f ilGbASS'FIEB ADS Rates-One cent, iword. one-half a cent word .ach subsequent inser tion. Classified adds bring quick results. Try one today. m FOH" SALE A two acre tract with am- pie water right. One acre in fruit, four I room house with pantry and cellar barn and other improvements. Cheap I if sold at once. No agent's commission t paid. Inquire at this office. I FOR SALE Ten head of horses, and one fresh milch cow. Inquire of Mrs. Rose I Harris, one door this side of Rohr and I Co. Butcher shop. FOR SALE A work horse, a saddle horse, a grocery delivery wagon, a milch I cow, a three-horse power gasoline engine ' Ti,e iew B-d 'n eood runnmS order. In I Mr of Rohr it Co. , 1306 Osborne I street. I Also a cheap coaster brake bicycle. I FOR SALE Threshing machine and engine complete. Self shift. Pay- ments taken in threshing if desired. $ Inquire of A. B. Conley FOR SALE OR TRADE Two acres in Honan's addition, nicely improved, large roomy house, good water. Will trade C. A Cary. f UFOR SALE Furniture, cheap if sold at once. House for rent. Inquire of Mrs ".1L Hunnel, phone Black 1 122. tOR SALE Near Cove. 380 acres o rme iruic, vegeiao'e ana pasture land, with fine spring water, for $4,500. Also the finest residence and acre block in Cove for $5,600, or land and town property for $9,500 if taken together. Inquire at this office FOR SALE CHEAP A good house and out buildings, and. 5 acres of good land in Old Town close to mill creek. In 5 quire of Mrs. A. Swaioeh I REDUCED SALE There will be a re- i auction in price on every thing in my millinery store for the next thirty days, I Mrs. J. R. Forrest SAND Sand, reallv clean sand, sharo ,ad in any qualantities at any time on board cars or otherwise. - Inquire of J. L. Mars FOR SALE J condition. -Air motor windmill good A. Mclain N 4 th st I BIDS INVITED i Notice is hereby given that the city of La Grande will receive bids for five hundred cords, more or less, of wood. Said ynoi to be Yellow Pine, Red Fir, or J&mtmSek, green cut and four feet long. Said wood to be first class marketable wood, and to be corded at the city pump ing plant on or before October 1st. V Bids to be in writing and delivered to the City Recorder on or before four o'clock June 20, 1906. Tne City of La Grande reserves the right to reject any or all bids. O. E. Fowler, I Chairman of fie Wiys and MaansCom. NOTICE TO WATER (9M1E2S '; Notice is hereby given to all consumers if water in the city of La Grande, Oregon, that all parties who wish to irrigate, are required to file an application for the j samjbith the City Recorder, t Irrigation hours; The laws for irri gation are as follows; from 5:30 to 7:30 P m. Signed; H. C. Gilman, Water Supt Dated, April 30. 1906. I NOTICE OF fINAL SETTLEMENT Notice is hereby given that Wm. B. Sargent. Administrator of the Estate of Sarah C. Worstell, deceased, has filed her final account and report in the said estate and the County Court of Union County. Oregon, has set Tuesday, June 18, 1 at 2 o'clock p. m., for hearing the s&n!T Wm. B. Saroent, Administrator f The Eastern Oregon Trust and Savings CAPITAL STOCK, The savings bank is the greatest boon that has ever I come to the masses. It not only protects them by offering a substitute for doubtful investments, but by j accepting small deposits it protects them from their own ,; thoughtless expenditures. We want your savings account, no matter how small. GENERAL BANKING AND EXCHANGE BUSINESS I' OFFICERS W. C. BROWN, President Wm. MILLER. Vice Rresident GEO. L. CLEAVER. Cashier T. J. SCROGGIN, Asst. Cashier F.J.HOLMES, Treasurer, FURNISHED FRONT ROOM-Phone Blacl 612 FOR RENT Light housekeeping room. Coiner S and Adams. Mrs. A. E. Jones FOR RENT-Furnished room in John Anthony house corner 6th and P st. WANTED Four table boarders and two roomers. Corner Fourth and Main. Mrs. H. S. Masses. MONEY For loans on city property see Wm. Grant's agency. Also real estate and insurance. LOST One sorrel horse, five years old has split ear, has bran Jon right side but cannot say whether on hip or shoulder or what brand is. Horse weighs about 11 00 pounds. A suitable reward will be paid for its return, or for information leading to its return. Said animal has been gone about two weeks. 1 traded for it on the streets of La Grande three weeks ago giving a gray mare with glass eye. John M. S. Smith, Cove Oreeon. FOR RENT-Pleasant , furnished room at 906 Main Street, front FOR SALE One wagon, two sets double harness, and one set single harness. Will sell cheap for cash or will exchange for wood, h y, or grain. G. M. Richey Inquire at Post Office. WANTED Woman, must be competent housekeeper, wages $5 per week. Apply at this office. FOR RENT Four room house. Inquire of Mrs. D.C. Crawford Cor. 6th and 9th. FOUND In this city a wallet containing vaiuaoie papers, uwner can have same by calling at this office and identifying same. FOUND Three rolls of carpet between La Grande and Orodell. Owner call at S. C. Fleshman, Pleasant Home Addition FOR SALE An established, well paying business, small capital required, good reasons for selling. Address X Observer. FOR SALE Good family driving horse age five years, weight 1200 sound in every respect, also good fresh milch cow. Must sell at once. A, G. Couch, Island City WANTED Men and boys for beet thin ning. Apply to Samuel Storey, LOST Small red memorandum brok somewhere in town. Return to this office. . FOR SALE Eight acres.6 room house.barn, place for chickens or hogs, orchard, all kinds o fruit and plenty of water. Located east of flouring mill, will exchange for city property Apply at premises. JohnG avan Good looks bring happiness. Friends care more for us when we meet them with a clean, smilling face, bright even sparkling with health, which comes '$ taking Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tee. 35 cts. Tea or Tablets. Newlin Druo Cc. An Alarming Situation frequently results from neglect of c'og ged bowels and torpid liver, until constip ation becomes chronic. This condition is unknown to those who use Dr. King's New Life Pills; the best and gentliest reg ulars of Stomach and Bowels. Guaran teed by Newlin Drug Co. Price 25 cts. Bank $60,000.00 AMUSEMENTS A GOOD TENT SHOW The string of disgusting tent shows that has been visiting La Grande this season has at last been broken, and at least a respectable tent show has been in our mist. Eilers Rip Van Winkle last Saturday night was considerable better than expect ed and satisfied the spectators. The acting was commendable especially that of Simple Rip" and his frau"G retch en". In the first acts when nothing could raise a ruffle on jolly Rip's temper he never failed to create a laugh, and when he was off the board Frau Gretchen would see that the crowd was well entertained . After his long sleep like Jefferson of old. Rip excelled and did some clever acting. The music is worthy of comment. The company carries an or chectra that would ce a credit to any show house. However the show was not without its faults, and that was the after concert. This proved a sham and nad the management forgotten that they had a concert, there would be not criticism to make on the performance. FIRSTLASSPlCTliRE SHOW That the moving picture entertainment showing he scenes during the San' Fran cisco fire, which commenced at the Fra zer theater last night, is the finest of the kind thjlf h haan r m nr KnM ! 