PROFESSIONAL CARDS . PHYSICIANS " , ' 0. L. B1GGERS M. D, ' Physician and Surgeon Office Ralston Bld over J.M.Be.ry's store Office Phone Black 1521 Residence Phone Red 1001 DR. A. L. RICHARDSON Physician and Surgeon Office over Hill's Drug Store. Phone 1362 Residence Main SS N. MOUTOR M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Cor. Adams Avenue and Depot St Office Main 68 Residence Main 68 WILLARD SMITH PHYSICIAN AND SUROEON Lewis Building, opposite Sommer House Office hours, 1 to 4, ?. to 8. p. ne Main 71 m. BACON & .Ha"u- PHYSICIANS AND SUROSONS ' Office in Foley Building, Phone Main 19 C. T. Bacon residence, Main 1 8 M, K. Hall residence, Main 62 DR. H. VOLP. Puwrim wn Surgeon Office: Corpe Building. Telephone Main 80 Calls answered day or night. Classified Advertisements. Rates One cent a word, one-half a ' cent a word each subsequent mser-1 iion. Classified adds bring quick re suits. Try one today. . j FOR RELIABLE ABSrRACTS OF TITLES go to the La Grande Invest ment Company. La Grande, Ore., in Foley building. ' REAL ESTATE LOANS-Any amounts on city and country real estate. Loans closed promptly, as soon as title is ap proved. La Grande Investment Com pany. " HIDES. PELTS. FURS, JUNK-Highest price paid for hides pelts, furs and junk Harris corral one block east of Geddee' grocery store. Mosi Harris. FOR SALE Near Cove. 580 acres of fine fruit, vegetab'e and pasture land, ; with fine spring water, for $4,600. Also the finest residence and acre block in Cove for $5,600. or land and town property for $9,500 if taken together. Inquire at this office FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms in suites of two, three or four. Phone Black 601. MUNtY For loans on city property see VVm. Grant's agency. Also real estate . and insurance. VETERINARY SURQEON DR. P. A. CHARLTON VETERINARY SURGEON Office at Hill's Drugstore, La Grande Or " Residence Phone Red, 701. Office Phone 1361 Farmer Line 68 ATTORNEYS CRAWFORD & CRAWFORD Attohneys-at-Imw LA ORANDB OREOOON Office in Foley Building STRAYED OR STOLEN A brown mare weighing 1 000 pounds, left foot white, faint brand "W" on left shoulder. Return to or phone Red 682 and receive reward. G. M. Curtis. FOR RENT -Two stor,y house on Wash ington Ave. Rent only $12.00. in quire at La Grande School of Music J. W. Attorney and KNOWLES Counsellor at Law Office in Ralston Building La Grande, Oregon. H. T. Williams A. C Williams WILLIAMS BROS ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Office in Ralston Building Grande. . Oregon L. A. PICKLE R Civil. Minino. Irrigation Enoineerino and Surveying Estimates, Plans, and Specifi cations. Office in Bohnenkamp Building. L Grande. OreoON Dentists REAVIS BROS dentists Office Sommer Building Office Black 51 Residence nil C. B. CAUTHORN DENTIST Office over Hill's Drug Store La Grande, Oreoon FOUND A buggy robe, in this city. Owner can have same by calling at E. G. Adcocks, furniture store, prompt ly and paying for this notice. WANTED Position by competent book keeper. Inquire at 1507 Madison Avenue. FOR SALE Furniture, cheap if sold at once. Hous e for rent. Inquire of Mrs F. L. Hunnel, phene Black 1 1 22. FOR RENT Pleasantlylfurnished rooms suitable for lighthousekeeping. Mrs. EJ C. Moore, 1617 Fourth Street FOR SALE Residence, corner 8th. and N. Also d Civil j team, harnesslight buggy and hack. Call at this office. REMOVED Sarah Adeline Smith's dressmaking ' parlor from 5d St to 1808.4th St SHIPMENT OF RANGE HORSES DON'T READ THIS? MORE TH AN SIX TIMES X Without calling at Coolidge's paint and wall paper store and examining the largest and - . most complete line of . r X Will, TALK miOW fMR (Scrlpps New Association) Hot Springs, Ark., May 8 The Arkan sas State Medical Society met here today for its annual convention. The attend ance is unusually large and the program for the convention highly interesting. The yellow fever problem and the question of quarantine will form the subjects of dis cussion in one of the meetings. LOST A music roll with five pieces of vocal music on Hot Lake road. May 6. Leave at Observer ortiice. Kewara. FOR