seeeeeeeee ME AT IGUASS1PIEB ADS Rates-One cent a word, one-half a cent a word each subsequent tion. Classified adds bring quick results. Try one today. FOR SALE A two acre tract with am ple water right. One acre in fruit, four room house with, pantry and cellar barn and other improvements. Cheap if sold at once. No agent's commission paid. Inquire at this office. " ' FOR SALE Ten head of horses, and one fresh milch cow. Inquire of Mrs. Rose Harris, one door this side of Rohr and Co. Butcher shop. I TOR SALE-A work horse, a saddle fiLhorse, a grocery delivery wagon, a milch - f ow. a three-horse power gasoline engine quite new aad in good running order. In quire of Rohr & Co. , 1306 Osborne street. Also a cheap coaster brake bicycle. FOR SALE Threshing machine and engine complete. Self shift. Pay ments taken in threshing if desired. . Inquire of A. B. Conley FOR SALE OR TRADE Two acres in Honan's addition, nicely improved, large roomy house, good water. Will trade C. A Gary. R SALE Furniture, cheap if sold at once. House for rent. Inquire or Mrs F. L. Hunnel, phcne Black J 122. FOR SALE Near Cove. 380 acres o fine fruit, vegetab'e and pas'.ure land, with fine spring water, for $4,600. Also the finest residence and acre block in Cove for $5,600, or land and town property for $9,500 if taken together. Inquire at this office FOR SALE CHEAP A good house and out buildings, and 3 acres of good land in Old Town close to mill creek. In quire of - Mrs. A. Swaiger REDUCED SALE-There will be a re duction in price on every thing in my millinery store for the next thirty days. Mrs. J. R. Forrest SAND Sand, really clean sand, sharp sand in any qualantities at any time on board cars or otherwise. Inquire of 1L Mars FOR SALE condition. -Air motor windmill good A. Mclaix N 4th at BIDS INVITED Notice is hereby given that the city of LWQranda will receive bids for five b)Klred cords, more or less, of wood. Said wood to be Yellow Pine, Red Fir, or Tamarack, green cut and four feet long. Said wood to be first class marketable wood, and to be corded at the city pump ing plant on or before October 1st. Bids to be in writing and delivered to the City Recorder on or before four o'clock June 20, 1906. Tne C ty of La Grande reserves the rig'it to reject any or all bids. O. E. Fowler. Chairman of the Ways and MaansCom. NOTICE TO WAIL (0.1S1IHE2S YNotice is hereby given to all consumers ifater in the city of La Grande, Oregon, oJ all parties who wish to irrigate, are required to file an application for the same, with the City Recorder. Irrigation hours; The laws for irri gation are as follows; from 5:30 to 7:30 p. m. Signed; H. C Gilwan, Water Sjpt Dated, April 30. 1 906. NOTICE OF fINAl SETTLEMENT Notice is hereby given that Wm. B. Sargent, Administrator of the Estate of Sarah C. Worstell, deceased, has Hied lvj fina - final account and report in the said and the County Court of Union County, Oregon, has set Tuesday. June 1 8, 1 906, at 2 o'cLck p. m., for hearing j the same. Wm, B. Sargent, Administrator The Eastern Oregon Trust and Savings Bank CAPITAL STOCK, The savings bank is the greatest boon that has ever come to the masses. It not only protects them by offering a substitute for doubtful investments, but by accepting small deposits it protects them from their own thoughtless expenditures. We want your savings account, no matter how small. GENERAL BANKING AND OFFICERS W. C. BROWN. President GEO. L. CLEAVER. Cashier F. J. HOLMES, inser- FURNISHED Black 612 FF.'ONT ROOM-Phone FOR RENT Light housekeeping room. Coiner 3 and Adams. Jones FOR RENT Furnished room in John Anthony house corner 6th and P st. . WANTED Four table boarders and two roomers. Corner Fourth and Main. Mrs. H. S. Masses. MONEY For ioans on city property see Wm. Grant's agency. Also real estate and insurance. LOST One sorrel norse. five years old has split ear, has bran Jon right side but cannot say whether on hip or shoulder or what brand is. Horse weighs about 11 00 pounds. A uitable reward will be paid for its return, or for information leading to its return. Said animal has been gone about two weeks. I traded for it on the streets ot La Uranae tnree weeks ago giving a gray mare with glass eye. John M. S. Smith, Cove Oregon. FOR RENT Pleasant furnished - front room at 906 Main Street. FOR SALE One wagon, two sets double harness, and one set single harness. Will sell cheap for cash or will exchange for wood, h y, or grain. G. M. Richey Inquire at Post Office. WANTED Woman, must be competent housekeeper, wages $5 per week. Apply at this office. FOR RENT Four room house. Inquire of Mrs. D. C. Crawford Cor. 6th and 9th. FOUND In this city a wallet containing vaiuaoie papers, uwner can have same by calling at this office and identifying same. FOUND Three rolls of carpet between La Grande and Orodell. Owner call at S. C. Fleshman, Pleasant Home Addition FOR SALE An established, well paying business, small capital required, good reasons for selling. Address X Observer. FOR SALE Good family driving horse age five years, weight 1200 sound in every respect, also good fresh milch cow, Must sell at once. A, G. Couch, Island City WANTED Men and boys for beet thin ning. Apply to Samuel Storey, LOST Small red. memorandum book somewhere in town. Return to this office. FOR SALE Eight acres. 