f " f ! j '. . I 1. I ?. i . : i '1 T 1 n I. m m A LITTLE TALK ON IGE CREAM SODA MOT BETTER THAN THE BEST J BUT BETTER THAN THE REST J To maintain tht reputation we hva acquired for supplyidg the needs of our, many Ja(.rons in every department, a reputation ve point to with oardon- blejride. we want, now, to advise j fountain with a new line of crushed fruits; and, fruit juice which excel any. i t which we have ever had, and while we may occasianly find a party who' J ' hat never tried one of our delicious ICE CREAM SODAS we find a nun- ' dred who have, and do, and alwayt will, because, they ; want the best and fcppreciate a fine article. We have tome pevr flavors this year whichre J 46ihf to be pf universal favor on account of trWr " delicate flaVorst Hoping "trail will lirwllii fn ,' m;tk oail ... . -' VT i " A. I." Prescription Druggist Fresh and' Cured V"' -'n ' . ; ' ' '' ' ' s. " -v .. . . '' ' . Gin be obtained at this mar at all times. We deliver all orders , promptly. Phone to us or leave your order. We will do the rest. - I V KROUSE BROS Prop. ' . , . :"i Successor to J. Bull and Go. Phone Main 48 . 'iC J. R. OLIVER. : UNION COUNTY ABSTRACTS Farm Loans Specialty Best equipped! abstracter in Union county. Many year experience with the Unicn,' county ecords givet rne a great advantage. It it folly to purchase real estate without first securing a proper abstract. An ' abstract from - my office will show the title just at it appears on the official record. 1, ! " '' ; r I J r. i Oliver U GRANDiCoRKH-N '; Room 81 Sorfiner Building . We care not how you suffered, no what failed to cure you, Hollister't Rockr Mountain Tta makes the puniest, weak est specimen of man or womanhood strong and healthy. 55 cents, Tea or Tablets. Newlin Druo'Co. AT teS)m ift The ingreilients of which S. S. H. is comrosed, and the method of coiu tining and prep.iring them so that they gently and pleasantly build up and strengthen every part of the body, make it the ideal tonic for a disordered condition of the system. Every one feels the need of a tonic sometimes. The system seems to get ,lout of gear, " the appetite becomes fickle, the energies are depressed, sleep is not restful or refreshing, and the entire body bas a nervous, worn-out feeling. When the system is in this depleted, run down condition it must be aided by a tonic, and S. S. S. is recognized every, where as the standard. Being made entirely of roots, herbs and barks Selected for their gentle action as well as their invigorating effect on the system, it will not disagreeably affect any of the delicute members or tissues as do most of the so-called tonics on the market which contain potash or some other harmful mineral ingredient. These derange the stomach and digestion, unfavorably affect the bowels or otherwise damage the health. S. S. S. tones up the stomach and digestion, improves the appetite, produces refreshing sleep, rids the body of that tired, run-down feeling, and supplies tone and vigor to the entire system. It re-establishes the healthy circulation of the blood, acts more promptly and gives better and more lasting results than any other tonic, and because of its vegetable purity is an absolutely safe medicine for young or old. S. S. S. acta admirably in cases of dyspep v ' sia, indigestion and other stomach troubles, and after using it that Aincotu fortable feeling of fullness, diuiness or drowsiness, after eating, are n' ' longer felt. Not only isS. S. S. the greatest of all tonics but possesses puri ""'""St fying and alterative properties, and if there is a taint in the blood it wi!i Tt promptly remove every trace and restore perfect health. In selecting yon tonic for this year do not experiment but cet S. S. S., the recognized stand " W SWIFT SPCCSFtG CO., ATTANTA, GA. you that we have opened our soda ?i W-iWv,;.j;-;.B,4!.. J e i ;. LA GRANDE, OR .Hi n e If You arc a Lover of ics cream you will find your sweetheart waiting for you at this store. Ws make it a j point to see that our cream, milk, sugar and fruit and otheri flavors, that