THE GREAT JUNE "WHITE SALE" AT i i j LOCAL ITEMS j rr . j ... 1 The Golden Rule Store IS CERTAINLY THE ' f EVENT OF THE YEAR Thousands of dollars worth ot White Goods offered at cut prices at the ery be- I ginning of the summer season. I Never tefore In the history of La Grande has such an opportunity been presented I to save money on seasonable goods. Already hundreds of ladies have been made happy by the . l j j J THEY HAVE SAVED l THIS GREAT SALE Only a few days more in which to secure these bargains S J-CJAjU i - :: .49 10c India Linon $ .07 'a . !2 'jj'c India Linon .- 10 15c India Linon 1.1 1 "j 1 7 'ac Indian Head Suiting j. 1 4 'o 27 ijc Linen Su ting 22 '2 60c Linen Suiting ... .42 OTHER GRADES SAME PROPORTION 25c 60c 60c 25c 55c 50c 60c Corset Covers Corset. Covers Corset Overs Mu ir. Cr'wer Mus' n Ci '.wr M j- i -. D -.vers I. uj! n t r wrs 5 S .60 Muslin .75 Mjiim 100 Muslin 1.75 Muslin .75 Wmu 1X0 Wir'a 1.63 Wnite S: Sk' 'V-i AN i r's rt r.s l"S S'.S itS 5 .49 ? .4 3 1.49 1.57 SECURE SOME OF THESE BEFORE IT IS TOO LATt THE GOLDEN RULE COMPANY ! . 1508, 1310, 13)2 ADAMS AVENUE I t Wtop- Smallest Prices 5 FOR SALE Eight acr3, 6 room house. barn, place fo chicken or hogs, orchard, all kinds o ruit and plenty of water. Located eait of flouring mill, will exchange for city property Apply at premise. JohnQavan 5"" CATtlOlIC CEMETERY Bid for the improve -ant of the Cath olic Cemetery are hereby invited and will be received up to the 20th of June. This improvement will include the making of a driveway around the entire grave-yard the removal of weeds and all othe: re fuse from the cemetery grounds. Com plete details will be given and a map of the grave-yard shown at my house. W. J. Whyts La Grande. May 28. 1906. i I tt-J VI JUST APPEARING torn our sample sheafs of wall paper, ceiling papers and borders are hosts of the hand somest designs arti ts ever eveloved. All colors, myriads of designa from grave to gay priced to produce business from the mansion of the mil uunairo 10 Uie COliage Ot the i de&sort and Lqcid refreshment to suit. Sturdy mechanic. And you! '""""fiato claims to superiority by are ail very welcome to look.jdeorit"'' your interior"""rdoiicacies. YOU MUST AT i j why not enjoy life by good living?: j It costs no more than inferior qualities j j purchased elsewhere. We pride ourselves j i on our 'eguiar dinner at 25 cents! ' (".h. nf n..J ...T.L-t . ' STAN1EIS & JARMAN Paper Hangers and Decoratoratars The Model Restaurant J. A. Arbucktt. Proprietor OI'KN DAY .NU M t.lC w wll srwklr ti (a s iiioiijr r4 'w POPULAR WINNER DIES MisGra;e Wilkinson of Union, who was a winner in the Oregonian Yellow stone contest, died at one o'clock yester day afternoon. She haa been aflicted with appendicitis, but her death was un expected. She was a very popular young lady in her city and vcmity.and has been engaged a schaa! teacher in the public schools of this cau.ity for a number of years. She was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs' Wilkinson of High Valley, pioreers o this state. Mus Wilkinson was out about the town a week ago today hustling up sub scriptions for ner contest. On Tuesday she was feeling lii and by Friday Suffered an operation. Hopes were entertained for her recovery up to a short time prior to her death. Mr.and Mrs. G. A. Ferguson of Port land are visiting relativdS in this City for a few days. They are accompanied by Mr. Ferguson's sister Anna Shea. The funeral of the late C. E. Feiguson was held ,n ;h,s City Sunday afternoon at two o clock from the Catholic Church Rev. Father Whyte officiating. The Enter ment took place in the Catholic Ceijietery. Manuel Snider is having a neat cottage built near tiie White school house. Mr. Snider has bean pi;nc:ral of thi r.hl for several years. Tn.s will make it much more convenient fcr his work. CAMPAIGN MONEY REGULATED J (Srrlppn .w Awhitlun) Washington. June 