t i Good-Garden Seme Swell New and nsat- Good Garden Rake Footwear, Tan est Things in 4 QUeX' 2 and Canvas in LACL -.Q Oxfords CURTAINS New Line of RUBBER HOSE ; Just Received GARDEN SEED up-to-date ' V ' ' ' New Styles in ' Anything in the line of tools for gardening NECKWEAR -- " UDE.S HATS Lawn Mowers, Crass Catchers, - Just iH, Latest Pruning. Shears;; Iate$l novdUes ': " - ' - - ' ' 4.. ' ; . in Waistings MovjItics in ' ' Get It at the s Nozzle f Spring Goods Camping Rubber Hose Sprinklers and v. Goods : -; : v.tv f RTUi,, Mools, Dishes, " URES FBh'aS Tackle Pef LOCAL ITEMS : zrs : 2 I havo inf rprpiwH a new f nek fsf the I THE GOLDEN RULE COMPANY ;r,Y'.;.'Y-. V f. 1308, 1310, 1312 Ad(aui Avenue. Smallest Prices 1 grade furnishings is now complete j i : your inspection solicited. ! .... I A. !Vi !ANDREWSil TAILOR and HABERDASHER There's nothing better than f Swift's Premium Hams arid 'Lard' : v -;"' k 1 ' . Kemambr ;Swift Prat)':4-nBrna ttands for t.I that is best JUST RECEIVED ' SWIFTS PREMIUM HAMS " AND BACON. THE CITY GROCERY A!D BAKERY ; E. HOLACK, Propr. some sicNinam statistics ouiusucs irom tne groat h"iano Trile autnonty. Th "MMical Courier" that the Eiler House now handft on half the Pianos sold on the PacJtc Coast Nearly two score of, .Americas factories vie with each other to supQwr tremen dous trade. These factories know that the Eilers Houses take a permanent in terest in every instrument sold. They realize that the Eilers Houses tolerate no poor workmanship, or inferior product They know that every Piano must stand the rigid test of our warranty. . We can boast therefore, of having the verv finest line of instruments of any retail dealers tne world and this lineisfuiiv reoresentsd in our La Orand stock. Remember that the tale will not always last,;' We have an elegant assortment from which to select Com in and have a little heart to-heart talk with us add just tee what we will do for you. Our -business is to make people happy. Come and join the Merry-makert. Eilers Piano House " W. K. Davis, manager 5 16 Adams Avenue y. HAMMOCKSHand made " hammtoks and fishnets by Jack Walker,; 21 12 3d St. Repairing hammocks, specialty. H0TICC TO WATtR CONSUMERS Notice it hereby given to all consumers of water in the city of La Grande. Oregon. that all parties who wish to irrigate, are required, to file an aDolication for the 'same, with the City Recorder, i Signer): . H. C, Gilham. Water Suot. Dated, April 50, 1908, ' '.' J. Somrtier of Eigin wa in thec:ty over Sunday. J. W. Moss, of North Puwder. cam duwn ye&lerday. , Th litt'.a son of Mr. and Cooiidge is reported to be quite sick. ; . County court will be in session this week cg.nmencing on Wednesday. The regular April meeting of the city Council will be Wednesday of this week. Wade Siaiar returned to Elgin this morning, after spinding Sunday in La Grande. Mrs. W. R. Wilson of Spokane is visit ing her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. M. McCall. . The Socialist of the' county meet tomorrow afternoon for the purpose of placing a ticket in the field. Captain J. H. Alexander returned Sat urday .from a .week' touring in Grant county, in ths interest of the Land Office. G. A. Nichols and J. F. Weavre form er residents of this valley but no of Mexico spent Sunday .in the city. William Cotner who was operated upon and the chances are greately in his favor for recovery. Mr. Fouts and daughter, Miss. Carrol, of Walla Walia arrived Saturday' venino on a visit to their daughter and si ster Mr, j. A. Thronson. , , Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Rinahart who have been visiting relatives and friends in the valley for several days npect to return to their home at Walla Walla in th morning Civil Service examination fof the por tion of Foret - Ranger will be held -at La Grande, Oregon, May 14, 1906. Applicant must be between 21 and 40 year of air, and should write for blank. . y J. C. Henry, candidate for Countv Judge, is reported to be convalescent to day. H was taken seriously ill last Thursday and has been confined to his bsd ever since. ' ' lulius Fisher has received the Bold medal awarded him at the Lewis and Clark Exposition for the larcest slk horns on exhibition. The antlers war found in Union countllnd are beautiful soecimens Mr. Bertha Sommer of Portland, who owns the Sjtrimer House buildinu. and who is spending the summer months In La Grande went to Union Saturday evening to visit friends. She is accom panied by hr daughter. Miss Fanny. Mr. and Mr.' Samuel Houah of Elirin returned thi morning from Walla Wall where both submitted to ODerationa. Mr Hough was the first victim and suffered an operation for abcess of the kidnav. and was barely out of the first dancer when his wife underwent an operation for appendicitis, ,- Both have recovered and returned to their home todav. Mr S, L. Yoder of Merahga, Minnesota and S. Hough of Cass Lake Minnesota, who were in attendance durinsr the convales cence, returned with them.