La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, April 23, 1906, Image 4

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An Ottupfitioa ' Tax Parking anl Improving tnc City Prcm
iscsto Keep me cows off.
I desire to address ou one mart on
questions that appear to me of vital
interest to you. I have heard it said that
it is poor policy for an official to write
open letters to the people, and that a
political graveyard awaits him who vio
lates the rule that "That silence is golden",
but I believe you are my psrtners in this
city business and you hive a right to
know all I know. It it a good thing to
say "Brethren, let us reason together."
i do not wish to be taken as a "pour
fnr effect although 1 have been accused of
being a "reformer". You will notice
that in all my published articles and
communications to the Council the words
'reform'', "graft- or any other catch
word for political effect does not appear,
lemons who believes - in publicity for
public affairs. The people are not all
fools to be filled with luncheon when they
want business. y
This kind of an introductory it not made
to cast reflections on any person but
merely to state my position with reference
to you. We have not taken any snap
judgement on any of you. We always
givt you fair warning before any action
t taken. You have put us up against a
big thing and expect us to handle it
You can't expect a good dance unless
you alt chip in to pay the fiddler.
Yoii have a good working council, all
live energetic (ltien, who intend to carry
out your wish, and will not try to saddle
anything on you that you don't want
. We intend to keep the warrant up to
at least their present standard of value,
to pay interest on bonds, to sprinkle and
keep clean the streets, to provide efficient
police and fir protection, to grade all the
ttreett you are able to pay for, to put
. tht aidtwalkt in good repair, to furnish
an ample supply of pure water, to pro-,
tect the public health, to light the streets,
to beautify and adorn the city, to park
the town, to devite a tysttm of ttwerage,
to have your books exported and prepare
books of accounting ttrictly up to date, to
publish the charter and ordinances, to
promote enterprises, and to keep you ad
vised at all times at to what we are
What have we got in funds
to do this
-with? Last year we received from all
sources $30181.06 and and about the
tame amount the year before and still the
warrants on water fund increased
$4128.02 end warrants on general fund
$2947.56 making an increase of warrants
outstanding $8085.68 which with the
bonds on city building increased the in
debtedness in round numbers to $33000.
To keep warrants on general fund up
to present standard we have to redeem
$14000 with secured interest, $1700
making $15700.
Interest charges on bonds
Cost of water works
Cost of pound fund
$4250 00
8000 00
800 00
Total $30750 00
that we will have to pay provided we
have no increase of expense ovur last
year and if the revenues do not fall oT
we wi,l come out about even.
But we have taken a contract to do
more Uian was ever done before.
We propose to give a more efficient
service and the salary list has increased.
We intend to redeem as many, warrants
as we issue, with accrued interest, we
have to pay for prinkling the streets, to
increase the lighting, to do more s.roat
and sidewalk improvements, to increase
the water supply and carry out all the
proportions heretofore enumerated. Pro
bably our job is too big and we will have
to slink back instead of advancing as you
said you wanted us to do.
You will remember in my former
messages and recommendations to the
council I advocate under the head of
sources of revenue an indirect tax through
licences on occupations, fines and for
feitures, and taxation on franchises, cor
porations and other business enterprises.
On the question of increase of saloon
license, 1 said 1 was not warranted in
expressing an opinion until all the evi
dence for or against such a proposition
was submitted and considered, but I was
opposed to any measures that would tend
to create a monopoly. If a reasonable
increase of saloon license will increase
the revenue without putting the weaker
ones out of business and thereby creating
partial monopoly in favor of the man
with th most money, or if the law of
equalization will not tend to decrease tht
namber of saloons proportionate to the
Increase of licenso thereby making no
increase of revenue for the city, I will be
in favor of a slight Increase.
