PROFESSIONAL CARDS PHYSICIANS . 0. L. BIGGERS M. D, Physician and Surgeon Office Ralston Bid. over J.M.Beiry't store Offica Phone Black 1S21 J Residence Phone Red 1001 iff DR. A. L RICHARDSON l D... e- a Office over Hill's Drug Store. Office Phone 1362 . Residence Main 56 . N- MOLTTOR M. ' D. PHYSIOUN AND SUROBON Cor. Adams Avenue and Depot St Office Main 68 Residence Main 68 . W1LLARD SMITH - PHYSICIAN AND SURQION Wjfr Building, opposite Sommer House Office hours, 1 to 4, 7. to 8. p. m. Phone Main 71 ., . BACON & Haul . PHYSICIANS. AND' SVROBONS , ' " . -, . , i ( i , :' Office in Foley Building, Phone Main .19 C.'T. Bacon residence. Main 18 ' ' '; :' .V.. M, K. Hall residence. Main 62 DR.- H. V0LP. r. wwnuawti Qce: Corpe Building. Telephone Main 80 : iCalls -answered day or night.; t .' ,", r- i rw - VETERINARY SURGEON ' DR. P. A. CHARLTON . . ' VETERINARY SURGEON Office at Hill's Drugstore, La Grande Or Residence Phone Red, 701 Office Phone 1261 Farmer Line 68 ATTORNEYS CRAWFORD & CRAWFORD , ,s : . Attohneys-at-Law : ' , i IftfclRANDI - OREOOON Office in Foley Building J. W. A'i TORNBY AND KNOWLES Counsellor at La Office in Ralston Building La Grands, Oregon. H. T. Williams WILLIAMS A. C. Williams BROS j attorneys-at-law Office in Ralston Building ande. Oregon . L. A. PICKLER ' Civil, Minino, Irrigation Enoineerino AND SURVEYINO Estimates, Plans, and Specifi cations. Office in Bohnenkamp . Building. . La Grande, ' Oreoon Dentists REAV1S BROS DENTISTS Office Sommer Building 4 e Black o 1 nesiaence i i i . . . r. - , t V , C. B. CAUTH0RN DENTIST Office over Hill's Drug Store La Grande. Oreoon goi .i. DKPAUT If u". Jaul L. ;r. ndi, ok KKOM lalt Lake, Demer. Kt. Worth. Omul!.. Kn- No I itttn No j 8.-06 p m ni Ci'v, Ht. IxuU, Clii Ortoen fca i. Portland, Dules, Pen- UUMon. WalU Wall NoJ Jtaytnn, romcmy. cm fax. Mownw, Hpokmne, and puinta erni and north viattpokar.e fortlnndTliillea, ftn- die ton, UmHtUla, Wal- Inu, LawbioD, toiiai, . . .1,-11.. U.K. Ho fcOI p. m. ner, Hpokan. and other Mim poliiia ana bihih Tla Hpokaae No. 81 CIIT. ileal, Iro- Daily ex blcr and . n. Con In tlooa at k.l,0 w tn U-t lot polnu aal- Ho SI cept Rummy SUA a &, j)fean Hleamera between Portland and Ban 'VAei oo every Ore dayi, K, C. MOOUE r A L.CKAIO. General Faateoger Agent Cverton W. Price, p '0m 1' S: Now t 8:40. , No. 1 I 0p m No. t 6:56 a m. . ,, . AssociaU Forester - i 1 r Classified Advertisements, RatesOne cent a word, one-half a cent a word each subsequent inser tion. -Classified adds bring quick re sults. ' Try ot today. FOR RELIABLE ABSTRACTS OF TITLES go to the La Grande Invests ment Company, La Grande, Ore., in Foley building. . REAL ESTATE LOANS Any amounts on city and country real estate. Loans closed promptly, as soon as title is ap proved. La Grande Investment Com- ' PANY. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms in suites of two, three or four. Phone Black 60 L M0NEY--For loans on city property, see Wm. Grant's agency. Also real estate and insurance. ' FOR SALE Ten head of horses, and one fresh milch cow. Inquire of Mrs. Rose Harris, one door this side of Rohr and Co. Butcher shop. FOR SALE A two acre tract with am ple water right One acre in fruit, four room house with pantry and cellar barn and other improvements. - Cheap if sold at once. No agent's commission . paid. Inquire at this office. , i ... I HfcLP WANlfcU Oompelent woman ui girl to do general house work. Person accepting position need not remain with family at nights, unless convenient Inquire at this office. F03 RENT Two story house on Wash ington Ave. Rent only $12.00. In quire at La Grande School of Music. , fUK oALfc. UK EXCHANGE-20 acres of unimproved fruit land 2 miles from Summerville, for sale cheap or will ex change for lots in La Grande or improv ed property, and pay difference in price, La Grande Investment Co. FOR RENT The Anthony new six room house, comer sixth and P. street. . Inquire 1606 Sixth Street ; WANTED Help, first class and com petent quarrymen wanted at. once. J. L. Mars. FOR SALE Furniture, cheap if sold at once. House for rent Inquire of Mrs F. L. Hunnel, phone Black 1 122. ROOM AND BOARD Mrs. Grace Barrie would like to secure rooms and board ers. Apply at Mrs. E. C. Moore's resi dence on Fourth Street FOR SALE OR TRADE Two acres in Honan'a addition, nicely improved, large roomy house, good water. Will trade for lots improved or unimproved or team