"""" V 1 KEEN KUTTER TOOLS LOCAL ITEMS " : . f !2;:0r:a0 NEW SUMMER t-re GOODS A v e: p,-,A-T- yr;: Rule St5re i i i . fa in y ALL THE Latest novelties in ORGANDIES; batistes, INDIA UN )NS, W ITE UNEN SUITINGS, INDIAN HEAD Prices CALL AND SEE THEM THEY ARE BEAUTlcS the;golden rule company Largest Stor- 1308, 1310, 1312 Adams Avenue. Smallest Prices .. ft GALL UP MAIN:? 5 FOR FIRST CLASS GROCERIES Fresh fruits and vegetables every day ;-4, :Your orders promptly delivered as ; f fast as ordered Standard brands always in stock. V4v . ; . THE CITY GROCERY AMD BAKERY C. POLACK, Propr. I To advertise my high grade shoes : I will : I GIVE AWAY : every tvvelvth pair that goes out of : : my store : ww--w WW WW WW www Wwww i 11111 " lLLl 0UT100K to this I carry the HANAN, WALKOVER and HARLOW, for further particulars Call A. V. ANDREWS,! TAILOR ard HABERDASHER Many of our readers will be glad know that the sugar , beet acreag-e year is almost double that of last session and by far the largest in the history of the industry in the county. Many of the beets first planted are up and a good stand is reported. The beets are strong and show better color and more vigor than at any time in the' past. Some patches are already thinned : and the thinning will be In full blast by the middle of next week. General manager F.S. Bram well states that the outlook for tonnage is better at thiar time, by far, than at any time in t :e history of the factory. "Our acreage baing so very much increased we; may consistently hope for a heavy harvest." The following detailed statement, gives the acreage of individual holdings and the acreage planted by the sugar company and where situated. PLACB INDIVIDUAL COMPANY ' TOTAL LaGrande 641 1038 1579 Union 721 159S . " 2116 Alicel 249 218 46? Cove 280 70 .350 .... . 45JJ LOST On the road between the National Lumber Company's plaining mill and the New Armor building, a pair of iron binders used for binding a load of lum- ber. Return to National Lumber Com pany's office. . Mrs. Wm. Lanmen is still on the sick list "' ' ' "" ' ' ' The Electric Concert Co. left Monday for Wallowa,1 Mr. and Mrs. Hunter made a business j94p Island City Monday. K BORN In this city May 13. ,1906 to vt I Mr. and Mrs. D. Murchison a son. wMrsTGaskeU of La Grande was looking after her interest in this city Saturday, Miss Elma Mills returned home Sun day after spending few -days in the county.' ' .-.' - 'f-i ' Miss Ida Giimart returned home Sun day from La Grande were she has been for the past month; Hon, Justice Wade of Walla Walla was in the city this morning on hij. way to Visit friends at Summerville. ,., Mrs, S. N. Chote setured )Kme Satur day from Wallowa where she has betn visiting for the past week,., Mr. Chas. and Miss Pearl Murchison of La Grande spent Sunday in this oity visiting fnends and relatives. '- "1 ' ''' t i. m .' i nere is quite a Dit or excitment in our city now in watching the lumber' train from Robinson and Wades saw-mill. Miss Maudie Chatin returned to her home in Elgin Monday after spending a few days with her cousin, Violet Chatin Mjs Jessie Gilbert, ' who has been visiting her sister, Mrs: L. M. Hoyt, left yesterday morning for WaHa Walla, W..h JProf. J. F. Frost of Summerville h'gh tchool returned to home a MyMinvill Ore., Monday. H! mkny friends regit seeing him go, Hon, Justice Wade of Walla Walla ar- J rived in the city last evening and went to SummerVllla this morning to visit friends and relatives.. ,..,.;..:.! .m-., Mrs. Robert Smith and chitdren returned to their home in Island City Monday after spending a few days ' with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Chatin. ; Mr. F. B. Rutherford, district attorney of the Local Option Law gave a lecture Tuesday night. May 16., in the Piesby terian church which was . well attended by . M. Hoyt, wife and two daughters left this morning on No. 6 for the East. They will visit in Illinois, Michigan - and Mr. Hoyt is an employee at N. shops. ; Hon. Charles E. Cochran, chairman of the Union County Central committee, came over this' morning and Joined the party of Republican candidate which left this morning for Elgin. " Remember the social to be given in the Methodist church by the boys of the Blue Mountain Athletic Club tomorrow even ing. The boys are worthy of a generous support.' , 1 " '-' 1 ; . Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Moulden left .this morning for Benton county, Washington where they expect to make their home. Mr. and Mrs. Moulden have been res idents of our city for the past three years and have made many warm friends who regret their departure but wish them the best of success. '. , . ? . ".' Rev. A. B. May, Methodist pastor at Fbra, was a guest at the C. R. Thornton home last evening. ' T,his morning he went to North Powder where he will re new acquaintances. The Reverend was connected with a newspaper in that city a few- years ago. The Taylor Trio, arrived in the city this morning and will entertain with sing ing at a Republican rally tonight. The fourth member of the party was unable to appearand the trio was substituted. The singers are Terri Taylor, bass, Slade Taylor Baritone. C. H. Watson, tenor. Summerville was visited by a number of candidates Saturday evening and was honored by some fine speeches from Hon. W. M. Pierce of La Grande. Hon. Mr. Rothchild of North Powder and Mr. Dunn. We were all glad to see the smiling face of their chairman. Mr. T. A. Rinehart of of La Grande who is so well known in his vicinity. .... . - i , - i I have just received a new stock of the : celebrated Keen Kutter carpenter toots which are fint class in every respect, a'so a new lot of Crescent Wheels. Call and see them i - -P FISHING TACKLE My stock of fishing ta,cklb cannot be beat , I have everything you need ; , '. " POLE .: .,..,..... ..j. Scto $10.00 : REELS ...... .. 16c to $6.00 - LINES ;.....:.;..' ....... ... 5c tc $2.50 '; . Prices in proportion on everything else .. ' '.y : IMRS-T-N- MURPHY J . .. : . i ; .': . : i Hardware and crockery, County School Superfntenden t, , Wills of Pendleton, County School Superinten dent Taton of Baker City and City Super intendent of City Schools Churchill of Baker City, and State Superintendent J H. Ackerman, are in the city today con ferring with County Superintendent Bragg with reference to making some' changes in the Eastern Oregon Teachers Associ ation district. :; 1 -' Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Weaver of Tilden, Nebraska, who are returning home after touring the coast stoooed over last nivht to visit their former neighbors Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Howard, who reside on iret, . . ;,' i J. 0. Slater, who has been campaigr!-' ing in Wallowa county in the interest o his candidacy for district attorney has returned.' SOCIETY Mrs. N. Molitor will entertain the lad'ej of the Kaffeer Klatch at her home to mor row afternoon. REPORTS TO THE SENATE (Scrlpps News Association) Washington, May 17 Garfield's ful report regarding the Standar J Oil Com pany's relation to the railroads, was sent to congress by the President without comment The document consists of 25.000 words. It presents evidence of rebating secret ratings by which the Stan dard Oil Company has been able to crush out competition. Garfield in a special letter answers the Standards defense, issued shortly after the publication of the original summary. Forturate Mi?sour'nns "When I was a drueeist, at Livonia. Mo," writes T. J. Dwyer, now of Grvs- ville. Mo., three of my customers were permanently cured of consumption by Dr. King's New Discovery, and are well and strong today. One was tryinc to sell hi property and move to Arizona, but after using New Discovery a short time he found it unnecessary to do so. 1 re gard Dr. King's New Discovery as the most wonderful med cine in existence " Surest Cough and Cold cure and Throat and Lung healer. Guaranteed by Drug gist, 6Cc and $!. Trial bottle free. Nbwlin Druo Co. 1 li' II' ! mmr-t' is an expert. His coffee always has that delicious fragrance and rich flavor that dendf perfection Taken in the morning such coffea j a preparation for the day's work. .Then AT LUNCH - it is a tonic for mind and body. . Taken at night it is a fitting finish to a good din ner. And coffee isn't the only good thing we have. Our bill of fare will reveal many dishes equally as appetizing. The Model Restaurant J. A. At buckle. Proprietor OP?" DAY AND .U4f ;klt. Proprietor Ci CELEBRA TE AMHIVERSARY "cripps News Association) Minneapolis. Minn., May 17 Today is the anni versary of Norway's Independence and Norwegians here as well as well other parts of the world are celebrating the day with great enthusiasm, v The Norwegian societies of this city and sur rounding districts have combined their snorts ana will hold a large mass meet ing w:th pitrio;ic addressee music and singing of patriotic songs and there will also be a number of banquets in honor of ins occasion. The separation of Norway from Den- mark was formally declared on May 17. 1814 and that day has been held' sacred ever since in the memory of all patriotic Norwegians. The separation of Norway f rom Sweden has added ' considerable significance to the oharvanr nr k. j,.. - w v. vno ujr and never was the anniversary celebrated mucn entnusiasm as this year. " Tlini f urrinmiMti- Scrlpps News Association)' Pekin, May 1 6 French catholic mis sionaries and the native converts in the Hui province are reported massacred lat Saturday. The French government has taken up the news and is investigating the truth of it. SPAMISH MA OA ABSOLUTELY ALL HAVANA FILLED, AND HAND MADE ; Red Cross Drug Store A. C. MacLennan sole distributor, Union and Wallowa counties