But as a matter of fact the saloons
and affiliated trades have already been
paying 80 of the money into tht
generat fund and through direct taxes
poll taxes, dog taxes and water rents
these elements of the community have
been paying their prorata of the interest
on bonds and all the other funds of th
city. It does not look very good for the
city to depend on fines from crime and
on business that is under the lean of the
aw for practically all of its revenue to
pay general expenses. After applying
the money from direct taxation to the
payment of interest on bond and war
rants and allowing for th money from
direct taxation to the payment of inter
est on bonds and warrants and allowing
for tht money paid by these licensed and
fined occupations to the other fund of
the city you will find that the balance of
th community practically pay nothing
into the general fund. . .
You get the benefit of street sprinkling,
street cleaning and repairs, street lights,
police and fire protection and all the
other benefits incident to city life and
therefore as a matter of equity. I am in
favor of the occupation tax.
Besides, this money paid . by you into
the general fund is paid out again for
service and improvements and the money
comes back to you through the different
avenues of trade, and again your property
increases in value proportionate to the
improvements, conveniences and adorn
ments of the city. If you were asked to
pay this tax to help out a "graft" you
would be justified in filing a protest.
(Trier I hav finally used that word)
If you do not want th occupation tax
w (halt etpect a strong protest signed
by all of you to b read by our recorder
at the next meeting of the council. "We
need the money" and are going to" get it
if we can. Don't tay w didn't play fair
with you by not giving you fair warning.
W wan't you to help u out on another
matter. The mayor and council hav
certain power that hav been delegated
to us by you, but those powers give us no
authority over your private affairs or
Now in order to make this a beautiful
city you hav a bigger job than ha been
delegated to us,
You will notice in my messagd "Public
Park" "civic improvements" "adornment"
and embellishment" and a lot of other
high sounding talk.
This is mostly up to you. Th council
ha to tend to the streets and alleys,
sewers, water ditches and other "dirty
work" and it is for you to beautify adorn
and embellish. You must build the homes
and grounds, plant the trees, shrubs and
flowers, pull down the fences, and it is
for us to keep the cows away.
Yes, pull down the fences and old dila
pidated sunburned shacks and
make a park of the whole residence dis
trict of the town. We wont need a
public park then. We can sit in our own
door yards and have home and park
combined. ,
Still we can have a public park for the
wayfarer or those who are not so fortun
ate as to have a park at home.
"Surfaced lumber only costs $1 per thou
sand feet more than the rough in the same
class, and paint preserves the wood
Paint is not a loss or wast so that all
the outhouses along che alleys can just as
well be planed lumber nicely painted as
to be the unsightly shacks they are, You
ought to organize a "Civic improvement
league" so you can do your part to help
the city administration out. We want to
make a beautiful city of this and we have
a right to ask you to do your part You
expect us to do our part in this partner
ship or you reserve the right to make a
big kick. We will turn the tables on you
if you fail in performing your duties.
It is rather of the ordinary for the
servant to be dictating terms to his mas
ter but we are going to dispensa with
the relation of servant and master and
make it an equal partnership between
you and the city administration.
You furnish what money you can to
help this out and we will try to rustle
the rest from saloons and fines, and you
park and beautify the town and we will
try to keep the cows away. You improvs
the outhouses put on some smooths lum
ber and paint it and we will have the
street commissioner notify you to keep
your alley clean.
From a momentary standpoint alone
there 1 nothing lost by improving and
beautifying because it all adds to the
value of the property, but that may he
a loss because as your property increases
in value and you richer, you have to pay.
more taxes.
' ' J. B. Stodoarc
Do not think the great Introductory
sale of high-grade pianos at Eilert Piano
House will last forever. Bring $10.00
with you today and see what a beautiful
instrument you can buy. Eilert Piano
House. 1316 Adams Ave.
Every day in the week at Mrs. J. R.
Forrest's. Prices lower than ever known
Trimmer from Gage's of Chicago, '
O. P. Land Office at La Grande, Oregon
Feb. ill. 1106.
