s L. 3 r . ij- f t t t s i 2 I X KOTICt Of ilDIWALK LMPKOYtMENT To the abutting property owner on the East tide of Seventh street, between ' its intersection with M and P streets. You' and each of you, are hereby re quired to bu ld a, sidewalk In front and butting your premises on the east side of 7th street, between its intersection with M and P streets, as'provided by the ordinances of the eity of La Grande, and under the supervision of tqs Superinten dent of streets for said city. And if you fail, neglect, or refus to do so within! twenty days after the seventeenth day of j May 1906, said sidewalk will be con-' structed by the city of La Grande, and the expense thereof assesbid and made ,alien against the abutting property. : Dated aV Ca" Grande Oregon, this 21.' day hi May? 1908 A'' Ky ',; P.. Snook. 1 , Rectrder of the city of La Grand. . '.. ' ' ". !'t " No fascination equals that of a clear brained, tender-hearted, lovable woman! ' Just as there Is ro picture like a beautiful , girl.; HoIKeter'a ' Rocky Mountain .ea makes lovable" women,' beautiful ' gifts , 85 cents?;,;;... . Mewlin DbuoCo.-!-' Fresh and Cured Can be obtained at this mar- ' at all times. We deliver all ;; orders promptly. Phone to us or leave your order; We will do the rest KROUSE BROS Rropj. Successor to J. Bull and Go;' Phone Main 43 J. R. OLIVER. UNION COUNTY ABSTRACTS Farm Loans Specialty , ejsV - If You arc a Lover of ice cream you will find your sweetheart waiting for you at this store. We make it a point to see that our cream, milk, sugar and fruit and other flavors, that it's handled in 'a cleanly way from the raw material to tne finished pro duct and that you are served with politeness. We give you the best ice cream and water ices we can for the money. , SELPER, Ml AT " f'--r. : ' " -- '--v - ':""'iv' ' ' . Best equipp abstracter irt. Union t ; f ' 'W' county.', Many years experience -.- w ' ilSlfroL"' 'with1 the -Unicn county 'Vecords ; ' '5L -..'. ; . '' 'v " ' 'gives me a great advantage. It '"V 'v&lisdFFK '''' " ''ifCW ' ' ' is folly to purchase real estate' 1 J':'fayJ$&S 'J?MNk '' ; without first securing a proper " , -'1 V VliiK abstract. An abstract from my . . 1' VTIfV, f3' office will show the title just ae . ' VVj V t VPll 'f ' it appears on the official record. J " A ' fj i;i i..- k. Oliver, ; j AfCvf ' :. :llf'f : I.A GRANDE, OREO N ; -Jm ' ' ' , fg!f !! Room 31 Sominer Building V HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION HtXT FRIDAY EVERIHG To .lie Held in tte (curt . Hoic-Adinission ' Free Evcry- ; v. 's -' -. ; tody Invited : v'-f ,.-The graduating exercises ot the La Grande .pobBo'scfibdl will. Aake 1 place r.noay eve ;ing m ie auditor. urn, op Jha Court house, i There wilf be no d mission fee. EvSfybody is cordially invited to be This is one of the largest , graduating classes in the history of the 'schoof, seven teen as follows; ' Arlie v Dav'td Bay Mamie Elizabeth Bunnell, Maude JVenetta Clements, Maude Olive Cotner.oy Good nougly Vern Handricksy' CJrsce,- Vivian Hopper, Qharlotte Mae Howard,' j Mayme Pearl Howard, Elizabeth' Me King, Hazel Dell Landrum, Zo( Adalene Lane, Edgar George Fickler, Jay M Reynolds, Mollis E. Snider, Mabel Naomi -Wjllamson. Kathryn L. Woodruff. i . Class colors Crimson and gra Class flower Crimson rose. ? i Class motto Excelsior, , ,The following it theypro$ram for' -Fri day 'evening; ' PROGRAM . ""'f ' '" - ' Class" Sang ' - Invocation . .......Rsv. B. F. Meredith Piano Solo ....... .The Palms' Orajioi. Achievementsbf aentrury T A LITTLE IGCREAIV1 BETTER THAN THE BETTER THAN To maintain the deputation we have acquired for'supplyidg" the needs of our 'many patrons tfl every department,, a reputation ve point to with pardon able pride, w .want, now, to advise you that we have opened our soda fountain, with a new line of crushed fruity and fruit juice which excel any which we have ever had, and while we may occasianly find a party who has never tried one of our delicious ICE CREAM SODAS we find a hun dred who have, and do, and always will, because they war.t the best, and appreciate a fine article. We have some new flavors this year which-are,, going to be of universal favor'on account of their' delicate flavors. Hoping you will kindly favor us with an early calltso we may show you, .(,' - . : ' ' 7 .