' MEDICINE FOR CHILDREN it an important part of our stock. They are carefully pre pared and will prove of inesti mable benefit to little sufferers. Soothing syrup for tortured little bodies. Gentle but effica cious remidies for youthful ills. Lotions, ointments, toilet pow ders, puffs, sponges, combs, brushes, and all articles for the nursery are here in great quan tity and good quality. We have a full line of all wet known!Infant Foods. OUR SPECIALTY Doctors Prescriptions and FamilyJReeeipts. RED GROSS DRUG STORE A. C. MAC LENNAN, Prop. Prescription Fnarmacist Tell Us 'ow to do It Tell us how we can supply you better quality cigar for the money than the well known and well liked La Flor De Hackman witnout loss and we'll do it. You know very well that we must make some pro- fit or go out of business. So don't forget to ask your dealer for the La Flor De Hackman cigar. Manu- e factured by J C. E. HACKMAN, j Cor. Adams Avenue and Greenwood J Fine Confectionery and Cigars Af VanBuren's SGHEdRER'S T0R TINE CANDIES TRUiTS AND !GE CRilM Next door to post Office C rccn Vlroccrics Fresh livery Day K very th i nir in sea son ALL ORDERS DELIVERED PROMPTLY Try a Sample of our Cliccsc SEATTLE GROCERY CO LAWSON BROS. Prop. we care not how you suffered, no what failed to cure you, Hollister's Rcckr Mountain Tea makes the puniest, weak est specimen of man or womanhood strong and healthy. SS cents. Tea or Tablets. Newlin Dhuo Co. EXCURSION 10 PIONEERS PICNIC The 0. R. & N. will sell round trip ticknts tj Weston Ore. May 50, 51st. June 1st and 2d 1908 for Pioneers An nual Picnic at 1 J, far or $8.60. E. C. Moons. Id Grande Evening Observer MONDAY. JUNE 4, 1906 Published daily except on - Sunday One year in advance ... -Six months in advance . Per month Single copy ..$6.60 ... 5.60 ... 65 6c Entered at the Post Office at La Grande Oregon, as Second Class Matter. CURREY BROS., ED'S AND PROP This paper will not publish any article appearing over nom-de-plume. Signed articles will be received subject to the discretion of the editors. Please sign your articles and save disappointment AUVKKHilKG KATEH itsplsr Ad rata rarnlubwl apon applksiloi 4kmX rending DoilcnlOc per line Drat law Hon, je per Hn (breach Kobvequeol maer tion, woiaUon if rcwtolence. jo r Una. uriln of tuik. if out Una. It is all over but the shouting. The riders are up, the race is on and the winners will pass under the wire at 7 p. m. this evening. The St. Louis Globe-Democrat siys the democratic press of Missouri has a big job a head of it in trying to explain why resolutions indorsing the democratic administration of Governor Folk were defeated, Packers who feel themselves wronged and aggrieved by the revolting charges of Upton Sinclair have their legal recourse. They can prosecute Sinclair for criminal libel. An expectant public wonders why there are no libel suits. The ballot this election is a large one and owing to the fact of so many amend ments and proposed laws the counting will oa slow. Results in close contests will not be know until late in th after noon tomorrow. However, th winners in most instances will be known by noon. If constant reading of th secular press had created th impression that the well-to-do were thoughtless and the rich sel fish, a great public disaster like the San Francisco horror only was needed to show that this is a great world of sympa thy and generous assistance ready always for those in distress. The American people are the grandest people on the face of th glob. Sine th great San Francisco calamity we all realize just a little more than ever before the brother hood of man. Modern Woodmen. 40 YEARS CRAFT In the ra.lroad rate investigation ir, Kansas City, one prominent shipper testi fied that his firm had been receiving re bates of 40 per cent for the last twenty five years. And so it goes in the investi gation all over the country. This is strange indeed, considering the fact that the railroads discontinued the rebate habit some time ago. A Mountain of Gold could not bring as much happiness to Mrs. Lucia Wilke, of Caroline, Wis., as did one 26c box of Bucklen's Arnica Salve, wnen it completely Jcured a run ning sore on her leg, which had tortured her 23 long years. Greatest antiseptic healer of Piles. Wounds, and sores. 2Sc. Newlin Druo Co. NOTICE Mrs. S. Vanecar, the Hair Dressor. will be in La Grande on June 6 at 1808 fourth street, with a large stock of ha:r goods. She will remain a few weeks. It is all right to talk about beauty hab its, but most women are to busy hustling and have no tim to cultivate beauty hab ts. Therefore they take Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. 