Notice la hereby riven that la compliant
WIU tbe prOTtMnne uf Ibe art of Congress t.f
June 8, iws. entitled "An act for th eale of
Umuer landa In the males of California, (ire
foa, Nevada, and Washington Territory." a
Mended tc ell the Pnhlte Lard Htate. h art . f
August. Mux, Maude Mcliolaoo of L Omode
county oi Union, Hiale of Oregon,
oaa tbls day Died Id thle ofltce bee swots
taUraent No, aril, for the rorrhase of the
8WU m pve. Mo M. la Tnwnanic
No. a nth. Kane No. U h. W. M,
Jd win offer proof to ahow iba the land I
'tone than for agricultural purposes, and to j
laoiiRi nerriaiin 10 seio lano neiore iim
Register and Receivers! L Ua.jde. Oregon
on afondav the 14tb. day nf Mav, IUOo
b-oame a witness Ore a H. jVoroea,
Jamea K. Batemun, Charles Hkagg. of L
Urunde. Oirgne,, and ha lard V. Burnett, of
Btarkey. Or. gon
A-v and all re enm claiming adverselv
the above described lands are rrqursled to tile
th'ir claims in tbisofflc on or before said Win.
day of Way, mm
Timber land, act june 3. 147a
D, H. Land Office, La Grard. Oregon
March xi. local
Notice la hereby aiven that In cnmnilaum
with the provision of the act of Conirreaa nf
June S. IN7H, entitled "An act for the aaie m
Umber lands in the Htatea of California, Ore
gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," at
extended to all the Public Land Htatea by act
of August 4. m Joseph A. Hunter, nf
uoise, noamy or Ada. state or Idaho,
tateroent No. Shut, for the ptirchaue ol
the MK NEViHee 81 NWll faction
i juwuaaip ail, a Bourn, Hnge
No. .16 B W M.
And will offer Dmof to ahow that th lano
onght la more valuable for Ita timber ol
alone than for agricultural porpoaea, and It
aatHbllab ber claim to said land before th'
Register and Receiver at La Grande. Ore
von. on Wednesday. the 2Mb dav ni June.MoS.
lie name aa wiinewati: fidward Lemp
Alberto. Lemp, Jobs Di tsouil. Henry fifteen.
II , run,, loxuu,
Any and all peraona claiming arivereelv'thi
above described landa are requested to ll.
their claim In Ihla office on or before aalo
fcitb dtr of June 16.
B. w. uavia. ueegsu
V. 8. Lend Ofllo at La Grande, Or.
March 7ih, IP09.
Notice la hereby given that In eomnilancf
wllh lb provision of toe act of Congress o
Junes, lK7H.enll.led An act for th aal ol
timber landa In the grates of California, Ore
(on, Nevada, and Washington Territory' a
extended to all th Public Land Htatea bv ae
of Annual 4, IrW" Nlchnlaa MiHitor of 1 41
uraane, conntvor union, Htate or Oregon, bat
Mill dav Bled la tht on Ice his sworn atate-
no. MoH, inr in purchase or lb N K u of bee,
to Township No. a. Hangs Ho. til,
And will offer proof to snow that tha lane
Sought la more valuable for lla timber or
tone than for agricultural purposes, and to
eautnusn oia claim loaiiq lana ociore lue
Register and Receiver at La Grand. On.
gon, on Saturday, the 5th day ol M y 1x06.
Ho name aa witnesses; lames Shllllnc
John Hbllllng, Jr. Adua H. Roger, Jrbn T
w niiamaon an of ia uranne, ureaon
Any and all pernio, claiming adveraa'y
th aboT" deacrihed Ian 'a are reoneeted In
file tnelrelelm In thla office on or before said
6tbday of May, 1M6
aw w. iievui, Hegiaici
' '
Glhamberlam ' s
Cougjlh Remedy
A -Safe Medicine for Children.
In bnying a congh medicine for children, never bo afraid to buy Chamber
LAIN 8 CotuH Revf.dt. There Is no danger from it, and relief is always sun
to follow. It is intended especially for Coughs, colds, croup and whooping
cont;H, and is the best medicine in the world for these diseases. It is not oul
certain cure for cronp, lint, when given as soon as the cronpy eongh appears,
will prevent the attack Whooping congh is not dangerons when this remedy
is given as directed. It contains no opium or other hartnfuj drags, and may bt
jiven a couQd mtly to baby as to an adult.
