La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, June 16, 1906, Image 5

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Ratesne cent a word, one-half a cent a word each subsequent
tion. Classified adds bring quick results. Try one today.
FOR SALE A two acre tract with am
ple water right One acre in fruit, four
room house with pantry and cellar
bam and other improvements. ' Cheap
if told at once. No agent' commission
paid. Inquire at this office.
FOR SALE Ten head of horses, and one
fresh milch cow. Inquire of Mrs. Rose
Harris, one door this side of Rohr and
Co. Butcher shop.
FOR SALE A work horse, a saddle
horse, a grocery delivery wagon, a milch
cfw, a three-horse power gasoline engine
uite new aed in good running order. In
quire ol Konr at oo. , iouo UsDorne
Also a cheap coaster brake bicycle.
FOR SALE Threshing machine and
engine complete. Self shift. Pay
ments taken in threshing if desire!
Inquire of A. B. Conlet
FOR SALE OR TRADE Two acres in
Honan's addition, nicely improved, large
roomy house, good water. Will trade
C. A Cary.
fQR SALE Furniture, cheap if sold at
uitB. ituuag ivi lout, iiiunie vi 1.11a
F. L. Hunnel, phcne Black 1 122.
FOR SALE Near Cove, 380 acres o
fine fruit, vegetable and pasture land,
with fine spring water, for $4,500. Also
the finest residence and acre block in
Cove for $5,600, or land and town
property for $9,500 if taken together.
Inquire at this office
FOR SALE CHEAP A good house and
out buildings, and B acres of good land
in Old Town close to mill creek. In
quire of Mrs. A. Swaicer
REDUCED SALE-There will be a re
duction in price on every thing in my
millinery store for the next thirty days.
Mrs. J. R. Forrest
SAND Sand, really clean sand, sharp
sand in any quantities at any time on
board cars or otherwise.
Inquire of
J. L. Mars
motor windmill good
K. Mclain N 4 th st
Notice is hereby given that the city of
La Grande will receive bids for five
dred cords, more or less, of wood.
wood to be Yellow Pine, Red Fir, or
Tamarack, green cut and four feet long.
' Said wood to be first class marketable
wood, and to be corded at the city pump
: ing plant on or before October 1st.
Bids to be in writing and delivered to
the City Recorder on or before four
o'clock June 20, 1906. Tne City of La
Grande reserves the rigt to reject any
or all bids.
j O. E. Fowler.
Chairman of tie Wiys and Means Com.
Notice is hereby given to all consumers
s if water in the city of La Grande, Oregon,
( that all parties who wish to irrigate, are
uired to file an application for the
VCllJne, with the City Recorder.
Irrigation hours; The laws for irri
: gation are as follows; from 5:30 to 7:30
' P- m.
Signed; H. C. Gilwan, Water Supt
v Dated, April 30. 1906.
Notice is hereby given that Wm. B.
Sargent, Administrator of the Estate of
,1 Sarah C. Worstell, deceased, has filed
her final account and report in the said
estate and
'Qipty. Or
lCTl906, i
Kate and the County Court of Union
Oregon, has set Tuesday, June
, at 2 o'cUk p. m., for hearing
the same.
Wit. B. Saroent, Administrator
The Eastern Oregon Trust and
Savings Bank
The savings bank is the greatest boon that has ever
come to the masses. It not only protects them by
offering a substitute for doubtful investments, but by
' accepting small deposits it protects them from their own
thoughtless expenditures.
We want your savings account, no matter how small.
W. C. BROWN. President ?m SSin'ImL.
GEO. L CLEAVER. Cashier T. J. SCROGGIN, Asst. Cashier
F. J. HOLMES, Treasurer,
FOR RENT Light housekeeping room.
Coi ner S and Adams.
Mrs. A. E. Jones
FOR RENT Furnished room in John
Anthony house corner 6th and P st
WANTED-Four table boarders VnTtwo
roomers. Corner Fourth and Main.
Mrs. H. S. Masses.
MONEY For loans on city property see
. Wm. Grant's agency. Also real estate
and insurance.
LOST One sorrel norse, five years old
has split ear. has brandon right side but
cannot say whether on hip or shoulder
or what brand is. Horse weighs about
1 1 00 pounds. A uitable reward will
be paid for its return, or for information
leading to its return. Said animal has
been gone about two weeks. I traded
for it on the streets of La Grande three
weeks ago giving a gray mare with
glass eye.
