u n :k PRCffSSIONAl CARDS PHYSICIANS Q. L. B1GQERS M. D. Physician nd Surgeon Office Ralston Bid. over J.M.Beirys stors . Office Phone Black 1521 Residence Phone Red 1001 DR. A. L. RICHARDSON Physician and Surgeon Office over Hill's Drue Store. Office Phone 1362 Residence Main 65 N. MOUTOR M. D. PHYSICIAN AND suroeon Cor. Adamt Avenue and Deoot St Office Main 68 Residence Main 68 WILLARD SMITH PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Lewie Building, opposite Sommer House ' Office hours, 1 to 4, 7. to 8. p. m. Phone Main 71 BACON & HALL PHYSICIANS AND SUROEONS Office in Foley Building, Phone Main 19 C. T. Bacon residence. Main 18 M, K. Hall residence, Main 62 DR. H. VOLP. Physician and Suroeon O"'- ' BiiiMinar. Teleohone Main 80 Calls answered day or night VETERINARY 8URQE0N ' DR. P. A. CHARLTON VETERINARY" SURGEON Office at Hill's Drugstore, La Grande Or Residence Phone Red, 701 Offic Phone 1361 Farmer Line 68 ATTORNEYS CRAWFORD & CRAWFORD Attorneys-at-Lav la orandk oreooon Office in Foley Building Attorney and Counsellor at Law Office in Ralston Building La Grande, Oregon. H. T. Williams A. C. Williams WILLIAMS BROS - , ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Office in Ralston Building ; La Grande. Oregon L A. P'CKLER Civil, Minino, Irrigation Engineering and survey1no Estimates, Plans, and Specifi- , cations. Office in Bohnenkamp Building. La Granoe, Oreoon Dentists REAVIS BROS DENTISTS JJj . Office Sommer Building Office Black 61 Residence 1171 C. B. CAUTHORN . DEN TIST , Office over Hill's Drug Store La Grande, Oreoon . Have you pains in the back, inflamma tion of any kind, rheumatism, fainting spells, indigestion or constipation, Hollis ter's Rocky Mountain Tea makes you well, keeps you well. 35 cents. . Nkwlii Druo Co. Two story brick building, two store ooms and upstairs, provided with modern conveniences. Prefer to rent to one party. Will give a long time lease. Apply to La Grande Investment Co. ' (LEAN UP NOTICE Property owners are hereby notified to clean up their alleys and repair their side walks at once. John Wilson, Street Superintendent. RECORDS "vJGr A large shipment of Records reached us this morning from the factory. Come and hear them. You will likely want some of then.. W. K. Davis. 1316 Adams Ave. . MILLINERY OPENING Every day In the week at Mrs. J. R. Forrest's. Prices lower than ever known Trimmer from Gage's of Chicago. NOTICE TO SETTLE 'All persons who are indebted to J. Bull , & Company are notified to call at the old place of business and settle same by May1. 1906. J. Bull & Company. Classified Advertisements. Rates-One cent a word, one-half a cent a word each subsequent inser on. Classified adds bring quick re-' suits. Try one today. j FOR RELIABLE ABSTRACTS OF TITLES go to the La Grande Invest ment Company, La Grande, Ore., in Foley building. REAL ESTATE LOANS-Any amounts on city and country real estate. Loans closed promptly, as soon as title Is ap proved. La Granoe. Investment Com pany HIDES. PELTS, FURS. JUNK-HigheTt price paid for hides pelts, furs and junk Harris corral, one block east of Qeddes' grocery store. Mose Harris. WANTED Tie-makers for work on P. & I. N, Ry. Extension, north of Council, Idaho. Wages 12 cents per tis. In spection monthly. Good timber. Trans portation furnished over P. & I. N. Ry. Apply to Lewis Hall, tie contractor, Weiser, Idaho. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT- Furnished housekeeping rooms in suites of two, three or four. Phone Black 601. FOR SALE Two modern cottages in tne residence portion of Walla Walla. Inquire of Mrs. Simmons, corner 8th and N Streets. FOR RENT Two storv house on Wash ington Ave. Rent only $12.00. In quire at La Grande School of Music. MONEY For loans on city property see Wm. Grant's agency. Also real estate and Insurance. FOR RENT-Pleasantly furnished rooms suitable for lighthousekeeping. Mrs. E. C. Moore, 1617 Fourth Street. FURNISHED HOUSE Furnished housr centrally located. Inquire at this office. FOR RENT Two desirable rooms near Depot St Enquire at this office. FOR SALE A fresh milch cowwith young calf. Also a single driving horse. Inquire of J. W. Scriber, La Grande. FOR RENT Furnished housakaeninir rooms. Mrs. A. E. Jones, corner of 3d and Adams Avenue. WANTED-Girl to do general house work. Must be competent. Steady em ployment. Inquire at this office for particulars. FOR SALE Two 10 acre tracts, 7 room houses on each. One in orchard. Furniture goes with one place. ' One tract in Cove, other close in. Also one town lot in Cove. Inquire Oscar Lund, Cove, Oregon. FOR SALE A two acre tract with am ple water right One acre in fruit four room house with pantry and cellar barn and other improvements. Cheap if sold at once. No agent's commission paid. Inquire at this office. FOR SALE Two Registered . yearling Shorthorn Bulls one Red and one Roan J. E. Reynolds, La Grande, Ore, BOARD AND ROOM Inquire at 1307 Madison Avenue. ' LOST Gentleman's red leather, purse rnntnininfr mrl nA Aua 4nll J piece. Return to this office and recieve reward. LOST On the ei ghteenth. a pair of gol spectacles between Christian church and National Bank. Return to Obser ver or owner. Reward paid. Mrs. Joe Spencer. APPRENTICES WANTED Inquire of Mrs. J. R. Forrest, the milliner, at once. FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms. In