or both. C. A Cary. LOST On the road between the National Lumber Company's plaining mill and the New Armor building, a pair of iron binders used for binding a load of lum ber. Return to National Lumber Com pany's office. - FOR SALE Desirable residence in good location. . Hot and cold water and bath Will be sold cheap if sold at once. In auire of H. U. Myers at Anderson & Myers barber shop. STRAY NDflCS I hvj taken up stray bay Shetland mare. ' Owner may have same by calling at my place fiveiles noith of La Grande, and paying costs, tf. Peter Allen. FOR SALE Trees, shade and orna mental, Norway maple, ' Carolina popular, box alder, mountain ash.wild blackcherry, American linden, Scotch laburnum, golden chain tree, white ash sugarmaple, white elm, honey locust, smoke tree, golden elder, Japanese quince, California privet lilacs, honey suckle, hydrangia, Siberian pea tree and all kinds of roses and flowers Phone black 601 or inquire of C. L. Kaler. 1 603 Adams Avenue. LOST A book cotaining filed out appli cations for membership to the Eagle Aerie, No. 259, La Grande. Oregon, the same was lost on or about April 1, 1906. A liberal reward will be paid for its return to Dr, G. L. Biooers, presi dent FOR SALE 200 acres of timber land three miles west of La Grande. Will make good wood ranch, est?mated to cut 10,000 cords of wood. By 'laving wood cut and hauled in summer and selling in winter, anyone can make good money out of this land. Address P. O. Box 21 1, Medford. Oregon. FOR SALEThree dozen laying hens and two dozen young chickens. Will be sold at a bargain if sold at once. Inquiie at this office. FOR SALE Near Cove, 580 acres o fine fruit vegaUb'e and pasture land, with fine spring water, for $4,500. Also the finest residence and acre block in Cove for $5,600. or land and town nroDertv fir 59.600 if taken together. . , . , inquire at this office FOR RENT 6 room house to rant Enquire of A. C Huntington, 170 Fourth st HAMMOCKS Hand made hammocks and fishnet by Jack Walker, 2112 Sd - St Repairing hammocks a specialty LOST Saturday May 12 band purse containing pair epecticals with one side broken off. some silver and a prescrip tion from Dr. Molitor lossed between Russell & G randy's meet-market and Ed Reynolds fanner. Finder please leave with Observer office. . Hannah M. Rogers . FOR RENT Furnished bouse, six rooms newly papered, sentrally located, 906 Main St Enquire either at this office .otV1710,4th.St WANTED Position by competent book keeper. Inquire at 1 507 Madison A ve - nue. '.'':'. ' ," WANTED Place to lady and little boy. time. Inquire at L. room and board, Leave boy at day J. Jordans. FOR RENT Five Room furnished house with bath, good location. Inquire Grande Investment Co., r uk ken i Local baiesmen to open and operate branch store in this town We sell everything. Good rustier , de sired, with or without capital. , Address W. D. Qarman Company, 617 Cham- f Rminm -. RuiMmr. Portland Oregon. .'''' ' ;:; Mr. John Chadwick of the Cove was in the city today. LOST In this city on the 6th' inst, a pair of gold rimmed glasses. - Finder return to 'this office and get reward. , t ,: . : NOTKE Of STRUT IMPROVEMENTS To the abutting property owners upon De pot street from its intersection ... with Jefferson avenue, to its intersection with Fourth street and to all abutting property owners on Adams avenue, from its intersection with Fourth street to its intersection with First street: You and each of you hereby notified, that at the next regular ' meeting . of the Common Council of the city of La Grande, Oregon, an ordinance will be proposed-for passage, providing for the improvement of Depot street, from ite intersection with Jefferson Avenue, to its intersection with Fourth street and Adams avenue from its intersection with Fourth street to. its intersection with First street by putting said street and avenue, between said points upon the street grade heretofore established, and graveling the same with crushed rock or gravel. Dated at La Grande Ore, this 21 day cf May, 1906. . L R. Snook, Recorder of the city of lA Grande. ANAEMIA GIRLHOOD'S SICKNESS : It is easily verifiable In chlorosis, anae mia, (green sickness, as mothers call it), that the patient suffers from greater or less difficulty along the spine, to which all this needless suffering in girlhood Is due It is equally well demonstrated that no system of treatment save Osteopathy pays any