VRftT TO EAT la the question that preplexes the housewife these day. Carl at our store end select a menu from our choice line of canned goodi. Or, better yet, we have oil hand vege tables and other delacicies that will relieve tie monoty of the usual spring menu. Pemamber, our delivery is at your service wtiether the order is large or small. NEBRASKA MRS. MAGGIE WE CARRY MEATS for a brief while only. Short for saying that wt handle only fresh prcducts. We sell so much beef, mutten, lamb, pork, and poultry that nothing stays on our premises long. Food for thought in that truthful statement. If you object to stale meats, let us have your orders. & Russell MEAT Fresh and Cured" Can be obtained at this mar at all times. We deliver all orders promptly. Phone to vs or leave your order. We will do the rest. ' KROUSE BROS Prop. Successor to J. Bull and Co. Phone Main 48 MAY LIVE 100 TEARS - The chanoos for living a full century are excellent In the case of Mrs. Jennie Dun can, of Haynesville, Me., now 70 year:, old. - She writes; "Electric Bitters cured me of Chronic Dyspepsia of 20 years standing, and made me feel as well and strong as a young girl." Electric Bitters cure Stomach and Liver diseases. Blood disorders. General Debility and bodily weakness. Sold on a guarantee at Nkwlin Druo Co.'s drug store. Price only 60f. LA GRANDE SCHOOL OF MUSIC PRCF. DAY. PRINCIPAL. MRS. DAY, ASSISTANT. This Is one of the best musical In stitutions in the state, and that people in this city and valley are begininng todiscover the advantage of this school. ' The system u the latest and most practical, and in cludes all the latest discoveries in the art of teaching music. The school is divided Into two depart ments; No. 1 is for beginners from 6 years or more and are taught the first three grades. Pupils come one hour each day. This is no kin dergarten system but far superior. In No. 2 the grades are from 2 to 6. Here they graduate. Pupils take one or two lessons a week as they desire. No scholars will be permitted to remain in this school who do not study. Opposite the Foley House over the candy store. Phone. 475. ? GROCERY SHEARER, Prop. fOR SALE At a bargain. A cottage of five rooms with fine : bath, pantry, two large clothes closets, china closet, cellar, and barn with two lots, set out with fruit trees strawberries etc on second St near Mr. Bohnnelcamp residence. W. H LaGrande, Ore. April 10, 1906 LODGE DIRECTORY EAGLES L Grande Aerie 295 F. 0. E. meets every Friday night in Elks Hall, at B D. m. Viaitinr brethren invited to attend. . 1 I. R. Snook W. S Dr. C. L Biggers W. P. L 0. 0. F.-La Grande Lodge No: 16, meets in their hall every Saturday night Visiting brothers cordially invited to at tend. Cemetery plat may be seen at Model Restaurant. . , j.jf E, Cooliooe, N. 0. D, E. Cox, Sec.. -.. . - STAR ENCAMPMENT, No. 51. I. 0. 0. F. Meets every first and third Thurs days in the month in Odd Fellows hall. Visiting patriarchs always welcome, ' G. E. Fowler, C. P. D. E. Cox, Scribe.,. . M. W. A.- La Grande Camp No. ?703 meets every, first and third Wednesday of the month at 1. 0. 0. F. hall. All visiting neighbors are cordially invited to attend. . .: C. S. Williams, V. C. John Hall, Clerk. " FORESTERS OF AMERICA Court Maid Marion No. 22 meets each Thurs day night, in Redman hall. Brothers are Invited to attend. FrboHon Chief Ranger L. L. Snodorass Financial Sec. Board of Trustees Dr. G. L. Biooeb John Hall and C S. Williaml FRIENDSHIP TENT No. 151. K. 0. T M. Meets second and fourth Wednesdays each month in I. 0. 0. F. hall. Visiting knights welcome. H. C, Ball, Com. Mox Bloch, Record Keeper L.0. T. M. HlVENo727.