i 1 I J MEDICINE FOR CHILDREN it n important part of our stock. They are carefully pre pared and will prove of inesti mable benefit to little sufferers. Soothing eyrupe for tortured little bodies. Centle but effica cious remidiet for youthful ill. Lotion, ointment, toilet pow der, puffs, sponges, combs, brushes, and all articles for the nursery are here in great quan tity and good quality. We have a full line of all wel known Infant Foods. OUR SPECIALTIES Doctors Prescriptions and Family'Receipts. REDICROSS DRUG STORE A. C. MAC LENNAN, Prop. Prescription Pharmacist m D. H. STEWARD. Proprietor and Manager. TWO NIGHTS, STARTING j TUESDAY, JUNE 19: THE DESTRUCTION 3AN rKANLfcU) Most realistic scenes of the wrecked city. A $I0,C00 production shown by moving pictures. 5"" ''!?:: Orchestra and Orchestra Center 50 c Dress Gircle and Balcany 25 c Fine Confectionery and in,, t , I Cigars VanBuren's ; e SGHEfclRER'S FQR PINE CANDIES ERyiTS AND ICE CRilAfA La tade Evening OUserver MONDAY. JUNE 18. 1906 Published daily except on Sunday One year in advance $6.60 Six months in advance 3.S0 Per month .'. 65 Single copy.. 6c Entered at the Post Office at La Grande Oregon, as Second Class Matter. CURREY BROS., ED'S AND PROP This paper will not publish any article appearing over a nom-de-plume. Signed articles will be received subject to the discretion of the editors. Please sign your articles and save disappointment. Next door to post Office 5 C rccn : Vlroccrics Fresh Every Day I Everything in season ALL ORDERS DELIVERED PROMPTLY ADVfcKTlnlNG KATES JUplay Ad mtai raroUbrnJ epon application Ixxml reading noi lota lOe per line Oral Inaw lion, je per lint for each ubtjurul iner lion.. aaoluMoni of aotirtolence, so , or line. arcU of Ibauks, dn per line. HEARST TO BRYAN Mr. Hearst's "indorsement" of Mr. Bry an has the sincerity of the kiss of Judas. "I have been," he says, for many years a sincere friend and supporter of Mr successes" (note the sneer there) "and I approve of every honest indorsement of him." Then he goes on with his polite phrase and the cool malice of interested purpose to lay bare the essential difficulty of Mr. Bryan's position. Mr. Bryan must pre sently choose between the new friends and the old, between opportunism and the principles his name stands for with his original and distinctive following. He can not expect to be at once the new Bryan hailed as safe, sane and a convert to party conservatism by Belmont, Francis, Watterson, Vilas, possibly Cleve land himself, and the old Bryan who led the hosts of radical. sm and discontent in 1896 and 1900. "I am confident," says Hearst, coming straight to the point of the Bryan dilemma that Mr. Bryan will repudiate utterly these men and their professions of friend ship, realizing that they are not honestly in favor of any man or measure that will protect the interests of the country." Mr. Bryan has said substantially the same thing of "these men" himself in many a speech and many an editorial in The Commoner. He has denounced as traitors to the party and the people men who are now Indorsing him on the theory that he has outgrown the error of his for mer ways, and mentally recanted what made him obnoxious to them before. While indorsing him they cooly assume that he has come over to them. Mr, Hearst's telegram is a square chal lenge to Mr, Bryan to repudiate that assumption, and he puts up to Mr. Bryan a choice between the two horns of the dilemma that will have (o be made before 1908. Mr. Bryan has not played the game of opportunism heretofore. He bluntly reasserted the old Aryanism in 1904, when he defeated the attempt to indorse the gold standard. Mr. Hearst's "indorsement" of Bryan adroitly accen tuates the fact that if he is going to re spond to the advances of these new fiiends it will be at the cost of alienating the old ones. 5 Try a Sample of our Ghccsc I SEATTLE GROCERY Coj ! LAWSON BROS. Prop. ? j As Bryan once called him a "bunco steerer" Mr. Cleveland's dilatoriness in falling in, seems fairly explicable. What shall it profit a packer to can a dog if he loses the sale of seventeen sides of beef? The whiskey trust is doomed. A Mary land physician has discovered a new cure for snake bites. In California they are now calling the fire insurance companies than propose to ,. f'nair inecBt "cix-hit" concerns. It sounds like a name that will stick. The death' in an Ohio almshouse of James Sage, a cousin of Russel Sage has brought to light unexpected generos ity on the part of the New York million aire. It has developed that for the past few years Cousin Russel has been sending this unfortunate relative $50 per year. As the wealth