La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, May 19, 1906, Image 7

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., u. u BIUGERS M. D.
Physician and Surgkoh
Offic Ralston Bid. over J.M.Be.ry's store
, Office Phone Black 1521
. Residence Phone Red 1001
'. w
Physician and Surgeon
Office over Hiir nm c,
1 WkUll,
ie Phone 1562 Residence Mam fifi
nmuAdam, Av,nM tnd P"1 St -Office
Main 68 Residence Main 68
Lewie Building, opposite Sommer House
Office hours, 1 to 4, 7. to 8. p. m.
BACON 4, Haul.
' ; , - - 2
Office in Foley Building, Phone Main 19
C T. Bacon residence, Main 18 '
, .'' M. K. Hall residence. Main 52
I DR. a'VOLP. ! i
. ; , Physician and Surgeon '.
Office; Cqrpe Building. Telephone Main 80
" 'Calls answered day "or night. '
K - - .... . , i
'..'.. DR. P. A. CHARLTON
Office at Hill's Drugstore, La Grande Or
Residence Phone Red, 701
Office Phone 156) Farmer Line 68
' Attorneys-at-Law
la grande ' ' ' " oreooom
v Office in Foley Building
J. W. . KNOWLES ,,"
Office In Ralston Building
La Grande, Oregon.
Office in Ralston Building
a Grande. Oregon
Minino, Irrigation Engineering
and Surveying
Estimates, Plans, and Specifi
cations. O.fice in Bohnenkamp
La Grande. Oregon
. dentists
Office Sommer Building
Office Black 51 Residence 1171
Office over Hill's Drug Store
La Grande, Oregon
ricn3i r runt-.
W tl v
No. o H I. nmer,H.
8M Worth, Omnim, Kan- ttftm
Ho. t MCIly.8t.U.ui. CI .ji3
gOd p m oaou ta . ejjapm
Portland. IaiU Pen
w I tlleton. Walla Walla,
naytnu, I'omcroy. Col-n.-A.m
' 8pooe. itfpiD
V north via apoaar
portian3T5.iri!, J"mi
rtleton, Umatilla. Wal-
Mokot, Wallact, V.r
8:0) P.m. nar. Hpokan. and othw 8:40 am
poinu eaal and Bonn
, via Hyufcaaa .
' Wo. 33 leland City. ,.
Dally birr and . -fin. Con- Botl
wpt or noei at MvB w Ui
Sunnay .taWr poinu a wal- Ms
tl)IB iowa.
Ocran Hteame betweaulFurtland and Han
Franclico every Hve "
A LXKAIO, Gtoeral Aurat
" 11 nn.M
Associate Fonsster
Classified Advertisements.!
RatesOne cent word, one-half a
cent a word each subsequent inser-
iwn. Classified adds bring quick re
sult. Try one today. f
TITLES go to the La Grande Invest
ment Company, La Grande. Ore, in
Foley building. . ; f-
on city and country real estate. Loan
closed promptly, as soon as title is ap
proved. LaGrakdi Investment Com
pany. v ;
Furnished housekeeping rooms in suites
of two, three or four. Phone Black
601. . "... ...
MONEY-"-For loant on city DroDerty. see
Win. Grant's agency. Also real estate
and insurance.-
FOR SALE Ten head of horses, and one
fresh milch cow. Inquire of Mrs. Rose
Harris, one door this side of Rohr and
Co. Butcher shop.
FOR SALE A two acre tract with am
ple water right. One acre in fruit, four
room house .with . pantry ,and cellar
barn and other improvement. Cheap
if. sold at once.:? No agent's commission
paid. Inquire at thie office. , .-..':
HELP WANTED Competent woman or
girt to do general house work. Person
accepting position need not remain- with
family at nights, unless convenient
Inquire at this office. ' .
; r i r ,
ru luui i g awn uuua vu
ington Ave. Rent only $12.00. In
quire at La Grande School of Music?
of unimproved fruit land 2 mile from
Summerville, for tale cheap or -will ex
change for lots in La Grande or improv
ed property and pay difference in price.
, La Orande Investment Co.
