k. 2 MEDICINE FOR CHILDREN is n important part of our stock. They art carefully pre pared and will prove of inesti mable benefit to little sufferers. Soothing syrups for tortured little bodies. Centle but effica cious remidies for youthful ills, Lotions, ointments, toilet pow ders, puffs, sponges, combs, brushes, and all articles for the nursery are here in great quan tity and good quality. We have a full line of all wel known Infant Foods. OUR SPECIALTIES Doctors Prescriptions and Family Receipts. RED; GROSS DRUG STORE A. C. MAC LENNAN. Prop. Prescription Pharmacist ffiW OFERn? D. H. STEWARD. Proprietor and Manager. TWO MIGHTS,' STARTING j TUESDAY, JUNE 19 : nrrTni irTiAit : THE UCJIKUVIIUIN j SAN FRANCISCO : Most realistic scenes of the wrecked city. A $I0,C00 production shown by moving pictures. : Orchestra and Orchestra Center 50c Dress Circle and Balcany 25 c Fine Confectionery and ' 'i' i ; t Cigars Af Van Bur en's Eat your Ice Cream on your way in cones AtSGHEdRER'S La tale Evening Observer TUESDAY. JUNE 19, 1906 Published daily except on Sunday One year in advance ....$6.50 Six months in advance 3.S0 Per month 65 Single copy ' ... 6c Entered at the Post Office at La Grande Oregon, as Second Class Matter. SURREY BROS.', EDS AND PROP This paper will not publish any artic.e appearing over a nom-de-plume. Signed articles will be received subject to the discretion of the editors. Please sign your articles and save disappointment. Tiy our Cocoanut Sundaes ! DELICIOUS Next door to post Office -- ' ----- -- : C rccn Uroccrics Fresh Every Day I Everything in season j : ALL ORDERS DELIVERED PROMPTLY Try a Sample of our Cheese SEATTLE GROCERY CO i lWSON BROS. Prop. i ADVERT HIMi RATEi npl ad ram rarnlabed spoo application cal reading noi lets lUo per line first I ne lion, jc per Hut for each Mubfte.ueoi Inner tlon, ' BMoiut.lon of eubdolrnce, 50 er line, ir1 of IbHLka, Or per line. Do not forget that the saw mill project needs a little more .help. Have you done yo;r part? Union County is one of the best in the state. Don't forget. to mention the fact when you wr te to that Eistern relative. Clean up your home lot. Other towns have a day each month devoted to clean ing up. "A Cleaner La Grande" fad is needed here. Now is the time to fix up the home lot. Of the great mines of the world there are 161 in America, which paid divi dends in 1 90 amounting to approxi mately $140,000,000 over and above the cost of production. The city council meets tomorrow even ing. The most important matter pre sumed to come before the meeting will be the consideration of the ordinance which has passed to the second reading. raising saloon liscenses to $1,000 per annum. , This has been an usually good year for elections, first we had the , primary, then the city, then the county now .the second school election. Unless something out of the ordi ary happens the election yester day closes the list and the next will be the city election next March which owing to the fact that the citizens of munici palities may change their charters and make laws for themselves, may result in quite an interesting feature. According to the American Manufact urer, the coal deposits of North America are estimated to conU in nearly as much as those of Europe, or 681,000,000 tons, but even this gigantic figure is completely dwarfed by Asia's wealth of coal, as to which it is at present impossible to make an even approximate estimate. China more especially seems to possess inex haustible supplies, and a German scien tist has put the coal deposits of the pro vince of Shansi alone at 1,200,000,000 000 tons. One hundred years ago the rustling of a lady's silk dress was attributable to the high quality of the silk; it' now rustles owing to the impregnation of 56 per cent of tin salts. Epsom salts, which has hitherto been mostly employed for medi cal purposes, are widely adopted forgiving weight to flannel. Similarly, the old fashioned pure linen used as table cloth is now largely substituted by cotton filled with china clay, starch, and size, while linen cellars are also founded upon base materals witn simply a linen facing. Ex. The largest farm in the world is own ed by Don Terrazas of Chihuahua, Mexico It comprises 8.000,000 acres and its owner and employes are half a day in crossing his estate. He owns 100,000 horses. 700.000 sheep, and brands 300 000 calves annually. He conducts great slaughter and packing houses and owns his own refrigerator lines. He employs 40.000 laborers and lives in a palace worth $2,000,000. being the richest man in Mexico and the wealthiest farmer in the world. John Alexander Dowie. whose antics have filled the papers of Chicago for weeks, is a great failure as a prophet and, if his enemies in Zion city are to be believed, he is a failure in all other res pects. He seems to have bankrupted Zion and many of his followers, by his extravagance, bad business management and riotous living. Having set his breth ren by liio eti 4ii 'uualcu uy' tue whole community, we have doubtless the beginning of the end of th s remarkable religious delusion. Dowie's first mistake was reincarnating Eiijah. who was en tirely unlike the modern fakir who as sumed his name. Elijah was a plain old farmer who had no money and cared nothing for it. Neither did he dress in silk gowns or live in $100,0(0 houses or galivant over the country with a troop of unattached women playing the "adopted daughters" racket. Elijah's best suit was a sheepskin coat, his habits were simple and inexpensive and he was never charg ed with any crooked dea ling. Should he come to earth now, his first act no doubt, would be to "swat" the pompous fraud who scandalized his name, just as he smote the false prophets of Baa! at the foot of Mt. Carmel. Dowie should, have reincarnated a Jonah, as he is certainly the worst Jonah that evqr gold-bricked a lot of credulous fools. Crestfield, the "Holy Roller," has passed in, Dowie is about to do the same. What freak creed are we to expect next? Athena Press. FURNITURE HARDWARE CARPETS. LINOLEUM, and MATTIIVG. GRAM1E, TIN, CHINA, GLASSWARE, and CUTLERY. GUNS, AMUNITION, and FISHING TACKLES. TRANKS, TELESCOPES, and SUITCASES. In fact every t ling NEW and SECOND HAND can be had here at BARGAINS. We pay highest cash prices for SECOND HAND GOODS of value. Or will take your old goods in exchange for any articles in our store. , ' . FIR STREET SEC0MD HAND STORE Gall or phone 215 FIR STREET H. B. HAISTEN Red 1751 LODGE DIRECTORY : EAGLES - La C rarde Aerie 2S6F. O E. meets .vnrv Fr.cty r. ghtir Elk jail, t 8 m. Visitirg trhren -.vited tc att. I. R. Snook W. S 3r. G. L. Biggers W. P. i. O. O. F. La Grande Lodge No. 16. meets in their hall every Saturday night. Visiting brothers cordially invited to at tend. Cemetery plat may be seen at Model Restaurant. H. E. Cooudge, N. G. D. E Cox, Sec. STAR ENCAMPMENT, No. 51, I.O. O. F. Meets every first and third Thurs days in the month in Odd Fellows hall. Visiting patriarchs always welcome, G. E. Fowler, C. P. D. E. Cox, Scribe. A LITTLE TALK ON ICE CREAM SODA NOT BETTER THAN THE BEST BIT BETTER THAN THE REST To maintain the reputation we have acquired for supplyidg the needs of our many patrons in every department, a reputation we point to with pardon able pride, we want, now, to advise you that we have opened our soda fountain with a new line of crushed fruits and fruit juice which excel any which we have ever had, and while we may occasianly find a party who has never tried one of our delicious ICE CREAM SODAS we find a hun dred who have, and do, and always will, because they war.t the best and appreciate a fine article. We have some new flavors this year which are going to be of universal favor on account of their delicate flavors. Hoping you will kindly favor us with an early call, so we may show you, We are respectfully, A. T. HILL Prescription Druggist LA GRANDE, OR ; CAR LOAD OF 1 STAR A STAR! m SHINGLES ! Received Today Windows Doors and Building hardware. Plumbing done in the neatest manner. : W. H. BOHNFNKAMP CO : a 1 THE LA GRANDE NURSERY SHADE TREES Is one of my special ties. Delivery to be made on or after March 15. Special bargains on Roses i 1 also have a fine lot of Apple, pear, prune, plum, cherry, appri cot, peach, mulberry, shade trees and ornamental trees, grapes, currents, gooseberry, blackberry, dewberry, rasp berry, vines, creepers, and hedge plants. Phone 1611, Thorns' grocery Geo. W. Powell, M. W. A.- La Grande Camp No. 7703 meets every first and third Wednesday of the month at I. O. O. F. hall. All visiting neighbors are cordially invited to attend. C. S. Williams. V. C. John Hall, Clerk. FORESTERS OF AMERICA Court Maid Marion No. 22 meets each Thurs day night in Redman hall. Brothers ire invited to attend. Fre" Hon Chief Ranger L. L. Snodgrass Financial Sec. Board of Trustees- Dr. G. L. Biooers John Hall and C. S. Williaml FRIENDSHIP"TENT Nn i k n t J!. Meets second and fourth Wednesdays .ach month in I. O. O. F. hall. isitmg vn.ghts welcome. H. C. Ball. Com. vlox Bloch, Record Keeper L.O. T. M. HIVE No. 27. Meats every tirst and third Thursdays in the after noon at the Redmen hall. All visiting ladies are welcome. Maude Lono Lady Commandar. M. C Vessey. Record Keeper. B. P. O. E.. La GRANDE LODGE No 435- Meets each Thursday evening at eight o'clock in Elks' hall, on Adams Avenue. Visiting Brothers are cordially invited to attend. E. W. Davis. Exalted Ruier G. E. McCully. Recording Secretary LA GRANDE LODGE No. 169 WOODMEN OF THE WORLD-Mouts the K. of P. hall in the Corp building. Ail visiting members welcome. N. L. Ackles. Consul Commander J. H. Keeney. Clerk. RED CROSS LODGE, No. 27-Meets every Monday even'ng in Castle Hall, Corpe bu'lding. A Pythian welcome to all visiting Knights. N. L. Ackles, C. C. R. Pattiscn, K. R. & S. RATHBONE-SISTERS Roweia Tem ple No. 9 meets every Wednesday even ing at 8 p. m. in the K. of P. Hall in the Ccrpe building. Visiting members cordi ally invited. Milly Frawlky M. E. C Eunice Procter M. if R. & c. HIS APPRECIATION ThEi,:nUS1NES.S MN thor-ouehly appreciates the advantages V & acn,em, .Unt a bank' Those wh0 d0 n keep "ch an account miss many of its advantages. Wet fnairyS 8'aVt e!am ths workings of a checking account to t.iose who are not familiar with banking. , Interests paiden time deposits and in savings department. CAPITAL AND SURP1 US t' $74,000.00 Vhe farmers ana TTraders 9ati'onat SSank IN ANCIENT DAYS watches were clumsy affairs and iui n jr-accura.e. 10 i- preciate how much the art of I watchwakinn has advanced vou should see our ladies' TIME PIECES T.iey are delicate little . affairs in oid. silver, gun metal, or enamel. J They are all guaranteed to keep accurate time and not to get out of order easily. The prices are about J anything you care to pay. J. H. PE4RE. I Jeweler and Ootician 1