SALE Ten head of horses, and one fresh milch cow. Inquire of Mrs. Rose Harris, one door this side of Rohr and Co. Butcher shop. ' FOR SALE A two acre tract with am ple water right One acre in fruit four room house with pantry and cellar barn and other improvements. Cheap if sold at once. No agent's commission paid. Inquire at this office. ARBOR DAY Id MONTANA (Scrlpps News Association) Helen Mont M:y 6 Today Is Arbor Day in this state and, in accordance with the Governor's proclamation it is gene rally observed as a legal holiday. In air public schools exercises are held in keep ing wi(h the character of the day and schooLchildren and many citizens planted trees in the schoolyards, - publio parks, along the highways and in yards of their residences. , W. H. Babb, the well known horse dealer, is now preparing to make a mon ster shipment of range horses to Alberta within the next few days. Between 600 and 800 head will be shipped from this country, most of the animals coming from the vicinity of Pendleton, the Echo coun try and the section between Pendleton and Walla Walla. For some time past Mr. Babb has been engaged In securing the horses, and he is now at Echo making some purchases. Several days ago ha bought 40 head of T. J. Tweedy of this city. The horses in the big shipment will be of all classes and will be destined for the markets of Canada. While many will be heavy work animals others will be small er and suitable for other purposes. . Two years ago a similar shipment of range horses was made by Mr. Babb, when ne sent about 1000 head in the Alberta country.' .,' For the coming shipment a train of cars will be used. East Oregonian. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 20 acres of unimproved fruit land 2 mile from Summerville, for sale cheap or will ex change for lots in La Grande or improv ed property and pay difference in price. La Grande Investment Co.. BLUE MOUNTAIN FOREST RESERVE ' Application For" Grazing Permite, Notice is hereby given that all appli cations for . permits to graze cattler horses, and sheep within the Eastern Division, of the Blue Mountain Forest Reserve, during the season of 1906, must be submitted to D, B. Shelter, Forest Superintendent Baker City, Oregon, on o before May 19, 1906. Full inform ation in regard to the grazing fees to be charged, and blank forms to be used in making application, will pe furnished upon request addressed to the above named officer. ROOM AND BOARD Mrs. Grace Barrie would like to secure rooms and board ers. Apply at Mrs. E. C. Moore's resi dence on Fourth Street ' FOR SALE Good hack and harness for sale or trade for milch cows. Apply at this office. " ' FOR RENT The Anthony new six room house, corner sixth and P. street . Inquire 1606 Sixth Street . WANTED Help, first class and com petent quarrymen wanted at once, J. L. Mars. i n e w wall p Ape r Ever shown in La Grande - i We Employ a Force of Skilled Paper Hangers I and Painters. and trc prepared to handle all kinds of work In this line to the ertire satisfaction of our custo mers. Get our prices in lime, cement, etc O. F. eOQLiIDGE e ! SEEDS, I A MILLION DOLLAR DONATION tcrlpps News Association) ' Syracuse. N. Y.May 8.' John D, Arch- ebold, the financial baker of the Syracuse I University has givan over a million dol lars to the institution of which Day who 1 assailed President Roosevelt is chancel lor. Don't be fooled and made to believe that rheumatism can be cured with local applications. Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea is the only positive cure.for rheuma tism. 55 cents, Tea or Tablets. . Newlin Druo Co' RICH LOAM Extra rich black loam, for filling gar dens, etc.. for sale and delivered. I also have gravel for str ct filling, close in delivered o- on the pla:e, J. L. Mars. ' WEATHER REPORT .'