La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, May 05, 1906, Image 1

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    t' . "rODArs NEWS . TODAY
ftp. ( Fair tonight ,
iiCI ' Tomorrow warmer.
11 1 ' 1 ' i ' , -
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(Sc-rlpps News Association)
Altoona. Pa. May 5-Th Pennsylvania
Railroad official thi morning announced
that nine were killed in the wreck be
tween the St. Louis express and the
Chicago ; Mail train last night. Many
more are injured. The trains were run
ning on a single track to avoid meeting
the freight wreck, and collided at a high
rate of speed.
ps Newt Association)
irm Ma R M.I Um Ck...
representative of the Chineese govern
ment is her making a tour of the east,
selecting women graduate and students
of the universities to go to China to teach
n the new co-educational college at Pekin
He has selected two and wants twenty or
thirty altogether..
(Scrlpps New Association)
Pari May 6 -Th pol'e warned th
Russian grand dukes, Vilidamar and
Alexis, who are visiting her that they
cannot be responsible for their safety
as the anarchists are plotting their as
sintion. The dukes will leave immed-
Every day next week will be a Special Bargain Day. '
All principle departments in our store will be represent-";
ed wit'i seasonable Spring and Summer goods of un-,
questioned merit. Not ordinary everyday special values '
3fct Real Unmatchable Bargains, bargains without pre-
cedent in Union county, bargains for you, your neigb-;
bor, for everybody. One ' entire week filled . with bar
gains from arly Monday morning until late Saturday
night. Read these prices space permits mentioning
only a few " " . , ,
AW$ 5Cc and 65c Under
in summer weights of natural
Balbriggan and in fine two-thirds
Jersey ribbed Shirts and Drawers.
1, Special Monday .59
at the sDecial low price for Mon-
day.- Yard 4 I 2c
day.- Yard
12,'c Percale in
day yard
all colors.
25f and 35c 5unbonnets
1 small and large sizes Tuesday
Usnly IOC
"1)3.00 Mki 's Mar Hats in
blacks and colors. Tuesday
only $'-95
2 $1.50 and $2.00 Men's Hats
! in good assortment. T sday
! only 98C
I 15c Summer Wash Goods
Z n dainty Lawns, Batiste. Taffetas.
Jasper Novelties and many other
of this season s choicest summer
4-Srnods. Wednesday, yd II I 2c
1 re nn
in worsteds, cassimers and cheviot
suits in all colors, choice patterns
Wednesday $S0
$4.00 and $3.50 suits Wednesday
Cnlv $2 65
Rescue Hose Company No. 1 met last
evening and held its annual election of
officers. After all. business had - been
disposed of, light refreshments were
served.- The following sre the officers:
John Dordan, president. H. M. Bay, vice
president. Dr. Lincoln, secretary, Frank
Brown, treasurer, P. A. Foley foreman.
Jim Snodgrass, first assistant. Frank Bay
econd assistan
Scrlpps New Association) v
Jefferson, Ga. .May 6 This city 1' i
dressed in holiday attire in' honor of the
one hundred annivarsity of its foundation
Hundreds of visitors from th' sur
roundings districts are here to assist In
the celebration of the anniversity. Th
arrangements for the celebration wer
n th hands of the recently organized
Chamber of Commerce and a general
committee of. citizens and for many) weeks
the preparations for th event have been
conducted, Th program of th cele
bration include an industrial and his
torical parade and a large publ ic meeting
with addresses by a number of prominent
In connection with this celebration it
interesting to not what White's Sta
tistic of Georgia, published in 1849
said about Jefferson:." The town of Jeff
erson was made th county seat - of
Jackson County in 1806 and incorporated
in 1812. It is situated near the waters
of the Ocons River, has a brick court
house, jail, two hotels, on church, on
academy, and five stores. Amount ' cf
goods sold par annum, $15,000.
(Scrlpps New Association) 1
Chicago May 6 Wheat opened at 80
closed at 81; corn opened at 46. V.
closed at 47; oats opened at 32)g.
closed at 52 (.: '
$2.25' Nottingham Lace
64 inches by i yd for Thursday
only, the pair ,. $ 78
$2 CO CiTtans
48 inches by 5 yards long the
pair $1.48
$10.00 Men's Coats and
in worsteds, cheviots and cassi
meres in all wool with best linings
Thursday $5.00
I5c Men's Suspenders
Thursday 5c
25c Men's Suspndm -
Thursday - 19c
$6.50 Ladies' Covrrt Jackets
in Semi-fitting backs with box
fronts Friday $3 95
All other ladies' spring coats at
reduced prices
$1.25 M n's Dress Shirts .
in madras percale and fancy nov
elty shirtings 85c
$1 25 Stiff Front Shirts
Friday only 69c
$1.50 La'itY Waist
in all prices and styles Saturday
$8.50 to $10 00 Men.
