Ml t ' if.! TODAY'S NEWS TODAY Shower tonight And tomorrow Vj . . VOLUME V LA GRANDE, UNION COUNTY. OREGON. TUESDAY, JUNE 19, 1906. NUMBER 185 u. ii i r i I I si i "it I ' ' ' ' ' WJW " . 1 ' 1 Vvir.l BONDSMEN M PAT Pendleton Junel 3 At 8:33 yesterdiy morning the jury in the Huntington case brought in a verdict in favor of Baker county, the county being given judgment against the Huntington bondsmen for the turn of $10,003 and interest tine March 12, 1933. Tnat wa thi amount u 3d for and it is the tame as was a:lowed the county by the ocner jury w.uci tr.ed the a hara The Huntineton case has attracted much attention oaoi jn of tie hardfoufftt battle that has grown out of the at temp of the county to secure from the bondsmen of the sheriff the sum $10,000 which that official was found to be short in 1903. After the shortage had been discovered, criminal action w s taken against the sheriff, but he was acquitted, as was aUo the chief deputy, who was tried subsequently. Thecouity then com menced action aganst tne boicUnun to recover the amount of tie shortage. They are Harry A. Duffy, A. L. Brown. James Fleetwood, J. W. Isenhofer. J. F. Fyfer and D. Cartwrignt, Of these the first named allowed judgment to be talc n by default, and the verdct g van yester day was against tie remaining five. Tha chief point in the dj:e.i .a dui in , the recent trial was that the bo l J was not legally executed and had netar bemtjrnad over to the county by ma bondsman. Tne bond had bean give i to t:ie county judge by Sheriff Hj.icingwn hi nself. but the de fense maintained .m s.unff had no au thority to take sucn acton. CHARGED Willi MU3DER (Scrlpps News tMnnuum San Francisco. ' June 1 9 The four ibrs who wer arrested cnarced with murder 0. Andrew Kiiiner, a union Vpickec. and was sru: in a launch on trie bay Sunday tven ng apj ard before the Court this morning . i. -rrmlly arragnedo- cit? a c T.e i' for rei r. inary I ri a M icr T huHav. ; SHORTAGE THE NEW IDEA 10 CENT PATTERN. Cool,Comfortable and Chic. THIS picture illustrates charmingly the most stylish and popular of the season's shirt-waists. Ideal for Summer Wear. ij X One of those rare Happy Thoughts J of the designer that is becoming to all ; vomeri. No. 4153 df sfwA I dmmjfjL sw in eMmi Vfi WW 6" I M, J. jl. a, 4 hKbcs bust swasura. The New Idea 10-cenf Pattern spue, PREFERENCES TO BE CONSIDERED (Scrlppa Newa Association) Washington, D. C. June 19 Artillery officers who want special duty may be able to get it hereafter by virtue of a system which the acting chief of the corps. Col. G. F. E. Harrison, has re commended. He believes that it would advantageous to allow artillery officers to express their preference for detached dutyor fof stations. These expressions are to be keot :n fila in the office of tha cheif of artillery and are to be consulted whenever it is necessary to make a change in location or a . transfer of an officer from one duty to another. Of course personal preferences cannot always be allowed to control, but where It would not interfere with the public interests to do so, it is proposed to consult this list, ' and thus contribute to the contentment of officers most directly concerned by such changes. It i expected that this plan will be adopted and perhaps extended to other branches of the army service. (Scrlpps News Association) Philadelphia Pa ..June 19 One of the most interesting features of tha celebra tion of the Golden Jubilee of the Reoubli- can Party, now being held in this city in confection with the National convention of Republican Clubs, will be the parade this evening to comemorate the campaign of Fremont and Dayton, the first Republi can National candidates ever voted for.. The column will form on South Broad street and march along Broad street at eight o'clock this evening. There will be eight divisions and each represent the Republican clubs and, ward organizations of a Philadelphia Senatorial district under tha new apportionment. Adjutant Gen erThomas Stewart will act as Grand Marshall of the jubilee parade and Gov ernor Pennypacker, Speaker Cannon and the members of the Governor's staff will e.Uw the parade. It is expected that everal thousand men will be in line al 1 ie parade. i is as good as any 25c pat tern iu the market, and will give you an insight as to what is being worn by women of good taste, hints of value to dressmakers menus suitable for different occasions. THE NEW IDEA WOMEN'S MAGAZINE a monthly