. The past week was dry and warm. A few small showers occured in the coast counties and also in the foothills of the Blue Mountains; but the amount of rain is inconsequental, and droughty conditions I now prevail in (II parts of the State. The mornings, as a rule, were cool with temperatures dangerously near the frost mark, but fortunately, the dryness of the atmosphere prevented frost from forming except in a very few localities, and in these places the frosts that occured were too light to cause serious damage. The I afternoons . were warmer than usual especially during the opening and closing days of the week. Gentle northwesterly winds prevailed during the entire week, I except in the Columbia River Valley, wnere they were disagreeably hig' on one or two days, but not svfficlently high to be destructive. Climatological Serv ice. Field and Garden IN PACKAGES AND IN BULK ; ' For several seasons we have been the leading seed distributors of Union county and our present stock is larger than ever - Everything in the seed line .v. Sccuie our prices on cither small or quantity ' ' purchases ' ,; , Slater Buildinsr v TEFFERSON AVE ' Main 5? FOR SALE OR TRADE Two acres in Honan's addition, nicely improved, large roomy house, good water. Will trade for lots improved or unimproved or team or both. C. A Cary. FOR SALE 200 acres of timber land three miles west of La Grande. Will make good wood ranch, est'rrated to cut 1 0,000 cords of wood. By 'laving wood cut and hauled in summer and selling in winter, anyone can make good money out of this land. Address P. O. Box 211, Medford, Oregon. FOR RENT Two desirable rooms near Depot St. Enquire at this office. GOft J 1M FOR SALE Trees," shade and orna menta1, Norway ' maple, Carolina popular, box alder, mountain ash.wild blackcherrv. American' linden, Scotch laburnum, golden chain tree, white ash sugarmaple, white elm, honey locust, smoke tree, golden elder, Japanese quince. California privet, lilacs, honey suckle, hydrangia, Siberian pea tree and all kinds of roses' and flowers Phone black 601 or inquire of C. L. Kaler. 1603 Adams Avenue. DEPART Mo. 6 Wo. 2 0bp ra No. 1 6:55 am. HO 6 11:01 p. ni. . hrtlnl DUK, OK an mae, Peo.r, JVortb, Oiiwhn, h muCliy.HtjixOli, l kl Portland. Dsilci.Peo- dirtoo. wmia ha, Moscow, BP"""'; and poiuu rt od north viaBp"ii' vSfSimSTM A''"' dleton. UmHtUI,, V. . lull, Uwt.lon. o't. Moscow. V. ll. V l nr. Huokunc U'I "' tulnu nun via ivlmne No. -JS Clly ! repl Hnnnay tHOM No I 6Ai s m WANTED A girl,for general housework small family, good wage9,must be com petent Inquire this office No! No FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms. In quire of Mrs. Pollman, corner Sixth St. and Washington Ave. Phone Black 1181 FOR RENT 5 room house to rent. Enquire of A. C. Huntington, 1740 Fourth st nonli hier una '' iion st LU- V u- lor poloth o Si 1)1 I'urtlatitl iiiJ Huo Ocmn Mtosinf n bvwea i Franci coery 0v. d.y. r, K.. HELP WANTED Competent woman or girl to do general house work. Person accepting position need not remain with fmiiv at nights, unless convenient Inquire at thisfflce APPRENTICES WANTED-Inquire of m I R. Forrest the milliner, at once jiuvinnKS Hand made hammocks ard fishnets by Jack Waiker, 21 12 2d c,, Repairing hammocks a specialty NOTKf OF DESOIUTION Notice is hereby given, that the firm of McCarthy and Childers, has this day been desolved, F. P. Childers retiring from the firm and J. A. McCarthy, continuing the business known as the St Lewis Livery and Feed Stable. The said J. A. McCarthy agreeing to pay all indebtness against the said firm and is empowered to collect all accounts due the said firm. uatea tms zo. flay or April 1906. at La Grande, Oregon. J. H. McCarthy F. P. Childers Habit-forming Medicines. Whatever may ho tlio fm t as to many of thn so-chIIihI puU'nt' iiiimIIcIiick con taining injurious iimreclientu as lirondly ijuljli.