I VRAT- TO EAT Is th question that prep'exet tht housewife these days.' Cail it our store end select a menu from our choice line of canned goods. Or, better yet. we have on hand vege tables atid other delacicies that will relieve tne monoty of the usual spring menu. Remember, our delivery ii at ycur service whether the order i large or small. NEBRASKA MRS. MAGGIE WE CARRY MEATS for a brief while only. Short for saying that we handle only fresh product. We sell so much beef, ' mutten, lamb, pork, and poultry that nothing stays on our premiseo long. Food for thought In that truthful statement. If you object to sti.1 meats, let us have your orders. Crandy & Russell MEAT Fresh and Cured Can be obtained at this mar- at all times. We deliver all orders promptly. ' Phone to us or leave your order. We will do the rest. . KROUSEBROS Prop. Successor to J. Bull and Go. Phone Main 48 MAT UVt 100 YEARS The chances for living a full century are excellent in the case of Mrs. Jennie Dun can, of Haynesville. Me., now 70 years old. She writes; "Electrio Bitters cured me' of Chronic Dyspepsia of 20 years standing, and made me feel as well and strong as a young girl." Electric Bitters cure Stomach and Liver diseases. Blood disorders, General Debility and bodily weakness. Sold on a . guarantee at Newlw Drug Co.- drug store. Price only 50c. -- LA GRANDE SCHOOL j OF MUSIC PROF. DAY, PRINCIPAL. MRS. DAY, ASSISTANT. This is one of the best musical in Institutions in the state, and that people in this city and valley are begininng todiscover the advantage of this school. The system i the latest and most practical, and in cludes all the latest discoveries in the art of teaching music. The school is divided into two depart ments; No. 1 is for beginners from 6 years or more and are taught the first three grades. Pupils come one hour each day. This is no kin dergarten system but far superior. In No. 2 the grades are from 2 to 6. Here they graduate. Pupils take one or two lessons a week at they desire. No scholars will be permitted to remain In this school who do not study. Opposite the Foley House over the candy store. Phone. 473. GROCERY SHEARER, Prop. f 08 SAlf At a bargain. A cottage of five rooms with fine -bath, pantry, two large clothes closets, china closet, cellar, and barn with two low, set out with fruit trees strawberries etc. on second St nsar Mr. Bohnnekamps residence. W. H baoxy, rnone ks im LaGrande, Ore. April 10, 1906 LODGE DIRECTORY EAGLES La Grande Aerie 296 F. O b. meets every Friday night in Elks nan, at p. m. Visiting brethren invitea to attend. "...' t. R. Snook W. S ur.u. u Bigger w. P. ... I. O. O. F.-La Grande Lodge No. 16. meets in their hall every Saturday night Visiting brothers cordially invited to at tend. Cvmatarv nlah maw . ihuubi nesiauranc H. E. Coolidge. N. Q. D. E. Cox, Sec. " STAR ENCAVPMFMT M l in U. r . Meats avarv firaf. and TV... days in the month , in Odd Fellows hall visiting patriarchs al wave weLcome. - -G. E; Fowler, C. P. u. c ox, crioe. . M. W. A . I a CinnA rsn Kl. m meets evarv flrat nH third w.j..j... of the month at I. O. O. F. hall. All J - ...... anil. II.U vismnir neighbor are corH i nu;fj . attend. C. S, Williams, V. C. jv nALL, uierK. FORESTERS OF AMERICA Court Maid Marion No. 22 manta rh Tv.,, day night in Redman hall. Brothers are invitea to attend. fllinUiia OKI. D..i.-- . - . "M...iun Wllll (nwvr L. L. Shodorass Financial Sec. Board of Truetane rif n I vi. , ------ w. johh hall anau Willi ami. ivi.iviaflLS iKnnn indfniii-th u.4..