? 5 t4IIHIIii.tAAAttttlttMtttMmtn(tt)))(t))MtMM)HHMM)t(t()tt 12 000 NEW SUMMER GOODS f ;1,;;JU st r e c'eiVe: d '-j , :i-f . , . -. v . : ;-'j;,vA . . :';'.;. The Golden Rule ALL THE 'LATEST NOVELTIES IN ORGANDIES, BATISTES, INDIA UN )N5, VvV.ITE UNEN SUITINGS, INDIAN HEAD s Prices IXJJ to IQU THE GOLDEN RULE COMPANY X-arsest Store- CALL UP ; MAIN 75 . V i 4 v f Si $ ; FOR FIRSTCLAS Fresh fruits and vegetables every rjay"'' I ' , ; Your orders promptly delivered as : ' f fast as ordered l , Standard brands always in stock." i' - 4 rHE CITY GROCERY AND BAKERY E. POLACK, Propr. V A PRESENT To advertise my high grade shoes' I will - : GIVE AWAY ! every twelvth pair that goes but of : my store . . I I carry the HANAN, WALKOVER and HARLOW. Call for further particulars A. V. ANDREWS,! ; TAILOR and HABERDASHER : k l Mil o il rV--YARDS c CALL AND SEE THEM THEY ARE BEAUTIES 1308, 13 0, 1 312 Adams Avenue. GROCERIES! Red A. C. MacLennan sole distributor, Union and Wall AT" per Smallest Prices t OPEN TO VOTERS Portland. Oregon, May 15, 1906. To the voters of Oregon, Greeting: Gentlemen: The undersigned beg leave to submit to you a few of our reasons for asking you to ratify, by your affirmative votes, the amendment grant ing equal rights to women, which has been placed before the voters through a petition numerously sisned by the men of Oregon under the initiative and referen dum. ' .. , '. This movement has grown under your management, from the small beginning known as ' the Married Woman's Sole Trader Bill, enacted by your Legislative Assembly In 1872, until it has reached such vast proportions as to attract the attention of the civilized world. A Con stitutional Amendment proposing women's enfranchisement, submitted to, you in 1884, brought us an affirmative vote of 11,285. This amendment was again submitted to your suffrages by Legisla tive initiative In 1900, bringing us a vote of 26,266. . Although the population of the commercial centers had morn than doubled ;n sixteen years, the "No" vote was only increased by, 226, while the "Yes" vote was augmented by 15.042. This, to us. is a palpable augury of the triumph which we confidently look to you to consummate for us on the 4th day of June by placing "X" between "802V and "Yes" on your ballots.. Do this and you Store! yard m m m h m m i I hi ll-IIV A MAID ABSOLUTELY ALL HAVANA Cross will honor our flag of truce, the only power we can offer in our defense against the ballotted forces of the opposition. Do this, and you will honor Oregon, your mothers and yourselves. And your peti tioners will ever pray. Abigail Scott Duniway. ' Honorary President Oregon Equal Suff rage Association and State Federation of Women's Clubs. ' Mrs. Henry Waldo Cos. President Oregon Equal Suffrage Asso ciation, Charlottb Mopfet Cartwrioht. President Woman's Pioneer Auxiliary, Sarah N. Evans. President Oregon Federation of Women's Clubs. . . ' Esther C. Pohl. M. D.. President Women's Medical Assosiatinn. LOCAL ITEMS L. F. Masses visited at Union vester- day. - . J. W. Spencer came over from Union yesterday. : - v , Archibald Wilson came ' over from Union yesterday. ' ' Miss Gertrude Mitchell SDent Sundav in Union visiting friends. . Dr. H. Volp spent Sunday in Pendleton visiting friends, H returned .this morn ing. ' .. '" ""'' , ' Cic. !I;!-.ci zzi far.!!? cf Ccv attended the Commencement exercises Thursday evening. - Miss Allie Stephens of La Grande spent two days this week with Mrs. A. R. Hunter." . v.. , 1 Mrs. Dr. Steingramp and Miss Ada Lindsey of Granite are the guests of Mrs. Steingramps mother, Mrs. Lindsey. Miss Roe Livingston returned to her home in Boise this morning, after short visit with Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Benham, F. D. McCully one of Wallowa county's representative citizens is a La Grande visitor today. - ' ; ; A. R. Gardiner a student in Whitman college at Walla Walla, was in the city this morning enroute to Wallowa where he will spend the summer. Mr. White, the Democratic nominee for Joint representation between Wallowa and Union county came - over to attend tne Democratic rally. rs. Geo. L. Cleaver and Miss Anna Gilmour returned last Saturday evening from Red 'Oak Iowa, where they have been visiting for the past three .Tionths. tvir. andMrs. S. O. Humbert, of Eugene, arrived in the city this morning. Mr. Humbert represents the Eugene Divinity School and Mrs. Humbert the Christian Woman's Board of Missions. Both are speakers of ability. Mrs. Humbert will speak in the Central Church this evening at 8 o'flock. , s, - Miss Harriet Esther Young, a pupil of Miss Jones in the Whitman Conservatory of Music, gave her graduation reaital in the Whitman chapel last evening. The rostrum was prettily decorated by the other members of the Conservatory. Misses Bade. Lyman and Young acted as ushers. Miss Young was assisted by her sister Miss Bertha Young, and Miss Grace Jones. Miss Young's ' playing pleased the large audience ?nd revealed much talentThe Evening Bulletin, Walla Walla, Wash. . Deaths from Appendicitis decrease in the-same raJo that the use of Dr. King's New Life Pills increases. They save you from danger and bring quick and painle&s release from consti pation and the ills growing out of it. Strength and vigor always follow their use. Guaranteed