John M. S. Smith,
Cnv Orptrnn
LOST Gold rimmed spectacles lost be
tween Methodist Church and Depot
Street. Finder please leave at this
FOR RENT Pleasant furnished
room at 906 Main Street
FOR SALE One wagon, two sets double
harness, and one set single harness. Will
sell cheap for cash or will exchange
tor wood, n y, or gram.
G. M. Richey
Inquire at Post Office.
LOST A steel telescope fishing rod
in leather case between the city and Ladd
creek near Stoddards plaining mill. Finder
return to this office and receive reward
FOR RENT Four room house. Inquire
of Mrs. D. C. Crawford Cor. 6th and
FOUND In this city a wallet containing
valuable papers. Owner can have same
by calling at this office and identifying
FOUND Three rolls of carpet between
La Grande and Orodell. Owner call
at S. C. Fleshman, Pleasant Home
Notice is hereby given to the legal
voters of School District No. 1 of Union
county. State of Oregon, that the Annual
meeting for said District will be held at
High Schcol building in said district to
begin at the hour of two o'clock p. m.
on the third Monday, being the 18th. day
of June A. D. 1906.
This meeting is called lor the purpose
of electing one director to serve for five
years and the transaction of t ie business
usual at such meeting. Said election
shall be held from 2 p. m. until 6 p.m.
and shall be by ballot.
H. J. Youno.
Chairman Board of Directors.
Attest: A. C. Williams,
District Clerk.
The O. R. is N. will sell round trip
tickets t ) Weston Ore. May 30, 31st
June 1st and 2d 1906 for Pioneers
nual Picnic at 1.'8 fare or $3.80.
E. C. Moors
An Alarming Situation
frequently results from neglect of clog
ged bowels and torpid liver, until constip
ation becomes chronic. This condition is
unknown to those who use Dr. King's
New Life Pills; the best and gentliest reg
ulars of Stomach and Bowels. Guaran
teed by Newlin Drug Co. Price 25 cts.
Black 612
One of the most elaborate and enjoy
able affairs ever given in La Grande was
the wedding reception last evening given
by Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Brainwell for their
son Lester H. whose marriage to Miss
Lois Estelle Pidcock was solemnized in
Salt Lake. June eighti. '-
The rooms were beautifully decorated
in greens and flowers.lavender and white
predominating. The bride Mr. LesterJ
H. Bramwell was daintily attired In a
pretty gown of lavender and white and
received the good wishes of those present
During the evening vocal and instru
mental selections were rendered by Mes
dames A. Geddee, Will Stoddard, Misses
Maud Schofield, and Retta Bramwell and
Messers. Ferrin and Davie. Mr. E. Z.
Carbine favored the guests with a reading
Messrs. Geo. Stoddard, A. Geddes, F. S.
Bramwell. and L. H. Bramwell also spoke
A wedding supper was serv d which was
most delicious and one long to be remem
bered. Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Bramwell re
ceived many beautiful presents from their
Those present were: Mr. and Mre.Geo.
Stoddard, Mr. and Mrs. A. Geddes, Mr.
and Mrs. Will Stoddard, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Hammond, Mr. and Mrs. E. Z. Car
bine, Mr. and Mrs. S. Storey, H. B. Pid
cock. Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Davis, Mr. and
Mr. 1 u I M .- f I
Black, Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Jordon, Mr. and
Mrs. F. C. Bramwell, Mr. and Mrs. F. S.
Bramwell, Mrs. Nephi Schofield, Misses
Maud Schofield, Nell Garrick, Hilma John
son, Amelia' Bramwell. Retta Bramwell,
Nell Storey, Gladys Bramwell, and Luetta
Stoddard. Messrs. Dolf Rogers. Will
Pidcock, Boyd Stoddard, Erwing Bram
well, and Arthur Bramwell.
The ladies of the Kaffee Klatch were
most delightfully entertained yesterday
afternoon by Mrs. Al Andrews. Mrs
Andrews was assisted in serving the de
licious refreshments by her son, Jess.
Those present were: Mesdames W. W
Berry, E. E. Bragg, C. H. Crawford, N
Molitor, T. Oliver, H. McDonald, A. L
Richardson, E. W. Bartlett and Misses
Anson and Kirk.
