; j'CLUME v" '.....'. " '. , . ' ' LA GRANDE. IftUCKN COUNTY, OREGON, TH'J.ESDAY, MAY , 1 7. 190 ' ' 1 " -,"' . . , V" A NUMBER -;160 . . ;... it l I HUM Jlave anrblnecl Capital ct. W''Mrio HiaM r .IS!" (Scrlppa Nvir.- AiwooktlonV . , V Saii Francn:j. -..ly 17 All banks in this city will reopan for business th (morning of May 23i. This action is , brought about-by prassur of larger in stitutions Vihish ar bssorrunj exercised I Over th terga ;Hum of business which i is being diverted from '.his cily. ;. AJJeom- mercial banki wjl open anu .,li have a is Mil f Washington May 1? Senator -Tillman ' is J&mpting .to obtain a v more rigorous arrtmentto th rat bill prohibiting , carrier from engaging in other, business. v fie (feolared If' this not don the ' amend . rftent might as well go out with the bill- which has so many loopholes that Wash i' ington" monomenV-' could b put in it TiHma.' amendmen. wa rejected. f- -IV'-S"1" '' ! -4'S- I PRfSBiIcRIA.1 ASSiMBLY OPENS (Scrlpp News Araoclatlon) I De Moines, I0W4, May 17 The retir ing moderator, Mo.fit. atth Presbyterian assembly which opened here today, made biSf$Wtial address before t'ne election of F officSu. Tnis aftimoon th assembly, ( whicn contains rap'jsjntitives from $ ivery PresVy'.r-ry in I' ed Stat , J will elect new m erator fro 0 th fire I candidates. ' - j-Quirt ai r:::"ssioiF" ; I'' (Scrlppn Svxt Aocktion) I Philadelphia, M y 1 7 Ohas. Pugh, 1 Vice president of ilu Pennsylvania rail- road tastifisd bafra 'tie interstate Cam- 1 missTon that thjc-vp.niaU'&ally refused ! to grant requ35ts f r . li'roid sidings to independent m ! beciusa the market I would be fiodei with al SIQ.00 pric mm $13.50 PANAMA LADIES' SUITS $11.45 Ma- up in Eton Styles in new Reds. Slack and Blu tnmmed in Mohair braids, and with th Oirdi belt, this week LAD!ES" LINEN DUSTERS in all the best styles, in good assortment . Men's and Boy's STRAW to $4.50 : ?2 City Phone Black 1301 Si til Miilscn : DoHars-rWill .be Business OfW . V. -. . , ' , combined working capital of t.xty million dollars on hand. No fear is expressed at to the ability of the banks to' handle all business which offsrlJ arid i pay H d mands. t . r ' ', , j ' ?, The car'lines are being rapidly extended and two additional lines are being opened. Tea death due to the earthquake and fir twera reported" by tha coroner today. ' s 'I 'Uimu-iKiii mr-rv (Scrlpp New Association! .' Decatur. Ill, May IT An injunction restraining th general assembly of th Presbyterian church from merging with th Presbyterian church, wai filsd tn Th Vn Will V-, tomor f- m CAUIIKJ fOR aid ! iBnrlpp hJew AwociatlonV ' - Mar.etti.Chl May.lT-Th Congrij gatimal asiociatioil has Usued a (fall for aid for th San Francisud hufchi. - FROM BAD TO WORSE (Scrlpp New Association) 4 iG..'J.,A 4k. iw. j., may i4 in sentenc of Anna Valetin wa today to lifa.imprisonmint.) SUBJECT TO irScrlpp New Anoclatlon) Washington, May 1 7 Th San' Fran cisco earthquake it an important factor in determining the senate corrlmittee's vote on th sea level canal. ' Mann reports that the Isthmus Is "not exempt from earthquakes and that a wall necess ary for locks would offer good materia for shocks to injure. . ' , aeaui changed I - :. , ? in', 1 J - . 1 LADIES' SUir OPPORTUNITIES ; OF MCRE .THAM PASSING INTEREST ., , . . . 1 ' ' . . This week w offer you for yaur choosing a-'in ot-Ladies' Tailor Suit of unque tioned merit and style, in fact every on of them ar extraordinary god values at our regular prions ai f,t special prices this week La ties Suits 53.48 A special value in fact a leader in our Ladies' Suit Department at $10.00 in popular Grays neatly trimmed and well tailored. Eton Suits at th special $8.48 this week LADIES' WASH in Linen, Covert amf Crash mad fff the new styles at price from $2.00 up HATS In endless variety 5c, EL I l w - I BilD (3cr)pps New Association) . 1 . Salinas, Cel. May 17 Th China town which wis located on the short Jin betweentPacific Qrov and MonUray wa totally destroyed by fir. Of th four hundred shacks which composed th town but seven small buildings remain. Tha loss is estimated forty-fiv thousand dol7 lars. ' Four hundred refugees from th San Francises China town war tr'jn made homeless. .'