9-The Senate pass ed a bill prohibiting national band and other corporation from making campaign and other contribution. W. A. McDonald of Cove was a Sun d?y visitor in La Grande. Or. J. C. Shields of Baker City was a business visitor in the city yesterday. G. A. Matlock a Wallowa businessman, spent Sunday in this city. Fred Sheets, a compositor in the Ob server office spent Sunday it Union, Ed. Blackburn and C. KbIIob are in the city from Baker City, looking after busi ness interests. E. P. Staple left this morning for Baker City where he will transact busi ness today and tomorrow. . Mrs. Charles Dunn returned yesterday after a month' visit with her mother at Prescott, Washington. The Armory building being built by Mr. S. C. Zuber i nearing completion and will be the largest hall in the city. County Superintendent E. E. Braggs is transacting business in North Powder today. The premium list for the Oreson State Fair has been issued and has been re ceived at this office. Many good prizes aie offered, L. C. Grout the North Powder farmer was' in the city securing supplies prepa ratory to harvesting his hay crop, whi h he estimates at 300 tons. Miss Floy E. Massee went to Walla "'oila yesieroay morning where she wiil attend the Whitman College and high sch ol graduation exercises this week. Harry Tempany and Austin McAllister returned to Walla Walla this .norning after playing ball with the La Grande team yesteaday. Geo. L. Cleaver leaves tonight for Salem where he will attend a meeting of the Willamette university trustees, and be present at the Jason Lee Memorial ser vices. A. C. MacLennan the Red Cross drug gist, is spending the early part of the week in Portland looking after business interests. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kiddle of Island City and Ed Reynolds went to Portland yes terday morning, where they will attend the annual meeting of the Masonic Grand lodge. The Rev. Father Griffith, Rector of the Episcopal church at Biker City, is in the cty today. He will leave tonight for Portland to attend the Diocesan council that is to be held there this week. Rav. U. H. Gibbs leaves tonight for Porlir.d to attend the annual Diocesan council which meets in that city this week. He will be absent from th s city unt.l after Sunday and announces that fiere will be no services in church next Sunday. Lou E. Wnham editor of the Pullman Tribune arrived in the city yesterday morning, and expects to return this even ing. He will b followed in a few days by his father mHher sisters and brother Mr. Wenham is making a grand success of the Tribune, and will undoubtedly con tinue to do so. He has the best wishes of a large circle of friends in the city as welas the Observer. William Agnes, who recently moved to Roseburg, returned to La Grande yester day morning to join Mrs. Agnew. and will leave tomorrow for Chicago to visit their daughter, from there they will ac company their daujhter and her husband to Bayview. Northern Michigan where they will spend the summer. This fall they will return to Roseburg to reside permanently. Presiding Elder J. D. Gillilan left this morning for Salem where ha will in an official way. attend the commencement exercises of the Williametta University. On Friday the Janson Leo memorial will be held and the body of the founder of MethDdistism in the Northwest will be removed from it present resting place and entered in the campus of the univer sity he was instrumental in establishing. Rev. Gillilan is to be an honorary pall bearer at this service while there he will attend a meeting of the University trustees. SCREEN DOORS New is the time to commence war on the flies. Come and get some screen . doors and window screens. My hammocks cannot be beat for price, quality, beauty. The time i here , for you to keep your lawn in order. 