! i ' f v THIEVERY NAVY 8crlppi News Association) Washington, D. C, My 8--The Navy Department hat come to the concluiion that something mut be done without de lay to protect a large quantity of valuable material, consisting mostly of copper pipe, now stored in the open at the Navy Yard at Brooklyn. The commandant of the yard has sent a special report to to Washington, complaining that he has not the facilities to properly protect this material from thieves. It is thought that word must have been passed among people of that class that the material was accessible, and there have been a num ber of thefts, with as many more excit ing pursuits of the thieves. Recently a marine oflcer was accidentally wounded APPLES KILLED BY (OLD "The apple crop of the Rosetta and Melrose sections was badly damaged by the cold enap in March. The trees will not return one-tenth of an average yield." This statement was made yesterday by Deputy State Horticultural Inspector Mohl, who was in the city from his farm on the reservation. Mr. Mohl states that while it was impossible, immediately - following tne ireeze, 10 uouniniua u, tent of the loss, the condition of the trees is now such as to leave no doubt as to the extent of the damage. He has not visited the orchards on the Nez Perce prairie since the cold snap occured. but will leave for that section Monday to in- ' vestigat conditions relative to apple scab and codlin moth. ' . . . ' ' Mr Mohi's visit to the district east of t Lewiston has convinced him the country it in need of heavy showers. Lewiston Tribune. v STRAYED OR STOLEN. . Three work horses , one dapple gray 1200 lbs. , brown clubby horse about 1000 lbs. shod behind, bay mare 1000 lbs. , dent in left shoulder. Last teen on the road towards Union, $16 for their return to iC. A. Peterson, Ladd Creek X " ttewwj owiKA must i . D.H. STEWARD, Proprietor and Manager. Commencing Monday May 7 THE POPULAR TO-NIGHT The new comedy 1"A WOMAN IN Special Prices 10, I LACE CURTAIN SALE I 20 PER CENT FOf NEXT 2 New stock of RUBBER AND COTTON HOSE. io ctt per : J foot and up. LA.WSON MOWERS :W, H. BOHNFNKAMP CO: e e Will EVERY YARDS by the discharge of his revolver while chasing persons who had designs upon the material, and some fame ago one of the sentries killed a man who was caught carrying off valuable piping. It was recommended by the Secretary, on the strength of report from Brooklyn, that a large building, to cost $100,000 and to be used as a coppersrr ith s seep should be erected at the yard, but the House Naval Committee, which has been considering the estimates, cut down this item. It is now considered important to furnish a storage place to be 'built of steel of dimensions sufficient to take care of material of this kind, and not leave it as an invitation to thieves. It is estimated that such a building would cost $20,000. NO WEST POINT SHARPSHOOTERS West Point, N. Y., May 8 General A. L. Mills, superintendent of the Military Acadamy. hat decided there shall be no rifle practice among the cadets outside of the routine work in that line. It was hoped that this year the cadets would be represented by a team of the national match at Seagist in September, and the marksmen who form the team at the Naval Academy haa nopou limy wuuiu have an opportunity to shoot in competi tion with the West Pointers on May 26, when the academies have thier baseball game at West Point. General Mills, how ever, finds that it would take much time to get the cadets into condition for com petitive work with visiting