arbiter of fasions pretty designei in needle wo k for the idel hours, stories for sommer evenings infact a magizine halffull and pleasing for domestic life. A years subscription 50 cents that's all 50 cents. X titttttttt I aaaaaaaa)a REPUBLICAN WEN JUBILEE CXPEHSE MONEY GRANTED Washington June 1 9 The House Com mittee of the interstate foreign commerce has authorized a favorable report of the bill authorizing St Louis to build a free bridge across the Mississippi. The House has also passed the Militia Bill appropri ating two million to the state troops. One million of this will no to rifle Dractice. The committee has reported favorably on allowing twenty -five thousand to pay the President s traveling expenses. The House later passed the St. Louis bridge bill. EIGHT THEIR OWN BATTLE (Scrlpps News Association) San Francisco, Cal. June 1 9 The Sail or's union decided to carry on the fiirht against the Steamship companies without the assistance of longshoremen and team sters bv withdrawino from tha r.ifcw fH.r. ation of labor. It is expected that a sim'ar action will be taken by the cooks and stewards today, all of whom are incensed at the action of the longshoremen in un loading vessels during the strike. It is reported that the owners will import men from the Great Lakes. CHILDREN'S HOME SOCIETY (Scrlpps News Association) Louisville, Ky.. June 1 9 More than one hundred men of national prominence in the field of child-saving and genera social problem work are in attendance at fie annual convention of the National Children, s Hone Society which opened here today. Among those present at the meeting are Charles Henderson, Nationa President and Professor of Sociology of the University of CMcago; W. B.Sher.ard National Superintendent, South Dakota: the Rev. H. H. Hart. National Secrararv Illinois; the Rev. W. H. Slingerland, Iowa Dr. Amos Barlow, Michigan; the Rev. E. P. Savage, Minnesota; F. H. Darbv. Ohio William Streeter. North Carolina: J. P Dysart. Wisconsin; J. J. Kelso. Canada: Judge J. D. Ferris, Tennessee and many others. The address' of welcome was delivered by Govenor Beckham and supplemented by an address by Mayor Barth. Mr. Henderson the Nationa President responded. The program ar ranged for the convention is highly interesting and includes a number of important addresses and round-table discussions. Kl MAPPER SENTENCED (Scrlpps News Association) Philadelphia June 1 9 Kean the ab ductor was sentenced today to twenty years imprisonment for kidnapping the Muth child. On the stard the defendant says the boyhad every chance to escape if he wanted to. At ten this morning Keane took the stand and faced the magistrate in the preliminary hearing. An hour later the grand jury considered the testimnrw which resulted in an indictment that placed the prisoner before Judge Sulz berger. Within two hours after reading the indictment Keane was ready for commitment in the penitentiary. SWEDISH CITY BURNED (Scrlppa News Association) Stokholm Swed. June 1 9 Tha hamlot of Hudiksval! was totally destroved hu fire this morning. Fifteen hundred fami lies are homeless and the loss will rer.h two million dollars. MINER'S UNION WIN. (Scrlppa News Association) Columbus Ohio Juns 19 The Ohin miners have settled their differences and were ordered today to resuma tha .nr. This means that union men will return to the mines in Eastern Ohio. . SHIP AND CARGO GROUNDED Scrlpps News Association) San Francisco June 1 9 Tha Rri,if;.,. Portland, bound from Astoria with a cargo of lumber is ashore near Hueneme. The boat is owned hu n..i. . t r rancisco. GRAIN MARKETS "crlpps News Association? Chicago June 15 Wheat closed at 82K; corn opened atUlK clossed at 61K. oats nr.nt . in closed 39. A PROMISING WOOL CLIP - (Observer Special) Lewiston, Idaho, June 19 About 500, 000 pounds of wool is offered f . r tale this morning. Several representatives of Eastern houses were present and offered bids on the large clip. Sam Wilkenson, a buyer for Koshland of Boston, secured S4.000 pounds from Madden and Tate at twenty cents per pound. A Shufelt sold 3,300 pounds to Kudd and Root of Hart ford for less than nineteen cents a pound. Shaniko, June 19 The second wool sale this season opened this morning at the Shaniko ware house and over a half million pounds of wool dispossed of by local growers. The largest individual clip being that of E. McLennan who had nearly 15,800 pounds. The sales will be continued this afternoon. The price