T0DATSNEW3 TODAY Clear and cold, probably frost to n:ght. Tomorrow cloudy. ...... VOLUME V LA GRANDE. UNION COUNTY. OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 18. 1906. . NUMBER .161 liEPlBUCAH RAUY LAST HIGHT THE SUCCESS EXPEaED V t - 1 r . , . it "i x i !! FULLER AGED AT , 8?rlppi News Association) - Butte, Montana. May 18 Wile Fuller was hanged thi morning for, the murder "of J. Callahan in October 1904. Fuller 'it 68 and claim ajelationship with . the Chief Justice Fu'.'.el He ha been known arouna tnis (action Tor many year a a . baVttan. Hi victim we a miner and a ; ENDS 10N6 TERM IN PRISON f .... - . ("crlppt rwe Association) t Pittsburg, Pa.' May 18 Alexander J Barkman, after fourteen year of impris onment in the workhouse for shooting fl. C. Fnck, is released. His head is I shaved to that the police can recognize f the anarchist. TO DEATH n iiier -mm CRUSHED (alp in Wheels; of -Traction Engine, Has ; Body Drawn top t&e Cearin (rusiiinj 0it His Life ' . H JS Li-darman, a e'.tzjn of Imbler met vYeath this mom ng in a most gruesMm rr.a nev Ajojt 7:30 he was enz a 3d n prewiring his traction. engine for a tr o to tie Wade-Robercson saw mill, and haf started the cylinder, ' but-not the trac'i n and climbed on the boiler to adju?t synarh'ng. when he was caught by his c'o Sing and dragged into the gearing. Tha nhia's of death caught ' him at the h;p a-.d mangled his body in a fr'ghtful shape. :. Help arrived and price thi J $13.50 PANAMA LADIES' SUITS $11. 45 Male up in Eton Styles in new Reds. Black and Bjue trimmed In Mohair braids, and with the Girdie belt, this week LADIES' LINEN DUSTERS all the best styles, good assortment Men's an J Boy's STRAW to $4.50 . . Citv Phone Bla 1301 SOUTHWESTERN ATHLETIC MEET - (Scrtpps News Association) Oklahoma City Okla. May 18 The annual meet under the auspice cf the Southwestern Athletit and Oratorical Association opened here today with an unusually large attendance of delegates representing various schools and colleges in the Southwestern State's. The entries for the athletic contests are-numerous and include some athletes of considerable prominence in college athletics. Besides the delegates of the states"included in the organization there are many delegate from cities in Arkansas, , Colorado and other bordering states, which dp not yet belong to the association. It i expected that they will join and thus greatly en large the scope of the association. ' Beside the athletic contests there, 'will be oratorical eoiitests and for these - too the entries are quite numerous. The meet will last two day. , AffAIIUHl &IUKIO (Oil ; (Scrtppe Newe Association) Berlin May 18. The court 1 ' expect antly awaiting the storks visit to Crown Princes Cecelia. . . rOTAL SUBSCRIPTIONS ; (Scrlpp Newe Association) ? Sao Franchisee May 1 8 Th total subscription for relief purpose it $661, 243.48. The Massachusetts relief as sociation contributed $270,000. ' : BY BEARING ass'sted the dying minto the ground and removed him to a near by house. Med- Lical aid wa called for from higin but the uniurbunaiv man uieu at niua u iuvk. , Mr. Linderman had been engaged for some 'time by the lumber company and ran the tractions engine which hauled the lumber from the mill to the village, . He leaves a wife and two children, ' ,' Funeral arrangements have pot been completed. . LADIES' SUI T OPPORTUNITIES .... - . ...', OF MC RE THAN PASSING INTEREST . This week we offer you for your choosing a 'ine of Ladies' Tailor Suit of unques tioned merit and style, in fact every one of them are extraordinary good values at our regular pricings a ft special prices this week SI0.00 Ladies' Suits S8.48 A special value in fact a leader in our Ladies' Suit Department at $10.00 in the popular Grays neatly trimmed and well tailored. Eton Suits at the. epecial $8.48 week h in Linen, Covert and $2.00 up in the new styles at HATS in endless variety 5c. tzfii& 1)1! JAMES W1THYC0MBE A10KES lion. W. R. Ellis Delivers Forceful Address ;av . floes also Hon. It M. CaKe, Hon. W. L Tooze, and WUlk S. Dunniway .Republicans of La Grande are wearing the smile that won't com off today. . j The campaign opening at the Opera House last night was a triumphant suc cess. The speaker each and every .on were entertaining, eloquent and logical. hich immediately caught the spirit of the hour, which is, "united." The Re publican have a walkover in district county, and state and it i the same re port from every county "We are marching to victory. Mr. Cake although' a defeated candi date is not sulking in hit tent but is out using hi influence mnd ability for the election of his successful opponent and the entire ticket. So is Walter. L. Tooze the defeated candidate in the second dis trict for congress. ' Hon. T, T. Qeer i doing the earn. Judge Lowell is doing likewise and thus it is all over the state. the workers of the party irrespective ol faction, (which happily is a thing of thi past,) are determined to roll up a majority mac win awaxei tne tast the morning following election. ' ; Tbe --- of the evening were Dr , iroe. who he J the ticket, Mf. Ounniway the dandidat-e for stats printer, Judge Ellis our candidate for congress. Judge Cake and Mr. Tooze. ' ' La Orande never before was entertain ed intone evening by as many -orator. Each and every one wa listened to with marked attention, being assisted by the Portland trioi of singere who were encored at every appearance. S . ' . Th band under the direction, of Mr. Bramwell rendered ome excellent music which received ahigh tribute from Dr. Withy combe. -;; V: & W. Bartlett president of the La Grande Republican Club presided and County Chairman C. E. Cochran together with the county candidates and speakers occupied, seat on the platform. br. Withycombe who naturally was the speaker of tha evening stated in part a follows:; - 12.50 Ladies' Suits $9.85 In Gray Checked Suits, Poney