teams. He thinks the time can more profitably be used in the work of the institution and he does not see the necessity of making rifle practice part of the athletic training, as is the case in Annapolis. v NEW MANAGEMENT The Centenial has changed hands. It will he ready to receive boarders the flrst of May, room and board $5.00 a week, meals 25 cts. Come and see us. C. T. Tolin, Proprieter. by Clyde Fitch I THE CASE" I 20 and 30 cents DISCOUNT : TEN DAYS AND SPRUrirS :E(KHARDrS P ( RESPONDED When Chairman C. E. Cochran called the county Centaal Committee meeting to order this afternoon and directed Secretary U. O. Couch to call the roll nearly every precinct responded, together with the candidates and quite a numDer of visiting Repuplicans, a sconce was presented that would certainly have struck terror to every Democratic candid ate could they have been permitted to have viewed the harmonious and enthus iasm determination of all present to elect the entire ticket from top to bottom. A general campaign was outlined and a few dayt every precinc: in the county will know that the Repub licans have there harness all rigged out for a long pull, a strong pull and a puli altogether, and when the vote is counted there will be none on the ticket fund missing. The committee is still in session as we cloee our forms. ENGLISH SHIPBU11DZRS English shipbuilders in February w.ealH anrrrasrar.mo ahnilt 74. 861, tons, as conpared with 21 ves sels, of 43 694 tons, in January, and 18 vessels of 40.415 tons-, in February last year. In the two months English builders have launched 62 vessels, of 118,655 tons gross, against 44 vessels, of about 93. 1 52 tons, a year ago. STEALS FALSE TEETH FOR GOLD Tacoma, Wash., May, 8. Tacoma claims to have one of the meanest men in the state of Washington. Mrs. Ida A Ableson hat been granted a divorce from her husband, Simon, who she alleged b r rowed money to get the marriage license when they were married foui years ago. and who, when he deserted her a short time ago, borrowed all the money she had and then stole her false teeth to get a small amount of gold from the plates. VOTERS ATTENTION Because you twore at the primary election does not give you the privilege of voting at tht regular election, and if you have not registered, you will be obliged to swear in your vote again at the general election if you do not register on or before Mav 15th. Remember the registration books close May 16th. TIMBER LAND. ACT Jl NE 3. 18; 8 NOTICE FOR PHEUCATION D. S. Land Office, La Grand. Otrcon . . . March . I WO. Nntirvl rrrrhv riven that In m,,.iu. . with tli provl.lnn. oflh art at Cnnarraa nl June . IH7H, mill led "An art for the mile oi timber lamia in the HiHlea ( rallfnrnla. Ore iron, Nevada, anil Walilnio Terrlli.rv," at extended to Mil (he Fiihlle Lend Hlaia. h n.i "''. iWA J.wsph A. Hunter, of Htilse, ronntv nf AiIh. Mute of Jdiho. ). Mil day B ed In thin nfHee her -nn ttemeot Nn. XKW. for the pur, hii.e o "IS "L, 1,1 -'NW.4ef seell,. A1- wJ"""h"'S'' uUu :itu" And will ntrer nnrtn how that the lam antiKhl In n.nre vxluuMe for In timber o tone than fur Hirrtriilinntl imrtea. and l eiahlMi h.-r claim In raid land before th KeKlater nd Heeelver at Ij. (Iraxde. Ore gun. on Vidneailav.the anh rtav n June IW " ,h-m : Kdwarrt l enit, i A L?',,'i ,,,t"' "M.u.l.ll.niy IfKen. n,l f f Hot ldl o Any ami all penon elalnilnr dverelv f n. above ileerrihed limit up. re.ine.ted to n Ibelr elalm. In ihl f.re on or before aal. 3oth dajr of J.ine. In 6 K. W Ohtih. Reeof TIM HEN l,AMl, APT ,11'NK. . 87e TirF FOR pi'Hl 1CATION. I'. H. Land Office. J a Qrnde. rtrernn N..... i.h.h, ...... .fc..M.Vi! '." riUi Ui i pauiU.uueut lL ui-l j l iii.anMiu: juD a, m enuiiea -An act for the aala of Umber landila the Btalca of California, Ora ton, Nwada, and Waahlngtoo Termor, u extended to all the Public Land Slate bi met of A usual 1, IHvJ. k dwarj Lemo of hntaa "- unm oil worn uiement No. Hafti, for tli. punbaae of the ought li mora ti luable for Ita timber or tjillaa lllun fiu amlniill..a.l .. . . lbliiih bla claTra to Mid land bofnr lh KelPter and l(ceWir at L Unnde Orvgon on eduday the Ju day of Juue. Hhk 1J ' X - -- . . allof Holi W.ToV W "UT7 rUKen . fa "P,",on elimln adTeraelv the ebova dearrlbed land, ara requeued to 0I their otalma In tblaoine on or bofora wud au oaf of June UU Timber Land Act June 3, J878- NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. D. 8. Land Offlce, La Orande, Or. timber l.nX In lheKut.2 Sf Mf .ml S ". Nd and Walilnglon Tr w.id.v.,he Mb oa fl V ....! (' ... . . an l-l Jin i.b. ... "r "rr r- W. t ,vi. ( Kla'w, TIMBER LAND. ACT JUNE 3. IS7." NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. ' U. H. Land Offlea at La Orande. Ore M.rtu X lL Notice U berebT flea that In emiliKU. with the provision - of the act of Connreaa o: JuneawUentliled' Anact for the aale ol Umber land In Hie HUlea ofCalllornla. Or .T . I U'u.hliiliut TufWIlirT " Bit I extended l all Ibe Public Land tiiale tif avt I . . Iut u.vpjnrf VtLm tif 11 H I 1m H conaty of Mu'tuoinah Htate orr.. a i . L. I- .. .. Ml ..4 . t. I nO.. hi. .Villi alatement Nil 3T for tl urrha of tlie Moutb kanxe No T, aaat. And will olTe' pnal In (ho that the laad . . 1. 1 .. Kmh. UUItni 1" III.'!, Valium. I v.. w . . . . . . tone than for aitrlcultuml purpueea. and M . . . LI. 1 .. 1 . I A unI. kuflM tie n glHler hii-i r.ceiver .. llraude, Ureaou. on Thuredajr. Uie Mth day k, blert .earllo. Hardr Hairell and baonje mni'ier, . m v. m ..ii- w-. ana an .vrai.iip cianiiiiia ..wi"J above dnnTthed land, are reuuented to file tl.ia nlaiina In ihlanlflM. A. b.tlieA Bald x.in oa.r w Mm. . iw, K W. Davla. Reclatar REMOVED Sarah Adeline Smith's dressmaking parlors from 3d St to 1808,4th St. When the baby talks, it it tima to give Holiister't Rocky Mountain Tea. It's tht greatest baby medicine known to loving mothers. It makes them eat, sleep and grow. SS cents, Tea or Tablets. Nbwlin Druo Co. DeWITT'S WITCH HAZEL SALVE THE ORIGINAL. A Well Known Core for Piles. Curat obstinate aores, chaupau uanu. ow rema. skin diseases. Makes burns and soaldt painless. We could not Improve the quality tf paid double the price. The best salve that experience can product or that money can buy. Cures Piles Permanently ' DeWitt't la tht original and only pure and genuine Witch Hazel Salve made. Look foi the name DoWiTT on every box. All others are counterfeit, narauoar K. O. Da WITT CO.. CHXCAOO A. T. HILL Druggist UNION COUNT Yf Union County presents industries than any county pracucany Portland. We do not believe that there is another county in the Inland Empire that can show fourteen different industries whose total annual revenue produces an average of $193.ooo.oo cash. . ' . The annual report of the State labor Commissioner, places Union Gounty third in the state, in the emriovment of labor It requires 194 solid trains of fou rtv cars each to carr the produce of oun A county to the market, more than a train every other day throughout the year. i "An admirable climate." The past winter only for a , few hours