While diseases of the urinary system
often follow other illness and seem to be
caused directly by it, it is generally the
case that a predisposition to the disease
has existed through interruption in the
blood or nerve supply to the organs. De
prived in this way of their proper pro-
tion of vital force, they naturally become
weakened and susceptible to any adverse
influence, whether it be exposure, alco
holic indulgence, bad diet, or the poisons
generate J in the system during the course
of other diseases.
While Osteopathy makes no claim of
being able to cure every case of kidney or
bladder trouble, it is nevertheless the fact
that it very often succeeds even in diffi
cult cases which have been considered
incurable. Id renal dropsy, incontinence
of urine, inflammation of th bladder,
renal calculi, and other troubles of the
urinary system its success has been
marked; in case of kidney congestion
and kidney degeneration, as well as in
most cases of Bright's disease, it invari
ably brings relief and achieves many
In all of these diseases th traatment,
asid from special palliative work to re
lieve immediate pain, invariably consists
of the correction of misadjustments,
chiefly spinal, which have been interfer
ing with the proper distribution of the
vital forces to the part involved. The
actual curative work is, as always, done
by the body' own natural forces when
th ' removal of obstructions enables
them to act in their normal manner.
Ina Miller. Plaintiff,
v J
Stanley Miller, Defandant. J
To Stanley Miller, the abiiYL-iiamed defend
ant: .I ,
OOH.ynare hen-by aaiumoned to appear
and anawer or otherwlae plead to the com
plaint Died again! 1 a in tbe bovi-enUtlen
ult, on or before the I3tb dav ol April, 1M,
ih same be ni the date ol ibe last publication
of this aummon.
And If yon fall to so appear, anawer or plead
herein, the plalnlia will ther.a'Ur apply for
tbe relief prayed lor In her complaint, towit
a) for a decree ol the above-en tilled i;urtdls
aolvlnglbe marriage con tract exlaling between
yon nd tbe plaintiff, and forever divorcing
plalntifl from you on tbe ground of desertion
'or wore than one year last pat: (b) for the
exclusive care, cnatody and control of Flui
ence Miller, tbe minor child of yaraelf and
plaintiff; (c) for Judjemeot for her rosta and
dlsbumemenls ic tbi suited) for auctt otber
and further relief aa may be nceaaa j to
force ancb decree and Judgment.
This nmrnoni la published by vlr'ueof an
order aude by tbe Honorable Robert E ikln,
Judgai f theabove-entitlid Court, dated and
entered at La Urande, Union County. Oregon,
on the 'U tb day of February, 1U00, providing
that this inmnooi should be published in th
La Qrande Weekly Observer, a Dewapnper of
gene al ei eolation In said Coun y and B ate
for a period of lx consecutive wee a, and for
even pabllcatlons thereof, tbe f!l publics
tioa lo be male on tbe ltd d of March I SOU,
and tht laat publication to be made April lath,
90S. , F. 8. IV AK HOE,
FOR RENT Two story house on Wash
ington Ave. Rent only ' $12.00, In
quire at La Qrande School of Music.
United Btatea Land Office. LaRrande Ore.
April V, IMM.
Xotlrak la tiereVt tiMI that In rolUolianCe
with tl.e pr(llon ol the act ol C'-ritrea rf
nine iw.a.eci ? el "in ari lor i ' ai "i
limb, r land in til H: tt of C llforhl. Ore
gon, Vevado aed Veahinon Ter'l'o-y,"
eatended to all the Piblic Lend late hy act
of Auttuat 4, Wi. WMIiefl a. Balril. e' HOIse.
count, of Ada. Hlaie of Idaho, haalhla 'aT
flled in tht ofilce hi aworn ale'eme- No.
