La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, May 28, 1906, Image 1

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1083 VOTJiS
' -- , ; ? .. " LA GRANDE. UNION COUNTY. OREGON. MONDAY, MAY 88, 1 906. ' v .. ; . , ,VV ,.v V- ;V..',. MUMBER :W'7
. . . - i . - . ' ii i ? " ; : !
.! ' -j t ' i i .; ,
Scrlpp New Association) '.'
Madrid, May 23-Akhough the wedd
ing of King Alronsj and Princess Ena '.of
Batte-barg will not take place until June
.1, the popular celebration of the event be
gan here tody. The city ie rapidly as
suming it holiday attire. Flag and other
decorations are displayed in, profusion
rehes have been erected by the munici
pal and patriotic citizens. Beginning
with today there will be military parades
and band concerts every day. Circus
performances, bull fights and other popu
lar nt-rtainments will attract thousands
t3 various places of amusement and in the
vanings there will be special performan
ces at the theatres. Visitors from all
parts of Europe are arriving here with
veryrain and the hotels are rapidly be
coming crowded It is expected that in a
day or two accommodations in the hotel
. will be at a primium and the price are
already assuming unusual proportious
The police department is kept busy watch
ing the arrivals and preservingorder and
the task will become more difficult from
day-to day: " Extensive precautions are
tfJ takei to prevent hostile demonstra
tions by Republicans and Anarchists and
trong guard .will, surround the King
and (he Princess at all times. The pre
parations at the royal palace are nearly
completed and arrangement for Ifi
ceremony definitely settled. ; ltie said that
the marriage ceremony will be unusually
brilliant and gorgeous. Ths popular cele
bration will continue until June 2. ' . '. "
' Baltimore, May 28. The ' Hbierian
Club of this city, composed of members
mairHbf the Ancient Order of Hibenions
wW tSebrate. the birthday of the great
Irish post Thomas Moore this evening by
a banquet at Reilly's Hotel. Many lead
ing Irishmen of this city will be present
and some interesting addresses will be
d.livered. The musical program inc'udee
a number of Moore's songs. '
Muslin underwear from
better than buying the material and making them at home. We invite the ladies
hi s? fiAAllAea
We are agents for the standard Starr Hats,
largest me .'s hat house in the world. Style
quality are their strong points. You will look bet
ter under a Starr Hat c CO nn
Price for best quality i.DU allll O.UU
You will find 1 ere an excellent assortment of the
above hats priced from $5 to $8.50
Also a fine line of Manilas and Sailor Straws from
50c to $4.00
City Phone Black 1301
Uii) M,lttHMntMMtmtttttttMM))Mt;TtlM ,!
JTlpe News Association t
'Baltimore, Md., May 83-The first
Brigade of-;Marylapd Militia began, its!
annual rifle practice .at Saunders"; range,'
near Glenburnie, this ' morning. . The occupy an- Instruction'' camp and
this morning th men of the First lnfan-
try began with, their pr n ice work. They!
win remain in camp for the entire week
and next reek the Fifth Infantry will
Uka, their jjlace. t!,VvV "r
.-.;.....;- A- urj.t
(Scrtr pe'Newt Association) " " l
. Fresno.. Cal. May 28 The heaviest
alnfdll In' the historv of the weather
harcau at Frssno is causing much dam
age to . the hay arid grain crops. The
rain has been falling for Lwantv-four
ours and the rivers ra so hiah that much
of the country is flooded.-- t- -
Because of a humane ' sDot in the
Jailer' heart,-Mike Carney ma i good
his escape from the County jail last Sat
urday morning. Carney was arrested for
brutally attacking Harry French a few
weeks ago, and under, the oretenc of
being in need of fretiuent access to fresh
water, and saying that he was ill, Carney
asked permission to be placed in the cor
ridor. . His - request " was: granted and
during the night he wis , locked in the
corridor where he could secure water at
will -However ha was not a sick as he
made out and during the night he secured
a portion of a chair and began digging
the brick wall After, what muet have
taken several hour of hard Work, a brick
was loosened and the rest was easy
The corridor is not lined with iron and for
thia reason he was able to die a hole
large enough to craw through.
The prisoner was not considered espe
cially ferocious as he had been about this
vicinity Tor some time. T. , ,
The authorities are making every effort
to capture the man. . , ' . - .' . I
New York In the daintiest designs at prices that are
Vergere Phone No. 27
.. r . u -v . 11,1 " 1 " ..i mi. ii.. ... i 'njsTsy'
(Scrlpps News AsaoolaUon) ' "''':
' Chicago, lit May 28 It is said the
Neil-Reynelds report of packintf : houses
consists nf notes and affldavitee, of em
ployees and patrons, of many . packing
h:u;::. Ev:-v - -..i..4 .