- We are respectfully,. "ti ' : ' i A. T. HILL Prescription Druggist i eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee A Safe Medicine for Children. . . '. " '.. . m mymg a ooorh LAIC'S COCOH BEMKDT. -inere w u "IS" - - to follow.' It i luiwded especially tor congh. colds, eronp and whpiuH couuh. and is the bet medicine ia the world for tbew dlseasee. It U notoulj acS ia cure for croup, but. when given a. aoon ae the cwnpy cough appear., w 11 tveuUhe attac-k" Whooping cough to Sjg is given as directed. It contain, no opium or other harmtu? drugs, and may. U ' Mollie E. Snider ' ' V Elizebetb M. King . Oration . ,Li.. .Joventioi the' Fruit of . Civilization - Charlotte Mae Howard ' Trio .l Dowrt the Dewy Dells Misses Aldneh, Williams and Mrs.'Neill Oration....v... .Tend ncies in Literature i Kathyrn U Woodruff 4 i , Reading.... .The Siege of Calais . . Maude Olive Cotner .. . . Vocal Solo '.:..:..,...Du bist wie sine" Blume Hazel Dell Landrum Oration Sir Henry Irving Mabel Naomi Williamson - Cornet Solo .. .. .. ..... Selected G. Vern Hendricks' Oration .The Supremacy of the Saxon Mamie Elizebeth Bunnell Oration...u..i....... Tne Holy Grail 7- Maude Vanetta Clements Piano SoIbw'.. u-.i'. ForBst Whispers Mayme Peai 1 Howard oppqfntatION OF DIPLOMAS Music. .........X..; Selected La Grande Mandolin and Guitar Club Benedition.. J?ev. 0. King TALK OM SODA BEST THE LA GRANDE, OR n.iron tiATnr ba afraid to bny Chamber " --- . . . ... . -:, (nrs WAHOWA COUSTY Send your collections and' cash items to Tne Stock Growers 2nd . ; Firmer Bank, OF WALLOWA. OREGON. , , We pay five per cent interest on :......'.. time deposit - ' : (APITAL W5.000.00 " ; C. T. McDahibu' Cashier. V e r . ... ' w few ' Bargains BABY BUGGIES : ( need the room. Over twenty different styles. Special prices for a sbdH time. , ', INGRAIN CARPETS mmanf In tha X county to (elect from." We ' also carry a large line of other carpets, rugs, etc. H v f- " LACE CllRTBINS ' We have them from 60 cents to t $7.00 per. pair. ;Will P yoii to look ovr nur Una -.' " ?'-'J ' ' I E. C.ADCOCK MARKET formerly knovyn as the f I HARRIS MARKET PHONE MAIN 16 Having purchased the Har ris market from Rohr ' Co. I am in a position to give the best in quality 'ane prices to be had in La Grande. The Harris mar ket will hereafter be known as MAPKET X We care not hew you suffered, no what failed to cure you, Hollister's Rockr Mountain Tea makes the puniest, weak est specimen of man or womanhood strong and healthy. . 55 centsk Tea or Tablets. NeliH Druo Co. The low prices which we ask for our good grocer ies shame the : quality We need offer no apology for saving you money. If you want something ex tra delicious try our can- ned goods they are real good quality at a price much lower than is gen erally asked for the qual ity . . -i; ..'.'''. . PHONE MAIN 46 . QEDDE BR2J : NORTH FIR STREET IV Ell' Ae B C. : STEAM 'LAUNDRY- , PHONE La Gnnie. i. . La Grande Na tiopal Bank ESTA'B LI SHED 1887 Capital Stock, Surplus and officers; 'and directors 1EORQE PALMER, Prksioent. . J. M. BERRY, Vice Prks'ioekt.' . F. L. MEYERS. Cashier. GEORGE L. CLEAVER, Assistant. Cashier. , BERRY, F. M. BYRKIT. r I CC C. PENINGTON. General banking business, .. parts of the world. The Eastern Oregon Trust ancl Savings Bank Capital $60,000 Opened for Business May I Solicits a share of your business in the poking line especially savings and in- active accounts. OFFICERS W.C. BROWN, President GEO. L. CLEAVER, Cashier DIRECTORS W.C. BROWN. WM. MILLER, GEORGE PALMER, J, LCAVINESS C. T. BACON, GEO. L. CLEAVER. TUftNER OLIVER,f.F. J. HOLMES T. J. SCROGGtN" .' I HIS APPRECIATION 4 .'''. , . THE BUSINESS MAN thoroughly appreciates the advantages of a checking account with a bank. Those who do not keep such an , account miss many of its advantages.' We are always glad to explain ths workings of a checking account to those who are not familiar with banking. . Interests paid on time deposits and in savings department. CAPITAL AND SURPIUS TJhe farmers Rational ee IMEV SUINIBOIMIMET HATS V For Ladies and Misses ' A Variety of Croquet Sets New Stationery '' Millinery of all Kinds " v ,. ' , E. M. Wellman & Company! ADAMS AVENUE ' Read the There's the Ducc to pay - .' : , t I If your laundry work is not properly done or returned on J time; We are always on time, and our work is strictly first 1 c'ass. Properly laundried linen J . a pleasjre. We do work . properly. Phone us and we ' will call for your work and re- J : tnrn it just when we promise , Do not forget the phone number JO MAIN 7 ; Oregon. undivided profits $160,030 00 A. B. CONLEY. ' F. J. HOLMES. Drafts drawn on all . Wm. MILLER, Vice Rresident T. J. SC80GGIN, Asst. Cashier .'..' e e 574.000.00 ana TJraders SSank eeee Observer jiven a oufid mtly to a DaDy aa w ao