Si mmer Suits
in cheviois cassimers and novelts
sumr. r suitings, light and dark
colors, good assortment, choice
Saturday only at the extremely
low prica $6 75
l Scrlpps New Association) ' ;i'
. San Francisco, May 6 Th latest date
set for the opening of th bank, is June
1. but soma of the banks are preparing
to open up. In most cases, however, it
is unsafe to open the vaults until that
data. Th Saving' Bank will be open
next Monday, and th Merchants' bank
will erect temporary quarters near th
Southern Pacific track between Sixth
arc Seventh street. Th work of re
pairing business block and building
churches goes on rapidly, and in a few
week there will he few sitrn of the
arthquak in Oakland. The Oakland
school will be resumed Monday. A
committee of forty leading business men
ha been organized for th purpose of
directing th work of rebuilding th city
along better line than ever, and twenty
four sub-committees qava been appointed
to handle th various phase of th gen
eral plan. Th plan to limit th height of
th new buildings to on and one-half th
width of th street is meeting with much
Several big steel men are in th city in
their special cars and are giving th citi
zens their assurance that they will be
given preference when it comes to getting
steel for rebuilding steel structures.
Railways and steel steamships hav
premised to carry th material with th
most possible rapidity. The health de
partment is issuing orders that ' every
body boil the water before drinkins. as
the supply is contaminated from broken
(Script News Association) .
Paris, Miy 4 It is reported on oood
authority that the naval authorities are
receiving constantly throating letters
from sailorr of an:i-militarist views. A
warning has reached the government
that the anarchists of Toulon were
boasting that they had selected six men
from among the seamen, engine room
hands and gunners on board of each
battleship and cruiser of the Mediterran
ean squadron, who had taken an oath to
render the ships useless at a given signal
by tempering with some vital part.
It is said, that these men have also
been directed to steal ammunition when
possible and cause explosions. Special
measures have been taken by the naval
authorities to prevent the carrying out of
these plans. The toaedo lieutenant of
every ship has bean ordered to keep all
detonators and catridges and caps under
lock and key in his own cabin." All sus
pected persons are closely watched.
County Clerk Gilham will soon issue
notices of the Liquor election to be held
in four precincts: Cove, Uand, Sum
merville and Imbler are the precinct
where the people will give a voice in say
ing whether or not intoxicating liquors
shall be sold. Tse vote will be taken at
the regular June election.
The members of the proposed Farmer's
Co-operative Store company at Sprague,
wasn., recently held a meeting at which
the matter was discussed with enthus
iasm. Tomorrow afternoon th members
will meet in Sprague to elect a new board
of nine directors. Th organization has
already adopted th Standard Rochdall
tSciipp New Association) .
' Oakland, May 6 A distinct arthouak
hock was felt her at ten thirty this
morning. No damage i reported. The
shocks are so frequent that they attract
only passing interest4 ?'-.'. ; J -f f ,
. Later reports show that th shock this
morning caused considerable damagt to
the interior of the Hall of Justice, and th
wall; of the Mutual life building fel 1
Many workers were , endsngered by th
falling bricks, but as yet ' no casualties
hav been reported. Thi i th most
mmvm - K mAmUi r1
18th.-' -V','r-; "
Oakland,; May 6 Governor Pardo.
this morning received a telagram from
Representative Knowlands, stating that
the committee on claims will make a
favorable report on the California land
claim bill, agjreitmg on million dollars.
It w believed that th bill will pais
This will go to th tat school fund. ;.
(Scrlpps News Association) . i
Sera nun, Psnn., May 6 Th Street
Carmen ' Union today adopted a novei
agreement, whereby they accepted from
the company a rasie of two cants per hour
and signed a contract making it impos
sible to call a strik or walk out for ten
years. According to tha contract they
will be allowed to- open negot'ations for
the settlement of wage grievances every
three years. Th agreement also makes
Ihe Arbitration ' committee the court of
(Scrlpps New Amoclatlon)
Mexico City, May 5. In accordance
with long established custom the forty
fourth anniversary of the victory of the
Mexican troops over the army of Napol
eon III., won before the walls of Pueblo,
May 6, 1 862, was today celebrated in a
martial manner.
At daybreak the tricolor was hoistsd
on all public buildings and the battery at
the CludaJela fired a salute of twenty-
one guns. At nine o clock a procession,
headed by President Diaz, the vice
president, the members of the Cabinet
and many high military and civil officials
proceeded to .the San Fernando Cemetery
where wreaths were deposited on the
tomb of General Ignacio Zaragoza, the
hero of the battle. After that ceremony
the proc3Ssion marciad to Chapultepcc.
where in the Creek henvcycle at the base
of the historic hill, a civil ceremony was
held in honor of the soldiers who fell dur
ing the bat.le. The chief features of the
iprogram were the readings of Zaragoza's
message announcing the winning of the j
battle and a reception of the surviving
veterans by President Diaz, who himself
piayea a prominent pari in mat lamous
Later the President and his distinguish
ed party drove to the National Palace,
from the balcony which was witnesssed
the military parade, in which all the
troops of the garrison participated. To
night the city will be brilliantly illumi
(Scrlip News Association)
New York May 5 Miss Rosalie Co
Campbell and Mr. Henry Slack, both
prominent in New York and Newport
Society, will be married in Calvary
Church this afternoon. After th wedd
ing a reception will be held at the resi
dence of th bride's mother, Mrs, Her
bert Parsons.