-licd in wimif JofiriiHls of mora or less iiitlui'iii'U, tlilK pilhlli'ity llllx enrtainty Ihh'Ii of xrxnt Uiiiolit in arouini( iicoilctl attciition id this nnlijwt. It Iiam. In a coiiMidiTultln niousuri'. remiluil In the moft ItitiMliaftit niiiIi) svolillnr; such fiNHl an I iinMlii'iiics us may t Tuirlv mis hvuv i voiiiiiliiiiiK tlm liijiirloiiit Inirnv dii'iiiH i'iiniihiiiii'ii of. Kii'iiKnlzlriir I hi fuel soiiic 1 1 me mil. Ir. I'ktit. of ItulTnlo, N. V., "toon tim ly tlm fon-lcK-k." a it wit", ami iMitilixhi'ii hriMicliust all thn ln(irii it-ill s of (iicli Ills xiuliir tinili cin an i'oiiijkimmI. Tliut In? Im rwi' pli-U'ly forrwtnliiil nil liiirpliiK rrlllc unw all 0l10Sillllll tllilt Tl) i kftl t oihcrwiti! Iv urffo'l ui?aiiit hi iii'Hlii'iiH'. tH'cniist; thev are now ok known com nwi iion. l-'i,r-thrmorn. from Ui" fornmlii prinU-d on evury' r,iiT. it will U1 rvn liutt tln' m'ili"inH roiilnin no hIimiIioI or olliitr haiiil-formliiR ilrnir4. NkiiIkt ilu tlH-y ron i;i I n any imrririio or. iiijuriiiiM aifniK. tliflr iiixri'dicnts Ik-Ihit iiorvlv vtwtuljli'.'tt'il from llm roots ol hiikIU-IiuiI pUinu foiiml Kmwintf iu tliH di'ptlis of our AtniTiiiin lnn'LK anil uf wll nvoiiiiiwd fiir.itivc virlm-s. IiiBU'.iil of alrnhol. uhirli I'Vcn in nniull porliuiiH Vms ciiiiiniiii'd. as In olisvinau cas of oiM-tt'n. Ixfoimn highly oli-e-tinnabip fr.un It- nmhIi-ik'T Ui pnxloc h a cravlnn for stiumlants, Dr. I'ltirce em ploy chtMiili-ally pure; triple -rptinil (tlywrliiM. v. lucii of Hwlf is a valualili-ri-mwiy in many cases of chronic dtm-amn, bi-inir a superior doiniili'pul. antiseptic, 'sntlfcrmfliit and supporting nutritive. It pnhano-s the curative action of the ('.olden Seal riMit. Mon root lllack Cherrybark and HIiMxlriMit contained in "lioliien Mmlical Discovery." In ail bron chial, throat anil lung affertlou atu-nded Willi severe co'ikIis, As will lie mvn fmm the wrltiim of thn eminent Ur. (irover Coe, of New York; llnrtliolow. of Jellor Hon Mxlii-iil Colleirn. 1'hlla.i Si'iuiiler. of Cincinnati; Ellinuwoixl. of Lluiamr Hale, of Chleago. snd other, who Maw, a leaders In their neveral n-IihiU of practlcH, the foregoing agent are Hit very let iiigmlieiiu that Dr. I'ien-n coul I hnv rlnN'n to mnkn up his f mniis "DI.K-ivery" for tlie cur of not nnly iiroiu'liial. i)irat-aiid Innu sfW Uons, hut also of climnlc calarru in all Its various forms wherever lucaUxi. PROPER WAY in a general way tnis supposed that a compromise will be reached concerning the admission of New Mexico and Ari zona by providing for both territories to vote upon the question of single state hood. 114 YEARS OLD Mrs. Elizabeth Gates recently died a Brunswick, Ga., aged 1 1 4 years. She had been married three times, and leaves four living children, 23 grand, children and 1 9 great-grand children. HAY MARKET WEAKER Our Storage No. I is still filled with the All train Timothy. Hixed and Wild. Choice Hay for $12 00 per ton. consvmers ail the benifit of the Choicest Kay. ifit offer you We are giving local decline in the market. ON SALE, SEED POTATOES We have several care of true varieties In transiet. Rural Yorkers; Bur banks; Shippers Pride; Mill's Prize; and Early Rose, will have them here in a few days. We offer these at $1 per cwt In order to secur true varieties in the future we wjll pay the largest market price for your present stock and sell you imported seed. ' . I ' . . ' ' ; ". . ". ' PHONE MAIN 2 '", Oregon Produce Company Overton W. Price," Associate Fores J L MAhS, Contractor and Builder iValer in Buildinu Material La Grande. Orepon Dro a line naming work, and I will name the" right price. CITY JI LIUS BREWERY ROESCH, Proprietor. 9 -vniViti Sr , i e. Largest Brewing Plant in Eastern Oregon Ask or La Grande Beer and get the Best I LA GRANDE BEER IS MADE IN LA GRANDE AND SHOULD HAVE THE PREFERENCE eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee You are a Lover. of ice cream you will nnd your sweetheart waiting for you at this store. We make it a point to see that our cream, milk, sugar and fruit and other flavors, that its handled in a cleanly way from the raw material to the finished pro duct and that you are served with politeness. We give you the best ice cream and water ices we can for the money. SFI DFR. The Candy --i Man Music Lessons Miss Jean McDonlad Piano'.Methoef Leschetitsky Vocal Method Areks 1616 Sixth St. . Phone Black 462 THE JAMES FARQUKARSON. Prep, . ComplaM MMnrtroraf ol .WINES, LIQUOR ' AND CIGARS 1 Cold lunches and mixed drinks a specialty. Fair and impartial 0 bivabMiviiir w an. luu nil inviwa ..II .-J ... ......l-t-j A LCKAIU,