rages from 18 to PAdEK COAST MAN PROMOTED (Scrlpps News Association) Washington June 19 Dr. W, L Harris commissioner of education, has resigned and the President has appointed Dr. El mer Brown to fill the vacancy. Dr. Brown is at present a professor in the University of California and is well known in the educational world. The House this afternoon, passed the Immunity bill which is so amended that only natural persons can secure immunity after having sworn to facts when he has been properly subpoenad. READY FOR POLAR TRIP tScrlpps News Association) Tromsoe, Norway, June 20 The steamer Frithjof, whioh has been used by the Zieglar Expedition, is in this harbor ready to start for the Northern part of Spitzbergen. whence Walter Wellman and his party will start their baloon voyage to the North Pole. BEYER1DG DISAPPOINTED (Scrlppa News Aaaoclntlon) Washington June 19 Senator Bever idge and President Roosevelt conferred about the beef bill this morning. During the conference Beveridge said "The House has put back all the teeth of my bill and one tooth is filled, but there is still a ser viceable dog to do good work." PRESBYTERIAN BROTHERHOOD (Scrlpps Newa Association) Detroit, Mich.. June 1 9 The committee of ten, recently appointed at the Preshv terian conference in Des Moines, la. to formulate plans for the establishment of a "Presbyterian Brotherhood", met h.r. today for the purpose of considering the plan and discuss suggestions which miirht be submitted to facilitate the carrying out of the project. The committee will hold another session this afternoon and in the evening a big reception will be held at which the laymen and clerav of tha Pras by terian denomination in this city will be PREPARING f OR CORONATION (Scrlpps News Association) Chrstiaia, Norway. June 1 9 The ar rangements tor the coronation ceremonv nave an been arranged and this evening King Haakon VII., and Queen Maud will start for Troudjem, there to await the arrival of the foreign princes and ambas sadors of the foreign powers, who wil tane place on Friday forenoon and the festivities will last a week. BIG SCHOOL BENEFITS (Scrlpps News Association) Washington June 1 9-The House pass ed a bill today giving the state of Calif. ormaforits ss'ioolsfWe per cant of the amount received from sale of government mi waiiiuinia, mere is about one million dollars Involved in California for this benefit. LlfE SAVERS TO DINE (Scrlppa Nws Association) Patchogue, L. I., June 1 9-The annual dinner of the Life Savers .of Long Island will be held at Koe's Hotel in this town this evening and elaborate preparations for the annual event have ben mH The Life Savers' Association was organ ized lere Tour years ago and now has a large membership. MURDERESS MUST HANG iScrlpps News Association) Jefferson City, Mo., .June 19 The su preme Court has overruled the motion of rehearing Aggie Meyer who was sentenced to hang on the twenty-ninth for tha mnr. der of her husband. Governor Folk ui he will grant a reprieve of thirty days. MINISTER TO NORWAY (Scrlpps Newa Association) Washington Juue 19 Herbert Paa rr.m bas been nominated as minister to Norway MARRIED TO A DEAD MAI (Scrlpps Newi Association) Prague, June 1 9 Application has been made to a police magistrate by the wife of an artisan, for assistance to ascertain tha whereabouts of her husband, who had recently left her without any apparent causa. Investigation based upon partic ulars furnished by the woman brought to ight the astonishing fact that the husband of the woman had been entered on the registers as having died twelve years ago. To her distress the woman learned that she had married a man who by some means had obtained possession of the papers of another individual who died in 1 894 and assumed the man's name under which he had since lived with his wife who had no idea that her husbind s name was not his own. hat induct d the man to change his name or why he has now disappeared is for the present a mystery. The police are completely baffled and all sorts of theories are hazarded as regards the identity of the missing nusoand. - CELEBRATING EMANCIPATION DAY (8crlpps News Association) 'Houston, Tex. June 19 The negroes of cms city ana surrounding districts are celebrating Emancipation Day in a more elaborate manner then usual. The cele bration will last two days and has attract ed several thousand negroes from the vicinity to this city. The principal feature of today is tha grand industiial