4 dared by those who saw the show last night. It was the first of the three nig: ts stand which the company will make here. and judging from the recommendations given by - those who saw the views last eveining the house should be filled during the remaining two nights. The views are shown by the kinetoscope were taken while the fire was at its height, arid some of the views show the dynamiting of the buildings to stay the progress of the flames. The pictures were taken by men who toured the city in utom biles while the demonstration was under way. K. J. Taylor, manager of the theater, declares he will vouch for the entertain ment being all that is represented, and that it is the finest thing of its kind that has ever been given here. As a guaran tee of the merits of the attraction, the manager announces that anyone dissatis fied with the entertainment will be given double their money back upon calling for the same at the box office. East Oregonian. Performance given at 'the Stewart Opera House for two nights starting Tuesday evening June 19. TYPOCRAPHPICAL EXPERIENCE It wasn't a Mi souri editor, but printer's that was going through his first experience in making up" forms. The paper . was late and the boy cot the galleys mixed. The first part of .the arbituary notice of a pacunious citizen had been dumped in the forms and the next handful of type came off the galley describing a recant fire. It read like this; "The pull bearers lowered the body to the grave and as it was con signed to the tr,e flames there were few if any regrets, for the old wreck had been an eyesore to the town for years. Of course there was individual loss, but that was fully covered by insurance." The widow thinks the editor wrote the obit. uary because the lamented partner of he joys and sorrows owed him five years subscription. ANOTHER RURAL ROUTE People residing along Wolf creek and the North Powder river are soon to be supplied with a rural mail delivery. A rural route inspector was here this week and stated that he would report the mat ter favorably to the postal authorities. The delivery at present will be every other day, but will be made daily as soon as the patronage will justify it. News NOMINATIONS AND PROMOTIONS (Scrlppj News Association) Washington June 16 President Roose velt has raised Minister Leishman from the grade of minister by nominating him as ambassador to Turkey, other nominat ions are Ira L. Rirk to be postmaster at Bozeman, Montana, and Captain J". Bur- to be rear admiral. MITCHEL'S BOYS IN SESSION (Scripps News Aanoclatlon) Washington June 19 The executive council of the American Federation of labor is in session here today. The pur pose of the meeting has not been made known. .MM4rf 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Toe Marks yam Copyright Ac An rm n11nf a htrh and dmcrlrrflon may aalcktr aaaertaln our opitiwin frt whether ao Invention m prohaMf pniaiitKhlo. rinnunnlra ttmuitrletlycofiiirlenrtal. HANDBOOK onfaima iwnt free. (H1m uncy fr iwurlng patent. Patent taken tnrnuirh Munu A Co. raotlva wrtoj ftoCtca, wlf hout chre. Id Lb Scientific American. A handimnHf t)tntmt1 wekfr. I.reet ots Bilallon of anr tMUtirtr tournal. 1rnn, fa a fr; frar MnMii, 9L Bold b; til newednatera MUNN &Co.86B New York Ura-icU Oflic. m ? PL. Wutii.14, b.U Potatoes & Hav j We have a large supply of strictly choice large potatoes in stock,' which we offer at very low price. We still have a large amount of hay - all grades - in our house which we offer at $12.00 per ton. The hay market is very dull at the present time and we want to unload same. We have to arrive a car load of Straw berry boxes, in about a week. Our price on them will be very low. ' We are in the markeh for all the eggs that are offered and we pay highest market price, spot cash, for them. PHONE MAIN 2 Oregon Produce Company ml 'II A. B. C. STEAM LAUNDRY PHONE MAIN 7 ' " j ' T' 7"" La GrtHe, OiPgcn. . SWITCHES SANITARY HAIR RATS, SANITARY SIDE PUFFS MF1I TDIseaecrt eaunno CHILDRENS HATS, E. M Wellman & Company J ADAMS a " . ' . .. .... ! I LA GRANDE u. hi UfcRALD, Proprietor C mpiete Machine Shops and Foundry General Blacksmiths. We manufacture The Fitzgerald Roller Feed Mill., the best and cheapest mill on the market Our shops are equipped with machinery to handle any sized work, nothing too large ur nothing to small. High prices paid for old cast iron. ... : GRAIN! I) R0NDE Fhojre Main6 HESY ACIDS IN THE BLOOD AH :ln .liscuscs am due to the same cause an cxcJss of acid in tn !'ool w.yvl l.y faulty assimilation of food and poor bowel action: this C.