55 cents. Tea or Tablets Nrwlik Dhuo Co NOTICE Of flNAl SETTLEMENT Notice is hereby given that Wm. B. Sargent, Administrator of the Estate of Sarah C. Worstell, deceased, has filed her final account and report in the said estate and the County Court of Union County. Oregon, has set Tuesday. June 18, 1906, at 2 o'cLck p. m., for hearing the same. , Wm. B. Sargent. Administrator MOIST JOT Of all the joys Jiat children boast The ' Soda Fountain'" claims th most. Fresh fruit juice flavors, cold or hot. None will dispute, go for the spot. Served by dispensers clean and neat. They prove a most dehghtful treat. For all popular drinks visit Hill's sod fountain. NOTICE TO WATER CONSUMERS Notice is hereby given to all consumers if water in the city of La Grande, Oregon, that all parties who wish to irrigate, are required to file an anoicatiun fnr th. same, with the City Recorder. Irrigation hours: Th tnr le gation are as follows; from 5:50 to 7:30 p. in. Signed; H. C. Gilvan. Water Supt Dated, April 30. 1 906. ! CUVtR AND (AUSTK COMMENT Anyway, let us hope th president won't com down too hard on th dyna mite trust. Baltimore Sun! i shouldn't hav voted for the rat bill." says La Follett. "except that" Post morterns post mortems! Cleve land Leader. The Balkan war cloud is reported to be again rising. The Balkan war cloud must be a part of th solar system. Toledo Blade. All the reporters on the case sympa thise with Josephine Terranova and they are pretty accurate jurymen. Phila delphia Inquirer, Admiral R-gestventky has resigned from th Russian navy. H practically did tnat last summer when he met Admiral Togo. In these days of alleged government by injunction, we heartily favor a decree which shall enjoin a woman from wearing a dress that buttons down the back. London Star. Booker T. Washington prefers the word "negro"- with which to designate his race. Another evidence of the common sense possessed by this remark able man. Toledo Blade It IS CCtiTT'.itC'i thnt S p??ny rHncrn hands 125,000 times during its life, and it is also believed that the ones Russell Sage gets hold of manage to get a little rest between changes. Washington Post. Edward Rosewater, the Omaha Bee man, wants to be a senator, but there are certain "esteemed contemporaries" in the Nebraska metropolis unkind enough to assert that the United States senate is no blooming apiary. This is supposed to a stinger. Los Angeles News. Much is heard about the power of trusts, and there is no better illustration of this power than the newspaper trust owned by Hearst. He has manufactured machin to do his bidding. H is a factor that must be reconed with, a factor that may easily destroy th Democratic party. Springfield Union. A ROAST FROM GRANDY & RUSSEL'S will give you a very agreeable surprise if you are not a customer of ours, and you will wonder why you never favored us with an order before. Any of our patrons will tell you that our meat far surpass anything ever tasted, being of th finest and most tender quality; and what is more, always so. The best lamb, mutton, beef, veal and poultry in season is always to be found at Grandy& Russell Stilwelll formerly known as the HARRIS MARKET PHONE MAIN 16 Having purchased the Har ris market from Rohr & Co. I am in a position to give the best in quality ane prices to be had in La Grande. The Harris mar ket will hereafter be known as Stilwell SPECIAL attention is called to our new and complete line of CARPENTER TOOLS. m"g with new FURNITURE. STOVE UTENSILS and DISHES A nice new line of RUGS.ART SQUARES. MATTING LINOLEUM, and WINDOW SHADES just arrived. Hav- a very fine SOLID MAHOGANY DAVENPORT at less than one half the wholesale cost, slightly used, but not damaged in the least. It makes into a bed. Call and see it. If in need of a fine CENTER LACE CURTAIN for a large window. It will payycu to see us before buying. Gall or phone Red 1751 , FIR STREET SECOND NAXu STORE HAVE YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS APrHR A TP T V a a. s i v i i jl a FILLED AT WATTS DRUG CO La Grande, Oregon i CAR LOAD OF STAR A STAR! SHINGLES ! Received Today Windows Doors and Building hardware. Plumbing done in the neatest manner. 4i W. H. BOHNENKAMP CO HIS APPRECIATION THE BUSINESS MAN thoroughly appreciates the advantages of a checking account with a bank. Those who do not keep such an account miss many of its advantages. We are always glad to explain the workings of a checking account to those who are not familiar with banking. Interests paid on time deposits and in savings department CAPITAL ANDSURPIUS $74,000.00 Vhe 3 armors ancc Traders. 9attona( SSank : of jCa Srs-M Ortyon MARKET : Do you see differently in your right eye from what you do in your left. There's . some serious trouble then. Have us ex : mine them. GLASSES accurately fitted will correct this and benefit the eyes in other ways. Dont neglect the eyes. It is not good sense or good economy to refrain from buying a $1.60 pair of glasses now and later when are worse have to pay 55.00 for more powerful lenses. t J. It PEARE. Jeweler and Optlclai 4