FOR RENT The Anthony new wx'room
house, corner sixth and P. etreet, i
Inquire 1606 Sixth Street
WANTED Help, first ; class and com
petent quarrymen wanted at . once.
J. L Mars.
FOR SALE Furniture.' cheap if told at
one. House for rent Inquire of Mrs
F. L. Hunnel. phene Black 1 122.
t ....
ROOM AND BOARD Mrs. Grace Barrie
would like to secure rooms and board
er. Apply at Mr. E. C Moore's resi
dence on Fourth Street. "
FOR SALE OR TRADE Two acres in
Honan's addition, nicely improved, large
roomy house, good ' water. Will trade
, for lot improved or unimproved or
team or both. C. A Carv. ,
LOST On th road between the National
Lumber Company' plaining mill and
the New Armor building, a pair of iron
binder used for binding a load of lum
ber. Return to National Lumber Com
pany's office.
FOR SALE Desirable residence in good
location. ' Hot and cold water and bath
Will be sold cheap if sold at once. ' In
quire of H. U. Myers at- Anderson &
Myers barber ehop. r " . '
STRAY N3riC3-I hivs taken up a
stray bay Shetland mare. Owner
miy have same by calling at my place
five 'miles notth of La Grande, and
paying costs, tf. Peter Allen.
FOR SALE Trees, shade and orna
mental, Norway ; maple, Carolina
popular, box alder, mountain ash, wild
blackcherry, American linden, Scotch
laburnum, golden chain tree, white ash
sugarmaple, white elm, honey locust
smoke tree, golden elder, Japanese
quince. California privet lilacs, honey
suckle, hydrangia, Siberian pea tree
and all kinds of roses and flower
Phone black 601 or inquire of C. L
Kaler. 1603 Adams Avenue.
LOST A book cotaining filed out appli
cations for membership to the Eagle
Aerie, No. 259, La Grande, Oregon,
the same wae lost on or about April 1
1 906. A liberal' reward will be paid
for its return to
Dr, G. L, Bigcers, president
FOR SALE 200 acres of timber land
three miles west of ' La Grande. Will
make good wood ranch, est mated to
cut 10,000 cords of wood. By ,'utving
wood cut and hauled in summer and
selling in winter, anyone can make
good money out of this land. Address
P, O. Box 211, Medford. Oregon.
FOR SALE Three dozen laying hens
and two dozen young chickens. Will be
sold at a bargain if sold at once.
Inquire at thi office.
FOR SALE Near Cove, 580 acre o
- fine fruit vegetab'e and pasture land,
with Tine spring water, for $4,500. Also
the finest residence and acre block in
Cove for $5,600. of land and town
property for $9,500 if taken together.
' ." Inquire at this office
LOST In this city on the 6th inst, a
pair of gold rimmed glasses.
Finder return ' to this office and get
reward. .
FOR RENT 5 room house to rent
Enquire of A. C Huntington, J740
Fourth st. '
HAMMOCKS Hand made hammocks
and fishnet by Jack Walker. 21 12 Sd
St. Repairing hammocks a specialty
FOR RENT Five Room furnished house
with bath, good location. Inquire La
Grande Investment Co.
LOST Saturday May 12 ' hand purse
containing pair specticale with on aide
broken off, torn silver and a prescrip
tion from Dr. Molitor lotted between
Russell & Grandy' meet-market and
Ed Reynold farmer, hinder plea
leave with Observer office. . ';
.... ' Hannah M. Rogers '
FOR RENT Furnished house, six room
newly papered, sentrally located, 906
Main St Enquire either at this office
or at 1710, 4th Sit -i.-x?m r -
Mr. R.W. Laughhn of La Grand and
Mrs, Wad of Siimpter were visiting Thoe.
Wade and wife Wednesday.
Mr. and Mr. M. W. Kiddle left Friday
for Wallowa to visit relatives and to ' at
tend the wedding of Mr. Jesse O. Kiddle
and Miss Cora Tulley, at Wallowa Tues
day evening. ; . ; .
Miss Eva Neill of La Grande is visit
ing with th W.G. Hunter family. : :. -
' Mrs. Dr. Steingramp and Miss Ada
Lindsay of Granite are the guests of Mrs
btemgrampe mother, Mrs. undsey. . ..
