TODAY'S NEWS TODAY ir Krti ' tonight ' Utikuu Tomorrow warmer. A. I A. r . ' A 4 . AX I! IP f1 r c u vcy 4m VOLUME X LA GRXNDE, UNION COUNTY. OREGpN, MONDAY! APRIL 30. 1906. . NUMBER 145 ORIEHTALS (liUCIfl Ml'RDmEfi (Sdlpp New Association) Mogodr. Turkey. April 80 For the tint time in many generations, cruciflction ' uiooe ot punish ment. Mohammed Mesfowi, an aged cobbler, ha been accused of murdering women on a wholesale scale snd his sen tence fixed at cruciflction. He will be publicly crucified next Thursday. ,. WITTt'S RLSICNATIC1 ACttf'TED (Scrlppe News Association) ' , "t London April 50 It is reported that the Czar has accepted M. Witts' resign . ation as premier, and will make him pre sident of the Council of ministers. . KOUSf VOTfS TltAflKS , . (Scrlppe New Association) ' Wasaington, D. C, April 50 The House i this morning voted a thanks of the nation ,. to General Porter -for securing the 're mains of Paul Jones. :- r '." ' f- a- I S. A. R. NAT1Q1UI (OSVMTMS ! (Sorlpps News Association) Booton. Mass., April,30 Th National Society. Sons of the American Revolution, opened its animal convention hare this morning at the Hotel Vendome. . Only a brief business session was held this morn ing. This afternoon the delegates will take a trolley ride by way of Medford and Ch?.rlestown in order, that Bunker Hil! monument may be seen. COAl STRIKE HEARS UIMAX - jScrlppeKews Association) , ., Wilkesbarre. Pa. April 30 An intima tion was sent abroad today that Presi dent Foossvelt will interven at the last moment to prevent the bitter coal strike sides have been unable to agree as to a method of applying the question to ax- bitra:ion. The President has been fullv informed of tYSfj -rtiove. historic mm TAVE BIO BE 110 It Were WasliinStoa m farewell ir ell c. : Ills ; Officers ; at "tire (lose or ill Ravclutiox ; ' YJXl STUDY TISEBIDIE Scrlpp News Association) ' Pittshurg. Pa, April 30-Unrfer the auspicas of the recently organized Pitts burg branch of the American Bible Con ference was opened here today, which will last two days. The first open meet ing will be held this evening. Many dis tinguished Bible' students from this and other states are trf httendace - arid many interesting addresses will be delivered at the meetings. NEEDED 41 m f -i I.- RELIEF 1 NOHEY IS i: Oorlpps News Association) - . San Francisco April 30 The answer to Secretary Taft's committee' is to what became 'of thi two and a half million voted by Congress for San Franoisco relief, is anxiously awaited, Of this amount only 300,000 actual cash reached the committee. There is con siderable criticism ,in the failura of the war. Department to allow Jocal com- mittees to expend the appropriations'as it reit, trie funds were heeded. . Oakland April 30 Governor Pardee. General Keel, Mayors Sehmitj and Mott are jn conference today on proposal of me reuel committee that all government funds voted for relief, be turned over to th4 flriancs committee.;' It was strongly urged that the local committees have l 4 .. . ' snargo oecause mey are the best equip- pea ana are more familiar with necessities and will prevent more oi runas. wwen the war dapartrAnt U (Scrlpps News Association) . : '. i New York. April 80. Fraunces' Tav ern, where General Washington bade farewell to all his generals after the close of the Revolutionary War. is vu u puouc resort ana as r rauncea Tavern it will ' cease to exist tomorrow: The historic building at . Broad unA Pearl. Street .will then pass into the hands of the Society of the Sons of the Revolution. . , . ..; Even the old relics of the Colonial days which ars still there art to be sold to the hiirhest bidder. . Tomorrow Glint. encamp it Brecht who have cor.dusted the Tavern, for many years.will move to new quarters. -v . From May 13, 1 768, the Tavern was kept by Bolton and Sigel and was known as the Queen's Head Hotel: It passed Into the hands .of Samuel Fraunces on Sept. 20, 1770 and he1 had ii bi g' new ign painted and swung against the wall outside. It reads 1 '-Fraunces' -Tavern" and it hangs -there yat.. The Chamber of Commerce held its first meeting there on Dec. 6' 1763 and continued to do so