Jackets Green trimming to match and strapped teams. Skirts self trimmed with straps $9.85 special this week at. wide Princess $11.45 LADIES' WASH SKIRTS Crash made $1.00 up prices from and all Intermediate prices HIS PIATEOR "If 1 km honored by the choice of . the people I trust that no one will ever regret having given me their jvote. My adminis tration will be a deaf one I believe that a public office should' be . A public trust and that it should be, so conducted that it would raise the -standard of citizenship. ducted that the people of the state can roint to it With pride and that th men who occupy it may bt Used a a model of citizenship after, t which the'ypung of, the state may 'pattern. Tner should be no dark chapter in any man' life. There hould be nothing there that he should, be ashamed of;-,;. ,''v;';:V-' "I stand here as an Oregoian," continu ed the speaker."And as an American citizen ' I came to the state ee a boy and was a repubican since first I was able to appreciate whit the word meant. - k i tand for everything tht ' wilC' aid in the building of this state. I stand on a broad policy not on a penurious ' one. And in June 1 trutU'that when the wires have flashed back to the East the tidings of the Oregon election, when they shall carry back to that great man who' has had the courage to grasp greed by the throat and ahaka the existence out of it, the tidings of th Oregon election, that I trust that the message will be that Ore gon has stood behind this man in his battle for the people and for the nation Theodore Roo.mtlt." IS THE PURCHASER (8ciipps"News Association) Salt Lake Utah; May 18 The first piece of track laid for the Western Pa., cific at this end commenced this morning. Fifteen hundred feet has been laid by noon, ; from the Jordan river into the Denver and Rio Grande terminals. It is believed that a salt air beach resort and the railroad which was sold yesterday by the Mormons will be acquired by the Gould interests as a part of the Wastern Pacific's main line. S J (Scrtpps Newe Association) San Francisco May 18 The board of police received a petition from retail liquor I dealers asking that saloon be opened on I June first and that that the annua1 license be placed at $400. 1 he com missioners will make a complete investi gation before any actions it taken. ON NEXT MONDAY (Scrlpp News Association) Washineton May 1 8 Consideration of Smoot case before the committee on priveleges, in the senate hae been post poned until next Monday. The belief is growing that the case may go over unti th next session of congress. TEAMS WANTED . Th Sugar company want to mploy etrr.s ar.d men. ses F. S. BramwtlL GOULD Al AT OPEN R FITNESS TO GOVERN ARMY WAILS (Scrlpp News Association) . Washington, D. C- May 18-CeneraI J. F. Bell, chief of tarT of th U. S. army be'ievee that officers ignd to duty should be selected by their fitness for the position, and that it should not be entirely a matter of individual desires or family reasons. A recent case which has ap pealed strongly to General Bell it that of an officer who expressed a desire for a detail to duty at a certain college. It Is quit evident he had approached the col lege aurhorities on the subject and obtained from them a request for hi services. Later he informed the War department in reply to an inquiry, that he would like to go to the college town, because he once ived there and he and hi wife would enjoy the social lifs, while he would b able to (tudy foreign language. BRITISH TORPEDO BOAT SINKS , Cavera. Spain, May 18 A British tor pedo boat capsized last night near here. and ssven man wers drowned' MERCHANT Of VfNICf Opera Hous May 24 Given In full costume by senior of High School. Rare treat. Don't' .mle it Seat 85 cent. . , - p ,,.'' .J ', 'f f-u RATE B EL PASSES SENATE PRESIDENT HAS V Ttie Battle lias been j Stren uous one Jut tfie Victory is to tne Brave (Scrtpps News Association) Washington, May 18 Th railroad nt bill ha passed the senate. This mark another victory for President Roosevelt. STRAYED OR STOLEN. - Three work horses , one dapple gray 1200 lbs. , brown clubby horse about 1000 lbs. shod behind, bay mare 1000 bs. , dent in left shoulder. Last seen on the road towards Union, $15 for their return to C. A. Peterson. Ladd Creek BE Supplies fibrine and albumen for the nerves and muscles. It is the extract that is em ployed, and hence you get all the nutritive el ements of beef witnout any tax on digestion It is the iron in the blood that keeps the fires of life going, gives a healthy hue and maintains vitality and energy, . 111 WI We use an old Sherry Wine; the . wine of greatest medicinal valve. Aids digestion and stimulates the reconstructive forces. - Newlin's Beef, Iron and Wine is better than ordinary preparations sold under this 'name because it Is always recently made, tastes better, acts quicker, you can rely on. INEWLIN DRUG GO.! La Grande, lilt If MIIS . REDUCED (Scrlpp Newe Association) . San Francisco, May 18 Since, the army hat begun taking account ; of the food distribution .the number ' of ration issued ha be n lowered from 500.000 to 50,000, and th number of eupply sta tions reduced from 200 to 90. Th change from distribution of raw food; to community kitchen Is xpected to tm further reduce the number receiving aid. , Twenty kitchen axe , expected to supply th needs of th whole city and the will b in operation within a week. A 'scar city of brick layers have led th masons and bricklayer to raise wage from . sis to ssven dollar a day. It is believed that higher wage will attract mor tkillsd labor from outside cities. V : DEMOCRATIC RALLY Senator Walter M. Pierce. Democratic candidate for re-election for the office of joint senator between Union. Umatilla and Morrow counties, will address th voters of thi city tomorrow venmg at Steward's Opera House. does more. A tonic Oregon. i ,' J - 2i. 5 r" ,y. .,.'!