Miss Alii SteDhene of La Grande spent
two day this week with Mrs. A. R.
Hunter. , , ... . . (
Mr. Geo. Holmes and .family of Cove
attended the Commencement ' exercises
Thursday evening. f .
. State Supt Ackemtan of Salem, County
Supt, Wells of . Umatilla coun y. Supt,
Bragg, Prof. Martin, Rev. Merideth and
Rev. E. Haye of La Grand war among
thos present at the Commencement of
the High School ., , . . . .' '
Supt Ackerman and Prof. Tucker
were guest at lunch of E. E. Kiddle.
; . EffWENT OffKER ;: i ' .
; Union County ha many efficient offlcert
but hone have been more faithful in dis
charging their ducies to the people than ' J.
B. Gilham the County Clerk. It is neces
sary to have a capable man in a position
like .that kind of a man. It is a pleasure
to have a courteous man in that position
and Mr. Gilham' is courteous to all; . not
because he is looking for support but be
cause it is nature and so he is toalL Mr.
Gilham will not be less courteous after
lection than he is before. W like. Mr,
Gilham not only for hi efficiency but for
hi agreeable ways. ' As Mr. Gilham has
served on term and given th utmost
satisfaction there Is every reason to be
lieve that he will be re-elected with many
votes to spare. Union Scout ''
, . Death) from Appendicitis .
decrease in the same .that th us
of Dr. King' New Life Pill increase
They save you from danger and . bring
quick and painless release from consti
pation and the ills growing out of it
Strength and vigor always follow their
use. Guaranteed by Newlin Druo Co.
25c Try them. '
A Mountain of Gold
could not bring a much happiness
Mrs. Lucia Wilke, of Caroline,' Wis., as
did one 25c box of Bucklen's Arnica
Salve, wnen it completely cured a run
ning sore on her leg, which had tortured
her 23 long years. Greatest antiseptic
healer of Piles, Wounds, and sores. 25c.
Newlin Druo Co.
There will be a meeting of the vice
presidents of the Union county Pioneer
Society at La Grande, May 22nd at 2
o'clock p. m., for the purpose of naming
time and place for holding the next meeting--
Ben Brown, president.
The following i's the list of vice-presidents
for the various parts of the
county: La Grande, Joe Palmer.' John
Publeo; Hilgard. Dan M. Walters; Perry,
John Warnstaff; Alice!, Lige Oliver;
Imbler, John Woodell; Summerville, T. T.
Glenns; Cove, Otho Eekersly; Elgin, Chae.
Hallgarth, Jim Masterson; Union, George
BairJ, Sam Pursell; North Powder,
Henry Graham; Medical Springs, Dunham
i 1 ' '. . 1
Fortunate Missourinns
, "When I was a druggist, at Livonia,
Mo," writes T. J. Dwyer, now of Grys-
vine, mo., wree of my customers were
permanently cured of consumption by Dr.
King's New Discovery, and are well and
strong today. On was trying to sell
hn property and move to Arizona, but
after using New Discovery a hort time
he found it unnecessary to do so. I re
garfl Dr. King s New Discovery as the
most wonderful med cine m existence.
Surest Cough and Cold cure and Throat
and Lung healer. Guaranteed by Drug
gist 6Cc and $1. . Trial bottle free.
Newlin Druo Co..
f Alii
(Scrippa Newe Association) s
;. Portland, Or. May 19 A great "Made
in Oregon" Fair, to be held in th street
of this City, opened here today under the
auspice of th Oregon , Development
League and with the support of th
business men and citizen in general of
this city.) Only articles manufactured - in
this stat and product raised in Oregon,
are exhibited and the exhibition include
large number of working display and
demonstrations of venous horn industr
ies, Th fair will last until next Satur
day, May 26, and is attracting thousands
of visitor from all part of th State.
An elaborate program ha bean prepared
for th week, includieg a big street par
ade, which will be held next Friday and
will be the climax of the fair week.