3K74. for th poirhaae of 111- N W K.
mKU NK'-ANKSi fc' f eeclion So. If
Town.hlp . Knge S". f.W M.
and will off-r Drnof lo ahow t' at ihe land
aonglit la mor valiiebl- fia-it tire ber or alone
than lor aicrlcuiliinil purpo ee. and toriai
Itab his claim I- a Id land before Revlater 4
Receiver at l"rande, Ongonoa frlda;, i
oa iv o' j on, iws
He namea aa wltnesaee: Edward M Derby,
Henry Weenhrrir. Ldla A. I'etby, Owen
Yn tlkin. , II Al' Hniae Idaho.
Any ai d ll prora :linilii adversely fhe
above-d-aottbe, tnd are iiU-ed lo fl' '
Iheli clelipfr In thl office on or beforesaldi
daj of Jui e. Ink
E.W DAVIS, feglte
U. . Land OfJlce La Grande. Ornii
April , IMS.
Notice I hereby riven that Incompliance
with theprovUlonaof tbe act of Congreaa of
Junes, love, enituea "au act lor me aaie oi
timber lunda In the fltalea of California, Ore
gon, Nevada, and Waaliineton Territory," aa
extended Mali the Public Land 8t'ilea by act
of August 4, ISO, Ljdda A. Derby of Bolae.
county of Ada. Slate of Idaho, baa
thla day flled in tbls office her sworn itato-
ment No, W7S ror the purcbaaeortneH lat,
y A ' HEi of Section No. 6; In Townahip
No. S South Ranire No. :6, B. W. M.
And will oner proof to ahow that tha land
sought ia more valuable for Ita timber or
lone than for agricultural purpoaea, and to
establish h-r claim to aala land before tbe
Register and Receiver at La Grande,: Oregon
on Kriday, the $th day of June, IUOo.
Hhe namea aa wiineaaea: Kdw-inl al. Derbr,
"enry Wovnboit, Owen Younkln, William
A. B ird, all of Kolae Idaho.
Any and all pciauna clnlmlnt adversely the
above described lamU ai-e requested to file
their claim In lh.ii oftioe on or beloreaald
E. W. Davla, Register
March ft. KM.
V. 8. Land Office at La Urande. Ore
Notice la hereby given that In compliance
with the provision of the act of Congress ot
une S, 1H78, entitled "An act for the aa e ol
timber landa In the Htatea of California. Ore-
fon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as
extended to ail the l-uhllc Land ntatea bv act
of August , IhW, Charles t. Webb of
Kolae, county of Ada. Slute nf Idaho,
has thla day tlltd In this office bit
aworn statement No. U fla, for the pim'hase of
the HVtU ol Mec No. Si In Tnwi.ahlD No.
4, South Kanae No. W, K. W. M.
Ana win oner proof u: anow thai tne land
-onKht Is more valuable fur Ita tltnber or
tone than for agricultural purpose., and to
establish bia claim to said laud before the
Register and Receiver at La Uinnde,
Oregon, on Tuesday, tbe iOrad day of May
Ha namoa aa allnMua. D)wt If -
of Boise Idaho; Charles I, l.lnvenfe'trr. ol
bolse Idaho; Henry W senherg. of Boise
Idaho; Jaa. K Rsteman, of I a Ornde.
Any ana an persons Claiming adversely
tbe above described lands are reo nested to Hie
their claims In this ofilce on or before said
iwnd day of May, lKOo. ' v X... .
u. w. Uavia, BetftMef,
U.B. Land Office; La Orand Oregon,
11 arch, Mo, im
Nolle Is herebv elvea that In comnllane
wllb tha proviaioni ol the act of Congress of
lane I87H. entitled "An act for th altol
timber land in the Htatea of California, Oregon,
eevaoa ana wasmngton ler icory. ' aa ex.
tended foalt the Public Land Htatea bv act of
AlWUSti. ItnTi. Wlilarri Couch nf laa Oranila
county ol Union, Mate of Oregon ha
tbia day filed in this olTice bis sworn statement
No. UK 15 for tha pu rebate of th K), NEi,
of Heotlon No 8 in lowntbtp No. Uoutb,
ouuigc 10 an, a, w, at.