it's ' handled in a cleanly i way from the duct and that you' are served with politeness. '' We give you the best ice cream and water ices ws can for the money. r- ' , . t .j r 7 Man I The low prices which we ask for our good s grocer- ies . shame the 5 Quality We need offer no apology. for saving you money. If you want something ex tra delicious try our can ned goods they are real good quality at a price much lower than is gen erally asked for the qual ity PHONE MAIN 46 , QEDDEJ" BRIT : NORTH FIR STREET RISUM:D WORK Dr. j. L. Reavis of Reavis Bro's, denusts has resumed work in the dental offic smmm tohic AMUSEMENTS ' . . .. -., ','-' ' ' ' " a . : , WORDS OF COMMENDATION ?. Cedar Rapids, Iowa. March 2d, 1905 To High Schools: , . Some years ago soma students in the Cedar Rapids High School adapted The 'Merchant of Venice"' producing a farce, admirably suited fer ; public school entertainment's. V,J ,.J ',. j The play has been given several times in our high school and in each case, the performance has been a distinct success The opportunity afforded of introducing what may be called, local color is one ' of the attractive features of the play. The spirit of the play is entirely wholesome, and it is well suited, W the ability of -.the High School pupils. "' ' Yours truly. . " -'.' J,J.'MoConnsini ;V3' V Supt? of Schools . Csdar Rapids, Iowa. AN ABBREVIATED PLAY The Uncle Tom's Cabin compny pre sented an abbreviated sketch of that old masterpiece called "Uncle Tom's Cabin," last evening. All that needs to be said is that the crowd was so dense and the azz ;r:v:i that- it leave before the performance was over. flnOHGTHE CHURCHES FIE3T CHUIW H" F CHRIRTIA BCiEJk'CK Pnfilnt Unildlng uppoolte Knley Hol ' Bundajr Servl ...............ll m 8erlom 1nMdiiy. .,., 7.80 p m Keaitlnf rnoni alkamr plMwopen loetdty and Thirdy ' from Id to UM a m and Fnlx and Sataidays from 1 to 4 e o.. f LA1TER DAY 8AINT8 SundnyBhool.. ,.10 an) EUgulai servlrM Mutnal Improvrment AisocUlioa meets ooo- lolntlr at 7; p m ' ' ' , 'A': f. CATHOLIC CHUKCH ' W.J. Whyl, rmxot Low MaOTM,Hn.......n, ..7 a tv Blub Man .....10 a m Rotary and Benediction following 10 a m. St. PETFR'8 EPISCOPAL CHUKCH I'pton H. Ullibi, rector Finn SUDriiiy After Zsitcr Holy Com m on lun. .. tn Hnndty Kohool.. . ........M...;.lo m Morning Hrrvlee..........,........ ..U a ra Kvenlnf 8erk.u... . b p i ' Every one InTlted to attend then services CKNTKA). CHURCH of ("HRWT OPPOSITE' 80MMRK HOlB ' 4XH, King, pator, inns P.Bi.' Bible School.'... . ..lii-. 10 a t Horning Wonhlp............. .....ll am V Pig C K meetlD .........7:' upm Etsngfliitio ervlo.. ........,...... 8A) p m rrer ineetiiig W. dnedT . .......... 8;00 p m Boy Clnk Fiidny........- 6i to 8:' Morning "KncouragemenM In Life's Bs tle' Evening No Preaching Service Mrs Humbert of Eugene a woman or fine ability will occupy t(e pulpit on Monday evening. On- State Bible Pbhoo) EvangellM will con duct an 1 itltute Tnes'ay and Wedneadny, MayDland , . ; A cordial Invitation lo nil the services. U. K. CHl'KCH Rev. u. F. Meredith, p'it r Sunday Hrhool . .. . ............10 a m Junior Lf.ifnf M 8 p m Epworlh LfnOf 7pm Cbun h 8rvl l a m and 8 p tn Morntnn "God " Up-men Eveolog "Hucre A coidtd Invl'atiuo to all thane service titeqd d tn all. ' PRK8BYT It IAN CHURCH Ev. E H Hay, paxtor Banday School 10 a m Junior Kndettvor ... p ra Ceo lor EndeHror 7 l m Pram Mfe in Thuraday it p m Prea'hltii MimdHy ..II laiml H p u Mornlnt Our Mitnnerof If " Mrs. J. Van Bun n will rlnic Evnln-"Bivecalurl Berm.in to th Hijh School Graduating Clam" Mra. J. J. rrr will ting Tne chorat choir under tiie dir jction o M Lle. A cordis' Invitation la given to a'l who haa no church home to attend thru scrvicra PIONHRS ATTENTION There will be a meeting of the vice presidents of the Union county Pioneer Society at La Grande, May 22nd at 2 o'clock p. m for the purpose of naming time and place for holding the next meet ing. ' Ben Brown, president The following is the list of vice-presidents for the various parts of the county: La Grande, Joe