X 1 i ! I u il u ! :j 'X liinrir The Annual Convention of the La Brandt district epworth league, whiffi onverwe May Mnt etgidi'ttdjoimwr Sunday evening and wai pronounced a (rand tuccets. I ne delegates were met t the trin, Frjdayj and jwert conducted to their variou place of entertainment. the evening the vieiting delegatefWert ndered a reception at thM. E. Church. short owei Fortunate Mi.sourinns " "When t wa a ""drugg'C vonia, ville. Mo., three of my customers wfre rRTanmrtty Mrei-ffnufwptim by Sr. Hftng-e NeVr CiooeYy, Wd arewell ajid St. ong-today. One--,-wet -trying to $11 hi property arid move to Arizona, but ftfcr veingJfv iPtMowjrj short t.e he found it unnecessary to do. to. 1 fb Df.Wi W.vTl6iiti,r7. e mot Jsvood-B-falmeV.it.ile Mn eiisUncI." and Lung healer. Guaranteed by Drm gtttlWcrf9'T7TrKrr!ibl freej- ftnpy nf tif il 'ftT FWM mm PFfP'WCT8 iivnvfniiMT.Yr- WWIM WHS t t1J xt-ir.ur.imn --I.C- Mpffiretweert i TOyAuijbcr and name of each cancfotfeifr artsvrer vttgd fop, 4 7 1 JW&N&QStig" : I Von Fon0 .. I Prohibjtic j rA:'l H"Sf llfll.- ... 4- J'T Tl ,71" 1 CC ' tfWHTT L4II,IIII jl.l II I ,.l j . , of o -.i.m;J8 V'JuH-oroi.ioei.MultiiamaJ) County. 0 X . .'i'l t.n ij ..T i jna :mulliU ipHiowefhaiirUoc. of Multnoma'h''Coufrfy..;.'..V.-: :r..'DemoeratiJ J""rfia,,1 fS- MimbtVWrfyeArnW.- by Beaton '(County' . . . . . . I 4 ir ii' ,.,..1?epublicat) Notice it herebr eiven that the undi- gnearVaVirer arVhTb'County, 0$- gon, nat rqnqi on nana witn wnicn to pay all Couhty" and Scalp Iwuhty warra Jtt fhi;l).vere presented and endorsed jy the County Treasurer, orior to Mav Wt. CTqroOTPOTiett ..UQOT, ' . U. ,...L "UK.. 1. pies tociiie ol t..gm. ,Then Die r.ia - get acquainted while they p. fifresements. Saturday, at the hours SopoinKd the tusiness of the convention was transact- ii, with Rev, Meredith in, the Besides other business, H3D'3&' tf officers for the ensuing year. The of $ceMtfMdCin&& ToHgT L ' J mllderH, FfevXhal MJara.Ttyefle Baker Citf.r,; W Wft.firV feF" T WKMitlo.A,WOrl4thTIViltlp?ei:i'''-i'o 'al Mrs. AnnJSrnt(lgta0mT8ecn8tftyi Mist Ore O. Catet, Baker City, Ort; Treasurer, 0. L. Cleaver. La Grande, Ore; 'l 1 (T";'1r Kf- MrjL South, 1 thTtveJiinwAi aJtjftferijceuUi by Rev. Arthur May of Flora, and er port of the Auditing tornrmtte; thi'He. Jacob Fingertf Bakef.City addretsedi me meeting. Kev. r mger, a Hebrew by ing language depicted our duty to the ffi5mp&: "Revrtniiii&r; p.'grroV lowed with a few chotenwords, urging twenty five delegates anbled ffj a Slinrise Prayer MtetingHfiie&Wtinft wjileh watled by Rev. Qillilan of U Grande wat filled with enthusiasm that cintlnued through the dayQftlfotOt? a. il. ., . iipun uie cotiveniien, adjourned to at tend the O.K. ffrtimcdaimiafii