PROFESSIONAL CARDS Q- L. B1GGERS M. D. Physician and Surgeon Offic Ralston Bid. over J.M.Bei ry's tore Offic Phone Black 1321 Residence Phone Red 1001 DR. A. L. RICHARDSON Physician and Surobon Office over Hill' Drug Store. Office Phone 1 362 Residence Mam 65 N. MOUTOR M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SUROEON Cor. Adam Avenue and Depot St Office Main 68 , Residence Main 68 ; WILLARD SMITH PHYSICIAN ANO SUROEON Lewis Building, opposite Sommer House Office hours, 1 to 4, 7. to 8. p. m. Phone Main 71 BACON & Hall. PHYSICIANS AND SUROEONS Office in Foley Building, Phone Main 19 C. T. Bacon residence. Main 18 M, K. Hall residence. Main 62 DR. H. VOLP. Physician and Surgeon Office: Corps Building. Telephone Main 80 Calls answered day or night. DR. F. E. MOORE ZZ DR. H. C. P. MOORE Osteopathic Physicians Kirksville Graduates, under Founder Office Sommer Building Phones: Office Main 63; Res. Main 64 ATTORNEYS 3t WFORD & CRAWFORD Attorneys-at-Law la orande oregon Office in Foley Building J. W. KNOWLES AiTOrney and Counsellor at Law Office in Ralston Building La Grande, Oregon. H. T. Williams A. C. Williams WILLIAMS BROS attorneys-at-law Office in Ralston Building Grande. Oregon L. A. PICKLER Civil, Minino, Irrioation Engineering and Surveying Estimates, Plans, and Specifi cations. Office in Bohnenkamp Building. La Grande, Oreoon Dentists REAVIS BROS dentists Office Sommer Building Office Black 51 Residence 1171 C. B. CAUTHORN DENTIST Office over Hill's Drug Store La Grande, Oreoon VETERINARY SURGEON DR. P. A. CHARLTON VETERINARY SURGEON Office at Hill's Drugstore. La Grande Or Residence Phone Red, 701 Office Phone 1361 Farmer Line 68 NAu.kM in tha iwnrM ran vou sea such handsome men and women as are to be met in the United States. They all use Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea 35 cents Ta or Tablets. Newlin Druo Company NOTICE OF RESTORATION to Settle ment, Entry, Filing and Selection of Lands within the former Baker City Forest Re serve. Oregon, ueparimeni oi ins inte.- n I I lnJ nffiA Waahinortan D C.March 28, 1 906. In pursuance of the proclamation of the President of the llnii Hat.H March 15. 1906. ex cluding from the former Baker City Forest Reserve, partly emoraceo in me oiue Mountains Forest Reserve, Oregon, the settlement the public lands therein, notice is hereby given mat me saia puonc lanos will become subject to entry, filing and election, under the usual restrictions, at the United Stales Land Office at La Grande, Oregon, on July 18, 1906: In Township eight (8) South, Range thirty ighH58) East, Willamette Meridian, the west half of the north-west quarter and the west half of the south-west quarter of Section thirty-five (35); in Township nine (9) South,- Range thirty-nine (39) East, the west half of the north-west quarter and the west half of the south west quarter of Section twenty nine (29), and the west half of the north-west quarter of Section thirty-two (32). W. A. Richards, Commissioner. Approved: Thos. Rayn, Acting Secretary of w Interior. FAVORITE COLORS are all found in the list of Sherwin Wilhams paints, and their high quality insures that any shade will be permanent. They don't fade like many so called paints. Neither do they lose their life and scale off, are they affected by sun or ram. They can be relied upon as being thoroughly durable in all respect. Now that the 4th of July is ap proaching it is a good time to celebrate by giving your house, fence, or outbuilding a new dress. Paper Hangers and Decoratoratars Following The Flag When our soldiers went to, Cuba and the Philippines, health was the most im portant consideration. Willis T. Morgan, retired Commissary Sergeant U. S. A., of Rural Route 1 , Concord, N. H., says: "1 was two years in Cuba and two years