attention to these conditions. Osteopaths hunt out these epinal and ocher deviations from normal healthful anatomy, and remove them by plain com mon sense, mechanical means, just as you would straighten or replace the wheels of a watch. The blood-making organs are ihut let free to resume their work of making blood. There is no attempt to , supply by in ternal druqs the lacking qualities of . the blood, for if once supplied they are soon used up and the patient is where she was before taking. .How much better is the Osteopath's way of setting the natural organs of supply into action that the proper quantity and quality of the blood may be maintained in the way Nature de signed? ' ; HEME Mercury and potash are very deceptive treatments and the blood pomon tufferer who depends on them for a cure is sure to be disappointed. These minerals will remove the external symptoms and shut the -disease up in the system for a while, but the trouble will surely return and the loathsome symptoms of sore mouth and throat, cornier-colored spots, falling hair, sores and ulcers etc., will be accompanied by -the disastrous effects of the treatment. The continued use of these the health and weaken the system disease often becomes incurable and sometimes fatal. Mercury and potash eat out the delicate lining of the stomach and bowels, destroy the gastric juices, producing chronic dyspepsia, cause mercurial Rheumatism, salivation, and where they are taken in large quantities cause necrosis or decay of the bones. - S. S. S. is the only remedy that can cure Contagious Blood Poison surely and safely. This remedy of nature, marie entirely of roots, herbs and barks, antidotes and destroys the powerful virus of the disease and by purifying the blood of every particle of the poison and enriching and strengthening this vital fluid it removes every symptom and Iravm the hodv in a utrnnir. timlthv mn. ff dition. Vfrx Bv with S. iu7 J kj.j vestige cr j K3&J w Ku' O break. OIlCI V VFRFTARLE S your health with the mineral treatment ,.. tut cure safe remedy; we offer a reward of f !.ooj for proof that S. 8. H. contains I particle of mineral. Book with instnictioni self treatment and medical ad vic-i without charge, jjf SWIFT " f 02 SKRIIART Mr. F. H. Benson. Renuhl for Seoreltry o: State, who was in this city - last Saturday, received a very handsome support in this county at the primary election. Though he vas only here a few days prior to the primary election,' during that short stay his personality was such that he completely won those with , whom he came in con- j tact,-. When, the votes have been counted WUIIV IV Will UV UIPMiWIMU Ml UH HM been placed in office by the'largest vote ever received by a candidate for a similar office In this state. The people can make no mistake in voting for Mr. Benson. In Douglass county where he has resided for the past number of years, his friends make the claim that he will receive, not only all of his party vote, but the greatest share of the Democratic vote as well. Union county will contribute her share to his success. ATTENTION A. f. AND A. M. All members of La Grande lodge, No. 41, A. F. A. M. are hereby notified that they are expected to attend the meeting tonight. .There will be work in the Fel- lowraft degree. Visiting brothers will be welcome. - - j ; s - . Frank Kilpatrick, W. M. FOR SALE Single top buggy in good repair. Will be sold cheap if sold at once, Inquire of Mrs. Jacob New man No 1808 Cedar steet " ' " :.-r : MlilNKT OPENING Every day in the week at Mrs. J. R Forrest's.',. Prices lower than ever known Trimmer from Gage's of Chicago. ', Vinol build3 yon up and keeps you up Our delicious Cod Liver preparation witnout oil. Better than old-fashioned cod liver oil and emulsions to restore health for( Old people, delicate children," weak run-down persons, and after sickness, colds, coughs, bronchitis and all throat and lung troubles. Try it on our guarantee.. DECEPTIVE j-,;;,.. v iiU TREATMENT strong minerals will completely mi to such an extent that the original When the blood has been purified S. S. the cure is complete, and not one or the poison is left for future out Do not waste valuable time, and dam vot)r caw wjtJj s g a ( n absolutely SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, CAm - - SEED Field and Garden IN PACKAGES AND IN BULK For several seasons we have been the leading seed distributors of Union county