6 room house, barn, place for chickens or hogs, orchard, all kinds o fruit and plenty of water. Located east of flouring mill, will exchange for city property Apply at premises. JohnGavan Good looks bring happiness. Friends care more for us when we meet them with a clean, smilling face, bright eyes sparkling with health, which come: y taking Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tet, 35 cts. Tea or Tablets. Newlin Druo Cc. An Alarming Situation frequently results from neglect of clog ged bowels and torpid liver, until constip ation becomes chronic. This condition is unknown to those who use Dr. King's New Life Pills; the best and gentliest reg ulars of Stomach and Bowels. Guaran teed by Newlin Drug Co. Price 25 cts. $60,000.00 EXCHANGE BUSINESS Wm. MILLER, Vice Rresident T. J. SCROGGIN, Asst. Cashier Treasurer, AMUSEMENTS PICTURES TONIGHT Dasp'te the inclement weather and the opposition of a fair sized audience gathered at the Frazer theater last night to see the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire and it is needless to say they received their money's worth as r.o one has yet taken advantage of the offer of the management to refund the admission price to anyone who' complained that the show was not all it was represented to be. These are the on'y et of real moving pictures of the San Frrncisco on the Pacific coast and it takes two hours to show the complete set comprising the best thing of its kind ever attempted No one should miss this opportunity to see the ruins of the famous city. Tonight at Stewarts Opera House. COMMISSIONS FOR ENLISTED MEN (Scrlppi News Association) Fort Leavenworth. Kan. June 19 More than thirty enlisted men of the army will be placed under instructions here during the next two months, in preparation for their final examination for . appointment a second lieutenant in ins army. Tunas candidates will have to their credit the the commissions which remain vacant after the appointment of the graduates of the Military Academy later this month. It is within the power of the Secretary of War to divide the remaining vacancies between the qualified enlisted men and such civilians as he may select from a list of several hundred applications from tha source. There is great interest, the mili tary authorities find, in these appointments and the civilians show a great desire to enter the army at a tim when promotion io nigner grades threatens to be more mpeded than ever before. This prospect of stagnation is a vertiable problem which army officers have undertaken to solve.' the most formidable of the measures of relief being a system of elimination de vised by General William Crozier, the chief of ordnance of tha army. The ' enlistee men who have come up for special in struction, with a view to appointment to army commissions, are not at all disheart ened by the prospect, and probably I knowledge of the unpromising outlook of being old lieutenants does not deter civil tans with military ambition from sending n their applications. - ' . ... NOTED SOTING AFFAIR DISMISSED Ccrlpps V Association) San Francisco June 19 Judge Shrrtali this morning dismissed the case against A. H. Demdke, a son of Colonel P. A, uenicKe a prominent Danker, who was charged with the mu-der of an unknown man during the excitement on the evening of April 20. Oanicke acted as a special officer and the Court mid that the shoot ng was in line with his duty. ..' PUTER'S ACCOMPLICE IN JAIL (Scrlpps News Aasocltttion Portland June 19 Mrs. Emma L. Watson a companion of A. D. Puter who is under conviction of complicity in Oregon land frauds was this morningsurrendered kj tne reaerai autnonties and lodged in jail to await sentence. GENERAL GRAND CHAPTER R. A M. (Scrlpps News Association) Boston, Mass., June 19 Delegates from all parts of the United States are in attendance at the meeting of the General Grand Chapter, Roval Arch Masons of the King of the order. FOR RENT--To people without children, my rooming house on Adams Avenue. Suitable for boarding house, mostly furnished. Rooms now filled. Mrs. Zora