-.j each month in (1 fl P hil knights welcome.. m n , H- c- BM- Com. Mox Bloch, Record Keeper L.a T. M. HIVE Na 27. Meet every rat and third ThiiraHau ;M u. -1 . ' hi viib aiierr noon at th Redmen hall. All visiting ladies are welcome. . r. Maudh Lono Lady Commander. M. C. Vbssey, Record Keeper. - R P O J? i no a wnp r nrvr? n 455 Meets each Thursday evening at IDhfc n'r.livLr in CIL k.ll 1J T imi Ave nue. Visiting Brothers are cordially in- U. E, McCully, Recording Secretary. . WOODMEN OF THE WORLrvM , FX"1?.,: 01 eilcn monih In the K. of P. hall in the Corp building. All .miuiig members welcome. N. L. ACKLES. Consul CnmmnnHor J. H. Keen ky, Clerk. RED CROSS LODGE. No. 27-M.At. every Monday evenins in Castle Hall Corps building. A Pythian welcome to ail visitang Knights, N. L. Ackliiv C R. Pattison, K. R. & S. RATBONE SISTERS-Rowena Tem ple No. 9 meets every Wednesday even ing at o p. m. in the K. of P. Hall in the Corpe building. Visiting members cordi ally invited. Milly Frawlev M. F C. Eunice Procter M. of R. & C. Success has crowned our efforts of un tiring endeavor and we present to the public with a confidence never before held by any other medicine, Hollister- Rocky ..lountain i ea. so cents, Tea or Tablets. ' Newlih Druo Co. TABLE BOARDIaS . Mrs, Grace Barrio ould like ix tabl boarder at No. 1808, 4th. St. For par ticular call up red 881. IN A HURRY? JIIEN CALL Wn. REYNOLDS the transfer;man He will take that trunk to th D pot or your horn in less time than it takes to tell it. Day phone Red 76 1 Night phon Black 1792 Wagon always at your service SO CI ETY Mrs. C. Smith and Mrs. John Shea will entertain at cards Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Smith. . i The following ladies left for Elgin this morning to attend the annual meeting of the Woman's Presbyterial Missionary Society: Mesdames Robert Eakin. M. J. Heck. Wm Grant, C P. Thompson, of this city, and Mesdames a J. Wright and Robinson of Baker City. Mrs. Heck in tends remaining over for a short visit with friends. Th Re. J. R. Ball of Bker City, passed through the city today on hi way to Elgin. Mrs. S, L. Given, and daughter Lois, left this morning for Union, to spend a few days with friends ami relative. FOR STATE TREASURER . Vote No. 85 X) Thomas F. Ryan, of Clackamas County. C. M. Humphrey was up from Elgin yesterday, and wis kept busy ahakuTg hand with his many friend. FOR THE FEAST after th Lenten season,' you can find nothing better than our choice BtEF AND VEAL, Any portion of any kind of Fresh Meat which you may prefer, ir her ready to your order. All art of fin quality, rich in nourishing juiciness, and of delicious flavor, etc. ' , Rohr & Company i f ."r.r .... . you mil M If "iir ItckoU wad' sod WloUimi.. k.ii, Lmeul toe world" the Penvw U. "Hoeuic r iere retotnaur aoenlc alt i rntt poioiaoi luierem long tht le .1 tweeoocden and Denver I isl tin till' never becomes tlreaoiue. If von are mine eial, write for itor. matlon and wet a pietly boj;tuat will Ull you all about It W C McBRIDE, Agent, 124 Third .St Portand . Or. eeeeeeeeeeeee FOR REGRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS. " . ' a. Second Pistrict,, , 21 (X) George S. Shepherd, of Multnomah County. "Make dirt fly at Panama , ana save FIERY ACIDS IN THE BLOOD All sUiii diseases are due to the same cause an excess of acid in tlie blood caused by faulty assimilation of food and poor bowel action; this fiery acrid matter is forcvd to the surface through the pores and glands. 1'ustulcs are formed, discharging a siclcy fluid which dries and makes a crust, causing intense itching. When the crusts or scabs are scratched off the skin IS left raw and bleeding. d,t 8lrs-My body broke mt with a Sometimes skin diseases are in the rash or emotion which ia sptt of mil . . .-, , tTorts to cure continued to ret worse. dry form, and bran-hkescalescomeon The ltobina, eapeoiejiy at mht, was the flesh, or the skin becomes hard and i? terrible. 