;; Bristol, Pa. May 19,-The Red Men of
thi city and vicinirry have turned out In
full number, to take part In the celebra
tion of the thirty-sixth anniversary of the
.establishment of Mohican Tribe, No. 127
1. O. R. M. in this town. For week ex
tensive prepartion nave been mad' for
this event and it promise to be one of
the greatest celebrations ever held in thi
i! TV tntam All itk (.!.-
from th surrounding district early thi j
morning and large delegation of Red
Men camefromPhiladelphia, Camden, At
lantic City' ;Trenton and Other citiee".
Th first fiatur of th celebration, ihe
grande street' parade of the Red Men,
started at half past one thi afternoon
and the procession presented a fine ap
pearance. ' Thi evening there will be an
open air entertainment with' vaudeville
performance; mueio and other feature.
They Stand Alone.
Standing out In bold relief, all alone.
nu u a TOnttpicuouR Axampie ol open,
frank and aomwt doallnit with the nick
and aflllcted, are lit. i'Utrce's FavorIM
Prricriplion for weak, over-worked, tie
bliltakHl, DArvoim. run-iluwn.' naln-
racked women, and Dr. Pierce's Gulden
MedlcaJ Uiauuvery. the famous remedy
for weak ctoinai-h, Indigent ion, or dys-p-(Kla.
turpld-liver, or blllournexg, all
eaiarrlml - ;ar7nrtlons whether - of ' the
skimHcli, bowels, kldneTn. bladder, noal
paiu-it iii. throat bmnrlila. or other mil
eoim iiiufKl-a. alo as an effective remedy
for all diwamw arifiiiiR from lliln, water
or.imuiire ulood, as mroluloiu aud tklh
affi-ctioun, .-s, i
Euuh bottle of the above medicines
oeara upon lu wmpior a hadse of both-
eety in the full list of Inirredlents com
posing It p.-Uxttd in pUHn Knylth.
unit irann aira
nil lJ It-It T n ace
these uiediclnea tn a cfi'il( try them-
setoes. and I the best a-uarantv of their
merits. They cannot be cltuwed as patent
nor secret medicine for tliey are neither
iKiiig 07 Kumti ei,miMiiion. . , . . .
Dr. Pierce fl that he cen afford to
take the (filleted Into his full confidence
and lay all the Inured lent of bis modi
cineg freely before them becaimo these
IhKredleiiia nre such as are endorsed and
mont etronidy praised by score of the
moot eminent medical writer as cures
for the disease for which theae medi
cines are recommended. Therefore, the
aftlictd do not have to rely alone upon
Dr.. Pierce's rocommcndntlon aa to the
curative vulne of his medicines lor cer
tain easily roeimniied dleae.
A (l "co at the primed formula on
each Uitllo will show that no alcohol and
no harmful or hhlt-iormiiiK dmgi. enter
into nr. rien-e s meoicliim, they being
wholly comnoutided of irlvcerlc eitracu
of the roots of native, American forest
plants. These are liest and safest for
me cure or most lltigerlna;. chroolc dis
eases. Dr. R. V. Pierce can be consulted
fkkr, by addresslim blm at Hudulo,
H. V., and all communication are rr
ardeu as sacredly coiilidentlal.
It Is as easy to lie well as ill and
much more comfortable. Const I put Ion Is
m coe 01 many tortns 01 nines. ur.
Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure constipa
tion They are tiny. Hiifrar-coateri gran
ule Oiie liltlH'I'ellet' U a oentlelana
tive, wu a mild cathartic. All dealer. 111
HituiciiiB sell ttiboi.
A Cheerful Appearance
attests a joyous soul--no matter wha
the condition of affairs at th moment
So doth bright handsome wall paper add
to our delight of life, even if a note' due
torhorrow, th cash not now forth coming
Com in here if you would see wallpaper
n all it ways of adding to home comfort
money not excepted.
,.' ....
Paper Hangers and
Decoratpratars 41
Field and Garden
For sever! seasons, we have been the leading seed
distributors of Union county and our present stock
is larger than ever - Every thing in the seed line
Secuie our orices on either small or quantity
, purchases,- .., ; .- r-v, .,r ' -
, Slafei? Buildinsf f
Our Storage No; Us still filled with the Choicest Kay.
All grades TimothyHixed and Wild. We offer you
Choice Hay for $12 00 per tc n. ? We are giving lout
consvmers all the benifit of the decline in the market.