street parade which will include many flo ts, Uustrating the accomplishment of the negroes as merchants, builders, manu facturers ' and tradesmen, Many civic organizations will be represented in the parade. Tomorrow's feature will be the flower parade. Emancipation Park is the great rallying point for the two days of the celebration. Many prominent speakers will address the crowds at the park every oay. ALSO AT WACO ' Waco Tex. June 19 Several thousand negroes from various parts of the state are assembled here to take part in the grand celebration of emancipation day, which has been arranged by . the local negroes. Among those who have come to this city are many prominent negroes, many of whom will deliver addresses in the course of the celebration. ADMIRAL M'CALLA RETIRES (Scrlpps News Asaonlatlon) Lallejo Cal. Admiral Mo Calla retired today from command of the Mare Island navy yard. Rear Admiral Lyons is on his way from the navy station at Honolulu t take command of this yard. The retired commandant leaves tomorrow for hi naw country home at Santa Barbra. : SEED CRUSHERS MEET (8crlppa News Association) Lithia Springs, Ga. June lfl Th. . an nual meeting of the Cotton SH r. rnah- ers' Association of Georgia opened here today. An interesting program has been prepared for the meeting and many prom inent men are in attendance, anri u,in address the convention. Among them are the German Consul, Dr. Zoepffel-Quel-lenstein.Commissioner T. Q. Hurfnon Rt- Chemist, John M. McCaridless. C. r Willoughby, of the Gaorcria Frnrim otauon ana j. p. Mernman. of the N. K. Fairbinks Company, St. Louis. Mo. LATEST STYTLES IN STATIONERY Our stationery stock is always completa but it never offered greater inducement to buyers who appreci ate fine correspondence papers than it does right now. Our stock includes everything that is new and beautiful in tint.finish and shape. The box papers range in price from (10c to 60c per box; tablets 5c up. For the better tablets we can furnish envelopes to match. When you need anything in stationery, you will find highest quality and reasonable price best combined in our sock NEWLIN DRUG CO. La Grande, DASTARDLY If BUT ONLY HALF TRUTH (Scrlpps Newe Association) Berlin June IS Prominent Jaws ara receiving the details of the massacre and plundering of the Jews in various parts of Russia. At Caroki, the authorities posted a telegram, alleged to have been receives from the czar, ordering that al Jews be killed. The peasants attacked and slayedmany as a result of what they thought to be official orders. ' Wealthy gentiles at Nieshin are. reported to have offered $500 for each Jew killed, two were wounded and One male infant killed. The peasants are arming themselves with a view of enriching themselves by acquir ing property deserted by the fleeing Jews INAUGURATING PRESIDENT (Scrlpps News Association) '; Medford, Mass. June 19 I"he Rev. Dr. Frederick W. Hamilton, of Boston, who was recently elected President of Tufts College will be inaugurated with impres sive exercises this afternoon. The cere mony will take place in the big aula of the college and in the presence of the entire faculty and all the students of tha college. ANOTHER MIZNER-WILSON ADMIRER (Scrlppa News Association) New York, June 1 9 Benjamin Howard the actor who committed suicide in this city yesterdsy, said, before his prematura death that he had, been infatuated with Mrs. Yerkes Mizner before her reconcili ation with Wilson. Howard is wall known in San Francisco. - A CLEVER RUSE (8crlpps News Association) St. Petersburg. June 1 9 It that an attempt has been made to assas sinate Trepoff. A woman misquarading as Prince Harishkin gained admittance to the palace and drew a revolver when Trepoff approached. The seized and the woman arrested. CONTRACTOR KILLED (Scrlppa Newa A relation) W. L. Slinkard, a railroad prominent in ,ha Southwmt u... lmi-j u ' the raquis indians, in Sonora, while' work ing on an extension of Cnnr. -j Pacific railroad, near G.mvm,,. m - j-..-., uv-' tails as yet have been received. .". FUNERAL THURSDAY .(Scrlpps New Association) .atonuniojur.e 19-Governor Harris says that he will tint AAtiim k J..t- of the office until after the late Governor Patt.son's .funeral. Governor Harris states that focthe tima t . . IWBDIJ IISJ Will continue .the. appointees. The funera .erv,c.s at present are not finally deter mined but will probably be heldThursday Oregon. f' 11 i4 ' u 11 ii i rY ! 1 'seeeee