1 had triad many . ' , . . . . hitrhiy reoommendedprvparntions with- dry, often cracking, and the painful outbnttt,eudh..rin-oi8.s.s.deter-itching causes acute suffering. It mined to ptve it a fair trial, and was " . ..,-, v i . iu Inexpressibly dellg-hted whoa afewbot- uoes not matter now the trouble is ti cured me entirely, manifested, the cause is the same an Ksoondido, Gai. IUABNO. excess of acid in the blood. Salves, powders, cooling washes, etc. .while they relieve the itching and give the sufferer temporary comfort, cannot cure the trouble because they do not reach the acid laden blood. The best treatment PURELY VmCTARI T and burned by the fiery fluids, is nourished by a tupply of cooling, healthy blood. Special book on Skin Diseases and any medical advice desired will be furnished wivnoui cnarge. TH SWIFT , ... ..oaitwar.-... Phenia B. Smith was bom in Gentry County, Mo.. Oct 50, 1 884. On Feb. 1 8 1901, sha married Geo. W. Lie. ".They lived near Stewartsville. Mo., until 4 902, when they moved to Welsh, Lat Dec. 6 1903 they came to La Grande. Their little dapghter. Hazel Gertrude was born Sept 29, 1 902. Mrs. Lee became a member of the M. E. Church when thirteen years of age. In 1901 she cast her lot with the people known as . Disciple of Christ and re mained with them until her deaf. Promptly upon coming to La Grande hs, with her husband, united with Cen tral Church of Christ' She was an active worker in Sunday School and other lines of work. In Ju'y 1905 her health sudde ly failed and, cousumption Soon brought her to the end of her earthly career. She departed this lift Friday, April II. at 7:45 p. m leaving a ' husband, daughter, father, mother, tares sister and three brothers. A simple service 'was conducted by Rev. O. H. King on Sunde y afternoon, and th body wa laid to rest in the Odd Fellow cemetery. , , LSIRAT KOIKE , Not:ce is hereby given that there came to my plac seven mile north of th city of La Grande about th fifteenth of Nov ember last one light red heifer. Said an imal is coming three year old and has brock! face. There are no brands visi ble. The ear mark are crop and under bit m eacli ear. 1 1 n owner of eaia ani mal may have same by proving property and paying charges. A. Daw Dated this thirteenth day of March 1906. ' , TRLASIRERS (All fOR WARRANTS Notice i hereby given that th under signed. Treasurer of Union, County Ore gon, ha funds on hand with which to paj all County Warrant that war pre tented and 'endorsed by the County Treasurer prior to March 1, 1901. Also all Contingent Warrant outstanding. No interest allowed on the above war rants after March SO, 1906. John Frawley ' Treasurer of Union County. RICH LOAM : " Extra rich black loam, for filling gar dens, sic., for sal and" delivered. I also have gravel for tr:-t filling, c'cie delivered on the pl:;e, : J. L. Mars. UMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3. f878.- NOTICE FOR PUBU "ATION. . United tHtet Ln1 Office. UGnind Dtp. v.- . ' . ' Ap'll. 1H06. Nolle la kertfcT five- ih In -nnmllun. with ti, r pnitUlon. ol th act ol Cnrgrm r June. 1S7A. ecM e1 -m ny lor tne al of limber lands In th W t- of olirortiia. nr.. pn, Nevada ard Wanhinx'on Terrlio-y," on evlcnded to all tbo Public Lund -!ata braol of Annus! i, W VVIIliam A. Balrd. of Boise, "uiiiy oi Aot, Biaie oi inann, Daamis av filed In this Of) Ire hi awom alatemanl Kn 3X74. for the imtehaw or th Nvu NW h. lKi NK.iNIC4 - ISM of taction Nn. lt.Ha uwiipnip no ... nange N aft a. W M.. and will uir-r nrenf lo show that lha Land xiUKhl la more valuable rorit tltrber or alone man 'or aKriruiiami fcurpo ee. anil to MHab ll0 hl Claim ton Id land before Heitlater Receiver at Uidritnd, Urtgen on Krldai , it day of Jnne, IK06 ne Mmea at wunrese.: Edward M Derby, Henrv e.pnh'i I n l a. n.hv nvun Yo nkln. all or BoImi Idaho. Any nd all Derrnna clatmlna