in the Philippines, and being subject to colds. I took Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, which kept me in per fect health. And now in New Hampshire we find it the best medicine in the world for coughs, colds, bronchial troubles and all lung diseases. Guaranteed at Newlin Drug Co. Price 60 cts. and $1.00. Trial bottle free. CATHOLIC CEMETERY Bids for the improve -entof the Cath olic Cemetery are hereby invited and will be received up to the 20th of June. This improvement will include the making of a driveway around the entire grave-yard tne removal or weeds and an other re fuse from the cemetery' grounds. Com plete details will be given and a map of the grave-yard shown at my house. W. J. Whyte La Grande, May 28. 1906. BRICK BRICK Brick furnished in any quant.iy or any style, No contract too small or to large. See samples of our pressed brick. GEO. KREIGER. La ?rande, Oregon . THE OXFORD PAR JAMES FARQUHA.RSON, Prop Complete unortment of WINES, LIQUOF. AND CIGARS . Cold lunches and mixed drinks a specialty. Fair and impartial treatment to all. You are invited to call and get acquainted. J L MAKS. Contractor and Builder IValer in BuiIJinir Material . Building Stone, Clean Coarse Sand and Gravel delivered. La Grand?, Oreeon Dro a line naming work, and I will name the right price. Repairs for Any Make of Bicycle at Smiths CKEAMERY BUILDING Agent for Cleveland Bicycles SOCIETY The ladies of the Aid Society of the Baptist church will meet with Mrs. E. G Adcook tomorrow afternoon for business aid sewing. The reception of the Lyle Tuesday Musical wil be given this evening in their club rooms, a limited number of guests having been invited. Mrs. A. L. Richardson and Miss. Molly Proebstel will entertain tne evening Kaffee K latch at the home of the former Friday evening. Thursday afternoon the ladies of the Neighborhood Club give a Japanese afternoon in their club rooms, to which the public is invited. Admission 15 cts. GENERAL HEWS Lon Hulse of beyond Courtney killed another bear Sunday, another large brown one. The animal was killed near Mr. Hulse's homestead. Bear seems to be plentiful in that region Flora Journal. Some were disappointed Friday night by the failure of Rev. B. F. Meredith of La Grande to put in an appearance and preach as had been announced. The (Tuntlninsn Hid arrive, however, Mondav evening a d preached two eood sermons to the people of Ffcra and one at uost Prairie, before taking Thursday's stage for home. The reason he was not here according to appointment, was: The engine jumped track between La Grande and Elgin, another had to be procured and the delay caused the gentleman to reach Wallowa two hours late for the stage coming this way.-FIora Journat. Dr. R. L. Lincoln was elected president of the Oregon State Board ot Dental Examiners at the last meeting of that board. The doctor has been a member of the examining board for some time and his election is due to his faithful work while serving in that capacity. The next meet ing of the board will be early in October. Deaths from Appendicitis decrease in the same raJo that the use of Dr. King's New Life Pills increases. They save you from danger and bring quick and painless release from consti pation and the ills growing out . of it. Strength and vigor always follow Cieir use... Guaranteed by Newlin Druo 25c. Try them. STREET IMPROVEMENT Be it resolved: That the City recorder be and is hereby instructed to notify all owners of real property abbutting upon Sixth Street, in La Grande, Oregon be tween the intersection of said street with Washisgton Avenue and I street; fhat an ordinance will be introduced at the next meeting of the city council, requirirg the improveme-t cf said street, between said points, by having all neccessary cuts, fills