10DGE DIRECTORY EACL -La Grande Aerie S9EP. 0 E.rr.eet Fricay night in Elk tit n. t 8 m. Visiting brhren j.vited to. att I. R. Snook W. S gr. 0.1. Bigger W. P. LO.O. F. La Grand Lodg No. 16. meets in thair hall avary Saturday night Visiting brothera cordially invited to at tend. Cemetery plat may be teen at Modal Restaurant . H. E. CooLiDot, N. 0. D. E. Cox, Sac. STI ENCAMPMENT. No. 21, I. 0. 0. F.vieet every firat and third Thurs days in the month in Odd Fellows halL Visiting patriarchs always welcome, . Q. E. Fiu, C. P. D. E. Cox, Scribe. M. W'. A.-La Grand Camp No. 7705 meets eery first and third Wednesday of the month at 1. 0. O. F. hall. All visiting neighbor are cordially invited to attend. C. S. William, V. C. Jomw Hall, Clark, FORESTERS OF AMERICA Court Maid Marion No. 22 meets each Thurs day night in Redman hall. Brothers are invited to attend. ... FRinHoM Chief Ranger L. lwudorms financial see. Board of Trustee Dr. O. U Biooxrs John Haul and C S. William. FRIENDSHIP TENT No.Bl.R.O.T M. Meete second and fourth Wednesdays each month in 1. O. 0. F. ha1!. V isiting cnignis welcome. H. C. Ball, Com. Mox Bloch, Record Keeper LO.T. M. HIVE No. 27,-Meett every first and third Thursdays in the after noon at the Redman hall. All visiting ladies are welcome. Maud Lomo Lady Commander. M. C. Vissit, Record Keeper. 5. E., Ls GANDE L0!Y5 Na 455-eet each Thursday evening at eight o'clock in Elks' hall, on Adams Avenue. Visiting Brothers are cordially invited to attend. ' - E. W. Davis, Exalted Ruler 0. E. McCully,' Recording Secretary. LA GRANDE LODGE No. 169, WOODMEN OF THE WORLD Meuts every 'Friday- of each month in the K. of P. hall in the Corp building. All visiting members welcome. N. L. Acklxs, Consul Commander J. H. Kbeney, Cleric RED CROSS LODGE, No. 27-Meets every Monday evening in Castle Hall, Corpe building. A Pythian welcome to all vising Knights,' v N. L. Aciu.es, a C. R. Pattison', K. R. & S. RATHBONE- SISTERS RoweiaTem ple No. 9 meets every Wednesday even ing at 8 p. m. in the K. of P. Hall in the Corpe building. Visiting members cordi ally invited. Millt Frawlhi M. E. C Eunice Procter M. of R. & C. LA GRANDE SCHOOL $0F MUSIC PROF. DAY. PRINCIPAL. MRS. DAY. ASSISTANT. This is one of the best musical in institutions in the state, and that people in this city and valley are begminng todiscover the advantage of this school. The system is the latest and most oractical. and in cludes all the latest discoveries in the art of teaching music. The school is divided into two depart ments; No. 1 is for beginners from 6 years or more and are taught the first three grades. Pupils come one hour each day. This is no kin dergarten system but far superior. IniMt 2 the grades are from 3 to 16?THere they graduate. Pupils take one or two lessons a week as they desire. No scholars will be permitted to remain in this school who do not study. Opposite the Foley House over the candy store. Phone. 475. S. EDMONDS, t TAILOR NEW SPRING LIKE OF WOOLEN S ARRIVED ALL THE LEADING EXCLUSIVE STYLES McKennon Building, next door to J. H Pear's Jewelry Store. e 'ttttweeeee' CITY JULIUS BREWERY ROESCH, Proprietor. Largest Brewing Plant in Eastern Oregon Ask for La Grande Beer and get the Best LA GRANDE BEER IS MADE IN LA GRANDE AND SHOULD HAVE THE PREFERENCE THE TAYLOR STUDIO To Summer Girl: I want you to visit my studio and let me show you how successful I can photograh you in your sum mer gown. Come while your gown is fresh and new, it will look neat er in a picture than after it has been to the laundry. Remember the new location of THE TAYLOR STUDIO ;. nit dnor to the Observer Offlm JPHONE BLACK 1182 W SUNDAY PHONE 841 LUMBER RETAILED AT WHOLESALE PRICES Btter Lumber and Cheaper than is sold in La Grande, We deliver it to your building Grande Ronde Lumber Co f PERRY, OREGON. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee rccn i Groceries Fresh Every Day : Everything: in season ALL ORDERS DELIVERED PROMPTLY : Try a Sample of our Cheese SEATTLE GROCERY CO. LAWSON BROS. Prop. J F WOOD AND COAL I Practical Gunsmith Repairs Strictly Fitclass Guns re-stocked JCe ys fitted to door Locks WM. AGNEW Good Wood and First Class Coal Hay Grain and Feed STEAM ROLLED BARLEY Summer Wood at Summer Prices Tie May Term of me, Union County Jcurt Wu i Easy One, an Exceptionally' Larftc Ytee cf Easiness flavin te Before tie M in the Matter of the appropriation for Once Landers, Registering Making I . ni umi. ordered to draw a warrant on the Con- , JS-JX?- tingent Fund for $600 in favor of the x. a Johnson, Eitre work "on La Grande Commercial Club as additional tax rolls, . appropriation. v - Pauline Miller, work on Tax In the Matter of the proposed County R1'! .... Road petition for b, J. B Thorny . fSffiSKffiflK et aU the same was continued for the I j term. ' - ' I Hughey Lynch. Judge of Elect In the Matter 'of the Propoeed County ' .AnUtope Precinct Road petitioned for byvM. E. Childer. et . wm FrSsier do -el, the same was continued for the term. c. A. Hill. Clerk of Election In the Matter of the approval of Bonds t Antelope Precinct, of Supervisor of Road tXetricte, the fol-1 w. C. Hinckley, do 4 10 84 00 120 00 41 S5 GRANDE RONDE CASH COMPAMY 5 Phone Main 6 Lewis Bros. Prop. eejwww MARS, Brick furnished in any quantty or any Nn contract too small or tc laroe. See samples o our pressed brick. GEO. KREIGER. La (Jrsnle, Oregon. J. L Contractor and Builder Draler in Building Material La Grande, Oregon Dro a line naming work, and I will name the'right price. MUST JOY Of all the joys that children boast. The "Soda Fountain" claims the most Fresh fruit juice flavors, cold or hot. None will dispute, go for the spot. Served by dispensers clean and neat, They prove a most delightful treat. For all Dopular drinks visit Hill's sod fountain. . W. B. Qassett. do. Supervisor L, l. McKennon, Judge & Meee of Election Alice! Precinct . Supervisor D. McDonald, Judge of Election Alicel Precinct Supervisor R. p. Caae, do .. 'E. A. Wills Clerk of Election Supervisor , Alicel Precinct J. A. Qaskill4 do . Supervisor w. J. Case, do V. v. ,hiii.ii vw, v. umwuii - Big Creek Precinct R. M. Duncan, do ,, . Lee Wilson, do , Q. W. South "Clerk of Election Big Creek Precinct T. B. Merlin, do ' A. J. Vandevanter, Clerk and . Meee. of Elec. Big Creek I Precinct. ,. A. Q. Conklin, Judge of Elect- lowing Bonds were approved Bond of W. L Myers, Road Dist No. SS. , Bond of M. W. Huffman, Road Dist K 51. Bond of J. L. Cavinese, Road Dist No. 15 Bond rf J. T. Woodell. Road Dist No. 8. Bond of George Chadwick, Road Dist. No. 24. In the Matter of the Proposed County Road petitioned for by Dillie Randall etaLthesame was continued for the term. In the Matter of the County Road peti tioned for by D. McDonald, et al the same was continued for the term. In the Matter of the petition of W. Q. Ericsbn to pay morgage tax on land of H. Stearns for year 1891, the petition er, W. O. Ericson, having paid into the hande of J. B. Qilham, Clerk, $51.00, lion Cove Precinct.... the amount of said tax, the Clerk was Otho Eckersley, do ordered to cancel said tax on the 1891 J. E Trippier, .do tax rolls and turn said amount into the Geo. H. Hollies, Clerk as Mese hands of the Treasurer. "I of Election Cove Precinct. In the Matter of the Local Option 1 Jasper Q. Stevens, Clerk of Liquor Election to be held in lmbler, Election Cove Precinct ... Precinct It was ordered that an eleotion Hem y Chambers, do be held in the Precinct of lmbler, Union C. S. Hawes, Judge A Mess of County, Oregon, on June 4, 1908, on Election Hilgard Precinct ... Local Option to determine .whether the Lee Young, Judge of Election, sale of intoxicating liquor be prohibited I Hilgard Precinct in sai4.Prec.uip t .