-Meets every first and third Thursdays in the after noon at the Redmen hall. All visiting ladies are welcome, Mauds Lono Lady Commander. M, C. Vessey, Record Keeper. B. P. 0. E, La GRANDE LODGE No. 455 Meets each Thursday evening at eight o'clock In Elks hall, on Adams Ave nue. Visiting Brothers are cordially in vited to attend. F. S. Ivanhob. Exalted Rt'ler G. E. McCully, Recording Secretary. LA GRANDE LODGE No. 169, WOODMEN OF THE WORLD-Mgcts every Friday of each month in the K. of P. hall in the Corp building, - All visiting members welcome. N. 1 Ackles, Consul Commander J. H. Keeney, Clerk. RED CROSS LODGE. No. 27-Meeta every Monday evening in Castle Hall, Corps building. A Pythian welcome to all visiting Knights, N. L. Ackles, C. C. R. Pattison, K. R. & S. RATB0NE SISTERS-Rowena Tem ple No. 9 meets every Wednesday even ing at 8 p. m. in the K. of P. Hall in the Corpe building. Visiting members cordi ally Invited. Milly Frawley M.E.C Eunice Procter M. of R. & C. Success has crowned our efforts of un tiring endeavor and we present to the public with a confidence never before held by any other medicine. Hnlliatar'a Rnclv ' nonister s KOCKy , Tea Of Tablets. Mountain Tea. 35 cents, Newlin Druo Co, FOR STATE TREASURER Vote No. 35 (X) Thomas F. Ryan. of Clackamas County. FOR SALE Ten head of horses, and one fresh milch cow. Inquire of Mrs. Rose Harris, one door this side of Rohr and Co. Butcher shop. ! L .B-!i-!B !" a IN fl HURRY? ill EM CALL Wn. REYNOLDS THE TRANSFERJ.MAN He will take that trunk to the De pot or your home in less time than it takes to tell it. Day phone Red 761 Night phone Black 1792 Wagon always at your service SPOMlftG EVENTS DOINGS ON LOCAl AND (OAST RING, TRACK AND DIAMOND j Pendleton High School is to meet the Walla Walla High School at the former's grounds tomorrow. The Walla Walla scholars have not had a defeat this year. I ATHLETES AT BR1NDISI I ' The American team is drawing near its j destination. - Next week it is to compete at Athens. M tchelL the weight man, seems to be the only one who has not re covered from his combat with the waves at Gibraltar. Chas. Parson, the boy wonder from Caliiornia, is in good con dition and will no doubt carry off honors In the sprints. . TEAM IN DAILY PRACTICE Members of the baseball team are tak ing advantage of the nice weather by putting in several hours every day at practice. Things are coming this way. A couple of days ago Kief arrived In La Grande and is now candidate for the team. For the past two - years bo has caught Wilson, the coon, who is consid ered able to go into any big league in the East, but for the color line. Kief is out every day and seems to have his ability with him, for he is showing up well at practice. TUESDAY'S GAMES At Fresno-- Oakland, 6; Fresno, 6. At Los Angeles Los Angeles, 2; Seattle, 1. . At San Krancisco San Francisco, 6; Portland, 2. PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE Won Lost P.C. Los Angeles ' . 8 1 .888 San Francisco 9 2 .818 Portland . 6 - 4 .656 Frenso B 6 : .335 Oakland 2 7 .222 Seattle 2 0 ,182 AMERICAN LEAGUE YESTERDAY Won. , Lost. P. C New York , 5 0 1.000 Chicago . 1 0 1.000 Cleveland . .. .. I 0 1.000 Philadelphia 2 1 .666 Washington t 2 .333 Boston .0 3 .000 Detroit 0 1 .000 St Louie 0 1 .000 NATIONAL LEAGUE YESTERDAY Won Lost P. C. Pittsburg 6 0 1.000 Boston S 1 .760 Philadelphia ' 5 ' 2 .600 New York 3 2 .600 Chicago 8 3 .600 Cincinnati . 2 4 .333 St Louis 13 .250 Brooklyn 0 4 .000 SPOKANE MAY COME HERE ftThe Spokane league team ia playing at Walla Walla today and tomorrow. Sat urday they will go to Athena and make an attempt at doing up the strong team there. It is very possible that La Grande will see Spokane here the following day, Sunday. The big team has no game scheduled for that date, and if possible the local management will have them here that day. Although this ie early for so big a game the team is anxioue to meet something good. Be on the look out for a big game here Sunday. Arrange ments will be completed tonight if they are to come. Tl.MKEK T.ANO, NOTICE FOR AfT.IT'NB ,187g Pl'M.lOATIOV. TJ. S. Land Office, La Grand. (rwnn March XI. lHOs ' Notlr la hereby eiven thai In mmpllnnr with Hie prorlalonaof iba act of f'ongreaa of June H. IMS. entitled "An aft for the aale o! timber Is nil! In Uitntatea of California, Ore ton. Nevada, and Waeblpgton Territory, a. eilended In ail the Pnhllp Ijind State be an of AUKiiaM, 1WJ, Edwar. Lenin of Bolae Conntv of Ada. aiaie of Idaho haa Ihla dav filed