and grades made and graveled and the cost of same will be assesses against ;he abutting property owners, unless a re monstrance is filed with the coun:il be fore the next regular meeting. Passed by the council of the city of La Grande, Oregon, on the 13th day of June 1906. I. R. Snook. Recorder City of La Grande STOCK GROWERS MEETING Notice is hereby given that there will be a meeting of tne Union County Stock Growers Protective Association at the Comrne'rical Club parlors Saturday June 23, at two o'clock. J. A. Russel, Sec. NEW MANAGEMENT The Centenial has changed hands. 1 will he ready to receive boarders the first of May. room and board $5.00 a week, meals 25 cts. Come and see us. C. T, Proprieter. A ROAST FROM GRANDY & RUSSEL'S will give you a very agreeable surprise if you are not a customer of ours, and you will wonder why you never favored us with an order before. Any of our patrons will tell you that oar meats far surpass anything ever tasted, being of th finest and most tender quality: and what is more, always so. The best lamb, mutton, beef, veal and poultry in season is always to be found at Grandy & Russell All questions pertaining to health and beauty are answered here. Makes people feel as they felt in full blooded youth. Does business while you sleep. That what Hollister.s Rocky Mountain Tea will do. 36 cents. Tea or Tablet.-NEwui Drug Company. iStilwell MARKET formerly known as the HARRIS MARKET PHONE MAIN 16 Having purchased the Har ris market from Rohr & Co. I am in a position to give the best in quality ane prices to be had in La Grande. The Harris mar ket will hereafter be known as Stilwell WALLOWA COUNTY Send your collections and cash items to : The Stock Growers and : : farmers Bank, I OF WALLOWA, OREGON. We pay five per cent interest on 2 time deposit , , ; CAPITAL. 5.000.00 : C. T. McDaniel, Cashier. A. K. Steunenbero, Pres. . - LA GRANDE SCHOOL OF MUSIC PROF. DAY, PRINCIPAL. MRS. DAY. ASSISTANT. This is one of the best musical in institutions in the state, and that people in this city valley are begininng todisoover the advantage of this school. The system is the latest and most practical, and in cludes all the latest discoveries in the art of teaching music. The school is divided into two depart ments; No. 1 is for beginners from 5 years or more and are taught the first three grades. Pupils come one hour each day. This is no kin dergarten system but far superior. In No. 2 the grades are from 5 to 15. Here they graduate. Pupils take one or two lessons a week as they desire. No scholars will be permitted to remain in this school who do not study. Opposite the Foley House over the candy store. Phone. 473. A Heavy Load to Carry. Aloiiir lih dyHpepsIa conies nervous ness nud pi-ucr.i ill-health. Why? I5n-ciiiiM- u ill owon-d Mtmiiiu'h do not per p,it tlm fund to Iw iirtiimrly dlgostod, and it products HHHlinllatcd by the ijsto-m. Tii l.liKid is churned with pnistii which r.uiim from tMt diKurtJcnxt digestion, and In turn the nerve are not fed on good, red b:(iod. and we ne symptoms of nerv ousness, glcepieHswtui and general break down. It Is nut head work, nor over phy sical exertion that does It, but poor stom ach work. With poor, thin blood the body I not protected against the attack of (forms of trrlp. bronchitis and conjiimp. J on. fortify the Uxly at once with Dr, Tierce's (.olden Medical Discovery a rare combination of native medicinal root without a nartlclo of alcohol or dangerous hublt-formlim drugs, A little, b.xk of extract. (Mm promt' nent modirui authorities extolling evrv liiKTedicnt continued In lr. F'lerce'i (iolden Medli ul Ulncovery will 1m- mailed frre to any nddresx on reiiiiet by txwUI ritrd or tetter. Address Jr. U. V. l'iurce, iSutralu, N. Y. Many year of active practice convinced lr. l'lerco of the value of many native roots as n.ecliciiml audit and ho went to (Neat expense, Unh in time and in money, to iMTiivt. ii... own iiii-iillur JKM-eMM for reiiii.