... j ..i.-., v....,--
affidavites. The reports say: "Lard u
made from hogs that die of cholera. n-
uery condition of the packing houses are
revolting. Oil, from hogs dying transit
is used for sardine oil. Cattle with lurrip
jaw are butchered without inspection and
old a rapidly as the best meat With
out inspection fir trichonosls, ' hog art
bought and sold throughout the country ,
The so called Potted chicken ie . comoosed
of bob veaL Leaf lard, . which ha been
"exploited for purity, contain twenty per-
(9crlpp New Association) -'tV ;
Vienna, Austra.May 28 The Austrain
ministry has resigueb. The.-resignation is
due, to difference tjf the tariff Question
between the Anstrian anh Hungarian cab
inets; The Emperor yeilded to the Hun
garian's demand for a sepe. ate tariff
schedule. The act has so enr oed the
Ausrtian cabinet that they resigned to a
mari.- ." . . . , ..
11 I
..'- . ..-. - . . . ,
cent of . tfatjon seed oil." One . concern
which does jan immnce amogntv of busi
ness, . 4n ployes chemists, to. perfect .'a
ppjeess fo deodoriijng decayed . heme.
Meat is doctored with borax and Other
i-Hiliil, iJtCi" II !i
Poisonous chemicalf are used for smoked
mee." - The report hae f many other
thing to aj lii ; regard to niUry condi
tion, amdhg' which it the sentenoe saying;
''The emplpyeee are unclean, and spit Ion
the meat, walk over it, and drag it over
thejtlthy floor. ' ' ? '. - -
; P. Neil and .James R. Reynold were
appointed by Preeident Roosevelt to in-
vestigata the conditions of '-the - packing
nouses. , .'; , -.:.t - .
The following i the list of the Union
signer to the petition which brought; Mr.
Holme of Cove Out, W would suggest
that those who are averse to county divi
eion pasta the list in their hat for future
references. ' ' -' -'
In order to ahow that to far ae Union
is concerned Mr. Holmes' coming out is
not the result of a party movement we
place tha initial R. or D. after each name
to designate their political compaction.
Even a hasty study of the liet will demon
ttrato that the political, color line i not
heing drawn in Union this year.
t Those with no party designation have
not registered.
C. M. Ramedall. d
J. W. Spencer, d
N. A. Loveless, r
L. B. Haines, r
H. N. Van Houten,
R. Slater, r
01 Smith,
A. J. Qoodbroad, r
I. S. Booth, d -I.
S. Wim.
N. F. Ficklin. d
F.W.Davie, r
J. A. Jones, d
Alex Slater, r
J. W. Evans.
W. A. Maxwell, d
John Tally, d
C. E. Hereford, d
E. J. Cooper, r
A. Vandervaulter, r
E. S. McComas r -
- Al Graham,
Will Vogle, d '
F. W. Billings, d
W. E. Fickle, d
J. F. Hutchinson, r
Ben Burton, r
W. R. Woodard. d
M. I. Levy, r
Wm. Surger, d
W. W. Wright, r
C. W.Wright, r ,
G. W. Parker, r
Wm. Kielblock. r'
S. A. Pursel, d
0. F. Metcalf, d
R. H. Rohrig. r
W. E. Haines, r
0. McComber, r
. F. S. Cline. d
C. T. McDow, r
W. P. Allen, r
Q. A. Olekirk, r
R. L. McMillan r
G. W. Tally, d
0. F. Hull, d
Ed Mitchell, r
W. T. Wright.r
Iredench Tilje
W. W. Copper, r
Wm. Graham, d
E. B. Johnson, r
1. H. Fostis, r
R. E. Eatin, r
Wm. Haines, r
A. C. Cook, r
Chas. Graham,
J. T. Bailee, d
Wm. McCardle.
Q. W. Benson, d
H. J. Lucas, d
J. D. Mulvehill. d
Waldo Perry, d
C. D. Comally, d
I. Sanders, d
Thos Adams, r
M. J. Stoker, d
Wm. Stoker, d
Elmer Surger, d
J. A. Dalton.
Jacob Kohlen, r
Ceo. E. Miller, r
R. E Smith, r
C. A. Flanagan, r
F. E. Foster, r
R. H. Brown, r
E. S. Mackintosh, r
J. M. Johnson, r
J. M. Hursch, r
Wm. Cockrell. r
Joe. Wright, r
C. 0. Craven, r
V. LeRoy, Davis, r
E. Q. Cameron, r
Ed Lee. r
J. H. Hutchinson, r
0. S. Levy, r
A. A. Mitchell, r
W. D. McMillan, r
Wilmington Del. May 28 A call has
been issued for a special session of the
legislature for Thursday to elect a United
States senator. '
(Scrtpp News Aaeoalatloal . .
;"Brooklyn.R- Y May 28The societies
belonging to the Gaelic. League of the
Jiatorew York will celebrate the one
hundred and twenty eighth anniversary
to Brrth of Thomas Moore, the great
Irish-poet, ty'approplate exercise at: the
Moore monument in the' Flower Garden.
