fwfESSICSAl CARDS FHYSTHANS vj. L. DIGGERS M. D. - , . Physician and Surgeon Office Ralston Bid. over J.M.Bei ry's $tore Office Phone Black 1521 ' Residence Phone Red 1001 " DR. A. L. RICHARDSON . Physician and Surgeon ! Office over Hill's Drug Store. Office Phone 1362 Ri sidence Mam 65 N. MOUTOR M. D. fHYSlClAH AND .. SURGEON Cor. Adams Avenue and Depot St Office Main 68 , Residence Main 68 WILLARD SMITH PHYSICIAN AMD SURGEON Lewis Building, opposite Sommer House Office heurs, 1 to 4, 7. to 8. p. m. Phone Main 71 BACON St . Hall ' -! " ". PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS Office in Foley Building, Phone Main U C. T. Bacon residence, Main 18..' ... ,,, ,. r ... ,,.ti, n. nan residence. Main C2 ' ' DR. H. VOLP. . Physician and Suroeon ; ;J .' Office: Corps Building. Telephone Main 8C ' Call answered day or night. UTERtNARY SURGEON DR. P. A. CHARLTON VETERINARY SURGEON Office a,t Hill's Drugstore, La Grande Or Residence Phone Red, 701' Office. Phone 1261 Farmer Line 68 ,v ATTORNEYS . ICRAWFORD & CRAWFORD , . Attornbys-at-Law u crandb 0re300n . ' Office in Foley Building J. W. KNCfWLES Attorney and Counsellor at La Office in Ralston Building La Grande, Oregon. ; T, Williams . A. C. Williams . WILLIAMS BROS ! '. ' ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW ' f ',. Office in Ralston Building ' , La Grando". '' ' 5 ' '-' ' Oregon j.Vv(:-. , L. A. P1CKLER :.t hi ' Civil, Mining." Irrigation Engineering ano Surveying . Estimates, Plans, and Specifi- ; cations. Offlce in Bohnenkamp ., Building. " ' La Grande, Oreoon Dentists v REAVIS BROS' . ; .'. DENTISTS " Office. Sommer Building ' Office Black 51 , Residence 1171 C. B. CAUTHORN . '. . " ,V . ' DSNTIST '., ' ' O.T.ce ever Hill's Drug Store La Grn3b. Oregon MARKHT formerly known as the I HARRIS MARKET PHONE MAIN 16 ,. Having purcnaseo ; Co. I am in a position to give the best in quality . ene prices to be had In La , 4 r.randa. The Harris mar- , ket will hereafter be known ' s' , ; STiLWfLL'S STILWELL'S S!fjedAuvcrtisem?rts. ! Rat-On, csnt a ward, one-half a cnt a word Mch tublequwt intw " Classified adds bring quick re sults. Try one today. Tmtc ABSTRACTS OF TITLES go to the La Grande Invest ment Company.' U Grande. Ore.. Foley bmldin". REAL ESTATE LOANS Any amou.i on aty and country real estate. Loan. . closed promptly, as soon as title is ap roved. U Grande Investnsnt Cok HIDES. PELTS, FUR3. JUNX-H-ghes price paid for hides pelts, furs aid jun Harris can al, one block east of Oedde' ! gry store. MoseJIarr.s. ANTED Tie-makers for work on P. & N. Ry. Extension, north of Counc;' Idaho. Wages 12 cents per tie. In portion monthly. Good timber. Trans portation furnished over P. & I. N, R Apply to Lewis Hall, tie extractor Www, Idaho.-. BURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms in suite of tw3fctnree .or four. Phone Biac . 601. MONEY-For loans on city property se Wm. Grants agency. Alsd real esftt. and insurance. WANTED This office needs a youni. dy to learn to set typs. Here h t good position for the right party. I taterested call and investigate. FOR SALE Ten head of horses, and onr $ L. l i - . " ra''n cow. inqun-e of Mrs. Ros Harris, one door this side of Rohr ape Co. Butcher shop. , FOR SALE A two acre tract with am ple water right. One acre in fruit, four room house with pantry and cellar barn and other improvements. Cheap if sold at once. No agent's commission paid. Inquire at this office. ' STRAYED OR STOLEN A brown mare weighing 1000 pounds, left foot white faint -brand "W" on left shoulder. Return to or phone Red 682 and receive reward -' G. M. Curtis FOR RENT-Two story house on Wash ingtonAve, Rent only $12.00. In quire at U Grande School of Music. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 20 acres of unimproved fruit land 2 miles frorr Summerville, for sale cheap or will ex change for lots in La Grande or improv ed property and pay difference in price La Grande Investment Co. FOR RENT 6 room cottage. 