...) . j'' Of (Scrlpp New AataelatlO.il) .,. Salt Lak May 1 7 It is announced President Smith, that the Mormon chui will retire from butmtss, relinquishing all of its properties.' It ha already ferred all of it traction 5rty for $500,000 to th InUrmadrTUin Consoli dated Railroad Comnjirfry which has been Icapatilized at$6u0.000 and willincor porat at Bofi today and will tak over th Salt L&e aihcT "Ogtien striet railroad. An international trust company 1 to be neorporated her in a few day which will finance the biggest interurban electric road proposition in the west. It is pro posed to build a road from Lvn, Utah to Preston, Idaho a distanc of S28. Construction work is to commence im mediately. " ' . ",,"; '. .CLOSED AGAIN ' The Stat saloon is again out of com mission and to those who hav been ac customed to satisfying that long- distanc thrist at this paint joint will not b able to secure their favorite prescription there, for som tima at least Th place is closed and there ar those who say that th proprietor ha gathered , himself to parts nknown- to those intrstd in a financial way with th resort, i ' . 12.50- Ladies' Suits $9.85 0 iS ss In Cray Checked Suits, Poney Jacket Oreen trimming to match and (trapped seams. Skirts self trimmed with strap $9.85 special this week at wid Princes $11.45 SKIRTS $1.00 up and all intermediate prices t '. Vcriere Phone No. 27 CAHAD1AK TROOPS iff Ml (Scrlpp New Association) Vlcwria. ,B. C.. May UrTh British troop wer 1 tormeriy .witnarawn irom Canada today. ' 'Tm tatmnt wa 'mad trua .when th Royal garrison art.il riu- lr,mnd th Royal. ngineer nrarqtjJjj.--- -yir outf.'th Work'Point bavras"-; h mailed on the steafcer,' (:M'l-niitt Point barraok ar. now- of Canadian troops .11 utm . 4 a; Atth council meetini last night Mr. '. L Mayer wa elected M filf th vac ancy In th third ward, caused by th of Dr. L. D. Sea vis. . f An ordinance wa presented and raid th first tim providing for an occupation tax. which wa unaminously voted dowrt. An ordipanc, ,prokling for .a raisa.ln salonn. license frttrr) 4)400 to $600-. w also killed after th first reading. Another ordinanet providing for a J)00 licence wa read th first tim and rfrd to the judiciary, who will report on it at the next masting. This ordinance if passed will throw many restrictions around th saloon of this city and in tomorrow's issue w will print th proposed fsaturts. ,The council authorized the city engineer to make preliminary surveys of Five Point creek and report the feasibility of con ducting tha waters thereof to th city. Th recorder wa authorized to adver tise for bid to furnish wood to the pump house. ' Also to advertise for bids for the construction of- certain tide walks that tha property owner had failed to con struct. , .'. . The matter of buying a steam road roller was not brought up and w presume that this matter ha been indefinitely postponed. . . ,Th city granted th public chool permission to hold tha comencetnent exercises in th Court House building. A number of. street grades and tide walks were ordered of which the Recorder will give official notice in a few day. For a whil thflow of oratory between the mayor and councilman Birtlet waxed warm but after a while th marshal! restored quiet and business resumed along the even tenor of its .way. The street committee was given suffic ient matter to investigate sufficient to keep them busy until the next meeting. which will be June 6. Iff All OF WILD (Scrlpp New Association) Orovill. Calif ..May 17, Report from th mountain camp ar to th effect that the heavy biatting which , It being done by the Western Pacific . it driving th wild animals of that regeon from their lairs in to the open settlements at French creek.. The people there are terrorized by mountain liont who deprived, of their usual tourcet of food are ready to attack humane. Numerous lyna and wild cat art reported in the neighborhood. At Big Bend the settlers are threatened by rattle snakes which have been driven from the ravine and canyont. HAS PE DILEMMA Of BOISE. WeItUy:; Business Man c! l i sdaus ; State M Miraculously .Drccd ill Perry : Th; mosi tartllnB and. oeculiar di- rj?"' wealthy druggist of t. - .1.- .... FWiii. in time within the last tew nd his littl daughter, who it thirteen year of age, left . their hom city for Detroit Michigan, During th trip to Nampa the little girl saw nothing of her father and pa ,, reaching" ther h found hi birth contained only a hat and coat Hurrying back to Boise h notified th Elk' lodg of which her father 1 a th missintf man. Th wirtt wer kept hot with " Inquiries swr tm morning. E. W, Davis received a tologcara inquiring for St Johns and giving hi -scription also stating that h wa pro bably demented. At. th tarn tim a farmr brought man to this city an '" " h daicrlntUYrt. 