And will offer nmof to show that tha land
snua-br Is more valuable for Its timber
none than for agrlculluial purpoaea, and to
establish h' claim to said lard before Ihe Ren
later and Keceiver at la Orande.
"reiron, oa Thu'tday the 2lsl day of June,
He nsn-ei a witnesses; Jamea McCill,
Thomas K. Hnriwisid, Vililiam Mnerwood
Krank MoClure, all of La Urande, Union
county, Oregon.
Any ao all penona elniralnr adversely tbe
hove described landa ar reu'iested to file their
clairoa in this office on or before said tin da
utyune, ilw
F. W. Davla.
TIMBER Li!. 1, ACT JUNE3, 1878-
U. 8. Lax Office, La Oiande, Oregon.
Mnn li,r. hm.
Nollce Is til' by given that In compliance
wlih the prcU; onsofthe act of Cougreas ol
June. lain, cr tled"An act for the sale of
Umber landr In UieMan of California, Ore
gon. Nevada a id Waalilngtou Terrllory," as
extended 10 1 the Public laiiid states by act
ofAugust , 1KII2. t harlea I.. Llngenfelier,
ofrioia, county of Ada, ifuiie 01 Idaho,
bus this day Hied in this office h-
worn statcmrni No. 373), for the purtliase 01
Hie H of the (H vVij ft', ol Heciion
N" 'n TownshlpNo. J, bouili Kai ge No, 35
K. W M.
And will offer proof to show that the land
sought is more valuable for Ita timlier or
stone that for agricultural puriawes, and to
establish 1. 1 cl 1 1 in to aald lima before the
Reirlster mil Receiver at La
Orande, Oregon, on Tuesday, IheSuth day .i
Mu, Mm, " '
He names as witnesses: Cliailes E
U ebc of Urnse, Idaho; lierb-it P. L mn ol
llolse, Idsho, Unity Mearllbeig of Hole,
l.lnhn; j;.ni . H. Halclnnn l,a '.ri.nde. 'ire.
Any and all persona clalmliiar adveraeu- ih
above dnsirrlta?d lauds are rwiueated u rile
ineir iTiaiiiia in una oince on or he lure said
2t)tb day of May, IMK.
K. W. Davis, Register.
Be it Resolved, that the sidewalks on
the West side of Second SL between the
south side of K St. and the north side of
J St. shall be put in good repair by the
abutting property owners, and that such
repairs shall be completed by the 20th
day of April 1C6.
Passed by the council of the City of
La Grande Oregon on the 4th day of
April A. D. lit.. I.R. Snook
Recorder of the City of La Grande
'rtirisiMivs mic
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed has been duly appointed by the
County Court of the State of Oregon for
Union County, administratrix of the
estate of Herman C. West, deceased. All
persons having claims against said estate
are hereby required to present the same
properly verified as by law required, to
Wm. B. Sargent, my attorney, Foley
Hotel Block, La Grande, Oregon, within
six months from the date hereof.
Maoois. A. West,
Administratrix of the estate of Herman
C. West, deceased.
LOST A gold medal marked ' Mile Re
lay." Finder return to this effice and
receive reward.
FOR KENT Two desirable rooms near
Depot St. Enquire at this office.
TIMBER LAI , f) T JUNB . 187g
TJ. fcV Land K La Grande. Oreeon.
W" March ti. lw.
Noflca I beretiy jleea that lo compliance,
wllb Ihe provieionaof ibe acr of Congren of
Jnne a. IS7H entitled "Aa set for the ssle of
timber lands la the Stale of California, Ore
gon, f varta, and Washington Territory, as
extended lo all the Public Land State, by act
of Anguatt, jmtt, Lriwaru Lemp r Bolae
Connty nf Ada, aiae of Idaho has
Ihla day died In tbia office bia sworn
aiaemrnt No. oXVt, fr th purchase of tbe
1 W of Section No Xt in 1 cnrmh.p No i tjouib
Kanv Nnao. K W M.
