i. " 's $22.S0 Suits at Each .1 Great sale of men's high grade suits, single or double breasted sack suits the best product of such well known manufacturers as Stein Bloch Co. L Adler Bros. a. Co., Brandegee, Kincaid &. Wood. Every suit equal to the best merchant tailored garments. K Fancy worsteds i:i large variety, grays included, finest quality linings and bindings. The exclusive clothier would ask you $30.00 for equal style I and grade, your choic while they last at this special low price Z,: :,iS;:.v: 4 :. ' r i MEN'S $10.00 SUITS, $5-00 EACH Two lines of men's high grade Outing Suils, single breasted sacks iri mixed cheviotsand; r . n " striped serge, light gray and blue serge 14 lined, trousers rjrtadc Avitfi turned up botto ms n p n aua oeit loops, every suit oeautuully tailored and liniihed throughout, selling regular , at $10.00 your choice while they last at the low price'? Hi- ; . l is. i. - ', :. ; . " , '. '. f S . f :V MEN'S NEW SPRING WORSTEP PANTS IN ALL GRADES $3.00 to S&50. MEN'S FANCY WASHABLE VESTS $3.50 VALUE NOW $2.40. MEN'S FANCY NECKWEAR Shoes $2.85 for $3.50 Shoes Be as good to your feet-as-you can. They will carry you through the world safely This splendid lot of shoes in patent calf also vici, velour or cordoyan in Bluchers or Bals, means style, service and satisfaction. The Ghicago Store shoe trade is the talk of the town, and we hold it by giving the people more for their money than; any other store Regular $5.00 Oxfords in tan or blaek, blucher or button in the " latest style and patterns, per pair ". $3.50 $1450 j sisM; i Iws ;-.. .1- t-" i ' ? ' . . I l il " r,.M,ui.. tcJlff l ll $5.00 - t!gJ' i: : . Shirts SS'SJ 14 $U5 for $1.50 Greater, values are the attraction that urge your attendance at our store, h o matter how small or how large your purchase may be we giv6 you greater value3 fo.v your ' money than you can obtain elsewhere. v - " v " "n Men's 75c and 85c SHIRTS 50c. All sizes in Goif shirts made of No. r quality, ' percale in light and dark patterns , 50c MEN'S $1.25 DRESS SillRTS $1 OO. Large assortment of men's fine shirts, made of fine quality French Madras, in large va riety light and dark patterns regular $1.25 grade , ' $1.00 HATS : . 75c for $1.50 Mats This line of hats we quote embraces seveVal different lines of soft hats in black and 4 brown, Graeco, straight and stiff brims sold elsewhere at $1.60 our price ;.; 75C : UNDERWEAR Men's $3.00 Underwear $2.00 1 Men s fine Gombed Japanese.silk lisle underwear in ballbriggan- weave regular $3.00 suit for $2.00 EVERYTHING IN MEN'S AND BOYS' WEARABLES SOLD AT WHOLESALE PRICES TrHE CHICAGO STORE r7"f'""'"'r- " . " ' r ..i 4 i i ' . . 1