In thla office bis aworn ita'emeiit No. WW, for th. pnrchaaa of the 8 W U of Heetlon No in Townnhip o I BOUlb Rantfe Now. E W M. And will offer proof to ahow that h land sonebt Ie more vi Inabie for lb timber oi tone than for agrlcnllural pnrpnee. and r eetabllab hla claim to aald land be for the Ilea-later and Keeelver at La Grande Oregon on Wedneadav the JO day of June, IU06. He name aa wlinenaea: Albert C. Ump John rirl.cul , Jo.et.h Hunter, and Henry rtfkeu all ot H'.iHe Ida o. Anv and all peraona elalmtng adveraelv th. above deaerlhed landa are reqneated to fill t heir claim. In thl. office on or before aalc a) da; ol June W o IC.W riva R-it. IIMBF.B I AND, ACT JUNE 3, 1878-- NOTICB KOR PUBLUJATION U. o. Land OtSoa, La Urnnde, Otcon March il, 1VU6. Notice In hereby elven thnt in compliance with the nrovlalona of the act of Conirreeaof Jone4i muu .. sn .c.t for the aale of Umber lamia In the Ktalee of (llfornla, Ore gon, isevatia, and naaninKion lerruory, aa eilended u all the fubllo Ijuid Mtatea by act or AiiKuat 4, IKK!, Joi n lulM-oll, of Boiae. rtiuni of Ada, Bute of Idaho, haa thla dav flic! In 11.1a office hla aworn ilate ment No. 8-0 ftr the purcbaaa of the N, XFl Sec II, NUN 'U of aectlon NO- 82 In Township No 4. Houlh Kange No. He, ti. w. 41. And will offer proof to ahow that the land sought la more valuable for Ita timber or etotie than for aKrlculturai puriioaea, and to autumn hi. rlaim u aaia la nil brmre ine Reglaler and heoclver at La Grande, Ora goi.,unWedueadar tlie 'AUh day of June 1UU6. tie namea aa witneaaea: Aioeru LerD. Edward Lenin and JuaeDti A. llantar. of Hotae, Idaho, ami Henry Hieikea of Kan- owa, aiohi. Auv and all Deraona elalmlna advaraelv the above deacrlbed landa are requeated to flle their elalma In Ihla office on or betora aald luth day of June, 1W&. k. w, uavia, Hegiaier FOR REORESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS. Second District, 21 (X) George S. Shepherd, of Multnomah County. "Make dirt fly at Panama and save twelve thousand miles to market." ESTRAY KOIKE Notice is hereby given that there came to my place seven miles north of the city of La Grande about the fifteenth of Nov ember last ons light red heifer. Said an imal is coming three years old and has brockle facs. There are no brands visi ble. The ear marks are crop and under bit in each ear. The owner of said ani mal may have same by proving property and paying charges. A. Daw Dated this thirteenth 1906. day of March FOR STATE TREASURER Vote No. 55 (X) . Thomas F. Ryan, of Clackamas County. TREASURER'S (All FOR WARRANTS Notice is hereby given that the under signed. Treasurer of Union, County,Ore- gon, has funds on hand with which to pay all County Warrants that were pre sented and endorsed by the County Treasurer prior to March 1, 1901. Also all Contingent Warrants outstanding. No interest allowed on the above war rants after March 50, 1906. John Frawley - Treasurer of Union County. TIMBER LAND. ACT JUNE 3. 1878, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. : United Stales Lend Office. LaGrandeOra, April 9. IIKI6. Noliot l berrtv alvao that In rontDllance with ti. a provision ot the Met of CoDttms r junr... 1.1., vr.iitr.. aa Wl hi. win Ml. m liiuovr imui IB me an tmot I Horn la. o- gfD, Nevada, end WaahlDntoD Tcrrllo y," extended to all tlte rublio Land otataa by act ol Augiut , ihvh, wiuiaoi A. Hulrd. or Bolae. iwiuniy of Ada. State of Idaho, has tola iay tiled io thta office hla aworn atatemenl No. W4. for tha pnrrhaae of the NWU NW-ta NE'ANtV of .Motion No. m In Town. hip lo .. Kange Aft E. W M and will offer proof to ahow that the land aougbt la tiior valuable for ita tlirbor or atonr rnan lor eirricaitarai purpo-e. aoo fo ratal) llau bta Claim to a tld land baTor Fteirtater A Receiver at LaOrande, Urtgonon trlda,;, 2V -i u .u inn Ha sainea aa arltnrsaeei Edward M Derby, Henry Wvenberg, Hdla A. I'erby, Owen Yo Dkin. all of Bole Idaho. Any and all persona clalniln adversely the aonva-a'pcrioer, tanaa era itqti.a'ea 10 ni theli elalmtln this orOee on or before aald 4e of Juue, lIKk E.W DAVIS, Register ei 11 11 . i-taiiia. If yl f ticket teed) and Klo Hmo.'e lulu. LlDeolUieurld" he IVnTer t .e -Boeulc r tere are so many aeenle lt ran puinia 01 tuierear long inn - ie t IweanOaden and Denver t let n nil never baoumee Uraaoue If yoo are entng eaaL write oe imo DMtlon and eel a pretty booObat will teUyoo aU about ll W C McBRIDE, Afrt nt, . 