1 have rubber and cotton hose, lawn mowers and lawn rakes, all prices and quality. BEE SUPPLIES i -A nol mnm ftf 1 have the bee hives and supplies mat you waut. vai anu .... , them. My shingles, doors and windows are first class try some of them . if you are building. a MRS-T.N. MURPHY! Hardware and crockery. a GIVE US A SHOW that's all we ask to prove to you conclusively that The C. B. Cigar Is great value in every way. If we can't suit your taste as to mild ness or strength you'd better see a doctor. The C. B. is all right all the way through because it's built that way. l slippy C. c. iiACKrviAni, t Cor. Adams Avenue and Greenwood ! RECORDER COURT Late this afternoon Chief of Police Ray burn exercised his "Arm of Law" and took into tow Henry Stacy, Claud Oliver for cruel and inhuman driving of a team. The boys were arraigned before Record er Snook and after listening to the charge pleaded guilty and were given a jail sen tence of five days each and a warrant is out for Robert Davidson charging him with the same cri.Tie. His case will be heard tomorrow. DIED The funeral of Miss Maud Smith was held from the Henry & Carr undertaking establishment yesterday. Rev. J.D.Gillian officiating. Deceased was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dean Smith of thi city and at the time of her death was ight year of age. She had been ailing for some time with appendicitis and finally succumbed to it. Interment was made in the Odd Fellows cemetry. ELDERS RIP VAN WINKLE SHOW TENT Has a rint built expressly for them. It is made of Knki wiis'i is usad and recommended by the government as the bist It is absolutely water proof. This elegent tent Is built egg shape and has no center poles in front of the stage therefore giving everyone a good view of the performanca. Tna stage is lighted with Acetylene gas which can ce raised or lowered to gi.e the proper effect as desired. Lighting and Thunder is made by an electric storage battery. The scenery for each and every act is" all new and painted especially for this elegant production. Mr. Eiler prides him self in having the swe:!est outfit in the country and delights in having people come and S;e his pavilion theatre before the performance. People can depend on seeing a firstcliss enterainment. Tey appear at La Grande Saturday June 16 M3TI0N DE.1IED In the case cf Win Grant vs Hardy Harold, w:cm the jury awarded the plaintiff 310J3 us a commission for sell ing his f.-.rm. tna C .-jrt denied the- appli cation for a new and the case will go to the supreme court. That's what we have to say f about loose honey. In fact all our J groceries are good. They are clean i tresh and pure. The kind that will make your meals d3licious. and J give the house-wife an easy task f in preparing it. because she knows that it will be goad. J Prompt delivery is our hobby, t We challenge the town on fresi j produce and strawberries. Miss Lavelie Florence accompanied by A. A. Roberts went to Pendleton Sunday morn ing where she will spend a short time visiting. Mr. Roberts returned to day. LOST-A steel telescope fishing rod in leather case between the city and Ladd creek near Stoddards plaining mill. Finder return to this office and receive reward 1 t I J PHONE MAIN 46 QEDDE BR NORTH FIR STREET FOR FAMILY USE Every family in town should have a box of soap from our window this week at 20 cts. Come in or telephone us. Druo Co. CALL IP MAIN 75 FOR fIRST CLASS GROCERIES Fresh fruits and vegetables every day Your orders promptly delivered as fast as ordered Standard brands always in stock. THE CITY GROCERY AMD BAKERY E. P0UCK, Propr. r - CREAM SEPARATORS soeredinthe puahase ofa BSt COn" You want the L es. run S9Parat0r' market. You waVi" t miChin9 on lhe "siesttowashrnd t ?Chme thit is tht And above aU S ?a '""" t-ty.u.vjnt be cTnt , ab'9 mzKm over every othr mri, e "vantages Any company PH;tLi ": let u "" manes good : GRANDE R0NDE CASH rnupv : Phone Main 6 f " . J'UMPANY. Lewis Bros. Prop.