Prospect Park, thia afternoon. There will
be several addresses ' aod a ".number of
spngs. The organisation participating In
the eSi'era'se will be tK Brodklvri Caelie
Society, the Brooklyn fhil-Celtic Society,
theGresnpointSociety,the, NeW York Phil
Celtic' Society.." and the Harlem Gaelic
Society. . ' ' -.; V'"-' '
(Scrlppe Newe Ajutoclatlon) V ,v-. .'
St. Petersburg, Russia. Mav 58-M.
Whitte and hie wife left th; morning
for a visit, with hie daughter at Brussels.
The retired statesman, ie very pessimis
tic over hit own condition and that of his
(Serlppe New Association)
Louisvillt, ky., May 28 A broken
flange on the Louisville and Nashville-pc-enger
coach, caused a wreck this marnin
in which probably twenty live weTi lost,
arid twenty more injured. Identification la
difficult on eceonnt of the mangled condi-
ion of the bodies. Eight corpses are in the
morgue and the injured have been removed
to tha hospitals. The train was traveling at
a high rate .of speed when tha broken
flange caused the coaches to leave the
rails, when they crashed into a freight
The coaches war reduced to kindlewood.
. i t
(Serlppe News Association)
Washington, May 28-Secretary Moody
today called .the Supreme Court' at
tention to the lynching of Ed Johnson of
Chattanooga, ' It is ; alleged that the
sheriff' assistants war member of the
mob. A cognizance of the case has
been taken.
(Scrlpp Newe Association) '
Boise. Idaho May 28 Attorney Dar
row, Richard Miller and Nuirent Miller.
attorney representing Moyer, Haywood
ana retjibone have removed their office
from Boise and are now establishing
headquarter at Caldwell where tha
cat are called for tomorrow morning.
(Srlpps Newe Association)
St. Petersburg May 28-The Douma
resumed its sessson today with calmness.
The regular routine of business was taken
up and transacted with out anv outhnr.t.
of anger or demonstrations.
Much of the luck of most anglers
depends upon having the proper
tackle to meet conditions as they
find them r
We have a great many things in
our stock of angler's goods that
help to turn failure Into success
We carry ederythlng that you will
ever need to Insure bringing back
a good catch if there are. fisn to
to be had. If you want sport
you need these things, they make
fishirg "worthwhile."
Our prices are always reasonable
La Grande,
(Scrlpp News Association) A : 'I
Washington; 0.' C. Mav 28. Some on
ha attempted to make a serisatli nout o'f
the routelne annaucarna'nt. tht ' VainV
General F, t. Ainswortb'will aot as Seo
ary of War during the temrxirar absence.
of both the "'SecretarV Vsf War hd th
Acting Soareta'ry.-' 4 '" .t " ... w
It was aald thul thie ttu illrant . U .
at B'rigadTair General J. F." tfill. "thi fthu
oi statr. , the detail ie no mean un
usal however, or out of tha ordinary In
any way. On the contrary, had Genera
Bell been detltrnaUd tn ant f.n
'of War, Instead of Oenara.1
Incident would have poeeed an element of
WKsspread ,, interest, General Alnsworth
' the highest ranking army offlosr on tha
active list on duty In Washington., General
Bell is the senior Brigadier General, and
come next In, the relative list of army of t
ncere on duty In tha War Department
Should General Aln worth be absent
fro the city at the eame time a Mr.
Taft and Mr. OIiv)r. Oen Ball would
become Aoting Secretory of War by viitua
of hie position. The fact that Can.: Ball
i Uhier or HUft ha nothing to da with
the case, and there is no trouble- among
high ranking officer, over the incident
published rsporta to the contrary not "
wlthitanding. It Is recalled that Gen
Ainsworth was unUn 1 892 a surgeoaln tha
regular army, and now ranks Just below
Major Gen. Leonard Wni . wh .
reguUr. surgeon untill 1 &S fc Oen. Ain
sworth etill ha ton year of active, sevira
...... ..,,, g Hi iuinagv 7 1
..... . , '
DITtir llnvinr iiw '. .
'erlppa New Assoaiatloti) .f
, . ,7 ins 09 KOg
ment will celebrate the twenty first anni
versary of the engagement of Butto au
rrancias wugnt during the Insurrection
In the Northwest, by a . banquet in drill
hall on Craig street. Many prominent
military officer and representative of
the goverment will b present on that
(Bcrlpp New Association)
Tokio. May 28-Thra is a revolt at
Hongju, Korea, Rebel are holding tha
town. Japanese troop are enroute to
the scene.
(Serlppe News Association) '
Norfolk May 28 Tha court martial,
with Rear Admiral Sigsbse as preeident
convened today for Captain Perry Qareta
and Lieutenant Commander Edward
Witherspoon'e trial, Tha charge It In tha
nature of an investigation of the ground
ing of the battleship Rhode Island, whir.h
occurred a ehort time ago.
1 - i .