And will offer proof to ahow that tbe bud
sought I more v, Inable for Its timber or
stun., than fnr agricultural purpose, and to
eatablWh his claim lo -aald land refore th
Rc.'lHrr and Receiver at La Urande Or- gon
on Wed'-esdiy the'Aidav of June, ?6.
He name as witnesses; Albert C. Lemp John
IMrenl', Joseph Hunter, and Henry Mfkea
all of Rot fda o.
Any and all person claiming adversely th
bove deaorlhed landa ar requested to file
'belrelalm InthlsolTloe 00 or before aald
ia da of June It" 6
K W Pavl R -slater.
V. 8. laud Office, La Grande, Oregon.
Feb. !M. iw'i
otlcela hereby given that In romphanre
with tbe provision of the act of rnngres of
June 3, 1878. entitled "A act for the sale of
timber landa In Ibe Htatea of Calirorrita. Ore.
gon, Nevada, and Waalitnglon Terrllory," aa
extended lo all Ibe Public Land Htatea bv act
or August 4, im. Emadal I). Clark, of Cro.
by. County of William. eJUteof H. Imkota.
baa tbia day filed la this office bis sworn
aoftiemm pio. for I nr
0. 7-iM. for Ihe purchas of ihe
M T. 6 8.nd Lot 5 and l-wj. szu
No. 0 In Tnwnsblp No. 6
,BKi swtun
of bectlou N
Booth Rare No. Vt. K W If .
And will otier proof to ahow that tha lass
a ahow that th land
bl for Ita Umber or
tnral purpose, and to
aald laud before lb
r at La Qrande Ore-
sougnt Is mora valuable for Ita timber or
sioue man lor egrtcuiinrei
esuoiiao dis risim to s
Kealater and Receiver
on on 1 u.aday, -he 2114. dav of Kay, lMitf
ne namea aia williceae; Samuel IS. will
lamson. Bert Hughes. Jrhn T Wll Inmsnu,
TbouiasU, Wllliamsoo, all of La Uiande
I'reaon. . ...
Any and all persons claiming adversely tb
above described land are requested to file
their ciaiina in tht office ou or before said
lid , av of lla, IWM, '
E. vv. Davis. Register.
U. H. Land Omce, La Grande, Oregon
April 9, im
Nmlce Is hereby given that In com pi lane
with the provision or the act nf Congress of
June . I87M. entlllad "An acl for tbe aaie of
timber lands in the Hiatea of Calif wnla, Ore
gon, Nevnda. nnd Washington Territory" as
extended to all I he I rhjio Land Htatea by act
of August 4, 161C, Edward M. Derby, of
Boise. Connty of Ada. State of Idah
baa this day flled In tills office hlssworn stale
ment No. HKH, ror the purchase of Ibe
LoM&kwh rW' fc NSHWofsechon No.
5, Townblp Nu.fe Sou b, Range No, it
And will offer proof to show that the land
ought is more valaable for lla Umber or
lone than for agricultural purposes, and to
establish bia claim to aald; 'and before tbe
Register and Receiver at La Urande , Ore
gon, on Kriday. tbe gtfthaayof June, IxM.
Ha namea a witnesses: Henry Weaenbera
T.ydla A. Derdy, Owen Youskin, William A.
B lrd, .11 or llolse, Idaho
Any and all peraona claiming adversely Ibe
above described lands are requested to Ble
their claims Id tbls niaceoo or before aald
2utb dajrof June, lino.
E, W. DAVIS Register.
Timber Land. Act June 3, J878
U. 8. Land Offloe, La Grande, Or.
March SI, 1006.