of Russel Sage amounts to only about $80,000,000, it can easily be understood that the strain on him was severe. It is also apparent that, if Cousin James had been as saving in his habits as Cousin Russel, he could have kept out of the almshouse and still hnve something left to spend out of that $50 par year. Ex. THIS fOR MINE EVERY TIME I'll call for soda every time Quench my thirst to my heart's content, Save cash for clothes as well as rent Treat my wife and children too "Smile" with them, and "smile" with you. All the popular drinks at H.ll's soda fountain. The favorite idea of a lock canal poss essed by some Senators is of a tranquil and innocuous waterway at Panama with a large padlock at each end of it. 9 THE LA GRANDE NURSERY S1DEJREES Is one of my special ties. Delivery to be made on or after March 15. SpeciaJ bargains on Roses STOCK GROWERS MEETING Notice is he eby given that there will be a meeting of trie Union County Stock Growers Protective Association at the Commerical Club parlors Saturday June 23, at two o'clock. - J. A. Russel, Sec. Deaths from Appendicitis decrease in the same ra.io that the use of Dr. King's New Life Pills increases. They save you from danger and bring quick and painless release from consti pation and the ills growing out of it. Strength and vigor always follow their use. Guaranteed by Newlin Druo 25c. Try them. Stilwcll MARKET formerly known as the HARRIS MARKET PHONE MAIN 16 Having purchased the Har ris market from Rohr & Co. I am in a position to give the best in quality ane prices to be had in La Grande. The Harris mar ket will hereafter be known as Stilwell MARKET i FURNITURE HARDWARE CARPETS, LINOLEUM, and MATTING. GRANITE, TIN, CHINA, GLASSWARE, and CUTLERY. GINS. AMUNITION, and FISHING TACKLES. TRANKS, TELESCOPES, and SUITCASES. In fact every t ring NEW and SECOND HAND can ' be had here at BARGAINS. We pay highest cash prices for SECOND HAND GOODS of value. Or will take your old goods in exchange for any articles in our store. FIR STREET SECOND HAND STORE 213 FIR STREET Gall or phone H. B. HAISTEN Red 1751 : A LITTLE TALK ON ! ICE CREAM SODA NOT BETTER THAN THE BEST BUT BETTER THAN THE REST T: rr.;;r.ti;r. the rcptiUtloa o ijuvo acquired for suppiyiag tne needs of our many patrons in every department, a reputation ve point to with pardon able pride, we want, now, to advise you that we have opened our soda fountain with a new line of crushed fruits and fruit juice which excel any which we have ever had, and while we may occasianly find a party who has never tried one of our delicious ICE CREAM SODAS we find a hun dred who have, and do, and always will, because they want the best and appreciate a fine article. We have some new flavors this year which are going to be of universal favor on account of their delicate flavors. Hoping you will kindly favor us with an early call, so we may show you, We are respectfully, A. T. HILL Prescription Druggist LA GRANDE, OR CAR LOAD OF jSTAR A STAR SHINGLES Received Today Windows Doors and Building hardware. Plumbing done In the neatest manner. W. H. BOHNRNKAMP CO I also have a fine lot of Apple, pear, prune, plum, cherry, appri- f cot. peach, mulberry, shade trees and ornamental trees, 4 grapes, currents, gx-seberry, blackberry, dewberry, rasp'- berry, vines, creepers, and i hedte plants. J Phone 1511. Thorns' grocery Geo. W. Powell, A ROAST FROM GRANDY & RUSSEL'S uu a very agreeable surprise if you are net a customer of ours, and you will wonder why you never favored us witn an order before. Any of our patrons will tell you that ojr meats far surpass anything ever tasted, being of th finest and most tender quality; and what is more, always so. The best lamb, mutton, beef, veal and poultry in season is always to be found at Grandy& Russell HIS APPRECIATION THE BUSINESS MAN thoroughly appreciates the advantages "of a r,'nfemaCC0Unt witha b?nk- Those wn d no' keep such an account miss many of its advantages. r" , to,h-i,!Iays lad s,P1,n working, or a checking account to those who are not familiar with banking. Interests paid on time deposits and in savings department CAPITAL ANDSIRPIUS $74,000.00 farmers6 ana Traders . : i . ' T Rational 32ank ft -r 'Am. - t i Do you see differently in your right eye from what you do in your left. There's some serious trouble then. Have us ex amine them. GLASSES accurately fitted will correct this and benefit the eyes in other ways. Don't neclect the eves. 'It is wjgjaV not good sense or good economy j rerram irom Buying a l.ou pair of glasses now and later when the eyes are worse have to pay $5.00 for more powerful lenses. J. H. PEARE. Jeweler and Optician e a 4...w