by Nbwlin Druo 26o. Try them. LOST Brown fur boa between Proeb - st el bridge and Al Good's place Sunday. Finder please return same to this of fice and recieve suitable reward. FURNISHED FRONT ROOM-Enquire at cor. 6th and P. FILLED AND HAND 5.C Drug SCREEN Now is the time to commence war on doors and window screens. ' j My hammocks cannot be beat for pre, quality, beauty. The time is here for you to keep your lawn in order. I have rubber and cotton hose, lawn mowers and lawn rakes, all prices and BEE SUPPLIES I have the bee hives and supplies that them. My shing'es, doors and windows if you are building. MRS- T-N- Hardware and AAAAA etiaTa st si at AaaaaaaAAAaaa - : SPORTS I GAME CALLED AT FOUR i TK much tlkH of ball pame on Decoration day will be held at four o'clock to allow people to attend the regular services of the day and then go to the ball game. These teams are composed of business men of the city, and those who have their places of business. North of Adams Avenue will be termed North siders, while those who are proffkient in ball tossing and transact business on the other side of the street will be called South-sides. Mr. Cleaver has made a, call for players and among those who responded are many noted ball players. C. S. Williams can be seen after banking hours reviving his old curves and spit balls. Van Buren will catch, in the squad who reported for practice on the North side and from whom the team will be picked are: Wm. Miller, R. Eldridge, Frank Bay, H. V. Billknap; G.L. Cleaver, Clarence Crawford, Joe Keeney, Bolton, MacLennon, Scroggin, and Jones. On the south side, practices have not been taken up yet, but H. Saigrist has so many players that need no practice that he can afford to delay preliminary work. The receipts from this game will be used for the regular ball team. The Elgin aggregation proved too weak for the local boys yesterday and went down to defeat to the tune of 5 to 1 Betzel allowed the second man up to walk, and the next man scored him with a hit In the fourth, Betzel allowed another walk. The runner stole second, came to third on a wild pitch, and scored on the same trick. In the initial inning Arnold, Elgin's twirler, was excited, and every man took up a rap, and when the session closed, La Grande had Ave scores. A large delegation of rooters came over from Elgin on the excursion. The game was a splendid exhibition of base ball, both teams playing in a creditable manner. Batteries: Elgin, Arnold and Donovan; La Grande, Betzel and Klebs. ELSON-In this citySunday'May 20. 1906 to Mr. and Mrs. Nelson, a daugh ter, tXCURSION TO PIONEERS PICNIC The 0. R. & N. will sell rou id . trip tickets t j Weston Ore. May 50, 51st. June 1st and 2d 1906 for Pioneers An nual Picnic at 1,,'g fare or $3.80. E.C.Moore Who are the sweetest things that paint ers pa!nt. or poets sing, lovelier than any thing? Girls who take Hollister's Rocky ount? in Tea. 55 cents, Tea or Tablets TEAMS WANTED The Sugar company wants to employ earns and men, see F. S. Bramwell. MADE 1 Store oua countis DOORS the flies. Come and get some screen quality. 0! you waut. Call and- get some of are first class try some of them i , . MURPHY ! crockery. OUR COrEE MAN is an expert . His coffee always has that delictus fragrance and rich flavor that denote perfection. Taken in the morning such coffee is a preparation for the day's work. Then r AT LUNCH it is a tonic for mind and body. ' Taken at night it is a fitting finish to a good din ner. And coffee isn't the only good thing ' we have. Our bill of fare will reveal many dishes equally as appetizing, i The Model Restaurant J. A. AfbiMktr, Proprietor L ft OP"V PAY l 1 lit. I ( 1l DFcnnmnn BE IT R ESOLV ED: That the city R icorder of the city of La Grande, be and is hereby directed to give notice to the abutting properly owners on the east side cf 7th street, between its intersec tions with M and P strceti, for the con s r jction of a si'le wak abutting the premises, and a like notice to the abutting property owners on both sides of Depot street, from its intersection cf Jefferson avenue, to its intersection of Fourth street and Adams avenue, fr its interaction with Fourth . StrJyO: to its intersection of First street: That an ordinance for the improvement of said street and avenue will be proposed at the next regular meeting of this Council, for the improvement of said street and ave nue, by putting the same upon the estab lished grade therefore, and paving the same with crushed rock or gravel. Passed by the Council of the city of La Grande. Oregon. May 16, 1906. Dated this 16th. day of May 1906. I. R. Snook, Recorder ot the City of La Grand. Pacific Universe FOREST GROVE, OR EGO IV. A HIGH-GRADE COLLEGE WITH Superior equipment. Beautifully located twenty-six ' miles from Portland. Full regular college courses. Academy ives strong preparatory and High bchool courses. Conservatory of Music and School of Art, with superior instructors. Business branches taught. Gymnasium and Field Athletics under a Physical Director. , - Well-equipped Laboratories. Library of 3,im Volumes. jt Healthful social life: religious infli5es. All student enterprises active.9 TUt SCHOOL THAT STfNDS fOR THE BEST IN EDUCATION WRITE FOR CATALOQUK 'y IGA .. ssit(ii(((e('"',,'""","""',"tistetfe(t(.(a