. iiik christian . II -f -i'-i "f ... -visV v. -: r'4t Jkh HJf 'tiWCif -Kf'J.1 'WH Willi II W 1 . v 'I 1 ,.' V- ; ' i M A STRONG COMPANY v The Boston Horn Journal ha this to My among other thing in regard to a performance of "The Christian:" "There wa never another play written that held two parte of uch equal worth for both stars, unlet one expect "Romeo and Juliet." Storm dominate most of the ."scenes, and ha a great number of those important Wstwjids6n wiich the curtain fall, out Q.ory gain the sympathy of her audience from first to .a at o it i a great part for the woman also. Miss Lawrence is Qlcry Quayls and Mr. Sain polis John Storm, and well both of them are don. Mite Lawrence Is indeed a far more satisfactory Glory than we havs yet seen. She exhibits great (trength in that wonderful next to , the last act, and carries the lighter scenee with a grace that is charming. She does not make that error so common among star, re- membrane of self to the constant forget- - fulness of her part, and is therefor capit- ! ally fitted for such a child of nature a Glory. Mr. Sainpoiis shows that, h ha evidently given thi part most careful study, and give a performance equal to any that we have yet seen.! Great pains has been taken to give this play a careful and intelligent production and there are more folk desiring to see it' than can be accommodated." Stewarts Opera House. May 3. ...v 5 i y. Lf 111 : - ppUO STORE TAIK What you think will be &ood for your own ail ments or the. ailments ; of your family can bese- cured from our large siouK or propneiary med icines. What the, phy sician orders will . be compounded in our -Prescription Department from pure fresh and efficient drugs SPECIAL REDUCTION a .1 W have reduced the pries of Shiws Peruvian Tonic Restorative from one dollar to 76c a bottle or six bottles for $4.00. , S Thie is a reliable spring ton c ar.d blood purifier. ' piv it a trial ! W AT T S D RU G CO ! : i L.' ' Grande, O re'go h PEACHES - f NCISEfRS WAHTfD Grant.Key of thi city, ha received a letter from th asiisstant chief of the Panama Can&l , WVKw. at Washington, stating that they are in nsea or dredge engineers, . with American experience, also men with experience in email electrical refrigerating plants, also locomotive engineer. Th latter era re ceiving 1180 per months,. i ifie instructions state that a rigid physical examination will be necessary. Thos crippled or suffing from chronic disease or. otherwise incapacitated will not be appointed. '. i.y .. We hive tn. lr.es for lie. Hardy, home grown, first-class trees. Sev eral hundred left. AFFLKS and r-EARS. SENATOR DUNLAP STRAW BERRIES. B.e.-.t bearers of ftn brriea. Six vn.tie nf HI lryRPROire The leading Porr.e mental shrubs, 6000 apples for fall planting, mostly 1 awiMou us"uur iV win yay jruu w ifvt our pncci, UNION MRStRX : , 'j ; Union, Oregon 1 JOS, WEAVER, Peoprietor , t PAPERS PAPERS :, ; Hundreds of Old ppr$, 25 d$ per fundrcd. 5 :.lh b$t in the world for underlaying your carpets. Try thm and you will s y so ycur self. For sale att th OBSERVER OFFICE STRAYED 0RST0lf.lt. Three work hortes , ona dapple gray 1 200 lbs. , brown clubby horse' about 1 000 lbs. shod behind , bay mare 1 000 lbs. , dent in left shoulder. Last . seen on the road toward Union, 1 6 for their rturn to C. A. Peterson, Ladd Creek. KOTICf T0Sf HllT All persons, who are indebted to J. Bull k Company are notified to call at the old place of '.business and, settle same by May 1,1906, " ' ; -.