Palmer, John Publeo; Hilgard. Dan M. Walters; Perry, John Warnstaff; Alicel, Lige Oliver; Imbleri John Woodell; Summerville, T. T. Qlenns; Cove,OthoEckers!y; Elgin. Chas. Hallgarth, Jim Masterson; Union, George BairJ, Sam Purse!); North Powder, Henry Oraham; Medical Springs, Dunham Wright. atAN UP KOIKE Property owners are hereby notified to clean up their aliens and repair their side walks at once. John Wilson, Street Superintendent. WALLOWA COUNTY Send your collections, and cash items to Tlie Stock Growers and farmers BanK, , of wallowa Oregon"..; l- i 'Vv V it-. n We pay (We per cent interest on time deposit , . ' ..'C-T, McDanirl, Cashier i A. K. Stbunrmbkbo, Pres. ( i i " '.. 5 LIGHTNING COLLECTION AGENT . H. A. Watson, Mgr. - Our system gets the money. Full particulars made known upon application to interested parties. ' i . e) ' Office up-stairs in Ralston building La Orande, Or. WWW WW WWW fftfffTi . Few Bargains BABY BUGGIES ; I naairl t rivrnn O ilai ' tuianfn Z 7 S1WW 1V t Willi w v si V"WiiiJ Y X different styles. Special prices for 1 a short time.-. , . ,.; ' ; . INGRAIN CARPETS The largest assortment in the I county to select from. We also X carry a large line of other carpets, rugs, etc. LAGE CURTBINS We have them from 60 cents to 1 $7.00 per pair. Will pay you to t look over our line. L G. ADCOCK Furniture formerly , known , as the IHAKRIS MARKET! PHONE MAIN 16 Having purchased the Har ris market from Rohr & . Co. I am in a position to ' give the best in quality ane prices to be had in La Grande. The Harris mar ket will hereafter be known as ST1LWE LL S MARKET THE LA GRANDE NURSERY SHADE TREES Is one of my special- ' ties. Delivery to be made on or after March 16. Special bargains on Roses I also have a fine lot of Apple, pear, prune, plum, cherry, appri cot, peach, mulberry, shade trees and ornamental trees, grapes, currents, gooseberry, blackberry, dewberry, rasp berry, ' vines, creepers, and hedge plants. Phone 1511, Thorns' grocery Geo. W. Powell, j i iSTILW ELL'Si : v. vt''1 I 1.1. r. " i. - A. am i m I STEAM LAUNDRY . , i PHONE LaGwnfc. ssesesseisitmtvvve"v"vi j La Grande National ' Bank ' !'; ;K :'i established im f t Capital Stock,' Surplus , and .1. i v j . , OFFICERS AND . ' F. L MEYERS, Cashier. : GEORGE L. CLEAVER, Assistant. Cashier. W. L BREN HOLTS, Assistant Cashier. BERRY, . F. M.. BYRKIT. A. B. CONLEY. C C. PENINGTON. F.J.HOLMES. General banking business parts of the world. The Eastern Oregon Trust arid ' . Capital $60,000 Opened for Business May I Solicits a share of banking line especially savings and in active accounts. . OFFICERS ".. W.C. BROWN, President Wit. MILLER, Vice Rresident GEO. L. CLEAVER. Cashier T. J.SCRQGGIN, Asst. Cashier f 'I j -:" DIRECTORS. '''.' , '. -' W.C. BROWN, WM. MILLER. GEORGE PALMERS J. LCAVINESS C. T. BACON, GEO. L., CLEAVER, TURNER OLIVER,. F. J. HOLMES T. J. SCROGGIN , ' ' ',-Vr HIS APPRECIATION W THE BUSINESS MAN thoroughly appreciates the advantages of a checking account with a bank. Those who do not keep such an account miss many of its advantages. . . We are always glad to explain the workings of a checking account to those who are not familiar with banking. Interests paid on time deposits arid in savings department. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS Tjhe farmers Tfationat f jCm Srnd Orjfm NEW SlNB0MET HATS For Ladies and Misses A Variety of Croquet Sets Millinery E. M. Wellman & Coriipany j irMiir i tirMiir" ' ADAMS Read the There's the Duce to pay If your laundry "work is not, properly dope or returned -on time, We art always on time, and our work is ' strictly, .first class. Properly laundried hnen s a pleasure. . We do work properly. Phone us ind we, will call for your work and re tnrn it just when we promise Do not forget the phone nfember .S . B. C. MAIN ? ' , Oregon. undivided profits $160,00000 U - .,.. v DIRECTORS 3 M RFRRV.Vice Pbbsicikt. Drafts drawn .on all , : ' '' v " your business in the e $74,000.00 and Tjradcrs SSanA . ..... New Stationery of all Kinds a :i V :A, AVENUE Observer 'V : :::-