until the Revolution started Vnd seriously nterfered with all business of the city. I : j ii it f b ta, I liLiL OLi ill Iffl YARD mm MANY 13XR0WN BODIES Scrlpps News Association) Oakiank April 80 Of 297 bodies that have Hn w-. only 120 ere identified. There are 189 men. 8 babies, IS women and 8 girls, of whom nothing is known except the place where they were found. Thirty five men, 4 women, 2 babies and 9 Chinese are absolutely unknown and hv nothing whatever to show their identity. . '""'iiiii ill .;, , HCEiS AHDTROOPS SLIGHT QUAKES V TODAY IIIERSi . DidED Mil (Srrlppe News, s.sxoclntion) , .. ., j Washir;;on April- 30 Judge Morrow, president of the California Red' Crosf, telegraphed' the Secretary here today that provision and supplies that have j now charged vjith d oing. been received and those that are en route wouid meet the present needs of the people in San Francisco, and that con tributions from now on should be in cash. The Red Cross secretary immediately telegraphed his answer advising the Mint to credit Phelan with three thousand doiiari, and that the money .shall be at the disposal of the committee to be ex pended a thjy may sea fit.', . : .,.;,. ( IAKEMEN STRIKE TO MORROW , " 1 i " i . ' i . . ' r . . -(Rcrtpps News Association) ' , Detroit. Mich.. April 30-A strike of twenty thousand lake seamen is threat ened for tomorrow, and if( it should" cul minate, it will tie up ninety per cent of the traffic on the lakes.,, 4, : , Scripp News Association) - Washington, April 30 The Senate to day passed a bill that went through the lower house, appropriating a hun dred tnousand dollars for employing labor on, refugees to the parks tn o isisna navy yard, that was destroyed by the earthquska! ; i iSRIED ; . ; ES1NO-GAT2 On Sunday April 29 -. 1706. .Mr.. Wiiiarn- Buesina nd Miss Elizebeth Gatz were married at the home of the groom nine t-tt GrandeRev. E. R. (Scrlppe News Association) I f. San Francisco, April 80 The return of pleasant weather , has . brought ' many and all the open soaca is densely settled.1 , The looting problem is still a grave question and. is taking up much of the officer' tijne. The ruins in Chinatown seem to draw the most souvenir ssekers. and the pawn shops fcnd jelwrey stores are scenes; of lootine. The soldiers have hen tnrhlHrW miles east bfi to shoot and this complimates matters Hays of the J wnnessea tne ceremony after whirh a fiae wedding dinner was served to which all did JusUce. The presents were numi erous. beautifully showing the esteem in which their many friends held '. them. The happy couple will make their home on the farm where they will be "at home to their many friends. : ! " ' t Special Valuei in Men's $9.00 to $12.00 suits this week at In this extraordinary suit offering are to be found tweeds. ' homespuns cheviots and many. choice nevefty suitings in a wide assortment o( colorings including th seasons most popular grays. . This week only "at the extraordinary low price of ' , ' clothing to secure things of value from the smoking ashes, General Greelv has prepared an estimate which shows that 7000 tons of food have been distributed in ten days. Officers have been pliced in charge of the distribution of foods so that each section of the city has an officer in charge. - The rations are issued so that each person can only get one ration day. Among the four hund'ed men that appeared in the bread iirie vesterda only four consented to work for1 J2 per day,. .; . . . .: ' - .,- ., Boys' $6.00 $3.50 Special this week and $7.00 Suits $4.98 , This lot consisting of fine all wool Cheviot, Serge, Cas simere and unfinished Worsted suits of more than ordi nary merit should be of special interest to everyone who has a boy to clothe. this week choice for " J4.98 Lace curtain values of absorbing interest to every housewife. This is house cleanihg time, and more or less to buy in the house furnishing line, those who need lace curtains let us say. we have largest and most complete stock of lace curtains in Grande, every pair at prices that represent a smart saving. The pair from 75C and'UP To the La' Special Values in Ladies" t A Special Vilues In Men- '"V Special Values in Men Cfl Underwear lUu Underwear fm3t Dres ShirU UC Baby Hoods and Jnrt 'c" Children's UndenvearXf in T, r. nd IOC Up tJlm f .' .'' 