which wert conducted by the Chrittian oWock Rev. Uillilan and Rev. Mederitn began with a league devotional meeting seven o'clock led by Rev. ,XrjyiO .JT Frarie City. During the meeting the rtport of the Committee on Resolutions veas given by M,st Edna BreakengW- e4 "i,fiAftWl( ,Awnde, final r,v evening sermon, concluding with Sa rament pf. Uje Lord t Supper. ,'Tftrr In attend crncft'ibtut jthfrtj detegataspretentinr 3 ten.:cRiDtann Esiern Oregon and Southern ldahb-v-v'-i 'Of these thirty delegates. La Grande f eraithed mAVhen he t-Tf --the next meeting wat mentioned, the Pri- um invitauon for La Grande, which in v(ation was Immedietly accepted. JMuchenUiutiatm wat manifest (JuTingt "7 tbe meeting and all went home wrffi t JH w iiiwiv iuuti wurK djring the Coming year. 1 ' rants after Mav lBth. 7906 rT3s fflSflC EVfRY TIME ; loNiJle-' mllonfEabrain for mine : I'll call for soda tvery time . ' Qignctfjfifjirl to my heart's content Save cash fir clothes at well as rent ! LJrettwieen1 KnuAHiuArttribiiiiia rits you, All the popular drinks at Hill's tdtia TotlMailCM idm 10 1 I falatnltaJuW tai of a clear Just at there it no(piciur.lil( a beautiful girl. Hollister's Rocky' Mountain 'tea makjt lovable women, beautiful gfrlt Fcentt. . 'NawLirfDiIuo Co. rl"?li& iviusrc1 tcssons :t IJo'fasGPdfi cbrdof a cold resulting in UPnainiQnia..or. other, seri- : xcijrskMto piWrs mi : jTheO. R.Al. .willtell round trip titkett tj Weston Ore, ,Mrv' 4o, Stt Jjnt 1st' and 2d IJOBfor Pioneers Aiv J Wial Heme at 1. fare or $3.80. e ..TTTT f, i KIW MARAGfMtNI The Centt nal hat changed handt, 1 ill he ready to receive boarders the st of May. room and board $6.00 a ek, mealt 25 cts. Come and see es. ( J C.tToLjNjKi4r. I LlSCHtJHTSKY ARIMt 1616 Sixth St. Mr' Fhone Black 4(2 i u ;mijl-i..' 'a- ni-iicn (J f j- fi- PT0WPtfif,iiHgp -C6unty.-i:..U. .hui.u.. jd.-. Jta J4 jSoojaH: n mriimn 'T:; McTMrtiftl. f'li;itncaT'i&wniy;TJ.. ;c. jo.x.jSDoialist L.''?portbrli4 . pi'TOR-gyPEW KTEMDEWT: OFe PUfiCJ G FOR STATE TREASURER.-" "" 4 Ti'Mv- -tttiv -w-.r-nis-f -''Butler, of asco ttyan.MyrtfffW T A,F3?iC4o VotMtnomah'"Cy ...!4'r mw...rawtK!:80Blli oo . n m .1 I T7 P viwiii u iiiw.i r ')iai!j'nir iiu Tu vi' r. iTiiiiw'. in. i mi i ii a we imnni lUM'mtuiii. , nil i .,, Damocrati ot4 (ti? On -n-Ji-!rT vo OTH o OnJ -rioa ,l4w -J.W l!-OTStten..CcunW...4;!l.-T..u4.W..t...i:l .Ji?rotltiuie. r.lfjautwa m 4r,mn imnt imj njin c -r 14 Afr't Wi?-,3f jjfflf.g County .A;?A.ir.?Rllfclcan rtl '.ft6 ;.;i.rT. foiHaUan otilmaaia'Cbuhtr4..1-.. f '. ...n.-:I..'KVDemocratift, j it marcut w. nooo ne, or josepnine Louniy.. ......,. . aoaauti 14 t !i.i FOR EJE6HT ATI VETO CONGRESS-. A 1.5 X'.'5,T . ' 'Ti Vote For Out iJ.i ir!.