- J PtlU. A COMPAWY.' , BLUt MOLNTAIS f ORfST RESERVE Application For Omjinir p.rm;. Notice la hereby givelj that all ac-Dli- cation for 1 permit to grai cattlir horses, and sheep within the Eastern mviwon. of the Blue Mountain Format Roeerve, during th season of 1 908. i..n be ' submitted to D. B. Shallnr. Fnrt Superintendent. Baker City. Oregon, on o before May 19, 1906. Full (nfnrrr- ation, in regard to the grazing fees to be cnargeo, and blank rorms to be used, in making application, will upon request addressed to the', above named officer. . s OvsrtohW Prick, . Associate Forester earmers ",-;.r 1 Now is the time to do your fencing, you need feivceposts, w have them tor sale. Our post were cut from green fur and tamarack trees and are thoroughly dry. We have about 6000 of them which we must dispose of this spring. ; We will exchange them for live etock, hay, grain, Kg, potatoes or other produce k, L"v ordr at Th Golden Rule or at No. 1606 Sixth Street. Also dry cord wood for sal in ny quantity. . , J. Anthony ..J. fresh and Cured JOlVvlrlOPE - t L CURE ! ADM ISSlON TREE 1 Its Aims. What It Will Accomplish i . SPEAKER Can be obtained 'at .. this' mar- at all times. We deiiver alii orders promptly. . fPhone to J us or leave your order. We will do the rest ' ::'V'J; KR0 USE BROS Prop. Successor to J. Bull and Go.. Phone Main 43 NOTICE OF RESTORATION to Settle ment, Entry, Filing and Selection of Lands within the former Baker City Forest Re serve, Oregon. Department of tne Inter ior, General Land Office. Washington, O. C. March 28, 1 906. In pursuance of the proclamation of the President of the United States, dated March 1 6. 1 906, ex cluding from the former Baker City forest Reserve, oartlv embraced . in tn B!u "Mountains Forest Reserve. Oregon, the area described below, and restor.ng to settlement th public land therein, notice i hereby given that the said public lands will become subject to entry, fli:ng and selection, under the usual restrictions, at the United State Land Office at La Grande, Oregon, on July 18. 1906: In Towmhip eight (8 South, Range thirty eight (98) East, Willamette Menol,..,, . west half of the north-west quai..r' .A the west half of the south-west quarter of Section thirty-five (56); in Township nine9) South, Range thirty-nine (59) East, the west half of the north-west quarter and the west half of the south west quarter of Section twenty nine ('29:. and the west half of the nrrth-weBi quarter of Section thirty-two (82). W. A. Richards, Commissioner. Approved: Thos. Ryan, Asting Scretary of the Interior. , Spaciil .correspondent Wilshire's at t ie sett of tm onspiracy ' .' at Cold well. Iduno.- ;' Ousstians answered. "Apponents CwUenged to successfully eon- 1 I traoic. any statement' made. ' WAN HOPE SPEAKS TO .000 IN DNVER "The Missive doors of the Col ' isium were thrown open at 7:00 P. M. Long before 8:00 P. M. the building was jammed, floor, galler ies, and p atfohn, hundreds stand ing in the aisles and in the rear. Over four thousand were present. Many hundreds who sought admis sion d to abandon the attempt, not even standing room being avail able." Press Report. A I UUMMLKUIAL CLUB S May 2nd..-1 8 p. m. Everybody invited, ADMISSION I FREE. Also take notice that the 4 that the Socialist County Conven- tion will be held in the same place X May 1st. at 10. All Socialists in 1 the county are invited to be present . ,. RIO! LOAM '. Extra rich black, loam, for - filling gar dens, etc for sale and delivered, - I also ave gravel fcr t f j 1 , 1 1 . c tic delivered on the pis :e, . , "' ' ' ' ' " ' J L. Mars. r .1 irl,Jfcl I -r- .- IMMIMMMM IN fl I1MK5IY? ' ' lHrN''',vl,i': : THE TRANsVERMAN , II will tal:e that, trunk to the Da Pt f Jour brn... Y-w( ; ;-. than . it takes to'tell it, ' " ' ' " Day phone Red '."61 t ' Night phone Biack , 1 .Wagonalwat at your s. - I YOU SHOULD VISIT OUR STORE TO-DAY if you are out to buy Gro ceries for the lay out of tempting things which pur roof covers sparkles' with interest to those ' who appreciate right " quality and the value of a doll PHONE MAIN 46 QEDDE'BR NOffTH FIR STREET eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee : THE . V J QXFORb PAR j JAMES fAQUrl ARSON, Prop. ! CoaiptM aamuueatol -ij J WINES, LIQUORS vt' ! AND CIGARS v. Cold lunche and mixed drink a specialty. Fair and impartial treatment to all. , You are invited to call and get acquainted. eeaeeeeeeeeeeeee fOR SAlt AT A BARCAW One 'sixty ' Horse Power- Russel Engine Boiler '. and , fixture ? com-, qlete. All in good running order. Rea son for selling put in Electic Dower. In. quire of La Grande Milling Company, us uranoe.ursgon.. (