E. Patty. LOST A small combination card case and purse, containing about twenty dollars, in this city yesterday. Finder return to this office and receive reward DIME SOCIAL The Royal Neighbors will give a dime social at the Odd Fellow's hall next Fri day evening. Besides the refresements there will be a short program. ATTENTION TOMORROW All members of Rescue Hose Co. No. 1 La Grande Fire department are hereby notified to meet tomorrow night at the La Grande Hose hjuseat 7;50 p. m. Busi ness of importance. J. F. Coroan president' THISTOR MINE EVERT TIME No more a muddledbrain for mine I'll call for soda every time Quench my thirst to my heart's content, Save cash for clothes as well as rent Treat my wife and children too Smile" with them, and "smile" with you. All the popular drinks at Hill's soda fountain. MOU.fIrCR' toefcy Mountain Tea Nuggets t 'A Biy MtdMu fcr Buy Fopl. t , Brings Ookea Jbilia aad Rm-4 Vigor. Brent h, ,)om.h Bowl, lj,lKh form, m coot b.,. f nuloe mad t '.lmt r. Cm,,,,, Madlwm, wisT l0e! MU30- FOB SALLOW PEOPLa? M - Moving Pictures at Steward's Opeia House tonight Potatoes & Ha We have a large supply of strictly choice large potatoes in stock, wh'ch we offer at very low price. We still have a large amount of hay - all grades - in our house which we offer at $12.00 per ton. The hay market is very dull at' the present time and we want to unload same. We have to arrive a car load of Straw berry boxes, in about' a week. Our price on them will be very low. . We a ro in the markeh for all the eggs .that are offered and we pay highest market price, spot cash, for them. 'PHONE MAIN 2 i: '- u i, Oregon Produce Company f ftffff ffff f f A. STEAM PHONE La Grvni, SWITCHES I I SAMTARY HAIR RATS. NEW TRIMMED SAILORS CKILDREIMS HATS, STRAM TELESCOPES I E. M Wellman & Company! ADiMC aurrMtitr LA GRANDE IRON WORKS D. FITZGERALD, Proprietor C mplete Machine Shops and Foundry Uene'a' Blacksmiths, '.Ve manufacture The Fitzgerald Roller Feed Mill., tha best and cheapest mill on the market. Our shops are equipped with machinery to handle any sized work, nothing too large or notmng to small. High prices paid for old cast iron. ' ' : 1 n : GRAIVul R0NDE r- no x e Main 6 fff Iff f f ff f f f s)44Mff LISTEN! , You sea our FINISH every day you wear linen that are laundried here. There i lots of difference In hearing about the finish. Perhaps you have made that discovery. Our laundry work is finished thoroughly and we take particular care that nothing slip-shod leaves our place. B. C. , , LAUNDRY MAIN 7 Oien. SANITARY SIDE PUFFS ! ill see ee CREAM SEPARATORS "STOP!" and think before you buy a sep arator. There are many things to be con sidered in the purchase of a cream separator. You want the lightest running machine on the market. You want the machine that is the easiest to wash and keep clean, you also want the machine that will produce all the butter fat And above all you want a durable machine so that you wont be continually paying for repairs. Now the famous Empire Separator is the ma chine you want as it has all these advantages over every other machine on the market. Any company can make claims but let us show you the Separator that makes good CASH COMPANY. Lewis Bros. Ptod. Fresh and Cured Can be obtained at this mar at all times. We deliver all orders promptly. Phone to us or leave your order. We will do the rest. KR0USE BROS Prop. Successor to J. Bull and Go. , Phone Main 48 : k i J t I a ; ! . BOX : ' ;. Of 1 ! HAPPINESS ! is what a good many people say of our parcels of pure, high grade mixed candies. And the happiness is not gauged by quantity or price Best equipped ice cream parlors in Union County . v m - . -, : - SELPER, Tl J. R. OLIVER. C NION fOU NT Y ABSTRACTS Farm Loans a Specialty Best equipped abstracter in Union county. Many years experience with the Unicn county . records gives me a great advantage. It is folly to purchase real estate without first securing a ropr abstract. An abstract from rr.y office will show the title jus; as it appears on the official record. J. R. OLIVER, l A ' JRANDE, OREOjN Room 51 Sommer Building THE TAYLOR STUDIO f To the Summer Girl: I want you to visit my studio and let me show you how successfuly I can photograh you in your sum mer gown. Come while your gown is fresh and new, it will look neat er in a picture than after it has been to the laundry. Remember the new location of THE TAYLOR STUDIO 1 is next Offirn door to the Observer , PHONE BLACK 1 182 SUNDAY PHONE 841 : LIGHTNING COLLECTION : AGENT H. A. Watson, Mgr. S e Our system gets the money. J Full particulars made known upon application to interested parties. I I 06Bce Lewis building , La Grande, Or. , :