv back but thinkina hard. Here will be
a chance to see the most interesting uamo I
i .... i . ... 1 1
t abuaun, .lull, a iui.i.1 ocuuujwtiib. ai.u
should draw a large crowd. Game called
at four o'clock. The line-up will be
announced tomorrow.
Linn w
I 1
Next Door to Bohncnkamp Masonic building
W. A. Maxwell, editor fisherman and
policeman of Union, was in the city Mon
day with a supply of well assorted fish
stories w.iich he was anxbus to dispose
of at less than cost. In speaking of the
Scout Mr. Maxwell said that the old
parmal had never been in as prosperous
a condition as it is at present, since he
first took hold of it in 1 862. The Scout
he says is gaining in popularity all of the
time and that a number of new subscrib
ers are added every weok. The most
surprising thing about the fast increase
is that a majority of these new subscrib
ers cannot read. When questioned re
garding the cause of all of the excitment
he said that he could not account for it
that the subscribers just came to him,
that he could not drive them away. There
is, however, a well founded rumor that
when come to, each may solve the riddle.
Maxwell, it the city marshal at Union
and is not very bashful about arresting a
man. When he sights a possible victim,
one who tarries long at the whe, he will
call him to one side and ask him if it isn't
about time to subscribe for the "Scout."
You know the rest, it is eitner take the
paper or go to jail. How could any man
under the circumstances be so hard heart
ed as to refuse. One man, it is said, sub
scribed eight times in one night, other
from two to five. Of course these are
only rumors, but there is a whole lot of
smoke to not be a spark of Are somewhere.
According to the editor's own tale, the
circulation of the Scout is increasing and
until some better cause is assigned for it,
the public will usually accept the abeve
as true.
(Srrlpps News Association)
El Taso, Texas, June 25 Forest fies
threaten to destroy the Magdalen and
Senora mines. Employers are fleeing for
safety of their lives,
The flames have rapidly driven out the
miners and the loss to mining companie
alone is very high. The fire is uncontrc'-
lable and many Indian villages are al
ready destroyed.
(Scrlpps News Association)
Portland June 25 J. W. Reed, mayor of
Estocada, was indicted this morning by
he Grand Jury for complicity in election
frauds. Hs it charged with having voted
under an assumed name.
Notice is hereby given at Schoo
District No. 1 of Union county, Oregon
will receive up to 6 o'clock d. m. of Jim
29. 19C6. sealed bids for fnrnishing said
school District with 160 cords of four
foot split yellow pine, and red fir woor1.
said wood to be cut while green anl not
later than Aug. 1, 1906. free from large
knots and acceptable to said school board.
All wood to be delivered at hieh school
b ilding and to be corded up closely whe e
directed by the Board. 60 cords to be
delivered by Aug. 1, and all on or before
Sept. 5. 1906.
Also sealed bids for furnishino (ram SO
to 1 1 0 tons of Lump coal to be delivered
in coal bins at school buildings.
Bids for coal and wood to be seoeratf
and may be for a less amount than the
the whole therefore. Bids to be left with
school clerk. Bo'rd reserves ths richt tc
reject any and all bids.
A. C. Williams. School Clerk.
People who are clean inside will look
like it and act it. They will work with
energy, think clearly, act clearly and have
healthy thoughts. Hollister's Rock
Mountain Tea. It makes clean people.
35 cents. Tea or Tablets. Newlin Drug
You see our FINISH every day
you wear linens that are
laundried here. There is lots of
difference in hearing about the
finish. Perhaps you have made
that discovery. Our laundry
work is finished thoroughly and
we take particular care that
nothing slip-shod leaves our
A. B. C.
LaGivnfc, OiPgrn.
Rock Island
Frisco Terminals
n Rock LUnd-Frisco Terminals fat Kansas City, St. Louis,
Memphis and Chicago arc conveniently located as regards
connections and transfers.
q Kansas City Union Station Used by all the important
lines entering that city.
4 St LouU Union SutlooUud by tl Una enUrint St. Louis,
J Chicago La Salle Street Station; only one on the derated
railroad loop, and nearest the buiinca center of the city.
4 You do well to consider your landing place" when plan
ning that Eastern trip.
4 A postal will bring any desired information promptly.
Generil Agent,
Rock hltnd-FrUco Lines.
140 Third St., PORTLAND, ORE.
Chamberlain 9 s
Coxagh Remedy
A aSafe Medicine for Children.
bnyCF J'
ie alwr i i ir Jl
and 'ing
In lrcrtp .. -on a aedicine for thilJren, never be afraid to buy Cf J"
, ,r.. lluTe ,s 0 aanger rrom Ui an(j reUej
. i 3 un- .ata especially for couirhs. colds, cronn
coni;Q , and is the est ns. icine in the world for these diBeases. It Is t mly
a certain cure fix .,ouP t. when given as soon as the cronpy cough T
will prevent the atti Whooping cough is not dangerous when tb
is given as directed. It contains no opium or other harmful drugs, T '
fcivwiarcoufidjntlytobabyMtoandult. "