409 T. Street. Phone Farmers '1944 with or without barn. '"':" FOR SAlE-Good hack and harness for I sale or trade for milch cows. Apply at this office. ' . : FOR RENT The Anthony new six room house, comer sixth and P. street Inquire 1606 Sixth Street. ! LOST-A gold medal marked VMile Re . lay." Finder return to this office and , receive reward.. ... .- 4l s a- . y u FOR SALE OR TRADE Two acres in H nan's addition, nicely improved, large roomy house.'good water. 'Will trade for lots improved or unimproved or team or both. .C. A Cary. FOR RENT Two desirable - rooms near Depot St. Enquire at this offica. FOR, SALE 200 acres of timber land three miles west of La Grande. Will make good wood ranch, estimated to cut 10,000 cords of wood. By having wood cut and hauled in summer and selling in winter, anyone can make good money out of this land. Addrest ' P. O. Box 21 1, Medford. Oregon. FOR RENT Pleasantlylfurnished rooms suitable for lighthousekeeping. Mrs. E C. Moore, 1617 Fourth Street. rwrt tri. -ww. --. - N Also drivni tun, ' harness.Jight 1 I 1. ,11 f tU,m QUggy nU IMtH. V VIII9 Wlliww. FOR SALE Near' Cove. 580 acres of 1 fi-e fruit tttilM and pasture land with fine spring witer, for $4,500. Also . thofinest residence and acre block in Cove for $5,603, or land and town nrr.Dfirtv for $3,503 if taken together. 1 . "t Inquire at this office FOUND -A buggy robe., in tlvs city. Owner can have same by calling at E. G. Adcocks, furniture store, prompt ly and paying for this notice. WANTED - Position by competent book keeper. Inquire at 150? Madison Ave- nua. . FOR f?ENT Housekeeping rooms. In nf Mrs. Pollman. . corner Sixth Sl and Washington Ave. Piione Black "181 ' FOR RENT Furnlshedjhouse, six rooms. ,.-fnv located. Enquire at this . oflce.-. v m if MI00L; PKUdlJAM Tne W h.ts Sc'iool has prepared a very i iterating pr -gram, as follows for May Jay. As many patrons as possible h u'd att nd. 1 r.h (Procesibnal) .J'lag Sa:uta and Amerca" ..... By Schoo' jolo A May Morning" . , Mrs. Martin vlarch of Qjien and attendants Jueen'sHirjild ' Vern Hendricks Vlay Ousn ., ..; .. . Dillie Morton Aitendant.. ... ., Margaret Baorey I Niomi Klrtley Maids -jS" -1 "'ri ' Q c e Lilly . 1.0 dys Metcalf Butterflies f ";ldJ "0c8r.,,. ' ' ' ' ' 1 Fnadenke Schilke drowning of Queen Song -H-il to the Queen" .....By School ."Jose .." ., .;; :.. Charlotte Jones Minnie Ladd ....Emma Pears Mary Thompson . . ... Winnie Ladd Tulip .. ...... relet . Jaisy : .... .... ; . Jandelion .'. I,...,. Pansy ..... ...... Agnes Grant ong "Hasu Away" ... By School -ornet eolo ;....,..... Vern Hendricks Concert recitation "The" Crow and the Hunter".; . .... ......Room 6 Recitation "May Day"....:...... Nellie Leake Recitation "Ah, Sid",... Oscar Johnson oong "Pansies"..... J ..Kenneth Carpy" Recitation "The Doll's Tea Party" Charlotte Jones Recitation "Just Like Pa"..;.....Rex Green iong "Yankee Doodle Boy Oscar Johnson Recitation "Little BelL Naomi Kirtley Concert recitation "The Smack in School" Room 6 " " Song 1 ...... .. .... : .... ............ .."Jolly Boys" larch and May Pole Drill, Music by Vern Hendricks . . ' ' larch (Recessional) ....., , .. Queen and attendants March and Song "Medley":...,. .By School OR SALE-Tre8S. shade and orna mental, Norway maple, Carolina ' popular, box alder, mountain ash.wild blackcherry. American linden, Scotch laburnum, golden chain tree, white ash sugarmapla. white elm, honey locust smoke tree, golden elder, Japanese quince, California privet lilacs, honey suckle, hydrangia. Siberian pea tree and all kinds of roses and flowers , Phone black 601 or inquire of C. L. Kaler, 1603 Adam Avenue. APPRENTI3ES. WANTED Inquire of Mrs. J. R. Forres',, the milliner, at once A 5afe Medlcirto for Children. ...