124 Third St Portand Ore. FOR THE FEAST after the Lenten' season, you can find nothing better than our choice BEEF AND VEAL, Any portion of any kind of Fresh Meats which you may prefer, is here ready to your order. All are of fine quality, rich in nourishing juiciness, and of delicious flavor, etc. Rohr & Company Practical Gunsmith Repairs Strictly Fi-stclass Guns re-stocked Keys fitted to door Locks WA. AGNEW Adams Ansae i ! WATTS A cordial invitation is extended to all to visit the store and be come acquainted with us. Our stock is complete and our pre scription department is in charge of competent hands. It will be . our aim to so treat the public that our store will become well and favorably known. We respectfully solicit a share of your business. F. A, WATTS,, Proprietor lagrande,oregon Corner Depot Street a La Granie ESTABLISHED 1 88? , Capital Stock, Surplus and undivided profits $160,030 00 OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS nEOROE PALMER. President. J. M. BERRY, Vtct President., F. L MEYERS. Cashier. GEORGE L. CLEAVER, Assistant. Cashier. ' W. L. BRENHOLTS, Assistant Cashier. BERRY, F. M. BYRKIT. . A. B. CONLEY. C. C PENINGTON, ' F.J. HOLMES. General banking business, parts of the world ' . - WANTED, AjounS man of 27, of good fiabits and a small bank account would like the acquaintance of some young lady with matrimonial intentions, must be a plain Ordinary Girl ho will love a good home. Will hire the washing done but she must be a good cook and use no other flour than that which is made by the La Grande Milling Co. Every sack guaranteed. For sale by all dealers. . eetf PAPERS Hundreds of Old Papers, The best in the world for underlaying your carpets. thm and you will siy so your self. For sale at the . , . . ,,, OBSERVER OFFICE Spring is coming; look over your photo supplies. What's needed, we can supply. We have all the latest photo requisitesa right price. Newlin Druo Company. WILL NOT LAST FOREVER Do not think the great Introductory sale of high-grade pianos at Eilers Piano House will last forever. Bring $10.00 with you today and see what a beautiful instrument you can buy. Eilers Piano House. 1516 Adams Ave. Have you pains in the back, inflamma tion of any kind, rheumatism, fainting spells, indigestion or constipation, Hollis ter's Rocky Mountain Tea makes you well, keeps you welL 25 cents. Newlin Druo Co. NOTICE TO SETTLE All persons who are indebted to J. Bull & Company are notified to call at the old place of business and settle same by May 1.1906. J. Buu. & Company. DR UG GO f Having purchased the r.rlt f Tone I. LfKuu jiukc Known as the LA GRANDE DRUG COMPANY we wish to tall the attention of the people of La Grande and T1 L'nion county to the fact 9 and Adams Avenue -. National Bank Drafts drawn on all A WIFE PAPER 25 cts ptr Hundred. Try CLEAN IIP NOTICE Property owners are hereby notified to clean up their alleys and repair their side walks at once. John Wilson, Street Superintendent MILLINERY OPENING Every day in the week at Mrs. J. R- Forrest's. Prices lower than ever knoij Trimmer from Gage's of Chicago. STREET IMPROVEMENT NOTICt Be it Resolved, that the sidewalks on the West side of Second St. between the south side of K St and the north side of J St. shall be put in good repair by the abutting property owners, and that such repairs shall be completed by the 20th day of April 1 906. Passed by the council of the City of La Grande Oregon on the 4th day of April A. D. 1906. I. R. Snook Recorder of the City of La Grande WOOD FOR SALE 200 cords of Yellow Pine and Red wintftr cuL on mv nUr.a 2 miles SOUttflV city. Any quantity $3.50 per cord on the ground, banked out within easy reach. W, W. Glass, La Grande, Oregon. 4