- , ! - i r, . - I have hist received anew stock of the 9 - T celebrated Keen Kutter carpsnter tools J which are first class in every respect, a'so a new lot cf Crescent wheels. Call, end see them V flSKI0 TACKLE t My stock of fishing tackld cannot be beat, I have everything you need , POLE ..: .: -.'...6c to $10.00 - REELS. 16c to $6.00 LINES ...w 6c to $2.50 Prices in proportionon everything else , MRS-T.N. MURPHY Hardware and crockery ': - . ' 1 . -w ern Oregon Trust and Savings - Company who has been east for several week has returned and will be found ready for business at his desk in the new bank. . teeeeee PROHIBITION CONVENTION ,Th Prohibitionists of Union countv will meet in convention and conference Wednesday, May 2d at 10 a. m." at Central Church. All Prohibitionists and temperance worker are requested to tie present. By order of Executive Com mittee. ; W?A. WORSTELL, ' Chairman 'TREASURER'S CALL fOR WARRANTS Notice is hereby given that the under signed Treasure of Union County, Oregon, has funds on hand which to pay all County and Scalp bounty warrants which were presented and, endorsed by the County Treasurer, prior to Sept 1, 190L ' No interest allowed on the above war rant after April 13. 1906. .'- John.Frawi.ey y ' ' Treasurer of Union county. . iMH i i ii M- ii nj . iiiiiiiiriiw A W SOCIETY ........ . . , ......... Mr. ard Mr. A.Keaton. returned from their wedding tour in Wahington, Satur day evening and will be at home in Kamela after today. Th Neigborhood Club will hold it re gular meeting tomorrow afternoon. Mr. Slater will be the leader. The Ladies Aid Society of the Presby terian Church will met Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Alexander ; MTKf Of DESOIUTION Notice is hereby given, that the firm of McCarthy and Childers,tia this day been desolved, F. P. Childer retiring from the firm and J. A. McCarthy, continuing th business known a th St Lewi Livery and Feed Stable. The said J. A. McCarthy agreeing to pay all indebtness against the said firm and is empowered to collect all accounts due the said firm. Dated this 26, day of April 1906, at La Grande, Oregon. (. J. H. McCarthy - , F. P. Chiuoers , IVOTfflNG BETTER E OUR CUSHION AND ,r:"2.. ... ' :v,y'' ' . niiDDrn nnrr niivitr RUNABOUTS AND TWO SEATED FULL LINE NOW IN STOCK We have a compfete stock of No. 1 Timothy and wild hay. Steam roll- Barley, Uats and Millteed.Give us a trial order. . . ,y . ( - . GRANDE R0MDE CASH COMPANY. . Phone Main 6 ': V , Lewis Bros. Prop. ... . . :: a"hungry man I never good natured, but a man who has dined well always shows hi most genial tide. All experienced wives know this, and many wis women in this city have learned something else. If THEY WANT V To strike "hubbv" for a oarticularlv large slice of his bank account, they ar range to have him dine at our restaurant. Thev knnw th tartar tH ilinnap t .h... ier he will grant their request - Andfiay also know the best dinner i to be' had right here. . The Model Restaurant J. A. Arbuale, Proprietor oprn mv aUd Miliar We sell weekly tlcft lUUotKtiif I. Vf nTTlPD ri UNION COUNT V ABSTRACTS .I- '....Mil' '"j Farm Loans a Specialty Best equippeiabstracter in Union county. Many year experience with' the Unicn county record-, give me a great advantage. W folly to purchase real . estate " without first securing a proper abstract An abstract from my' , office will show the title just as it appears on,? he. official record. J. R. OLIVER, LA GRANDE, OREGON ' Room 51 Sommer Building f ; RUMMAGE SALE . bon't forget the rummage' sale to be given FriSay and Saturday of this week. - Spanish WMd 5g Gisfar ABSOLUTELY ALL HAVANA FILLLEDAnT5 P.rroo i A C. McLENNAN sole distri Union and Wallowa co ''''"'''''''''eneeeeieai i i ' '