-ry w.ri. nw.-wr is forced, to the surface through the pores and glands, t i .tules i:r. foriutd. discharging a sMcky fluid which dries and makes acrust .viiiKinjf juUnse itching. When the crusts or scabs are scratched off the iKin is kit raw and bleedintr. t.. . Di . . . ! . Dr Sire My body broke out with m .xmii-timts sm diseases are in the h or eruotiSn which i"p?u of "a t ry form, ami tran-likescalescomeon Jri!ri?Ai our cont',iV,,1 to wore. i:.e flesh, or f,c in become, hard anS lT1 dry, o'u-n cracking, and the painful Ji'J lJM-mn,?,1lppratlonswith-itching c.ves acute suffering U M Kft' dons not mutter h-w the trouble is l?.xp,rJ!5 b,y de"1tlwhenarewbot manilesteri, t.ia cause is the same an K.oondldo, Cl. L. MAENO excess of a. i i H the Wood. Salves, powders, cool ing washes, etc. . while they relieve t!ie itc'ii'i r nnri oriM tii ,.T..r- .. " ' . ..7 ... t-n.ujjinaij uiimion, cannot cure the trouble because they do not reach the acid laden blood. The best treatment for all skin dise.iif ia R S G i.. .t... O HiteJ S !,:?rii;i,lz?.t,,.e '"d8.- n.Prifie the . c, "'"uwj inui mesKin insieaa ol being blistered PURELY VEGETABLE. and bnr,ned th? r,cry flii. nourished by i i. ei ts- , " ouyyiy 01 croung, iieailhy blood. Special book on Skin Diseases and any medical advice desired will be furnished without charge. THE SmrT SPCcmc co. ATLANTAt LISTEN! You see our FINISH every day you wear linens that are laundried here. There is lots of difference in hearing about the finish. Perhaps you have made that discovery. Our laundry work is finished thoroughly and we take particular care that , wu i ua gul place. STRAM TELESCOPES : AVENUE IRON WORKS CREAM SEPARATORS "STOP!" and think before you buy a sep arator. There are many things to be con sidered in the purchase of a. cream separator. You want the lightest running machine on the market. You want the machine that is the easiest to wash and keep clean, you also want the machine that will produce all the butter fat And above all you want a durable machine so that you wont be continually paying for repairs. Now the famous Empire Separator is the ma chine you want as it has all these advantages over every other machine on the market. Any company can make claims but let us show you the Separator that makes good CASH COMPANY. I Lewis Bros. Prop. is purely vegetable and one which acts directly on the blood with a cleansing, honiin., ... . r ' - ..v. M E A T Fresh and Cured Can be obtained at this mar at all times. We deliver all orders promptly. Phone to us or leave your order. We will do the rest KROUSE BROS Prop. Successor to' J. Bull and Go. Phone Main 48 is what a good many people say of our parcels of pure, high grade mixed candies. And the happiness is not gauged by quantity or price) Best equipped ice cream parlors in Union County SELPER, The Candy; Man -. J. R. OLIVER. TNION COUNTY ABSTRACTS Farm Lo?ns a Specialty Best equipped abstracter in Union county. Many years experience with the Unicn county records gives ms a great advantage. It is folly to purchase real estate without first securing a props;' abstract. An abstract from' my office will show the title jus: as it appears on the official record. I. R. OLIVER, LA '4 RAND K, OREGON Room 51 Sominer Building THE TAYLOR STUDIO 1 To the Summer Girl: I want you to visit my studio and let me show you how successtu y I can photograh you in your sum mergown. Come while your gown is fresh and new. it will look neat er in a picture than after it has been to the laundry. Remember the new location of THE TAYLOR STUDIO is next door to the Ojser.er Office . PHONE BLACK 1 1 82 SUNDAY PHONE 841 'fttfttt4ttiili4444Aslill : LIGHTNING COLLECTION i AGENT H. A. Watson, Mgr. e Our system gets the money. Full particulars made known upon e application to interested parties. J Office Lewis building I e La Grande, Or. , .';"."; m BOX i 7: or i I HAPPINESS i 4 e '