-rimx lliem both efllc lent hiicI safe for ionic, ttlienitlve m;d reniuldiiiK airents. J in enormous r"Milu'ity of "(iolden Medical Di coverv" is duo both to it sclent ic comnHiiHlin and to the actual mctllcliiiil vuuin of Its Ingredient. The publication of the numcn of the inrrcU tint on '.lie wrnpiM rof every bottle wild, give full as ir . of '.is non-alcoholic diameter and temoves all objection to tlie use of hii unknown or secret remedy It Is tmt a piitcnt medicine nor a secret one either. Tliis f:w-t rut It in a !. (iff lit U-clf. hearing ns i doca tiixin evor7 M.ttle y I he liadixe of Honesty, in tiie full li tof Its Ingredients. J lie "(ioideii Medical I Mx-overy cures weak ruimiicli. Indigestion, jr dyupeiNiia' torpid I Vermel jhoiirnH. ulceration oi jtiin:ch hii.I imivli. mxi all catarrhal af fection nr. niatu r what purw or organs rnay I HiT-vled with It. r. l'ierce's I leasaiit IVllets are the original little liver pills, llr-.t put up 4 years gi. They regulate a:id Invigorate, stomach, liver mil b-.iv.-ls.. M,. Imitated hut never paled. KngHr-coHb-d and easy to take a candy. Oue to three a dose. WORK GUARANTEED ! SANITARY Is as essrntial in OUR WORK Executed in workmanlike manner and approved saniury sianaarai. carrying a compicic unc vi Bath Tubs, Sinks, plumbing fixtures. G. W. 1013 Washingtan Avenue Field and Garden ! IN PACKAGES AND IN BULK ' - For several seasons We have been the leading seed in distributors of Union county and our present stock f'1 is larger than evtr Everything in the seni line Secure our prices on either small or quantity j purchases , ;. ' Slaler T3uil diner IEFFERSON AVE Main 57 444-04M LUMBER RETAILED AT WHOLESALE PRICES FMter Lumber and Cheaper than is sold in La Grande, We deliver it to your building Crande Ronde l umber Co PERRY, I CITY BREWERY : JULIUS ROESCH, Proprietor. Largest Brewuig . Plant in Eastern uOiega Ask for La Grande I LA GRANDE BEER IS MADE IN LA GRAND 5 AND SHOULD HAVE THE PREFERENCE Deadly Serpert Bites are as common in India as are stomach and liver disorders with us. For the latter however there is a sure remedy: Electric Bitters; the great restoration medicine, of which S. A. Brown, of Ben nettsville, S. C, says: 'They restored my wife to perfect health, after years of suffering with dyspepsia and a chronically torpid liver.' Electric Bitters cure chills, and fever, malaria, biliousness, lame back, kidney troublos and bladder disorders. Sold on guarantee by th Newlin Drug Co., price 60 cts. Death From Lockjaw never follows an injury dressed with Buck len's Arnica Salve. Its antiseptic and healing properties prevent blood poison ing. Chas. Oswald, merchant of Rens seiaersvilla, N. Y writes: "It cured Seth Burch of this place of the ugliest sore on his neck I aver saw." Cures cut, wounds, burn and sores, 25 cts. at Newlin Drug Co. PRICES REASONa! PLUMBINI your home as the doctor Toilets, Uvatorys and a'i he O'NEIL TELEPHONE RED SEED I ,....,....'...,.,,....... .. 4 OREGON Beer and get the Be: NAY LIVE 100 YEARS Th rkinru Inr liuin. - ..11 ...1 excellent in the case of Mrs. Jennil can, of Haynesville, Me., now 7C,i old. She writes; "Electric Bitter; me of Chronic Dyspepsia of 2(; standing, and made ma feel as w strong as a young girl." Electric j cur Stomach and Liver diseases' disorders, General Debility and) weakness. Sold on. a guaranl Nbwlin Druo Co.'a drug atora. Pri 0 , I IN A HURRY THEN CALL WH. REYNOLD THE TRANSFER MAN He will tak that trunk to th I ' pot or your horn in ess time the UkestoUllit. Day phone Red 761 Night " Black 1792 Wagon always at your servic h n 4 i 1 1 i J