5' 4 & ' '' - fol . at iifi niifT) uiB3 . "I hav. fiai ' aiiTlWf attSckJ 6foYNj (Jon'tjramwnbar' wMrll walied wit fe. and don't rOTnmB6f. when . ttrMeJ, byt think-il WM fourtenth.C When hNw th wa th rntntl) h K .'fwithed. put continu.d. ,"Mylf tah . . . . ; ... (Scrlpps Newn Washington May 17 Senator Bailey1 presented to the tenat documentary evidence tending to discredit the publish ed statements that he had acted treach erously to the party or that ' he had . at tempted to prevent effective : rat legi. lation. Chandiei; furnished Bailey with a ' copy of hi memorandum in which Chandler says he did not give th Presi dent assurance as to Bailey' attitude re lative to the so called railroad senator game, because he nad not seen mney, and did not feel authorized by what Till man taid. ... ,. . . :: JOINT CONVENTION . (Scrlpp News Association) Springfield 111 May 1 7. -The joint con vention of the Illinois miners and opera tor hav convened.,' Th indications are unfavorable to a pjicaful settlement, Bfff .. ....... . . -jm- m -Wawr- ; 1 iiuirri r Afooolatlon) . f '" J Supplies fibrine and albumen for the . nerve3 and muscles., It is the extract that is em ployed, and hence you get all the nutritive el ements of beef witnout any tax on digestion It is the iron in the blood ' that keeps the fires of life going, gives a healthy hue and maintains vitality and energy. IRON W We use an old Sherry Wine; the wine of greatest medicinal valve. . Aids digestion and stimulates the reconstructive forces. Neulln's Beef, Iron and Wine Is better than ordinary preparations sold under this name because it is always recently made, tastes better, acts quicker, you can rely on. V jNEWLIN DRUG CO.! La Grande, WlfSS I. V ' BoitfJSffi ; l-W. b J ter toolt th train at Boise but how I got h?! won't knw. Tb.it .motritrijr., at fiv odjocii t Sami to my 'senso whil lymgT' undar a brldc4near . Perry.. A farmer brought m to th city. ' At thit moment I , m astan as anyon," " J " , When hi trrivd In L Grand hi facr wai tomtwhat bruiltd but not seriously. Mr. Davit In bthalf of th local lodg of Elkt, Hal' wired. Bolt that th man wanted it hr, and that thl Jocal lodg it administering to hi want, From th information that cantbdT gaiirau MMi.M. T.T.. Ci "TZ' with , thi attack . whil on hi way to' Nampa and boarded a west bound C R. & N. train and cam through Da Grand in that way. But how h com to.b dropped off near Parry, it of court a mytttry, ; Th man ha no concptif - how h mad th trip,' knw nothing -about ttm-i )f.l, f9reott.n whn, h lUfUd, but did know vav girl. During th' a...J ..... .vr rciv advice from th Bois lodg'1 stating that K ommitt would arriv in th city tonight; to takt charg of him. I , 0 upimm n muriopai owksskp (Sorlpp New Ataoclatlan) 1Hou.ton, Tex. May 19-An l.ction- If btitijld hr today to decide whether arm thfity haU buy th present plant .ct Hntba WaUrwork Comoanv. . wiiich Asm krt ird to th city far $90070(7 , mutt b jaid in-, cash and $467,700 mutt b attumcd of th out- standing bond of th,waUrWorkt com- any. : . -X : ' 1 N, If today' election thoufi ratjlc fci fav or of thit proposition, another Uctidit' will hav to b held to detarmin- vimtm or not th city tha 11 issue bond to cover th monnt necessary to acquire th wataY- . works plant. In i planned to hav th second election scn after,! th ; firt, 1r cat th Mcond election should become necesary. In that cas It will probably be held within sixty day.' Mayor Rice a well a tha commissioners favor th plan and are of tha opinion that ' it wuuld b much batter to purchaa tha Dlant of tha present watarwork company, than to establish a new municipal plant. The Citizen ar divided on the) proposition, pf municipal ownership of the watarwork and the result of the election' la awaited with considerable Interest. lAVOR COAST SHIPPERS ' r (Scrlpp New Association) -.Th house passed th naval appropria tion bill allowing 1 0 per cent preferential to Pacific coast shipbuilders in competing for th building of new oat'.lut.ups, car ried. -Th senate refutsd to ?mak gat pip line common carriers. ; does more. A tonic Oregon. V I 1 s V3 ...iiiiiii r