i The Golden Rule Company's WHITE SALE CLOSES SAT. JUNE 16 If you have not secured some of these bargains, do so now ALL WHITE GOODS AT REDUCED PRICES white Skirts white waists silk waists lingerie waists white hosiery white belts white gloves corset covers GOWNS CHEMISE SKIRTS DRAWERS WHITE HAND BAGS WHITE RUCHING WHITE NECKWEAR WHITE SHOES LACES EMBROIDERIES CORSETS INFANTS' WEAR WHITE APRONS WHITE HATS HANDKERCHIEFS WHITE LAWNS WHITE SWISS iNni L!NON DIMITIES TABLE LINENS NAPKINS TOWELING TOWELS SHEETS PILLOW CASES . LACE CURTAINS rttDTMM TT-rt r WHITE RIBBONS LOCAL ITEMS I District Attorney Lomax of Baker City spent Sunday in the city. Mr. and Mrs. Judd Deer of the Cove are over today on business. Grant Geddes of Baker City spent Sun day in the city. Mr. and Mrs.T. J. Shaw of North Powder are in the city shopping. M. L. Causey returned this momrg from a business trip to Portland. Presidins Elder J. D. Gillian left this morning for the Burns section of his dis- tridt Attorney Dan Shehan of Wallowa county returned home this morning, hav ing been to Portland. W. T. Wright of Union was a passenger enroute home this morning returning from Portland. James Ireland is in the Cove on busi- SCREEN DOORS N.-w is the time to commence war on the flies. Com. and get some screen doors and window screens. My hammock, cannot be beat for price, quality, beauty. The time i. her. for you to keep your lawn in order. I have rubber and cotton hos., lawn mowers and lawn rakes, all prices and quality. BEE SUPPLIES I have the bee hives and supplies that you waut. Call and get om. of them. My shingles, doors and windows are first class try some of them if you are building. i MRS- T-N. MURPHY j Hardware and crockery. . REMEMBER TOO, Our's is the only store that gives profit sharing bonds by which you can furnish your home absolutely free. THE GOLDEN RULE COMPANY TLarorest Stor- 1308, 1310, 1312 ADAMS AVENUE Smallest Prices La Grande National Bank ' ESTABLISHED J 887 United States Depositary Capital Stock, Surplus and undivided profits $160,000 00 OPPICEHS AND DIRECTOR TEORGE PALMER, President. J. M. BERRY", Vice President. F. L. MEYERS, Cashier. GEORGE L. CLEAVER, Assistant. Cashier. W. L. BRENHOLTS, Assistant Cashier. BERRY, F. M. BYRKIT. A. B. CONLEY. C. C. PEN1NGTON. F. J. HOLMES. VIOLIN Miss Bertha Young will give lessons on th. Violin. Teachers certificate from Whitman College Conservatory of Music. Phone 1994. Woman suffrage was defeated in this state by 10,178. The counties in which it carried were: Coos by 89: Jos ephine by 208; Lane by 90; Lincoln 24; Malhuer 53: Tillamook 96; Umatilla 65; and Union 3. General banking business, parts of the world Drafts drawn on all A PRESENT : To advertise my high grade shoes I will I GIVE AWAY : every tvvelvth pair that goes out of : : my store I carry the WWW, WALKOVER and HARLOW. Call for further particulars A. V. ANDREWS,! : TAILOR and HABERDASHER COUNTIES CARRIED YOU MUST f AT Why not enjoy life by good living? It costs no more than inferior qualities purchased elsewhere. We pride ourselves on our regular dinner at 25 cents Choice of meats and vegtables with elegent dessert and liquid refreshments to suit. Investigate our claims to superiority by deorating your interior withourdelicacies. The Model Restaurant J. A. Arbucklc, Pro ttor ness connected with the Eastern Oregon Colonizing Company. ' Dr. R. L. Lincoln returned this morning from attending a meeting of the state board of dentists, in Portland. Mrs. G. L. Biggers and little daughter left last evening for Portland where they will visit friends and relatives. Cashier F. L. Meyers returned this morning from Portland where he attend ed the meeting cf the Stat. Bankers Association. Miss Floy Massee will return this even ing from Walla Walla where she has been attending the commencement exercises of Whitman college. Prof. J. M. Martin in a letter from Marysville, Ohio, " states thae they ar rived in the grand eld Buckeye state. alive and well on the 12th of the month, Ed Kiddle who attended the Grand Chapter R. A. M. and was honored by being elected one of the grand officers returned this morning. Mrs. Jennie. C. Curry returned last evening from a three months' visit with her sister Mrs. W.V. Rhinehart in Seatle, returning via SpoKane where she remained sav.ral days. J. D. Heidenreich left yesterday on a business trip to Goldendale Washington. Mrs. Charles Whitmore, who underwent an operation yesterday is reported today as being over the crisis. Mr. and Mrs E. L. Wiley of Lower Cove section were La Grande visitors today. They report the rains are causing all of the farmers in their vicinity to commence figuring as to where to store their grain Present storerooms will not be adequate. Mrs. W. H. Bohnenkamp returned this morning from attending the Grand Chapter Eastern Star which met in Port land last week. Miss Bessie who ac companied her also returned. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Stotts who have been touring the coast for the past five months returned Saturday evening. They visited as far south as Mexico and as far north as Victoria, B. C. C. M. Blevens and little son were over from Cove today. Our readers will re member the little fellow as the boy who lost an eye last Easter by being struct in the eye with a piece of broken bottle. He came over to be fitted wiih a glass eye, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Simmons of the Dalles were in the city yesterday as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ireland. Mr. Simmons is contemplating to move his family into the Grande Ronde valley, as he is much impressed with the opportuni ties offered here. GIVE US A SHOW that's all we ask to prove to you conclusively that The C. B. Cigar Is great value in every way. If w. can't suit your taste as to mild ness or strength you'd better see a doctor. The C. B. is all right .all tne way tnrougn oecause it buft that way. C. E. HACKMAN, Cor. Adams Avenue and Greenwood 5 LA GRANDE 14 HUNTINGTON 5 An exhibition of hard hitting and many errors was seen at the Ball Park yester day when La Grande added another scalp to her already long string. After the first inning it was evident that La Grande would be an easy winner and especialy so when along in the early part of the game the boys took a big bunch of hits off the visiting pitcher. He struck out 1 0 men to Gregory's 4. La Grande showed a great sup riority in fielding, and generally scooped up everything while the visitors would rail all over themselves in trying to get their paws on the sphere and then juggled it a while. Meanwhile our boys would be romping around the bases and scoring when ever desirable. Hunt ington's short stop surprised the grand stand, and himself, when he awoke long enough to nail a hot liner with one hand. Collins, besides getting six hits, made a spectacular play in right field when, after attaining about the fastest speed he has been known to exhibit, he pulled down a beauty. Collins, Crawford and Kooser were the heaviest hitters. Later in the game La Grande caught the list lessness and by bunching their hits Hunt ington brought ir. four scores. Score by inning; La urande 0 3 1 3 1 0 4 2 x 14 Huitington 00010004 05 knows That's what we have to say about loose honey. In fact all our groceries ar. good. They are clean fresh and pure. The kind that will make your meals delicious, and give the house-wife an easy task in preparing it, because she k that it will be good. prompt delivery is our woppy f We challenge the town offjR.si: produce and strawberries. T' 'I PHONE MAIN 46 QEDDEJ BR2J NORTH FIR STREET Ul'KS DAY AND VI ( If mitt 'OH iJr ADVERTISED LETTERS List of letters remaining encalled for the week ending Jund 14 1906 Fuller Mrs. Harry Candee W. D. Hough Miss Sarah Elark E. P. Shockley Miss Hazzle DaronMr. Charles Silk Mrs. K. Shear F. R. Walder Mrs. Ella Shepard L. C. I Woods Mrs. Kate Wilhelm J. H. ! These letters will be sent to the dead let ter office June 28 13C6 if not delivered 1 before. In calling for the above please say "Advertised ' giving date of list. I G. M. Richey P. M I CALL UP MAIN 75 $ FOR fIRST CLASS GROCERIES Fresh fruits and vegetables every day Your orders promptly delivered as fast as ordered Standard brands always in stock. THE CITY GROCERY AND BAKERY E. P0UCK, Propr. !' t ! WING AY FIRNiT(JRE : ST9RF AT LAST THE OPPORTUNITY CAME. For many months I hae realized the necessity of securing larger quartersfor my in creasing bu I $ large rooms on the corner nf Artnm Aipmip anri Mm ctrf tho Ancnn prH ,..,,,.. ..m. ... ... sness. I have now! secured1 thi tun - vv, v iiiovii ui ivn, nuiiv, a nn uujs i win ue aoie to display one of the h r t Carpets in Union countv. Will hp nimtpd in h.t nn rati mv nia f h..eincc ti,: .-c .. ct general lines of furniture nri Carpets in Union county. Will be pleased to have you call at my new place of business. This is going to be a prosperous year for all and ouiiijuiS me immiuit; wants or mis county we have prepared to be a leader Keep your Eye on this Space JTj. (3r ifVI3CIOO S?!i2yeonthJSpace,I tttt m