- 2ynTKf, fUEllitV(iUntiil Cctftqf!?...i ff....s:;.'..3rIlplflblican JU.-. - ... .T,r, V UH .1.. . ... . 1 ... !..!.. ..ill ...,. : irr "W " " ' " -' V29?"J'1 Jl'm4s"r.arvey WJtiSH BO--A. M. Paul, of Union Counter ..ii.: Democratic ii' ...Spcjalist toiiTnfUf-iStoMj.of Multnomah Courjty . . . .ji, . P'reMbitiorT --.Ji 4-1lt VQMBy.4i:i'NTjMtlt ; n j y '; T",,;" ,02. iw';,Wira!GoulifofarrtmU 36m:.L.!.i .f. ..V! -. Prohibition "' t8-r'"- Wt.Ml)yi of; tyultpamaji, fflty, .y),ti,.t......... ... Lyepubjicarf C AJii .-). BCeVenV, e'Mu!lrmah.06linty.. .0 SS C. C. Brix. of Crook Couaty.4. .....J- ryn--ta T - yooialitt 88? Ill M. CnwV.ird of Dougl. ;M?$ . - -1 , 1 , ...ii.-i . 1 . . a. 11 .fa. ia.t l7 M&ott AMuer. of Multmah CmMjS &:9itiW Xff . F, J,"Ruth'erioVd. of Multimah.Xounlij-ciul. Prohibition i't.. INSTRUCTION .n.:09 V. Jr. HrAcliemna. f ultrmal SPHWV -a -vi "tW'J IN.) -H jj'i tl'!.'-'1 ' ..Republican r:4d ""i't'Hosme'Sf tfSitnonjah County..... ....-ociaiist P-'J '''. "!f7 - J ,v, ,jr- 41 Henry Sheak. of Benton Coutit;,..),". -ffifteS-.tjyy?M .Ijui tje Liimm tit: n ulilaiml piijlii jmiulli V .4 w VpTB FoWOtf 42 1 r rvrfuM viikiii antu A?.ialfst f. iftBaejbScallf W Willi's S. Duniwa'yT'fef Mu$n'omaiCoulil...i;!Mm ' J .nni: vtb1. m. 11.11' n . i 44 ..JYia S-iawJcvof Multndjnah County -jtmul yP.(iX(M'rta . v" . . , . ... , ni.-i in.-1 inn n . . jyotM ayior. ot mayi. Viumj : mrvy$mifiZ A 3U? . . . .. i'i,!inl FOR COMMfSSfONEf? OFLABORTATISTJCS AfiD-... '"" -'INSPECTOROF FftCTOtflgS AKRQRKSap-, Qh 46 - W'.1S,R!chaiys,'6ffirin County-? ..,iJ... ' Rtlfellblfeiffl Socialist nam A r:mn .tn'.la tiliX n-rmwgilwcii-4a.-i907. .nji.tr. ! ,Un Tfnr3yoT rpp pM tfl i ilnnatJun RfMirne jr. nf Mijtnahjptjuwty ;!repuol!can 4jbyiMt'Geariiyof Multnomah County J!JjlJ2tMtQentik 1 , '; 61 ' A. G. mlktmt. Mujthqmah iCcmntCl.:!7.. ' - : . ' tna :a , ..j.i i.iu rn.:., n ir W'-iU-tt-ra-rn-.inliii'it .T fin 11 ii; j- 'prSTPTCTMD ;'c6'unty Jtnn..'"j i. 'wiiriiw' jiBlriKie'J '':Ct-v' J' Z i'J .iil'J ?4'l"A J '(1 4-' J;; ! JWRj9EN;AiT0Ri T!TY-SEo6iitf'SENXTolRri;'l5isTRitV, Forhe W w .:ii- A.,:jt '1 1.1 i i.i,;. , 3 i.rr, i? 1 n i-rtii -ti;i.,.;j A , -sMo iro tS n.i.WAlfer W. fierce,: oj(. Umatilla County. j..4.-V-.friw.i-n!noctic j-r- V i-j. ETSwiffebf Morrow (Wni1...r....:.'.VJ. .:'..'l'.V.?!;V.......SdiUlist kl'.-4W. 1 j . . --.--' y-T I 3 ! .'.IPIJl I1 l l. !! I 1 JJ8IAA.-J. kf-i-.3.t OR- RPRESETATiyE, tTwENTY-FouRTH Represektt Vote For One U-l ' to : .-B-rr-l DISTRICT, UNION AND WALLOWA COUNTIES '" LJI' V. j miv.i 4J0 mm fftd bee ii taken; ' ' It - stops the 'cough and heals the lungs and pre vents serious results frori a cold.,. v; : )1 1)6 not take 'chances oj a, cold wearinc awav oi FOR FAMILY USE ' evneriment urtfh (nm imi a C6 trs? 