X J n Good Garde Rake 25c Some Swe'I Footwear, Tan and Canvas in Oxford$ New and neat est Things in LACL CURTAINS 'I New Line of up-to-date NECKWEAR j Just in, Latest Movelties in DRESS SHIRTS 1 Nozzle ; Sprinklers and HOSE fixtures ' RUBBER HOSE GARDEN SEED Anything in the line of tools for gardening Lawn Mowers, Grass Catchers, Pruning Shears. Get It at the Golden Rule Co. Good Garden Hoe 25 c Just Received New Styles in LADIES' HATS latest novelties in Waistings Summer Suiting Spring Goods Base Ball Good Fishing Tackle Gamping Goods Stoves, - Cots, Stools, Dishes, Tents Rubber Hose 10c Per Foot RELIEF HOMY RAISED ! THE GOLDEN RULE COMPANY . 1308, 1310, 1312 Adam. Avenue. a , w .ww. - oiiidiicH r rices SHOES The New Spring Styles now Come end xamine in I A. V. ANDREWS, I TAILOR and HABERDASHER HIIMtlllltiliii ' lines miii )( Swift's Premium Hams "tillBacon and Lard, Remember Swift's Prem ium Brand" stands for all that is best JUST RECEIVED SWIFTS PREMIUM HAMS LOCAL ITEMS 15 . Mr. and Mrs. F. Wafflt of Pendleton returned to their horns in Pendleton this morning after a short visit with D.RVolp, MrsT.CAIdrich and her daughter. Mrs E.A.Ackerly leave forWaverlv. Washing ton mis eaening where they will spend the summer months. ut. ueorge u wnnor. of La Grande, it in the city today on a business trip. He says the building of the belt electrio line around Grande Ronde valley, work on which is now progressing, has greatly stimulated business and advanced real state prices. Pendleton East Oregonian SPECIAL RATES Agent Moore of the 0. R. & N. will sell tickets on May 2, 3, 4 and 6th to Los Angeles and return for $60. TABLETS A new line of tablets just arrived. . W. K. Davis. 1316 Adams Avenue. AND BACON. THE CITY GROCERY AMD BAKERY E. POLACK, Propr. CIVIL MARRIAGE TODAY - (Scrlpps News Association) Pans. The civil wedding of Scenes Eddy and Luriene Spreckles took place today in the town hail in the presence of eiauves and mends. The church wad ding pas held tomorrow. PAPERS PAPERS Hundreds of Old Papers, 25 cts per Hundred. Jhe best in the world for underlaying your carpets. Try them and you will say so your self. For sale at the A'- - f , OBSERVER OFFICE A HUNGRY MAN I never good natured, but a man who has dined well always shows his most genial side. All experienced wives know this, and many wise women in this city have learned something else. If THEY WANT To strike "hubby" for a large slice of his bank account, they ar range to have him dine at our restaurant. They know the better the dinner the eas ier he will grant their request. And they also know the best dinner is to be had right here. The Model Restaurant J. A. Arbutkle. Proorirlnr W triweekly a UVKH TtAV AND MliUf Tne following is the list of contributions subscribed by the citizens of this vicinity towards the relief of the San Francisco sufforers. wio subscribed amounts of $5 and over, also the total subscription which amounted in the aggregate $1454 80. La Grande Natl. Bank $100 Grande Ronde Electric Co. , 100 La Grande Milling Co. 76 J. E. Foley . ' 60 J. Roesch 60 Brotherhood of Locom. Eng. 60 Oregon Produce Co. 60 Knights of Columbus 25 Farmers at Traders JNatl Bank 25 Crawford & Crawford ' 25 N. K. West 20 W. H. Bohnenkamp 20 Mrs. T. N. Murphy 20 Dr. F. E. Moore - 20 Stoddard Lumber Co. 20 ur. u. i. tMtcon u Dr. N. Molitor 20 J. D. McKennon 10 Golden Rule Co. 10 O. F. Coolidge 10 Joe. Palmer , . 10 F. Qeibel 10 Henry & Can? .10 T. A. Rinehart- 10 Murphy Bros. ' 0 M. A. Harrison 10 J. A. Thronson . ' 10 Ash Bros. 10 Bclten & Bodmer 10 Smith & McFrrlane 10 National Lumber Co. 10 Rev. E.B. Hayes 10 Rev. Father Whyte 10 John Blockland 10 H. Procter 10 Mrs. H. L. Pennington 10 A. A. Roberts . . 6 E. W. Davis F. R. Swaney T, Williamson D. Reavis . Turner Oliver Jay Van Burven E. P. Staples A. O. Hagins Seigrist & Co. Polack A. T. Hill Dr. A. L. Richardson Biever & Leavitt Mrs. Sallie A. Palmer Grandma Palmer La Grande Investment Co. Grandy & Russell 1 IOC - WINDOW DISPLAY - IOC i (J BjjBSxaaijiijiiiii. 1.1-1 MsBBSJMB BBMSmrw r t-r - See what 10c will buv at Mrs. T. X. Murohv's in Tin ware. Uranite. and Glassware. Ccme and make your selections before it is all gone. I also have a nice line of better ware, such os Cut Class and Holiday Goods which I am giving one fourth off until May 1st. Just received a complete stock of Garden Tools such as Rakes, Hoes, Spading Eorks, Shovels and Spades. My assortment of Fishing Tackle is com plete in every way. ! MRS. T.N. MURPHY ! . .. Hardware and crockery, APPENDICITIS AND IMPACTION J. M. Berry ' Mrs. A. B. Huelett Julius Fisher Jas. Farquharson John N. Klein John Kim U. Lottes Thorson H. J. Reher H. C. Cotner Chas Anderson Wm Connaly W. Eagan E. J. Walsh Fred Jacobs L. Caviness F. G. Schilke P. Grant W. H. Furgason William Hall C. M. Riddle E, J. Huard JuigeEakin S. R. Ha worth Staniels & Jarman J. Melville Blue Mountain Creamery D. Fitzgerald . G. E. Fowler C. S. Dunn From Perry, Ore Subscriptions under $5 1120.00 91.60 243.30 1454.70 In addition to above the following dona- tionc in kind were received. Mrs. B. W. Grandv - 4 sax Dotatotes E. Z. Carbine M. S. Carroll Mrs. E. A.Jones G. Zurbrick O. P. Harrison Miss Hansen Mrs. Mallory Judge Eakin 6 3 2 2 2 2 bundles clothing 1 flour comforts Potatoes and blankets purchased by the Executive Committee were furnished by ocal merchants at cost. NOTICE Of INVESTMENT have four houses and lots which I will sell in a lot at a trreat sacrifice, for cash. 1 must have money. These houses are rented and in good location and bring $35 per month rent. I will let the first one to call have a bargain, as they must be sold at once. Frio Jacobs. APPRENTICES WANTED-lnquire of Mrs. J. R. Forrest, the milliner, at once The question is often asked, "Does the appendix have a function, or is it a mere remnant without function?"' The Osteo path believes that the ' appendix has a function, for the reason that it has glands and motion, the same as the adjoining portion nf tha inMtma U n,. the Creator knew more than some of the modern surgeons who claim the appendix to be without use to the body. The appendix in nealth is able to empty itself and carry ou its work of secreting a digestive Juice; but just as soon as its motion becomes sluggish or stopped it becomes impacted, or obstructed, with fecal matter, which results in acute In flammation, frequently followed by form ation of pus. This is appendicitis. What is the cause of this sluggish action of the appendix? There is apt to be pressure alone the course of the motor nerves supplying the appendix, cutting off a portion or all of the narvnna Anarorv J which controls this motion. This Dra.iura is usually found where these nerves em erge from the spine, at the ninth and tenth dorsal vertebae. Such uressure may be due to a subluxarion, or slip, of the vertebrae, caused by a strain, or it may come from contracted muscles in this region, the result of result of exposure to cold or over-fatigue. There rssults a lowed action of this portion of the bowels with constipation, not only in the appendix itseir, but also in the adjoining portion of the intestines, Imyaction of the bowel also freauentlv occurs at the region of the appendix, and while, strictly speaking, this is different from appendicitis, yet it may give rise to practically the same symptoms. Frequent ly in impaction the bowels will move each day by channeling through the center of the impactc u.ass, when the patient may be unconscious of any slugglish con dition until the obstruction becomes com plete; then the attach of "appendicitis" ie soon on. Not only the appendix, but all the bowel region is apt to become the seat of inflammation. Usually a day or two preceeding the acute attack there is a dull ache and sense of fullness in the right pelvic region, due to inflation with gas from fermenting fecal matter. Re covery is the result of throwing off this accumulation, and the patient is fairly free of pain until the appendix again be comes obstructed, or the bowel becomes impacted sufficiently to cause inflam mation, which is sure to happen off and on as long the pressure remains along the course of these motor nerves. What can Osteopatny do ? If called during the acute attack, before pus is formad, our practitioners are usual ly able -to prevent pus formation by cor recting this pressure on the motor of the nerves to the appendix, thus restoring function and enabling the appendix ta empty itself. In cases where the adjoin ing part of the intestine is also impacted, we use an enema of olive oil with the colon tube to flush out the bowel and assist in emptying the intestine. This with absolute rest in bed, starvation diet for a few days and a careful nursinir. will cure about ninety-five per cant of all cases of acute appendicitis if the treat ment is undertaken before pus has form ed, 'n cases where pus has formed in quantity before calling the Osteopath, it may require an operation to drain the pus. In recurring or chronic ' appendicitis, if the Osteopath is called between the acute attacks, his treatment is to correct the pressure which causes thissluffuish actinn of the appendix, and it will usually re sult in a cure, except in cases that have formed adhestons, or stricture bands, of the intestines. Is it not better thus to remove the cause of this trouble than to remove the appenkix ? A noted Eastern surgeon said that he never saw a case of appendicitis in a poor man that required an operation.' Yet this surgeon has operated on ovar three hundred cases of aDDendicitia. n. supsosed appendicitis, in each of which a fee of three to five hundred dollars w forthcoming ! Osteopathy offers a afar surer way tc health. Osteopathic Health (AVAIRY A mm in nni j in IA GRANDE Two troops of the 1 4th Cavalry postal at Walla Walla arrived in the city last night on their way to Boise, and bivodac ed just outside the city. The command is under Captain Yates who also has charge of Troop A and Captain Crosby is in command of the other troop. When the marching orders were received at Walla Walla four days ago, the commis sary wagon contain twenty days rations. ana by careful estimation ' the trip is planned to last twenty dayi. Captain Yates stated last night that the road over the mountains wara muaay ana it was impossible to ma more than twenty-five miles a dav. ir as coma oe learned the " onir h ke" is a practice march and while no attemp is ' ' being made at record breaking time, the command is making fairly good time con sidering the bad condition of the roads The troopers broke camo this mornincr and resumed their march toward Rnia They will reach North Powder today. BIDS WANTED Bids will be receded up to 4 o'clock Saturday afternoon, April 28, 2906 aA( the office of Dr. L. D. Reavis. for the construction of two cement cross walks, according to the plans on file at the office of City Engineer. The committee reserves the right to reject any and all bids. JL. D. Reavis. Street committee A. L. Richardson. IS. .1 Cmrr LECTURE ADMISSION FREE SOHTAT KM Its Aims. What It Will Accomplish a - ' f J0V WANH0PE 1 Special corrnsmnriant W;ik;'. at the seat of the conspiracy t .at Coldwell, Idaho. Questions answered. Apponents challenged to successfully con f tradict any statement made. 1 WANHOPE SPEAKS TO 4,000 IN DNVER f "The Massive doors of the Col- fiseum were thrown open at 7-00 P. M. Long before 8:00 P. M. the $ ouuaing was jammed, floor, galler- a ;, anu piauorm, nundreds stan niK in me aisies and in the rea uver rour tnousand were Dresent. Many hundreds who sought admis sion had to abandon the attempt, not even standing room being avail able." Press Report. AT COMMERCIAL CLUB May 2nd.. 8 p. m. Everybody invited. ADMISSION FREE. Also take notice that the that the Socialist County Conven tion will be held in the same place May 1st. at 10. All Socialists in the county are invited to be present the M WANTED Immediately an experienced eamstress. Apply to Mrs. Winkler, 6528 corner Hemlock & Monroe. TIMBER UNO. ACT JUNE 3. , U. H. Land Otfioa, , i l-a Ormode, W. umnar laoda In luestntea or California- trm .ton. than fo? aicT L ""J" "I Ilia dajro Jane, Ivoa. ""olay'a . W.DeTta.B ejlatw. ' j