La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, April 23, 1906, Image 1

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V0At?nr Fair toni8ht
Tomorrow warm sr.
r H
VJ li i I; 4
(Scrlpps New Association)
Oakland, April 23 A cold rain has
begun drenching the refugees this morn
ing and i making life for the soldiers on
duty, miserable. The rain started during
the evening and continued up to day light.
The rain in on way i proving a blessing
further destruction, but again the expos
ure of the refugees in the cold rain may
lead to an epidemic of pheunomia. The
hower have also settled the dust that
ha been carrying deseases from San
Francisco to Oakland and back again.
II along the water front the fir broke
but last night but the small amount of
fuel helped to reduce the damage. Today
may mark the end of conflagration unles,
some unlocked far circumstances again
start it in the west ond of the residence
Oakland. April 23 There is no fear of
an epidemic this morning as the rain has
cleaned the streets and the sewers are
flushed. Major Frank Koosling com
manding the troops reports to the govern
ment that there is no serious sickness in
camp. The arrival of the Harrimans, it
sV- s expected will stimulate and make more
j effective, efforts of the railroad to make
it possible for people to leave here by
.fail. Harriman has already issued orders
to provide free transportation to all parts
of the stat for refugees. For all able,
bodied men the far to Chicago has been
reduced to twenty-five dollars.
LOST On the eighteenth, a pair of gol
spectacles between Christian church
and National Bank. Return to Obser
ver or owner. Reward paid.
Mrs. Job Spencer.
Dainty Materials for Grad
uating Dresses
in silk Mull, mercerized Mull, Persian
seline, S.Ik Chiffon, dainty Organdie,
Prices from
We are agents for Kneipp Linen Mesh Underwear for f
Distinct styles, exclusive patterns and a thoroughly representative line of this sea
son's best in all the popular shades of gray, in black, new shades of red, green, blue,
and all other wanted shades, made up in Eton, Poney Jacket, Box Back and the man
nish cut jackets. Priced ,
$ io $ra
The attendant at the KaUenbuelt
were surprised not to find their pastor
in his usual place last Sunday. Un in
quiry they heard that he had been taken
seriously ill, and were about to leave
when they were surprised to
see the pastor' wife entering the
church through the vestry door, clad
in full raiment, with the prayerbook un
der her arm. She went through the
whole service, even preaching a ser
mon. The benediction, however, he
I iw 1 icrivncr
(Scrlpps New Association)
Tipton, Wyoming April 25 An express
car of the government relief train was
burned at four o'clock. The effort of
two angina crews and section gangs
prov3d unavailing. The loss is unknown
as the car contained canvases and other
provisions. The fir originated by a
spark falling under the roof.
(Scrlpps New Association)
Wilwauke Wia. April 25 Ten thous
and dollars was sent this morning to San
Francisco sufferers. This makes this
city's donations fifty thousand.
(Scrlpps New Association)
Washington April 23 Chief Justici
Fuller announces today that a motion has
been gran 3d for the Haywood, Moyer
and Pettibone case to be advanced. The
argument has been set for first Tuesday
n October or as soon thereafter as possible.
A Listing of Extra Ordinary Values in New f
Suits For the Boys
Boys' suits in double breasted, single breasted, Norfolk and Buster Brown styles in larger
assortment than ever. The items listed below will give you an idea of the range of price
A visit to the department will be necessary in order to get any adequate idea of the wide
range of patterns, the perfect workmanship and the thorough worth of our boys' clothes
$1.25, $1.50, m m $3.00,
fiHl $4.50, $5.00 m
Don't Buy Your Shirts Until
You Inspect Our Line
We have just received another large shipment :f men's
and boys' shirts and without boast:ng we have th largest
assortment of shirts in Eastern Oregon.
25c to $4.00
Lawn, Silk Mous-
25c up
men and women
Benson Wins. Ben Brown lor Commissioner. Oilers lor
Ste;iff. Official Count now in Progress.
For United States senator In the 22
precincts 1 155 votes were cast, of which
Bourn received 580, Cake 585, Lowell
111. Smith 205, Watson 45.
" For congress Ellis received 177, Lach
ner 279, Rand 668 and Shepherd 46.
For governor Brown 488, Geer 84,
Johns 405, Sehlbrede 94 and Withycomb
For treasurer Aitkin has 787, Carter
75, Hoytll2, Jennings 55, Ryan 107,
Steel 109.
For circuit judge, Drowley710, Olm
sted, rep., 417; Smith, dem., 458; Whit
dem., 584.
For legislative representative Walter
Moor 698, D. W. C. Nelson 427, C. H.
Breck, dem., 485; Daughtery, dem.,
261. "
For county judge J. Nat Hudson, rep.
272; D A. Miles, rep.. 812; J. B. Mes
sick, dem., 464; W. W. Travilllon, dem.
For county clerk, Henderson, rep., 456
Shepherdson, rep., 656,
(Scrlpp New Association)
Grander, Wyo., April 23 The govern
ment train arrived here at ten this morn
ing. Through a mistake of soma un
known persoi, tha train has been running
on freight schedule sines leaving Chey
en ie yesterday afternoon. All chance
for a record run have been destroyed.
Mrs. J. R. Forrest, the milliner, at once
Johnson, rep., 425
A , 'phon message just as we go to
press states that the race is still on b-
Witt.-. v. .
nor. It is so close it will undoubtedly
require the official count to decide who
is th victor.
Frank Benson wins th nomination for
secretary of state, over Gatch, by 500.
OffldAl COUNT.