- 'Nele Holvoraon," do" ". ,..;: In the Matter of the Local Option H. Charlton, Clerk of Election Election no be held in Summerville Pre cinct, It ie ordered that an election be held in Summerville Precinct Union County, 'Oregon, on June 4, 1908, to determine whether the sale of intoxicating liquor ehall be prohibited in said Precinct or not In the Matter of the Local Option elec tion to be held in Cove Precinct was ordered that an election be held in Cove Precinct Union County, Oregon, on June 1 906, to determine whether the sale Hilgard Precinct Wm Cantrell do H. McQoldrick, Judge of Elect ion ImMer Precinct .... J. W. Tuttle, Judge & Mese. of Election lmbler Precinct., J. M. Qarn, Judge of Election lmbler Precinct .... .... Wm. A. Parker, Clerk of Elect ion lmbler Precinct. Jamee M. Eubanke, Clerk of Election lmbler Precinct .... of .Walter Stringham, Clerk I Election lmbler Precinct.... Fred J. Holmes, Judge of Elect I ion Island Precinct. Geo. E, Wells, Judge of Elect- ion Island Precinct Jamee Moss, Judge of Elect- ion Island Precinct of intoxicating liquor shall be prohibited in said Precinct or not In the matter of the Annual Report of F. Kilpatrick Com. 0. P. Morton Post No. 56, Q. A. R., the report was approved and the bondsmen discharged from furth er liability herein. In the Matter of the approval of the dond of J. W.Oliver as Com. 0. P. Mor- C. A. Myers, Judge of election ton Post No. 36, G. A. R., the bond and Summerville precinct surety approved. ' J. A. McRea, Judge & Mess, of In the Matter of the approval of bond I Summerville precinct of J. W. Cowan as Com. Nathan Baker J. T. Woodell, Judge of election Post No. 44, 0. A. R., the bond and sur eties were approved. In the Matter of the sale of property hid intw Union Countv at the Delinauent Tax Sale for the year 1905, Clerk was Simon Woodell, do ordered to prepare a list of the delinquent Ed Mitchell, Judge of election taxes and interest for the year 1 905 and Union precinct No. 1 not heretofore redeemed and of the land I Frank Ross, do bid in by the county for said delinquent tax on sale thereof and place the said list in the hands of the Sheriff of Union County, Oregon. . BILLS ALLOWED AT THE FEB RURAY TERM OF COUNTY COURT Summerville precinct J. I. Wade, Clerk of election Summervi'le precinct B. F. Hug, do Mess. T. B. Jonnson, Boarding Pri soners for April, 1906 $77 M Ed Wright. Work as Registra tion Clerk 78 00 J. B. Eaton. Work as Registra tion Clerk 54 60 John Dunington, Salary for April, 1906 ' 55 00 City of La Grande, Water for March, April & May.... 24 00 Grande Ronde Electric Co, Lights for April 1906 1 1 20 E. G. Kirby, Caring for Adoif Feoll. pauper ;; .. 12 00 Union Electric L. Co, Light for Poor Farm Feb. & March 1906 14 00 C. E. Saunders, M. E. Service as Sec. Co. Board of Health etc 9 28 C. W. P. Ellsworth, Register ing voters. 5 60 Mrs. T.N. Murphy, Mdse ee per bill ... 2 " Goodnough tt Cox, Making Election booths, etc. 9 60 L. J. Davis. Registering voters. 20 00 Glass & Prudhomme. Mdse. as per bill 2 11 Irwin, Hodson Co. Mdse. as per bill. 20 00 1 00 11 (0,1STlPATiCIKAUSS-URS The causes of constipation are; Im proper diet lack of exercise, pernicious drugs and pressure of bones, muviea and ligaments on the nerves to the diges tive tract r The treatment ir. the first three in stances is evident: correct the habit. Just ae evident ie it in the last remove the pressure from the nerves. This ia accomplished by the Osteopathy through the correction of slightly .displaced verte brae, ribs or pelvic bones, by relaxing contracted muscles and ligamenta. The nerve are then free to carry the normal nerve force to the intestine. The glande then resume their secretion of fluids, the , intestinal motion I regained, propeling (he contents onward. This is natural state and consequently a permanent state. If your body was once capable of digest ion. It should now be so again.. Nature' way ie the only way. Osteopathy's suc cess in curing this very common, trouble certainly makes modest eny claims it may advance. 