:i 4i,, f V. .f ' ' . . V... ; . : ' . ':...-...'.; 'i i I?
W hav several cars of true varieties in transiet, Rural Yorkers;
Burbanks; Shipper Pride; Mill' Priz; and Early Ros, will hav
them here in a few days. W offer these at $1 per cwt In order to
, secur true varieties in the futur ;'w "will pay th largest market
price for your present stock and sell you Imported seed.
' ; I
.... 4 ?;.D. FJTZGERALD, Proprietor, ,
r t . Complete Machine
General Blacksmiths, ,'7 manufacture Th Fitzgerald Roller Feed '. .
Mill., thbet and ' cheapest , mill.. on;. th: market Our shop ar ' -J ;
equipped with machinery to handle any sized work, nothing too large '
or nothing to small. High jric paid for old oast iron. . . ..
for a brief while only. Short for saying
that w handle only fresh product.
W ell eo much beef, mutten, lamb,
'pork, and poultry that nothing. stay on
our premise long, Food for thought in
that truthful statement. If you object to
stale meats, let us have your orders. .
Grandy & Russell
Any Make of
a; at
' Agent for. Cleveland , Bicycles
t J) .' , .4 '.'
He will Uke that trunk to the De
pot or your home in less time than it
Day phone Red 761
Night " Black 1792
- Wagon always at your service
200 cords of Yellow Pine and Red Fir,
winter cut on my plac 2 mile south of
city. Any quantity $5.60 per cord on th
ground, banked out within easy reach.
W. W. Glass, La Grand. Oregon
Th Centenial ha cha nged har.dt. I
will be . ready to receive boarder th,
first of May. room and board $6.00 i
week, meal 25 ct. Com and see u.
. ..'!(' C.- T. Ton Proprieur.
'j Main 57?
'. ' '
Produce Company
Shops ana Foundry
i.". 4 :
TRIAS mm cm r or warrart's
Notice i hereby' given (hat tl un3er
signsd Treasurer of Union County, Ore
gon, ha fund on hand with which to pay
all County and! Scalp bounty warrant
which were presented and endorsed by
th County Treasurer, prior to May 1st
1902. "; , ' ;w; . " '; ..
' No interest allowed on th above war
rant aftr May lath, 1906. ' : .
; . John Frawlby, ,
, .. , -s Treasurer of Union count.
-'naiiiTjTr .
Every family in town should hav a
box of soap from our . window this week
at 20 cts. Come in or telephone us, ,
Newlin Druo Co. ,
Every day in the week at Mr. J. R
Forrest's. Price lower than vr known
Trimmer from Qage' of Chicago.! -'
Notice is hereby given to all censumer '
if water in th city of La Grande, Oregon, .
that all parties who wish to irrigate, are
required to file an applioatiorl for the
sam, with ih City Recorder.
Irngation hours; The la for irri
gation are at follows; from 5:50 to 7:50
p. m, . ,
Signed; H. C. Oilham, Water Supt
Dated, April 50. 1906, :
foauu. .:
Eightacret, 6 room house, barn, place fo
chicken or hogs, . orchard, all kind o
ruit and plenty of water. Located east
of flouring mill, will exchange for city
property Apply at premise. John Gavn
. The regular meeting of Rescue Hose
Company number 1 will b held tonight
All member hould attend, . ; ! '
Postm aster Robbed
G. W. Fouts, Postmaster at Riverton,
la., nearly lost his life and was robbed
of all comfort according to hi letter.
which ay: "For 20 year I had chronie
liver complaint which led to such a se
vere cas cf jaundice that even my finger
nail turned yellow; when my doctor
prescribed Electric Bitter; which cured
m and hav kept me well for. eleven
years." Sure cur for Biliousness, Neu
ralgia, Weakness ahd all Stomach, Liv
er, Kidney and Bladder . derangements.
A wonderful Tonic. Newlin Druo Co.
It is all right to talk about beauty hab-v
its, but most women ar to busy hustling
and hav no time to cultivate beauty hab
its. Therefor they take Hollister's Rocky
Mountain Tea. . 56 cents, Tea or Tablet
' "" 14 'NiwlK D '-fiVCo