Th official count of th primary elec
tion of this county is now in progress. It
will not be completed until lata this after
noon. There wilt be no change in the
state portion of th ticket as published in
Saturday evening' paper. An rror was
discovered in th vote for commissioner and
Ben Brown is nominated over J. T. Gall
oway, by 62 voees.
r. r. winders has a majority or 9 oves
T. B. Johnson and the official figures giver
S. R. Haworth a majority over . N, C,
McLeod of 6.
San Francisco, April 25 C. P. Taggart
one of the prominent physician of Los
Angeles who had volunteered his services
in th Red Cross, was shot and killed
yesterday by an accidental discharge of a
pistol while running up tha steps of th
Crocker school building.
San Francisco, April 23 C, G. Tilden,
a prominent merchant was shot and killed
by members of the citizens patrol. The
killing was wholly without warning and
needless. Th three shooters were
arrested and confessed. They w
barely rescued from the mob.
(Scrlpps New Association)
Manchester, Eng., April 24-Correspon-dents
from Russia have wired here that
Father Gopen has been hanged by the
revolutionists of Russia. His former
followers alleged that he was guilty of
being a spy on the revolutionists and
making efforts to get some of his friends
to act as spies also. Last summer the
learned Father had been a leader of
many gangs of revolutionists and has
done more for the cause than any other
man, for the reason that he furnished
the plans and did all the planning. Some
time ago ha issued a proclamation that
brought down the wrath of the authorities
and ha was forced to hide in the interior.
Withid a few days he was heard of again
leading a crowd of revolutionionists.
When the suspicion became prevalent
that he was a spy, he was promptly
All persons desirfng to donate cash,
provisions, blankets, tents or cooking
utensils for the use of those who have
lost all, by the recent earthquake in Cali
fornia, are requested to notify F. L.
Meyers, treasurer of the fund, at the La
Grande National Bank, as soon as pos
sible and to deliver all articles properly
packed at the Oregon Produce Company's
warehouse. ,
Thc Executive CoMMimi
FOR SALE A two acr tract with am
ple water right One acr in fruit four
room nous with pantry and cellar
. bam and other improvement. Cheap
if sold at one. No agent' commission
' paid. Inquir at this office.
For treasurer.
Palmer, rep., 697.
(Scrlpps New Association) '
Phile delphia. Pa.. April 23 Kasper
Fahns and entire family were overcome
by gas this morning. The mother and
two daughters are dead and father and
two sons may recover. It appears that
it is a wholesale attempt at suicide.
(Scrlpps New Association)
New York. April 23 For the benefit
of the p)ple who were made homeless
by the recent eruption of Mount Vesuvious
a grand charity performance, under th
direction of th combined theatrical man
ager i of this city, will be given at the
Metropolitan Opera Houso tonight.
Many of the most prominent companies,
in the city, will give scenes of their plays'
a number of distinguished actors and
actresses will produce short sketches
and plays, a score of th best vaudeville
performers havs volunteered and besides
that Mark Twain will make one of hi
characteristic addresses.
Th Commercial Club of Haily Idaho, a
mall but patriotic town, wired an order
to th Oregon Produce Company of this
city to forward immediately two car loads
of potatoes to th San Francisco sufferers
Th order will go out tonight.
(Scrlpp New Association)
Washington, April 23 Lieutenant
Dodg commanding the revtnu cutter
Golden Gate, wire' that all th San
Francisco fires are out
(Scrlpp New Association)
St Louis, Mo., April 25 Adolphus
Busch and his party arrived this morning
from California and say that th Busch
oss of personal property is $50,000.
GEKELER R AGAIN In this city at
2 p. m. Sunday, April 22, 1906, at the
Presbyterian Manse, Mr. George 0,
Gekeler and Miss Lena Ragain were
' united in marriage by Rev. E. B. Hayes
Both of the young people are well
known in this city and valley and are
receiving congratulations from their hosts
of friends.
, A larg shipment of Records reached
us this morning from th factory. Com
and near tnem. You will likely want
ome of them.
W. K. Davis.
1516 Adams Ave.
A large variety of the most
ually be stamped out by improved sanitation. These "are
germ diseases. The difficulty of coping with them now is
the difficulty of realizing that such germs are about us all the
time, always ready to multiply and mnace health whenever
cond tions are favorable. The way to guard against these
dangers is to use RELIABLE DISINFECTANTS frequ e n t ly
and thoroughly. Cellars, sinks, drains, closets, and all dark
and damp places about the home or premises should be
frequently disinfected, especially at this time of the year.
We have materials suitable for every purpose and if desired
can advise you what to use In any particular instance.
La Grande, Oregon.
(Scrlpp New Association)
Portland Oregon April 23 Grant'
Pass and Glendal two town in
Southern Oregon were visited by an earth
quake this morning at one sixteen, Th
tremor wa not a longone but window
were broken and people awakened from
Washington April 23 The seismor-
graph this morning registered th Oregon
Earthquake, Vibration began at 4:25 by
Washington tim and continued until after
five. Th heaviest shocks occured be
tween 4:29 and 4:32.
Grants Pass April 25 A slight earth
quake shook the Southern portion of
Oregon and the Northern part of Califor
nia this morning at on o'clock.
-(Scrlpps New Association)
Washington, April 25 Th War De
partment ha ordered Funs ton to furnish
shelter to the Chinese as well a the
other, and wa told to us his own dis
cretion as to making separate camps for
tham. Th first secretary to the Chines
government ha gone to California to
represent the Chines government in
representing the relief work.
Mrs. Nelli M, Stevens, superintendent
of the primary department of th Wston
public school, returned last even
ing after visiting friends in th city Friday
and Saturday.
common diseases will
event' S