did the mercury I reacn zero. Mo excessive heat in the summer and our cool refreshing nights cannot be appreciated by the residents of the east until the are permitted to enjoy them. Our soil is rich and productive. Were we to mention ields. they would not be believed. The only way to become acquainted with this "Garden of Eden" is to personl visit this land of diversity, as when you see the crops growing and harvested they speak (or themselves. , Our forrests will require man many decades of the present activity before they begin to yield and we now have thirty or more saw mills which give employment the year round in the mills and logging camps withTahet0nX?Zaofb nnnCiy ,ta-!f is locfUd at f"a Grande-the County Seat of Union County lh r!mia ri? ? Pro?re9S!v? Pople who extend the glad hand to all. This it the commercial, educational and social center of the county exceeds $500 000 onoWnFrmhLl,;?ad1,tOWn.0f th? R & N"- whoSe annual rM " Pfac exceeds ssuu.uoo.OO. From here the branch road is now push ma through the northern Dart of this county on into the Wallowa County, starts a freight division, machine shops, round house, nd one of ' irl rra,'!?ad ydrds on .tht iystem- ni train dispatcher, offlce. The pubHc schools of La G?ande teht room bricU8 huiMina f""' 8i29 in,th,S State- Wa now have three building and I fourth a" prnMtQ,, .co"stru;tion. Biyine imployrmnt to twenty-two teacher.? Th X ..... . VALUE OF PRODUCTS Wheat Lumber Sugar Oata and Barley . Cattle Hog. Hay .' Dairy Products . Fruit ...... Horses and Mules Sugar Beett Poultry Potatoes Wood We care not how you tuffered, nor what failed to cure you, Holiister't Rocky Mountain ea rr.a'-cs the puniest, weak en specimen of man or womanhood rn and healthy. 55 cents. Tea or Tabliits. Newlin Drug Co. PAPERS Hund reds of Old Papcs, The best in the worll for underlaying your crpet$. Try Ihcm and you wilj siy so your self. For sale at the OBSERVER OFFICE i lie L.aMru witun i rum ana Savings Bark Capital tO avfa 4f arl ark m D uljciicu iui Diidiiivds itiay i Solicits a share of banking line especially savings and active accounts. OFFICERS W. C. BROWN, President GEO. L. CLEAVER. Cashier directors W.C. BROWN, WM. MILLER. GEORGE PALMER. J. LCAV1NESS C. T. BACON, GEO. L. CLEAVER, TURNER OLIVER, F. J. HOLMES T. J. SCROGG1N ' ' i ' to the home seeker a greater number, of in' the state, out side of Multnomah county at $660,000 640,000 265.090 250,000 250,000 200,000 120,000 125.000 100,000 - 100,000 100,000 50,000 50.000 60.000 $2,850,000 ; CENTRAL COMMITTEE MEfllNG The Republican County Central Com mittee will meel at the Commercial C J La Grande. Tuesday. May 8, at i :iJ P. m, All the Repuplican candidates ar wquested to be pressnt. C. E. Cochran, Chairman. OAK LUAU5 ( I Lumber ... 5000 X X Wneat '. 2000 X I X X O1 and Barley 600 T X X Wood .:. 600 X X ,ce : 600 J X x Fruit 260 i I Sugar ; ' ; 200 t J Potatoes 200 X Hay - - 200 Cattle .... 260 I Hogs 100 I lf T Horset and Mule. 50 - m t wert 2 PAPERS 25 cts per Hundred. i $60,000 tmr Savaariar r llti f your business in the ! the j in-i Wm. MILLER, Vice Rresident -T. J. SCROGQIN, Attt. Cashier diversified which is a KOLi-ISTER' acefcy Mountain Tea Nungeb a i-Kir McJiolut for Eaty Poopi. .1.' .'jl Q.)MtD Heal tli aatl Benivad Vigir a .r. . . TIL 4 OU f u ...uuri Troiihiea. Vlmplw. f:ri'.n-, Jkm B-mI Breaih. 81uei-lsh Ilowfl, H't' 'M IlaHurtie. It'a Rocky Mountain 1 In i ' i t form, as oonta a bor. O'milnB nmila oy Holuti Dbiio Oarixr, Miultaon, Wis. "OLD El WUCGET FOR SA'-LOW PEOPtS