(Scrlpps New Association)
Chicago May 4 Application was made
this morning in th circuit court for a
Keceiver for tha Traders Insuranc com
pany. Thi company Is a heavv Inciter
by the San Francisco disaster, and is
unabl to meet tha demand mad urjon
it, Thcompany' loss is estimated at
three million dollar and it had rink
which foot up to over On hundred fifty
million dollar at trii
(Later) Byron L. Smith, president of
th Northern Trust company was ar-
pointed Receiver and placed under bonds
in the sum of two million dollars.
(Scrlpp New Aaaoolstlon) , '
Oakland, May 6 Jacob SUinmin, th
malitiaman who killed Jos. Meyers during
the fire excitement. ODeard 1 before
Judge Kurasky thi morning and asked
that he be represented by the attorney
general of the state in th letral proceed
ings against him. This Is his right under
th stat law. . . , i
' k :
(Scrlpps New Association) ' '
Denver. Col.. May 6 Th warhous
of th Dsnver Transit Co., was destroyed
thi morning by fir. Th loss is placed
at $500,000.
( :
(ricrlppa New Association)
Washington May 5 It has just- leaked
out this afternoon that Senators Penrose
rensyivania and unman Of South Caro
lina had a terrific battle ,of words,
behind closed doors yesterday
in the senate.- Tillman threatened to ex
pos things which might not be to the
credit of tha Pennsylvanianv Penrose
restarted that he had a few affidavit by
th southern people which he would file
at th earn time, declaring that h did
not fear anything Tillman could say about
him, but thought that Tillman did not
want him to publish th affidavits. Th
senate adjourned just as a physical en
counter was imminent
We have a complete stationery stor filed to overflowing
with stationery for all purposes the school, the office or
for private use. As th word stationer is applied here
it's broader meaning is understood. It covers everything
from a steel pen to aacount books. We have tha best and
largest showing of such goods in the city and our store is
full of good values. .
Newest correspondence paper
Our new, spring writing papers are beautiful. W hav
them by tie box, by the pound and quire and also in
tablet form with envelopes to match. These papers are
the best for the money that can be produced. No matter
what price you pay the papers will be strictly in style
Quality only makes the difference in price, her. Box
papers from 1 Oc to 60c. - . .
Books and
Our stationery stor olso contains good reading at all
times in the shape of popular fiction and periodicals.
You must see our stationery stor to appreciate what a
variety of goods it offers. .
Ncwlin Drug Co.
- La Grande,
(Scrlpp New Amoclatlon). . 4
Scranton,- Pa.'. May 6-r-rb nthracit
miner in convention thi morning, adopt
ed a resolution accepting the award of
th strik commission for ; another ten
year. This mean , that thr wilt b po
strik now. '". ' ' I S ' - ' ''
When th convention 'was presented
with th recommendations of th com
mittee. President Mitchell mad a rtrong
anti-trik speech. and after" a motion to
accept th seal of nineteen three, was
caried. . ... ..... ', , , . . . ,, .
(Scrlpp New Association) -
Houghton, Mich., May 6 Th Polih
St Stanislaus Society of this city will
celebrate th anniversary of th adoption
of Poland' Constitution with a larg
meeting in th Italian Hall thi evening.
An interesting program, including musia
and patriotic speeches ha been prepared
for th occasion. Thi morning th mem
bers of the society paraded through th'
street.' " , V"
(Scrlpps New Association) ;
Sement Ky.. May B-Two slight earth
quakes occured her last night They
occured fifteen minute apart and wer
strong enough to shatter many windows.
Tha citizen art greatly excited fearing
a disaster similar to th on at San Fran
cisco. , OfflCER ATTEMPTS SUIQDE ' r;
i lScrlppsNew Association) ;
ban Francisco, May 6 Captain F. B.
Webster, 20th. infantry, . attempted sui
cide this morning by stabbing himself
with a bayonet. ; H is in a dangerous
condition,'. He it in th Pretido hospital
and in a vary critical condition. The
cause for the rash act is not known.
,'"" :; rUME NO OBJECT 7 .
' San Francisco's full nam was origin
ally, "Mission da lo Dolores d Nuesto
Padr San Francisco," a-d yet th earth
quake wasn't afraid to tackl the town.
Evening Telegram. .
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