and our present stock is larger thir ever ? Everything in the seed line Secure cur prices on either small or quantity purchases ; . Slater "Buil diner : IEFFERSON AVE v t HAY MARKET WEAKER Our Storage No. f Is still Tilled with- the All gradf$ Timothy. Mixed and Wild. Cho'ce Hay for $12 GO per cmsvmers all the benif t of ON SALE, SEED POTATOES j.i ft .'; i- . V V ' " ' .' li; Wiave several cars of true varieties in transiet. Rural Yorkers', Burbanks; Shippers Pride; Mill's Prize; and fcany kobc, wm - u them here in a few days. We offer these at $1 per cwt In order to secur true varieties in the future f we will pay the-largest market ' price for your present stock and sell you imported seed. . -' 'PHONE Oregon Produce Company mVvHvM4MMMfMHMMMttMMOMH ? .... LA GRANDE D. FITZGERALD, Complete Machku General Blacksmiths, We manufacture The Fitzgerald Roller Feed ' Mill., the best and cheapest mill on the market , Our shops are J equipped With machinery to handle any sized work, nothing too large - or nothing to small, Highs prices paid for old cast iron. ' "i - . ; - . '.'r". ' WE CARRY MEATS for a brief while only.- Short for saying that we handle only fresh products. We sell eo much beef, mutten, lamb, pork, and poultry that nothing stays on our premises long, Food for thought in that truthful statement If you object to stale meats, let us have your orders. Grandy& Russell Repairs for . Any, Make of Bicycle at Smiths CKEAMERY BUILDING Agent for Cleveland Bicycles ! IN A HURRY? . THEN CALL WH. REYNOLDS THE TRANSFER MAN He will take that trunk to the De pot or your home in less time than It takee to tell it Day phone Red T6I Night " Black 1792 Wagon always at your service WOOD FOR SALE 200 cords of Yellow Pine and Red Fir, winter cut on my place 2 milee south of city. Any quantity $3.60 per cord on the ground, banked out within easy reach. W. W. Glass. La Grande. Oregon NEW MANAGEMENT The Centemal has cha r.ged hards will be ready to receive boarders th drat of May. room and board $5.00 week, meals 25 cts Come and see us. C. T. Tolih, Proprietor. Main 57 t f Choicest Hay. We offer you ten, the We are giving lout decline in the market. "MAIN 2 ! IRON WORKS Proprietor Shops and Foundry i . ... TRCASUMR'S (ALL f OR WARRANTS .Notice It hereby given that the under signed Treasurer of Union County, Ore-. gon, hat funda on hand with which to pay all County and Scalp bounty warrants which wtre presented and endorsed by the County Treasurer, prior to May 1st 1902. . :. . ', Ho interest allowed on the above war rants after May ) bth, 1 906. v John Frawliy. , ' Treasurer of Union county. - nifUir use Every family in town should have a box of soap from our window this week at 20 cte.. Come In or telephone us. - . Nbwlin Druo Co. HOTICE TO WATER CONSUMERS Notice is hereby gjyen to all consumers If water in the city of La Grande, Oregon, that all parties who wish to Irrigate, are required to file an application for the same, with the City Recorder. . Irrigation hours; The laws for .irri gation are as follows; from 6:50 to 7:20 m. , ' .''. Sigtied; H. C. Cii.ham, Water Supt Dated, Apr.l 10, 1906, . FOR SAIL Eightacres, 6 room house. barn, place fo chickens or hogs, orchard, all kinds o ruit and plenty of water. Located east of flouring mill,, will, exchange for city property Apply at premises. John Gavn Postmaster Robbed Q. W. Fouts, Postmaster at Riverton, la., nearly lost bis life and was robbed of all comfort according to hie letter, which says: "For 20 years I had chroruo liver complaint, which led to such a se vere case of jaundice that tven my finger nails turned yellow; . when my doctor prescribed Electric Bitters; which Cured me and have kept me well for eleven years." Sure cure for Biliousness, Neu ralgia, Weakness and all Stomach,' Liv er, Kidney and Bladder derangements. A wonderful Tonic. Newlin Druo Co, It it all right to talk about beauty hab its, but most women are to busy hustling and have no time to cultivate beauty hab its. Therefore they take Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. 56 cents, Tea or Tablets . Newlin D hi t o Deaths from Appendicitis decrease in the same that the use of Dr. King's New Life Pills increases. Thty save yob from danger and bring quick and painlevs release from consti pation and (ha ills growing out of It. Strsngth and vigor always follow.' their use. Guaranteed by NawuM Druo Co. 25c. Try them, ' "