The Neighborhocd Club have arranged
a most interesting program for their open
meeting to be given in their club rooms
Thursday afternoon, June twenty-first
The children of the members will carry
out the program in a typical Japanese
fashion, as Russia and Japan have been
the study for the past year.
Refreshments will be served and this
Japanese a'ternoon with the Neighborho. d
Club promises to be the most entertain
ing given by them. The yublic is cordial
ly invited to attend. Admission fifteen
On Tuesday evening, June the nine
teenth the Lyle Tuesday Musicale will
give thiir annual recept'on to which a
limited number will be invited, each mem
ber being allowed two guests.
Mrs. F. S. Oavanna entertained the
ladles of the Neighborhood Club, yester
day afternoon at her home, Appledale.
O iiig to the inclemency of the weather
many of the ladies were unable to be pre
sent. The entertainment period was as
original as i' was interesting and all the
ladies came away with a copy of a "Lon
don Daily" as a souvenir of t' e occasion.
The club colors yellow and white were
displayed in the elaborate luncheon serv
ed. In a very unique guessing contest
the prize was won by Mrs. F. S.Ivanhoe.
The guests were: Miss Olive Slaterand
Mesdames King, Worstell, Mallory. J. K.
Wright J. T. Richardson, McAllister. Os
borne, Hill, Carpy. Blanchard. Knowles,
Brenholtz, and Ivanhoe.
(Si-rlppg News Association)
Washington. D. C. June. The armv
quartermasters on duty here are elated
over the results of tne experiment which
has been going on on in transporting sup
plies without the aid of contractus.
There has been considerable expense
transportation by contract. This
has been done after the public opening
of bids. and it was found, that
the service was not entirely satisfactory.
In addition, the local teamsters entered
into a combination by which they mater
ially increased their Drices for haiilinn nt
which the government does considerable
between the railroad and the quarter
master's depot at Fort Myer, Virginia and
other places of storage. As the quar'er-
master's depot was well supplied with
wagons and horses and errmloved a num
ber of men, it was decided to do away
with contract transoortation. Th
has been eminently satisfactory, The
worx nas oeeo done more Dromnt v. at a of money hitherto paid to the con
tractors and no additional cost for new
wagons or horses or additional men.
me system will be permanently adnnt-
ed and the War Department in its local
transportation, will hereafter be independ
ent or contractors.
(Scrlpps News Association)
Sacramento June 15 The First Chanca
Hotel and six small business places burn
ed this morning. Two men were burned
to death.
Potatoes & Ha r !
We have a large supply of strictly choice large potatoes in stock,
which we offer at very low price.
W still have a large amount of hay - all grades - in our house
which we offer at $12.00 per ton. The hay market is very dull at
the present time and we want to unload same.
We have to arrive a car load of Straw berry boxes, in about
week. Our price on them will be very low.
We are in the markeh for all the eggs that are offered and we
pay highest market price, spot cash, for them.
Oregon Produce Company
A. B. C
steam Laundry
La GrvrHe,
f Htl fkPFftJC H1TC CTOIII fri rpnnnrn
E. M Wellman & Company
! Phone Main 6
If you are too fat it is because your food
rarni w rai instead or muscle strength.
If you are too lean the fat producing food
that you eat are not properly digested and
Lean, thin, stringy people do not hart
enough Pepsin in the etomach. while fat
people have too much Pepsin and not
enough Pancreatine.
Dyspepsia Cure
contains all the digestive Juice that are
found in a healthy etomach. and in
exactly those proportions necessary to
enable the stomach and digestive organ
to digest and assimilate all food that may
be eaten. Kodol is not only a perfect
digestant but it is a reconstructive, tis
sue building tonic ae well. Kodol cures
Indigestion, Dvspepsia, Sour Stomach,
Heartburn, Palpitation of the Heart and
Constipation, You will like it
Digests What You Eat
Rests the stomachtrebuilds the
tissues and gives firm flesh.
X.lUr totlL koldt llf
Ui;l, w to cat ttt.
t.Ury ( I O.D.WIM
eo..,ohi.f ,o t a.
A I" H LL, Drggist
You see our FINISH everyday
you wear linens that are
laundried here. There is lots of
difference in hearing about the
finish. Perhaps you have made
that discovery. Our laundry
work is finished thoroughly and
we take particular care that
K.,L! '.. - , ,
aup-hMU vawv uul
"STOP!" and think before you buy a sep
arator. There are many things to be con
sidered in the purchase of a cream sepaiator.
