SUIT SALE OF THE SEASO N j AT THE ' ' . V;,'. ; " .:. THE CHICAGO STORE . r-iiiM . 11 f $10.35 Fo r $15.00 kJUitO Worsteds Cheviots, Cassimeres, etc. Single and K double breasted sack, also grays and mixtures of all kinds. The best $ 5.00 suits to be seen in the city. ' When the Chicago store cuts loose its money in your pocket ft '';- MMm!i if 'ill iff WI ' .If For $16. BO This immense line 6suits consists of-Brandegee, Kin caid and Wood and other'high class makes of $16.50 suits. Serges andjunfinished worsteds in black, gray1 and blue effects. Thelbest real r suit bargains ever shown in season bylLa Grande's up-to-date clothing house. : V' v ;' , ' v . ' PANTS Spring style pants wool ' and worst eds, tailor made at prices that will wake up pants buyers. $3.25 for $4.50 values. A saving of $1.25 on one pair will pay you to buy two. $4.85 Elegant materials in striped worsteds, silk mixtures, in the newest designs Regular $6.50 values HATS STETSON GORDON $3.80 $2 00 In black and light Golum- Regular $3.00 hat in K" -. Dam,ia, u nn olack and light Graeco bias. , Regular $5.00 ? ,umb. lroad and values ' 1 ; cowboy shapes , 97 Hats at 75c Just half the price. See window display. . They are $1.50 qualities. You had better wake up your size will be gone. '' " SHIRTS The gold u l ul i r y negligee shirts $1.25 values now $1.00 , 1.3) LIS 1.75 0 2.00 " 1.50 2.50 ," " 1.90 NECKWEAR In whites, grays, browns, blacks and all widths four- j II ..i in hands. Regular 65c and 76c ties 40c Women's Fashionable Attire BEAUTIFUL WHITE SUITS AMD WAISTS . 1 CHARMING WHITE WAISTS One'of the largest and best assorted stock of white waists in La Grande mao be found at the Chicago Store and discriminating women are quick ot recognize it. LAWN WAISTS made of imported lawn embroidered or plaited and tucked front and back, new sleeves and cuffs JI.00.tO $2.50 FINE IMPORTED LAWN AND JAP SILK WAISTS Heavy embroidered or insertion with lace cuffs, very attractive long and abort sieeves. $2.50, $3.00, $3.50, $5.00 and $7.50 Sec Window Display ATTRACTIVE WHITE SUITS I Priced at $4.00, $4.75, $5 00, $6.50 and up to $16.50 The beautiful array of these garments it unsurpassed by any suit house n J La Qrande. An out-of-ordinary collectian of tuita to offer at these popula prices and it will be the opinion of all who see them that they are suite that would easily sell for more. Sec vVindow Display THE CHICAGO ST O RE ".a Erras-: