VPvAT TO EAT O U the que.ticn that preptexe the housewife thete day. Call at our store and aelect a menu from our choice line of canned goodt. Or, better yet. we have on hand vege table and other delacicie that ill relieve tne mo not y of the usual spring menu. Remember, our delivery i at your aervice wnether the order it large or email. NEBRASKA MRS. MAGGIE WE CARRY MEATS for a brief while only. Short for laying that we handle only fresh product. W tell to much beef, mutten, lamb, pork, and poultry that nothing stay on our premises long: Food for thought In that truthful statement. If you object to stale meats, let ut have your ordert. Grandy& Russell MEAT fresh and Cured Can be obtained at this mar at all times. We deliver all orders promptly. Phone to us or leave your order. We will do the rest KROUSE BROS Prop. Successor to J. Bull and Go. Phone Main 48 MAY LIVE 100 YEARS The chances for living a full century are excellent in the case of Mr. Jennie Dun can, of Hayneaille, Me., now 70 years old. She writes; "Electric Bitters cured ma of Chronic Dyspepsia of 20 years standing, and made me feel as well and ttrong as a young girl." Electric Bitters cure Stomach and Liver diseases. Blood disorders. General Debility and bodily weakness. Sold, on a guarantee at Newlin Druo Co.t drug store. Price only 50f . LA GRANDE SCHOOL j OF MUSIC I PROF. DAY, PRINCIPAL. MRS. DAY. ASSISTANT. This is one of the best musical In stitutions in the state, and that people in this city and valley are begininng todiscover the advantage of this school. The system it the latest and most practical, and in cludes all the latest discoveries in the art of teaching music. The school is divided into two depart ments; No. 1 is for beginnert from 5 years or more and are taught the first three grades. Pupils coma one hour each day. This is no kin dergarten system but far superior. In No. 2 the grades are from 2 to 6. Hera they graduate. Pupils take one or two lessons a week at they desire. No scholars will be permitted to remain in this school who do not study. Opposite the Foley House over the candy store., Phone. 473. GROCERY SHEARER, Prop. WANTED Position by competent book keeper. Inquire at ISO? Madison Ave nue. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 20 acres of unimproved fruit land 2 miles from Summerville. for sale cheap or will ex change for lots in La Grande or improv ed property and pay difference in price, i La Uranoe Investment (Jo. WANTED A stenographer at the Beet Sugar factory. For particulars apply at their office. . earthquake FOR SALE Good hack and harness for tale or trade for milch cows. Apply at thit office. 10DCE DIRECTORY EAGLES La Grande Aerie 295 F. 0. E. meett every Friday night in lEIkt Hall, at 8 p. m. Visiting bre hren invited to attend. I. R. Snook W. S Dr. G. L. Bigg ert W. P. . I. O. O. F. La Grande Lodge No. 16, meett in their hall every Saturday night Visiting brother cordially Invited to at tend. Cemetery plat may be teen at Model Restaurant. H. E. Coolidos, N. G. D. E. Cox. Sec. STAR ENCAMPMENT. Nn Kl i n 0. F. Meett every first and third Thurs days In the month in Odd Fellows hall. visiting patriarchs always welcome, n " O. E. Fowler, C. P. D. E. Cox, Scribe. M W A t m CirA M. 77(11 meets everv firafc and thWA. Wuin... of the month at I. 0. O. F. hall. All VISitintr naishbora are enrdiallv irwit-oH attend. C. S. Williams. V, C. John Hall, Clerk. FORESTERS Off a MFPir a ,.. Maid Marion Nn 00 mul, rh Th,,.. day night in Redman hall. Brothert are invited to attend. Pn.n Una Okl.f D L. L. Snooorass Financial Sec. Board of Trustees Dr. G. L. Biooers John Hall and C. S. Williaml FRIFNnHWtD TJ7MT N- i v n n- M. Meets tecond and fourth Wednesdays each month m I. 0. 0. F. hall. Visiting knights welcome. w r. n.n r - W. Wi.ll, Will, Mox Bloch, Record Keeper L.O. T. M. HIVFNn 07vt. - first and third Thuradava in rh ft.-. noon at the Redmen hall. All visiting icuiva are welcome. Maude Lnwri T.arlv CnmmnA M. C. Vessey, Record Keeper. B. P. O. E l Off aim nR i nnnr w- 433 Meets each Thursday evening at eiffht o'clock In F!U hall nn Aril ml Aua nue. Visiting Brother are cordially in- vaeu 1.0 aueng. G. E. McCully, Recording SecreUry. LA GRANDE innrtF n tea WOODMEN OF THE WORLD-MjJs every Friday of each month in the K. of P. hall in the Corp building. All visiting members welcome. N. L. ACKLES, Consul Commandar J. H. Keeney, Clerk. RED CROSS LODGE, No. 27-Meets every Monday evening in Castle Hall, Corpe building.' A Pvthian welcome to all visiting Knights, N. L Ackles. C. C. R. Pattison, K. R. & S. RATHB0NE-SISTERS Rowena Tem ple No. 9 meets every Wednesday even ing at 8 f. m. in the K. of P. Hall in the Corpe building. Visiting members cordi ally invited. Milly Frawley M.E.C Eunice Procter M. of R. & C. Success has crowned our efforts of un tiring endeavor and we Dresant to th public with a confidence never before held by any other medicine, Hollister't Rocky Mountain Tea. SS cents, Tea or Tablets. Newlin Druo Co. IN A HURRY? MEN CALL WH. KEYNOLDS the transfer;man He will take that trunk to the De pot or your home in less time than it takes to tell it . Day phone Red 761 Night phone Black 1792 Wagon always at your service . Kill GETS SCHOLARSHIP Fred Hill of Salt Lake City, Utah, has received a scholarship to enter Oread Institute in Maryland. Hill is the grand ton of A. M. Hill of thit city and has teveral relatives in thit city. He is seventeen yeart of age and has already attended school at Paris and has finished the schools at Salt Lake. While at Paris he expressed himself as a believer of the Nebular Theory and was promptly ex pelled. Coming to America about seven months ago he completed the schools there and is now about to enter the noted Oread school. ii i r. w v v. n ON THE FARM. There's many a successful business man who sits in bis citv office and lets his mind slirt hark to hi liovhnnri Hv on the farm. How good It felt to live ' Whut an app- he had I How good everything tastt I How sound his sleep was I How eagerly he rose with the sun and raced with him through the long day. And now he's a successful man. But he can t sleep, lie doesn't eniov his food. His stomach is weak, hi'i nerves are shaken, and he no more rises with the sun to race eagerly against him. His vitality is low ond now and again his heart seems to plunge in his breast as if it would break loose. That's the price he has paid for success. The mischief of the whole business if that he buys "tablets" of one sort or another to "aid" his digestion, and in dulges in bromides and other nerve stimulants, just to hold himself together, and wonders why he seems to be getting worse. The whole trouble with such a man generally lies in v. hut is called a "weak -stomach. The food he eats does not nourish him because it is only partially digested aud assimilated. No man can be stronger than his stomach, because it is in the stomach and allied organs of digestion and nutrition that strength is made from the food which is eaten. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov ery cures diseases of the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition. It restores the strength of the body in the only way strength can be restored, by food which is perfectly digested and assimilated, when the diseased stomach (with its allied organs) is cured of dis ease. It is a blood making, body-building medicine, inasmuch as blood is made from food and the body it built up by blood. It is not a stimulant, containing neither alcohol or any other narcotic. NO OTHER DOCTOR FOR ME. " La pring-, early, I wrote you my feelings and condition, "na.va Mr. A. J. Vandcrwatcr, 871 Wnt Division Klrcrt, Chicugo, III., "and you advined me to take l)r Pierrc'a Golden Mnlicl Iliacovcnr (a few hotllm), anil then writa yon now I felt. I am happy to aay I am grlting to feci fine. In all I have takeu t bottlra of the ' Discovery ' and four or five viala of the little I-elleta.' They have don me worlda of good. All my frienda lay : ' Vanderwater, how well rou are looking. What in the world havevou been doing I I tell them I have been doctoring with Dr. R. V. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y. ' Why" they aay, 'you haven't been there f No, I ay. but I took his Golden Medical Diacoverv ' nd hia little pelleta.' Theae medicinea have wrought the great change in me. Frura a alow moiie of s man that could hardly crawl, tired nd aick all the time, and could do no work : to man who can work, aleep. eat, and feet fine, and that tired reeling ia all going awny. I am very thankful that I wrote to Dr. pierce. Hia 'Golden Medical Discovery' and hia little liver 'Peileta' have almost made new man of me. I feel young aa I did at thirty yeara. No other doctor lor me, only Dr. Pierce.' HAD GIVEN UP HOPE. t will expreaa my thanka to you for the k'ully advice you have given me In regard to my case." wtflea Mia Carrie J. Wharton, of Ihlllavant, Hputtavlvatiia Co., Virginia. "When I wrote to you lat apring I waa in terrible state of health. Had given up all hope of ever being better I .pit up mv food all the time nd it aeemed aotia vinegar. I would have a bad airk headache everv other week ; in fact, my head never felt clear, aud I waa perfectly broken down under the atrain of loaing my (ood conaUnllv. I had read great deal in ymit bunka of what your medicine had done for oilier., ao I wrote you and got your a hire Unugilt two bottlea of 'Golden Medical Dlv ery' aud the firm doae I look I felt heller. When I had finished taking the two bottlra the apittlug op had entirelv atupped and mv head waa much better. I believe vour medicinea are lust what you have anid of them. " I carelu'ly read the hooka von en .c and hall alwaya apeak a goal won"! for the ' Golden W?dical lnacoverv ' whenever I have a chanc- You can puhllah Una if you thiuVt it worth white. It might induce aome one elae to try your medicine who w:a au:tennK aa I did. It waa by the testimonial of others that I waa Induced to try It. I ahall alwava relv upon your ririce and feel aafe to do as you tcll'me. Dr. llercc's Pleasant Vellets cure con ttioation, its causes and consequences 65 fFin ffiipirira n Every one has a hereditary right to a pure blood supply, which insures a strong, healthy body ; but how many do we see who have inherited that preatest of all misfortunes, Scrofula, and are struggling under a legacy of disease and suffering? Scrofula is a constitutional trouble handed down from parent to child, a curse from generation to generation as long as the scrofulous matter is allowed to remain in the family blood. As the very foundation of the blood is diseased we see this awful aflliclion manifested in many ways, such as enlarged glands or tumors about the neck, which often burst and become discharging ulcers, weak eyes, chronic Catarrh of the head, skin diseases, etc. This blighting disease being so firmly intrenched in the blood often attacks the bones, resulting In White Swelling, or hip disease, while a pallid, waxey appearance of the skin, loss of strength, and often lung affections show that the disease is entirely destroying the rich, nutritive qualities of the blood. There is but one way to cure Scrofula nnd that is to purify the blood and rid it of the germs of disease, and for this purpose nothing equals S. S. S. Its purifying ond builtling-up properties PURELY VEGETABLE medicine, mai!6 from roots, herbs and barkt young or old. It So thoroughly removes the poison from the blood that no aigns of it are ever seen again and posterity is blessed with a pure blood uppiy. own ou me otoou ana any meuicni aavice acsitca without charge, THE SWIFT SrCCinC CO., ATLANTA, CA. WIIDE-M ERASCO WEDDLIG (Scrippt Newt Association) London, April 23 Mist Wilde, daughter of Mrs. Henry Siegel of New York, and Count Carlo Dentice di Frasso were married at the Brompton Oratory today. Father Bernard Vaughan, brother of the late Cardinal officiated, and Signor T1U0 ni, Italian Ambassador to England, was the best man. The wedding was one of the most brilliant social events of the season. The honeymoon will be spent on the continent and after that the young couple will divide their time between Rome and their Austrian estate at Krapski. , WILE KOI EAST EOREVER Do not think the great Introductory tale of high-grade pianos at Eilert Piano House will last forever. Bring $10.00 with you today and see what a beautiful instrumen'. you can buy. Eilert Piano House. 1316 Adams Ave. MILLINERY OPENING Evety day in the week at Mrs." J. R Forrest's. Prices lower than ever known Trimmer from Gage's of Chicago. TIMBER LAND. ACT JUNE 3. 1878 . NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION O. H. Land Office, La Ornr d. o eon March 21. 1!l Nntiosl hereby given that In compllaura with the provisions of the set of riogma ol June . IK7S. entitled "An act for the aaie n Umber lands in the RtatMof California, Ore gon. Mvda, and Washington Territory," at ei tended to all tha Publlo Land Mtalaa hv act l Auguaia, into, joaepn A. aiuiiier. of Bolae. manly of Ada. state of Idaho, ba till day Bled Id this otHop her aworr latement No. HH. for the purchase of tl) tiy NE"4He 81 laNWWof Heetlna Na Ki In Township No, 4 Booth, Mange No. as R w tf , And will offer proof to ahow that the lam sought la more valuable for Its timber oi atone than Ihr agricultural purptaws, and ti alabllab bar claim to said land before Ih Register and Heeelver at La Grand. Ore gon.on Wednoadsy.th 2(Hh day n June.lMVS. lie namea aa wltnaaaci: Edward Lemp Albert !. Lemp, John UilsouiL Henry Mfken. ail of Boiae Idaho. Any and all persons claiming adversely thi bovedeaerlbed lands are requested to 11.. their claims In thla otfloe on or before sale 2oth day or Juoelwi, R W, Davis. Beesatl I ifciBKK LAND. ACT JUNE 3. 187- NOTICE FOB PUBI-fCATiON U. P. Land Office at La Grande, oragot si .. . . ' l W6 Nolle I hereby given that id eompllanre wltt the provUiona f the art of f 'otigrese f June , 187a, eDtttled An aei for the axle cf timoer lands in theHtatee of rallfnrnla. Or' goo, Nevada, and Waahlnglnn Terrltorv.' a. tended to all the Pnhlle Lart Htatee bv"aet I Argnat i, Itwi, Maude Mcholaoo of L Grande county oi tnlon, Hl.te of Oregon, naa ihtadny filed Id thla oft tee her aworr atMeneot No. D71 1, for the rurrbsae of the 4Wt4 of Her. No M. la Townahir No. a RoDth. Hange Nn, U K. W. M. A ad will oner proof to ahow thai the lano aongnl I more valu-hl for Ita llirhrr oi Hon lhan for agriculluial pnrnoaea. and Ir wtanilab her claim to aald land before tbi Hegxter aud Receiver at L (jiaade. Oregoii on Mondar the 14th. oi.y of Mar, IMV Kh'ouiriea aawllBreeee (In e H. i'orbea. Jnmea K. Huteman, t'harlea tikagga, of L U'unde. Oirg.in, vn.l 11h lard V. Buruelt, of bturkey. orgn A"v nd all r" aona elalmlng adverael theatiovedeHcrbed ianda are renitestad to Hie tbeirelalma Id tblaotllccouorbeloreau.d Uib da; of May, 1MM . ' t'aa, Hee'ri" TIMBER LANO. ACT JUNE 3. 1878 BOTICat rOK PUBLICATION. V. e Land Office, at La Uraode, Or. March Juih, I (OS Nollne la hereby given tbat In compliant) wltii tLe provlalona of the act of Congress o JnneR. IH7K. entitled "Ad act for the sale o timber landa In tuebtntea of California, Ore on. Nevada, and WaablDvton Terrllnrv tended to ail the Public Laod Htatea by c ol Aoguat 4, lttt& Thomaa L Bakir, of en dliton, oonntv of Umallila, "Ut of Or on h. thla day 6 led to this odicc bla aworn stale nientN'o .171)1, for the purchase ol the KU 8EJ4 8eo W.MWjrf RWX, Mec 20. and N v of Hec. , in Township ho 1 8, H o. 86 B. W M And will otrer proof toabow tbat the Mod aongbt Is more valuable for Ita tlmbs 01 tone than for agricultural purnoae, nd to establish his claim to aald landa ore the Heglaterand Receiver ot toe U H nd onire ' Ia uraode, Oregon, on Mo ay, the lllh da 01 J line, 1U0S. He name a- wl'noaea: Jamee K. If. k. lolm W. Klmbrell. Hay Burlta. Thomaa Oe auey.aUo Pendleton. Oregon. Any ami Hi! peraona outlining adversely tb bnve-deanribed landa an nxjueated to fl their ciairna In thla nfnoe ou or before sal t lllb otf of June. K K. W. Twel Rewlater A ROYAL WELCOME Is accorded every gentleman AT DONNELLY'S All the leading brands of cigars and the kind of smoking tobacco you have been looking for. DO NNEL L Y!S CLUB ROOMS are at your disposal at all time Confectionery Periodicals AN INHERITED MISFORTUNE make it the ideal remedy for Scrofula. S. S. S. searches out and destroys all poisons and germs, gives strength, richness and vigor to till, nvnlr rw,11,itwl 1.1... I nMI1 O. .-....! ., permanently. S. S. S. ia a purely vegetable THE OXFORD PfIR JAMES FAPQUHAR50N. Prop. Complete aaaoniuaol ol WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS Cold lunches and mixed drinks a specialty. Fair and , impartial treatment to all. You are invited to call and get acquainted. I Btautifu' Hair and Face I J May be had by having scientific J Shampooing and Mact?je. The l-OTEL FOLH Tonsorial Parlors are prepared to do these specialties and Friday of each week will be J for LadA customers. Pribate par- J lor for ladies. Lady attendant in chare. : C. T COLT pr, p WATTS 'I 1 fa. -n "i .1 IIWII aw SV A cordial invitation is extended to all to visit the store and be- . come acquainted with us. Our stock it complete and our pre scription department it in charge of competent hands. It will be our aim to ao treat the public that our store will become well and favorably known. We respectfully solicit a share of your business. F. A; WATTS, Proprietor LA GRANDE, OREGON Corner Depot Street and Adams Avenue '-" aeee.aeta.aee. a.. .... La Grande National Bank ESTABLISHED jJ8T Capital Stock, Surplus and undivided profits $160,030 00 OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS ORGE PALMER, President. J. M. BERRY, Vicb President. F. L. MEYERS. Cashier. GEORGE L. CLEAVER. Assistant. Cashier. W. L BRENHOLTS, Assistant Cashier. BERRY, F. M. BYRKIT. A. B. CONLEY. C. C. PENINGT0N. F.J.HOLMES. General banking business, Drafts drawn on all parts of the world. WANTED, A young man of 27, of good account would like the acquaintance of some young lady with matrimonial intentions, must be a plain aT at.-.wa waa. x uiuumry uin uno Will love J the washing done, but she 2 use no other flour than that ; uranoe mining to. Every : sale by all dealers. eee PAPERS PAPERS Hundreds of Old Papers. 25 cts per Hundred. The best in the world for underlaying your carpets. Try them and you will say so your self. For sale at the OBSERVER OFFICE t -a All persons who try - ed to J. Bull & Company are notifl d .11 at the old place of business anj, tle same ' by May 1, 1903. - . J. Bull & Company. .- Hi7e you weaVnessof any kind stom ach, back, or any organt of the body? Don't dope yourself with ordinary medi cine. Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea is the iupreme curative power. 55 cents. Nelin Dbuo Co, fil fl HIT USE Every family in town should have a oS p from our window this week at 23 ctt. Come in or telephone us. , Newlin Druo Co. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, 0. S. Land Offlos, La Grande, Oregon, ,. .... Februarjritl, IMuj. Notice la hereby given that the foliowlrm named aeltler baa died notice of hl Intention 10 'M1. "',K'ln aupport of hia claim, and that .id Proof will be made before, the moTH' r. ,ni . 'V "' tb u- Land tme. at La ramle. fregon, en Apri' 7, luon. . n. r, B ksw, inmea Kaker. of "r'1""'- reon, for the Lota S, 6. T, a a . Sh -W 'i ec. 21 To.. I H K. ri E W M - he nniiii'i the following wltnexKea to prova -bla emit In nous realdenre upon and curtiva. linn of sairt land, vlg: .(,'"' Han'en. rrark Donnldaon. Erl OllilauderK all ..f Meai ham Oregon. k.hard Abbia, of t'eudlelon, Or-gon. . W. Davla. DRUG1! CO j Having purchased the DRUG STORE known as the LA GRANDE DRUG COMPANY we wish to call the attention of the people of La Grande and Union county to the fact A WIFE habits and a small bank a tfnnrt tinmo Mm hie must be a good cook and which is made by the La sack guaranteed. . For ,