You want the lightest running machine on the
market You want the machine that is the
easiest to wash and keep clean, you also want
the machine that will produce all the butter fat
And above al! you want a durable machine so
that you wont be continually paying for repairs.
Now the famous Empire Separator is the ma
chine you want as it has all these advantages
over every other machine on the market ' '
Any company can make claims but let us
how you the Separator that makes good
Lewis R ros. Prnn
Treating Wrong Disease.
Many tliM-s women call im tlielr famll.
pLvMnan. . xiifl,.ni,g, as they magTii
on.. fr..m .iy-iMia. a,lou,.-r frorn " iri
d.-H, anoiliiT from llv.-r or k
dlM-Hw. unoth.T from ncrvoii pxhauVi ,,n
or prosirutim,. Hnotl.r with pain a 3
t In r.- nn. In this Wlly th,-y ill
al.k to,.v..ii and th.-lr J y-g"i i
and lii,litt,.r.M.t. or over-busy dwtor m
aruu. ..,d d.Miocr, dtawsvi i"t wh Ich ho
hhiiiiUmb tl,..t t , glK.,, J ft"'
pll and potions. In ivullty, the are ill
only .imoom. caumnl by mVnt?rln"
dlwaw Tlin phyxlolan. Ignorant of the
-.. of siinVrlnir. enrouraVi ithls nrnc?
tin- until Hr bills are ,d" TnesuN
worn? "l.t'"'," B"U n,,'Ver' t Probably
worse, l.y reason of tlio delay, wrong;
treatment and ronsenuent complication,?
A proper ,,,U.W j ke nrC Pierce's Fa
s eiol of prolong! misery. It 'ai u'en
cored'!" 1 11,1,1 " d,"W fcai"
Mentllle imdicine. car-miiy ToJJd h?
n exoenenml ad k.,!!,,! . itvTiolnn
I.I H.Upte.l to omHn lieu , KVht ,'
Ui.,i...:e or nutlvo im-didim! roo a d
is perleetly!. I , J f
ns h oowemii iiiviKoriMlnir ton
vor,u, iV-erii.tioi, in,,: .-is stre
ilc "Ku-
ntrtli to
a us U i s-
. : ""'' "i i r;i'iiiiir. L,,r ,-;
. ""r"-"'il." 'riin-cown.- i!ell I
Is the neatest nrtl.,,- iA M . J-T.J u
A a p.Mitlnnir sn.l Ktreriptlienlriff nnro I
,' 1 "r.!:1- chorc-u. St
Itiif. ii:-i(,-c. iinil other, -ir.-ii. z n,.pvl
re leve nienti.l ii.,itl..iv ,., . ...,. . P ' J .
ir. I'll r,- M, ". ..-; ' "l"e"-nrv.
1'U i)
throe a do ky FLST",,
Fresh and Cured
Gan be obtained at this mar
at all times. We deliver all
orders promptly. Phone to
? us or leave your order. We
will do the rest
Successor to J. Bull and Ga
Phone Main 48
Good looks bring happiness. Friends
care more for us when we meet them
with a clean, milling face, bright eyes,
sparkling with health, wh ch comet y
taking Hollister's Rocky Mountain Te.
55 cts. Tea or Tablets.
Newlin Drjo Co.
WANTED Woman, must be comment
housekeeper, wages S5 per week. Apply
at this cffic.
i what a good many people say
of our parcels of pure, high grade
mixed candies. And the happiness
is not gauged by quantity or price
Best equipped ice cream parlor in
Union County
I need the room. Over twenty
different rtylrs. Special price fjr
a hort time.
The largest assortment In tfc
" BOX : I
OF ' ' :
i county to select from. We also t
J rry large une or other carpet.
We have them from 60 cents to
$7.00 per pair. Will pay you to
look over our line.
i E. G.ADC00K
L V """71
Farm Loans Specialty t
Best equipped abstracter in Union
county. Many year experience
with the Unicn county record
gives me a great advantage. It
is folly to purchase real . estate
without flrstsecuring a proper
abstract. An abstract from my
office will show the title jut at
it appeare on the official record.
Room 31 Somtner Building