'CJr1e'in W WpUe IS ' J1 'Al " I Foley's Honey and Tar Remember the name and v m-.ii.mi i; rsuwYtwavJlsat ORSiiiai ir,'!' 1'62:"' 7Franci, 'S.'lvaftholi.' 'of Utrioh Courity:?.'r.''.J..V.M:?..: Republican'" 00 j.. mtnre w aw.ViOtnun)on,youtuy.r....irT .r ,..,...tr. 7v W;"e'grioWSfllbwa County. r J::.:: SdciaUst r'l.iDemooratnc j 6a...y Wi-W. VYhiUrft Wow Conntyt..-,.: ,fop;reve: :-SaTuel-Bi(awsrth,-Q,f La Grande . - ! I' i VoVe For' One -4 Republican je 1, i 2 WjJIj Monroe, of La Grande r r. : ;6S if Het-marrRothchild; f. Nortb Powder J"' -' l'. .'..! !.,., 1 1 i independent I tJ-D -Socialist -r-! ; FOR: COUNTY: JUDGE,. . "HI :...-.-...r.-ii. r.. Democrat I H -1 '. jil; j . .a.;w.i..JVoTE For One 64"' 4J. C. Hefiry, of LCand -4 t ! .:6flr-4i ' J. .illiver, of La Grande ' ;,;r.2.:,f:.,V..R.ept!blica 65 , Pster. kuhh. of Union X...:... .!.....jii i4li.i.t...'.I,ii..j.t..Sooali8t , . .- -.i ,1., i ' . .. ., '. ..-T'.:;:. ...-;.'. ... Demooratic . ,,for sheriff."., ' 4 ,-V ..;'VbVg.Fo One 1 67 Ji'-FrankJ'. Childer. of La Ortnde . .'. i. Demcratic 'rt' ". W.' W; Randall,' of'AliceiT- . .W. Republican 69 F. S. Wright, of Kamela . .;:.(..v....-.?..i.i ....;.':vSociaifstiv ypTB. For. One FOR COeJKTY CLERK-K-r.x.fc 1 ..pvSDunn, of La Grande", t B.iJt.. ;?.C.y....Iji:r...-J....''Doorattc . r,"-l ." , W'"" imi n i--5 -r 1 1 uamet o. uiinam. or ua uranae ..iiri3t,u..f. nu-w-rt. -Kepupliwn 72 John T. Riehrof Union .Vr.,-".lfl.v .'"' r:' "SocwM f jt yy) . -auiriiirTi"!-,.. .irei-. "i . ,I"W... .'Tll f .-I ., 1IJ.1 JAJ'L.'!1 'J1U l . 1.1 fOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER,.",;, y, , ;Votb-Fori One y'78 )i-.64mue:UVo6fc, 'cf'lmbler.ia...i!?.3...jR..ajuw.!.t 74'''BehBroWnbnil'cy...,!"!;:: M''''9 J4I6 . Ajyij- J;a Werr.erh oft U. OrndC..i.ca- ..-A. 1 "1.-. i.rc 1 i.?i -ji '..,iii;o'! U i Otfmocratte :.!l.RepuViieari ITT' .Socialist .,:.!-- JOB ggCOaOEB Cgi G&WVtYANeE3r ''"' s-"- 76 William Ormond, of La Granda 5 -' "VbTl?FoR, 6nb A QST1"' z. 1 77 7 iavfrcJfc-.-tff fca Grande. ..Democratic i"v.--iT- v -"Republican V irvo-1 miwrj.!1 79 itT J. K. Fitzgerald, of La Grande . JohnFrawley. ofUGcandt ...!'.."4'r... -.-Socialist For coroner ' ' 1 "" 3 '" Harf. Arf La Ornaa . ... t.Repullica" J. Vte For On i -.82:t JameiJH: Hilts, of LaCGeande , , - .. . -- ; . ' r i ' J -r -j Democratic 85.. . LJiRumalhart, ot La. Grande ...Republicaji .Socialist FOR COUNTY. SURVEYOR 84 Vote- For Ohb ...u. u,u oiuiuranoe: ... ...........j,... -Demooratio 1 -Af..( . -MH.rf. ..Republica.'n "PROPOSED BY REFERENDUM . PETITION "Shall Act Appropriating Money Maintainino Insane - . - , Asylum, Penitentiary, Deap Mutb, Blind Sohml, ,r ' . "'' University.'' Aorioultural' CotiEOB,' ' and IJprmal ; Schools be Approved?" - Vote Ye or No 600. Yes. 501. No. PROPOSED FOR EQUAL SUFFRAGE AMENDMENT. CO Pacific, UNivFRsiTvLf TV ! .11 . 