00 6 00 6 00 v CALL f CR BIDS-' Notice ie hereby given that the city of La Orande will receive sealed bids for repairs of certain side-walk in the city of La Grande described ae follows, a per ordinance pcrscribing for such re- -pair. Said bids to be filed in writing with the Recorder of the City of La Grande at his office on or before four o'clock p. m. Tuesday June 6, 1906. The city of La Grande reserves the right to reject any or ail bids. A certified check for an amount equal to ten per cent of amount of the bid must accompany each bid. . ;' OtSCRIPTION 8 001 For repair of the sidewalks now con st qq i ew UVMIU IHI Ul wi CMMr.M , -, - . J street between South side of K street O UU I nl fk. Nnrth mitm nf J StrwL and for repairs of the side walks now 6 00 constructed on K. street between second 0 00 1 (2) nd ,ourth () ,nd "or the repair or . nn I viae w' now construct! on ui ct iuv 0 Uwlnf RVuirth IA. hatwMn tha annth aide of J s'reet, to the north side or U. street ana 6 CO I on the West side of Fourth Street 6 00 trMt "rom the south sids or 1 street I to tne nortn eiae oi w, ina lur repair of side walk now constructed on H. street between second street (2) and 14 60 Fourth street (4), May 1906. 00 00 00 Dated this 19th day May 1 (if I, K. bMOOK Recorder of the City of La Grande. 9 20 6 7 60 EXCURSION TO PIOREERS PICRIC The 0. R. ft N. , will . sell round trip tickets t Weston Ore. May 50, 5 1st June 1st 'and 2d 1906 for Pioneer An nual Pionic at 1,4 fare or $5.80. EC. Moori 6 00 6 00 " 6 00 1 8 80 1 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 1 9 20 1 6 00 NW MANAGEMENT --The Centenial has changed hand. I will be ready to receive boarder the first of May, room and board $6.00 a week, meals 20 cts. Come and see us. C. T. Toun, Proprieter. ' Fortunate Missourinns "When I was a druggist at Livonia, Mo," writes T. J, Dwyer, now of Orye ville, Mo., three of my customers were permanently cured of consumption by Dr. King' New Discovery, and are well and strong today. On was trying to tell hi property and move to Arizona, but after using New Discovery a short time he found it unnecessary to do so. I re gard Dr. King's New Discovery as the most wonderful mad cine in existence." Surest Cough and Cold cure and Throat and Lung healer. Guaranteed by Drug gist 6Cc and $1. Trial bottle free. Nkwlin Druo Co. 00 00 00 W. E.Ficklen, do ... H. P. Oliver. Clerk ft Union precinct No. 1 James Webb, Clerk of election Union precinct No. 1 J. W. Spencer, do S. D. Correy, Judge of election Union precinct No. 2 F. E. Foster, do I. Landers, do Waldo Perry, Clerk of election Union precinct No. 2 F. W. Davis, do W. O. Miller, Clerk & Mess. Union precinct No. 2 C. W. P. Ellsworth, canvassing votes primary election ..... John E. Hough, do Josh Hopper, special deputy La Grande precinct No. I.. Wm. Ormond, special deputy La Grande precinct No. 2.. Joseph Jones, special deputy La Grande precinct No. 5... Joseph Jones, hauling and storing election booths C. A. McCrary, special dep. & hauling chair. La Grande precinct No. 4 H. Conaway, special deputy La Grande precinct No. 6... J. W. We!ton, special deputy Island City precinct John Jones, special deputy for Cove piecinct Thos. Graham, special deputy Continued on Page 6 6 00 6 00 6 00 9 00 6 00 1 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 09 6 00 6 00 9 00 00 j 00 6 00 1 600 6 00 THE LA GRANDE NURSERY SHADE TREES Is one of my special ties. Delivery to be ' , made on or after March 15. .. ' Special bargains on Roses I also have a fine lot of Apple, pear, prune, plum, cherry, appri cot peach, mulberry, shade trees and ornamental trees, grapes, currents, gooseberry, blackberry, dewberry, rasp berry,, vines, creepers, and hedge plant. Phone 1611. Thorns' grocery . Geo. W. Powell, LIGHTNING COLLECTION 7 60 7 00 6 00 1 6 00 6 00 AGENT H. A. Watson, Mgr. Our system gets the money. Full particulars made known upon application to interested parties. Office La Lewie building Grande, Or.