-.. . , In bm lug a congh tnwllclne for children, nerer be afraid to bny Chamber Lae" S C ron Eevrdt. There to no dangeT from It, and relief Is always sur to folio .-. It is Intended especially for coughs, colds, croup and whooping couijh, ..nu Is he best medicine in the world for tbeee diseases. It is not only crt.iu oyro fur cranp, but, when given as soon as the croopy congh Rppoars, will prevert the attuck Wtooping congh is not dungerotHi when this remedy is given as directed. It contains no opium or other nannfuj drags, and may U iren v roufid;ntly to baby as to mi dnlt. 'eeeeteeeei I I CXI; S10E I CHOP HOUSE Having purchased the v . ,i,v unuy ilUUOU and thoroughly cleaned J and renovated, the prem t ises, 1 am prepared to. j furnish the public with $ clean, first class meals for 20 cents.. ; . uniy wnite cooks em ployed, and the best of service Ben Cotncr, Proprietor HORSE SHOE : UHUP NUUSt Fir Street near railroad crossing CLEAR LP KOIKf Property owner are hereby notified to clean up their alleys and repair their side walks at once. . John Wilson, .' , ', Street Superintendent -x'.' V 'f.".' UmorPAci?ii , No. I RH L, ixnttr, Kt. Sn I 8.40 m Worth, Omnha, Ku- SSen M nacitr.m. Uuu, v'l.i- us tAp ra ma end tens. . irtpni Portluid, Da U Pni- Ko. I !''", Wall Wmle, N. I0- ', M,nn. foiwror. Cat' Nl WAtn Spokane. tM - . iHirtli m i.kr lunlKwl, iiiieis' "Pil.- - iirtoo. t'm-itill, : nil iDla, Unristna, ro'ip-. No s Mcvw, all.m, . ar 10. p. IP. i". u I rtlhtr fDtOem iwlnii end atd Bortb So 9! Ildrnj lea . Iro. liv t- Wer nd -ru. Con- Natl' .e nimi et Klv i w'tli : Hiinnrtv lor olDt a vl- Sjyni H Ml AW1.. . (Mi HiHineri rvtwpen:Po tland and Baa franol cuewry flve dy, K. O. HOOUB ftn i '! .V i ;'.: , v a DON'T READ THISi MORE THAN SIX TIMES I Without calling at Goolidge's paint and wall paper store and examining the largest and most complete line of NEW WALL PAPER! ; ..... Ever shown in La Grande 1 : . . . t t We Employ a Force of Skilled Paper Hangers end Painters. and are prepared to handle all kind of work in this line to the ertire satisfaction of our custo- - . mers. Get our prices in lime, cement, etc. I SEEDS ; Field end Garden IN PACKAGES AND IN BULK For sever&l seasons we have been the feeding seed distributors of Union county and our present stock is !arer than ever Everything In the iced line : Secuie our prices on either small ' or quantity purchases -:. .' . ,(--' ,:.; KAZ. OLIVER " JEFFERSON AVE ; Main 57 HAY MARKET WEAKER Our Storage No. I Is still filled with the Choicest Hay. All grades Timothy, Hixed A-noice nay lor )i uw per ten. We are giving local : consvmers all the benifit of the decline In the market. U ON SALE, SEED POTATOES . C - , V- . - i . -. ' . ;.' . S .. I' . 4,-. . -. ; We have several cars of true varieties In tiansiet, Rural Yorkers; " Burbanke; Shippers Pride; Mill's Prize; and Early Rose, will have ' them here in a few days. ' We offer these at CI car r.wt in ri i. ; secur true varieties in the future we will pay the largest market price for your present stock and sell you imported seed. - 1 '"""v:, . ' ' 'I PHONE MAIN2 - , 'f ""'- Z Oregon Produce Gompany ! CITY BREWERY ! JULIUS ROESCH, Proprietor. Largest Brewing Plant, in Eastern Oregon t Ask for La Grande Beer and gtt the Best LA GRANDE BEER IS MADE IN LA GRANDE AND SHOULD HAVE THE PREFERENCE ! Music Lessons Miss Jean McDonlad . . . .. ' .. ' '- . ' Piano Method' Vocal Method Lescmktitsky ; Abehs 1616 Sixth St. Phone Black 462 i and Wild. . We offer you i J Beautiful Hair and Face ; May be had by having soienti fie 5 Shampooing and Massage. The ' HOTEL fOlt Trincnrtal D-rnre - .2 e - 0(1 VIMUI IUI S Ul UW i '' ere prepared to do these specialties 2 and Friday of each week will be for Ladt customers. Pribate par- ? lor for ladies. Lady attendant in chare. . C, T. COLT Prop. '