1 ..the gefurirfCp r Beautifully located twentyii aiRem 1 Th following letter from A."J. Nu ,.rrom Portland. '. fcBura, of Batesville, Jnd., telle Itt ovr '"''"Kinr cont'Ke courses, ivraut-m story: on I lurTercd for three months witfc y Kivea aironir inviuntnn. njl a severe cold. A dr.. nin.f. : Hi-h Sr-hn... . ., r . .m- m..n..i. - , -. i"'..! ::r,r: ..... -..UICTVa. ( .... v...,u,( uu h uiiyvii-ina pr" of Music and Pohool mt scribed for rue, yet 1 did not Improve. witn suenor Inatructore. I ,nen ,rlc(1 Foley't Hooey aad Taft I Cenaervatory An, Bbslnesa n iiisquippea I bora tone tuirary of I3,(Kl Volume, healthful icial life; relijriouB rnHuertcBsV AO student ntcrpriaei i cUv. TMC tCHOOI. THAT STANDS roN TMI f BEST IN tOUCATlON , , . J" ' Three li X.- Hv-' tl oh The SO cent site contains two ani one-JiU t loirs at much as the small sis tad- tbe J1JJ0 bottje almost tia timet aa inach ' T ' ' , ;.CLD AID BEOMSfaoU BT 502. .505. No.' tJ 1 i'- i iNSnTUTIONAL, f MY V y6Tt-lES OR Nd BY INITIATIVE iPEtTTn !: " FDR AMENDMENT TO THE LOCAT. OPTION CAW t'-ti GIVING ANTl-PROHIBiin.NISTS AND ;PH0- sv 1 k H1B1TI0NISTS EQUAUmnrjL'fefiES. ' .;VoT8 Y is i a.., i-- fr '? . T 504. Yes. 505. No. 1 FOR LAW TO ABOLISH TOLLS. ON THE MOUNT " HOOD AND BARLOW ROAD AND PP0Y1D-' ING FOR ITS OWNERSHIP- BY THE STATE V6te .Yes or No 506.'; Yes. T. 507. No. FOR CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT PROVID- - ' ' "." ING METHOD OF "AMENDINO CONSTITU- " TION AND APPLYING THE RfFERECOUM -t r ... . . .-.,.,- I n,w.- Vi IU ALL LAWJ Arrb.L.1 IINU UUlSbijl ltf- V ' . T10NAL COVENTIONS AND A WEN DME-fTs.- A V&r SOS. YeS. 609. Nov ' FOR CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT GIVING; .CITIES AND TOWNS EXCLUSIVE POWER " ' TO ENACT AND AMENtt THEIR CHARTERS. 510. Yes. 511. No. i . FOR CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT TO ALLOW 5 THE STATE PRINTING, .BINDING. AND - . I PRINTER'S COMPENSAtlON Tfr BETREOtfi 'V - ; Q f LATED BY LAW AT ANY TIM& Vote Yes or Nft -1 it -i -i TiONAL AMENDMENT FOR, THE il!Gi- Mulicipxr ca wv "XfiS : .TMP'TION BY RAli:. -I"." "A-tS AND OTHER PIIRI ir." SERVICE CORPORATION 516.. Yes. si?. No! ' ; " . '. ; 1 '. , FOR AN ACT prftiir-i-';,T.-nr-r : AND S roQERAT0R fcARCoTpANS. ' .A,N.it?0MpANiS TO PAY AN ANNUAL uivAwab UPON GROSS EARNINGS. ' Pj JI - ia.1 Yes.. ,. -. . . , j 519. No. V. Y.s or F0-RksS COMP-T- ,, " vwmrAiiitij. AND TFT c fHONE COMPANIES. TOY In ANfr" ilEUTON GROSS EARNINGS. .1 520 Vp i j OR Vote Yes or No - er k k . T - ' eM)nM 2T! SI ' " r ; rrr- LJJllTih.) .jTnofiT - e : '' Mv.it u t. ii .: ? . " t 512. Yes. 7.T 515. No. ... -