11 1 i Hl...l.ii. in. much. Society women are being driven rrom the ruins at the point . of bayonat Pretbvterian church nffiriatinir - , lraln u rums ai me point . oi oavonar A company of ,75 relatives and friends whe.e they are risking burned feet and " . . .!...- :j win . . . . ScrlpVs Newe Association) Mt. Carmen, Pa. April 30 The state troop of constabulary today scattered a mob of rioting foreigners. One trooper was sevarly injured, and a miner fatalv hurt Reports say that troubls will break out in many otner districts and the con Stabt'ary is moving. into these "district The tramway employees have ianifid chsir intentions today of joining the Lake men's strike. Later A mob overran the constabul ary this afternoon. The troops had been reduced in numbers because many sections had U sent to other parts of the state where riots are threatened. The sheriff arrived to depudize officers but upon s lighting from the train fled to the stock ade and refused to autuoriza th mm. minder of the constabulary to make th attack. Neither ' would he make tho attack himself, but said, -W can eet them tonight." A few of the mob leaders are missing. ' an" Frtn-om-Aprit 36'Ywo' distinct earthquake si.. were feit in thecitv this morning. Some , slight , damage was done down town distric ts hv 4h collapse of some' walls, but no fatalities have been reported.,. Two dozsn soldiers we,re m the building, but fled at the first ehock and refused td ' enter ur.til the reliefs had arrived. At seven o'clock this mcrr.lriuj the lower districts felt the severest shocks. i . i ' -. ! 5- ' DOCK DEWEY STlll l!Ui"E(AKAi3 (Sorlpp New Association) f Washington April 30 Captain Hosley who i in command of the fleet towinir the dock Dewey to Manila, has cabled that he was slightly delayed at ' Ismallia, but the hardest part of the trip Is over and from now on the trip will be easier. ' ; WEST6ATE (HA)ftMAN " G. A. Westcate, editor of the Alhan Herald, was elected chairman of the state republican central committee. He is experienced in Willamette valley pol itics and is aereeabe to all The meeting of .the commitae was adjourned and the platform is to be adopted as soon a it Is approved by th candidates, which will be in about a week. ' -.. WILL ASK (Scrlpp News Association) Sn Francisco April 80 Many promi nent business men have proposed to' ask the government for a loan of money at a low rate of interest, so that San Francisco will be enabled to rebuild. It is nointed out that the banks cannot supply the two hundred million that will be needed for this purpose. They are also asking Congress pass law allowing the sury to accept municipal bonds for gov ernment deposits. Th fact that the gov ernment gave credit to the Central Pacific and many other corporations, is given as a precedent ' ; that trea- TROUBLE IIIRKE mm (Sorlpp New Association) t, Pari April 80 In anticipation of . th troubl tomorrow, when it will be im possible to buy psovision. the people are laying in a tupply of food. Troops re continuing to arrive. ; -What result to morrow will bring causes much worry. May first has been set as the day; of riota by the strikers if their wlshe ;r not granted and many thing and laborer ar ready to riot tomorrow. A : HIDDEN MENAGE j TO HEALTH; A large variety of the most common disease! will event ually be .tamped out by improved sanitation. ; These are germ diseases. The difficulty of coping with them now is the difficulty of realizing thut such germs are about us all the tim. alwavarcdy to multiply and mrnace health whenever conditions are favorable. The way to guard against these dangers Is to use RELIABLE 'DISINFECTANTS frequ e n t ly and thoroughly. Cellars, sinks, drain, closets, and all dark and damp places about the home or premises should be frequently disinfected, especially at this time ; of 'the year. We have materials suitable for every purpose and , if desired can 'advise you what to use in any particulcr instance. : NEWLIN DRUG COMPANY ; ; La Grande, Oregon. , ' .