Notice Is hereby given that In eompllano
with the provlalona of tbe act of Congress of
lunetLltfts, entitled "An act for the sale ol
timber lands In the Htatea of Cnllfornla, Ore
gon, Nevada and Washington Territory," aa
extended to all Ihe Public Land State by art
of Aug. 4, ISti Albert C. Lemp. of
Boise, County of Ads, Mtateor Idaho, baa
this dav tiled In Ibis office bis sworn state,
ment. No. Htn'7, for the purchase of the Nii
-E'i kei 4 hKU W)4 of H-ctlmi NoT
SI, In Township .o t 8, R.No. as E. W.M., and
will offer proof to show that the land sought
Is more valuable for lla limber or stone than
for agricultural purnosea.aud u. establish hi
claim to said land before tbe Regtaterand Re
ceiver of Ibis ofilce at La Grande, Oregon, on
Wednesday, the 20th day of June, I HO",
He names as witnesses: John IJrlacnli.Ioseptt
Hunter. Henry Blfken, and Edward Lemp,
all of Holie Idaho.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to tile
their claims In this office on or before said
Althd.yof June, W06.
K. W. Davis, Reglstei.
U. H. Land Otftce at Ia Grande. Ore,
Msrch 'J, Wm.
Notice Is hereby gl ven that In compliance
with the provlslonv or the act of Congress ot
Junes, 1M,M, entitled 'An act tor the sale of;
timber land- In the Hlates ofCulilornia, Ore-1
gon. Nevada, and Washington Territory," as '
extended to all Ihe Public Lund States by act
of August 4, IHW, Hern-Hnd Kiske, of I'oitlanp
county of Mullnomsh Htate of Oreg, n
has this day filed In tills olllce hla sworn
statement No. SIM) for the purchase of the
' NkKftiKK,hV.I In Township No.
Houtb Range No H7, eaat.
And wllloffer proof lo show that the land
sought If more valuable lor Ita timber or
stone than for agricultural pnrioe, and lo
esinblisli bia claim to said land before ti e
R glsler and Receiver at La
I tratidc, Oregon, on Thursday, the2tth day
Way num.
He U'lmcs as witnesses Adolph Newlln,
hohtert Newlln. Hardy Harrell and Ueurge
Whltlark, all of I a Ornmie, Oregon.
a., and all persons claiming adversely the
above described lands are requested to die
thelrclnlms In this uttlce on or before said
'Jllb day of Ma; , lvfjti.
E. W. Davis. Regiater
United ejtate Land iifTice
I a iJranrfe, Oregon, March 17th. WO
A "Efficient contest affidavit having been
filed in this orno by Km r lev Allierson. con
testant, avalnat Home-lend entrv No. lu4,
made April Hib. 1UUI, lor ihe N WJ4 Section
J, Township 4 H., Kange J K v. M. by
Benjamin H. Kitch Contcstce, in which it 1
alleged that Henjamtn H. Kltch has nevr re
sided tlitrwn and only has a small cabin
hereon about 10 by U and no other I prove
meniaaud ha wholly abandoned aald fact,
and that said alleged absence rrom said land
was not due to hla employment in the army,
navy or marine corpa of the United (States a
a private so dler, offlcer, ma man or narlne
during the war with Hiialn or iturlns. any
olber war in which the United Htste may be
engaged, oaldpartie are bereby notified
to apieut, resaind and off, r evldenc toucn
ing said allegatiou al III o'"l,a'k a. m. on
April -J6th, Ita 6. before l ho Register and
Receiver at the United States Land Olrt.ce In,
Lai:rands Oregon.
Tha said contestant having, in a proi,iV
affidavit, riled March 17' b, llnw. act forth facta
whl. bellow that alter due diligence issmmal
at rvlce of this notice ran not he made, it is
hereby ordered and directed that such notice
be given by due and proper publication.
E. W. DAVIS Register
A. A. ROHKKTS Receiver
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed. Treasurer of Union, County JOre
gon. has funds on hand with which to
pay all County Warranta that were pre
sented and endorsed by the County
Treasurer prior to March 1, 1901. Also
all Contingent Warrants outstanding.
no interest allowed on the above war
rants after March SO, 1906.
John Frawley
Treasurer of Union County