adveeaelv the abnvft-d'Krlbey landu are iiqu-nied to Ale tbeli elBlnraln IhlauiBoronor btroresalda dayofJai.e, luoj tt-w BAVIS. iegKlar I Practical Gunsmith Repairs Strictly Fi-tclass Ouns re-stocked Keys fitted to door Lo k? WM. AGNEW Adams AvrLua w twelve thousand miles to market" for all skin diseases is S. S. S., a remedy that is purely vegetable and one which acts directly on the blood with a cleansing, healing effect. S. S. S. neutralizes the acids, and purifies the blood so that the skin instead of being blistered SPECIFIC CO ATLANTA, GA. WATTS A cordial invitation is extended to all to visit th tor and be come acquainted with us. Our stock is complet and our pre scription department i in charge of competent hands. It will be our aim to so treat the public that our store will become well : and favorably known. We respectfully o!icit a share of your -business. F r. A, WATTS, Proprietor LA GRANDE, OREGON Car.ier Oepjt Straet and Adams Avenue La Gran Je National Bmk ESTABLISHED r 88? . . . . Capital Stock, Surplus and undivided profits $160,030 00 , OFF ICIR AND DIRECTORS . nEORGE PALMER, President. . J. M. BERRY, Vice President. F. L. MEYERS. Cashier. ' GEORGE L CLEAVER, Assistant. Cashier. W. L BRENHOLTS, Assistant Cash.br. BERRY. F. M. BYRKIT. A. B. CONLEY. C C. PENINGTON, F.J.HOLMES. General banking business, Drafts drawn on all parts of the world wanted, Ayoun man of 27. of 5ood habits and a small bank account Uould like the acquaintance of some young lady with matrimonial Intentions, must be a plain I Ordinary Girl Mho will love ; the washing done but she must be a good cook and : use no other flour than that which is made by the La : Grande M'lling Co. Every sack guaranteed. For ; sale by all dealers. PAPERS PAPERS Hurdrds of Old Pf p?r,, 25 cts per Hundred. The best in th: world for und-.rlayipg your carpets Try them and you will siy so your self. For sale at the OBSERVER OFFICE Spring is coming; look over your photo supplies. What's needed, we can supply. We have all the latest photo requisitesa right price. Newlin Druo Company. WILL HOT LAST fORtVER ' Do not think the great Introductory sale of high-grade pianos at Elers Piano House will last forever. Bring $10.00 with you today and see what a beauulul instrument you can buy. Eilers Piano House. 1516 Adams Ave. Hav you pain in the back, inflamma tion of any kind, rheumatism, fainting spell, indigestion or constipation, Hollis ter's Rocky Mountain Tea makes you well, keep you well. 15 cents. Newlii Druo Co. NOTKI TO SITTU All person who are indebted to J. Bull & Company are notified to call at th old plac of business and settle same by May 1.1906. J., Bull & Company. DRUG CO I Having purchased the I DRUO STORE known as 5 the LA GRANDE DRUO 5 COMPANY we wish to I tall the attention of the I people of La Grande and Union county to the fact a Wife a good home. Will hire (LEAN IP NOTICE Property owners are hereby notified to clean up their alleys and repair their side walks at once. John Wilson, Street Superintendent MILLINERY OPINING Every day in the week at Mrs. J. R Forrest. Price lower than ever kno wy Trimmer from Gage- of Chicago. tL, . STREET IMPROVEMENT NOTICE. Be it Resolved, that th sidewalks on the West side of Second St between the south side of K Sl nri h. .:J . I q. .... -"" UO Ol !3t- ,ha" M put in good repair by the abutting property owner, and that uch repair shall be completed by the 20th t'ay of April 1 906. Passed by the council of the City of La Grande Oregon on th 4th day of April A. D. 1906. I. R. Snook Recorder of th City of La Grande . WOOD FOR SALE 200 cord of Yellow Pin and Red B'Jr winter cut on my plac 2 mile wuthVrf city. Any quantity $3.60 percord on th ground, banked out within easy reach. W. W. Glass, La Grand. Orgon.