quire of Mrs. . Pollman, corner Sixth St. and Washington Ave. Phone Black 1181 WANTED Girl to do general House work in small family. Inquire of L. D Reavis. WANTED A competent girl or woman to do general housework and capable of taking complete charge can secure a permanent position at good wages by calling at this office. BHICK BRICK Brick furnished in any quantty or any style, No contract too small or to large. See samples of our pressed brick. GEO. KREIGER. La Oraude, Oregon. DEATH Of MR1LC STAKLfY Eau Claire Leaderl Mrs. Cornelia A. Stanley, wife nf Hnn L. C. Stanley, of Chippewa Falls, died at o:ou last evening at her home in that cny. tne immediate cause of death being Bright's disease. Mrs. Stanley came from Barahnn tn the Falls in the early '60 s. accompanied by her husband, and thev have resided in this community since then. Deceased was sixtv-eiirht veara old at tne time of her passine awav. and h. been a prom nent member of the Enicn- psl church. She was well and favorably xnown in this city, where she had many friends. The sad news of her death was re ceived in this city last evening by Hon. W. P. Bartlett and others. She leaves to mourn her. loss besides her husband two sons. Frederick, of Port av, Cm., and William, of Rice Lake. There were five children born to Mrs. Stanley and her husband, the above men tioned two being the only surviving ones. A daughter. Mrs. . Robert Smith, died about two .years ago. A telegram was received yesterday from Fred, dated San Dieso. Cal.. statimr that he would leave Los Angeles yester day morning for home. No definite ar rangements as to the funeral have been made. . i PROHIBITION TICKET Tha Prohibition State Convention which met in Portland Saturday nominated the following ticket y Uovernor i. H. Am I'.S'.. United States Senator, short term, Rev. H. Gould. Secretary of State, T. S. McDaniel, State Treasurer, Leslie Butler. Supreme Judge, C. J. Bright Superintendent of Public Instruction, Henry Sheak. Attorney-General, F. B. Rutherford. State Printer. A. S. Hawk. Congressman from Second District. H, W. Stone. Congressman from First District Edward F. Green. Joint State Senator from Clackamas and Multnomah Counties, A. F. Miller. " THE BIG PIANO HOUSE WHAT ITS COMING MEANS With a chain of fifteen retail establish ments in every important Western trade center, the Eiiers Piano business, in com paratively few years has grown to be the wonder of the trade world. Its methods and the conduct of the establishment have won the admiration of artists, music lovers, and the general public. This success is due: First To upholding at all times the artistic element in pianos. Second By placing piano selling on a rational business basis. Third By making the buyinn of thoroughly high-class instruments poss ible to all. Tersly stated, the Eiiers plan saves to the piano buyer everything that systema tic economical, careful and up-to-date business methods can effect . Thus the Eiiers plan enables you to secure the highest grade piano for the money that ha heretofore, been paid for a medium grade piano, or to secure a piano of medium grade for the former price of a poor one. . More about our methods of business will be given tomorrow. Watch for it Just as we anticipated, Saturday was a big day and we opened up business this morning with one Piano in tha store. Several new ones arrived early durinsr the day and as a result we have a fine lot on display. Nearly every train this week will bring new goods but they will not last long at the present rate of doing business. Come early and cet first choice. Eiler's Piano House. W. K. Davis, manager. 1316 Adams Ave. . 1: HORSE SHOE chop house Having purchased the above named chop house and thoroughly cleaned and renovated the prem ises, I am prepared to furnish the public with clean, first class meals for 20 cents. Only white cooks em ployed, and the best of service. Ben Cotner, Proprietor HORSE SHOE CHOP HOUSE Fir Street near railroad crossing STRUT MPROV'KLM Be it resolved, that there shall be con structed a sidewalk on the East side of Fourth St from the south side of ! Sl to the North side of C St in the Citv of La Grande. Oregon, where no sidewalk it tne present time exists, and such side walks as are already constructed on the said East side of Fourth St shall be placed in good repair, between the south side of J. Sr. to the north side of C St That such sidewalks shall be constructed in accordance with the ordinance govern ing the construction of sidewalks in the City of La Grande. Oregon, and the same shall be seven feet in width, and shall be done at tha expense of the abutting property owners. That the said side walks shall be constructed or repaired by the 20th day of April 1906. Passed by the council of the citv of La Grande Oregon on the 4th day of April A. D. 1906. 1. R. Snook Recorder city of La Grande Have you weakness of anv kind stom ach, back, or any organs of the body? Don t dope yourself with ordinary medi cine. Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea is the supreme curative power. 35 cents. ' Newlin Druo Co. TABLETS A new line of tablets just arrived. W. K. Davis. 1316 Adams Avenue. FANCY LAUNDRY " Persons desiring fancy laundry dona, such as lace curtains, extra fine or deli cate lac worn, ana can properly and promptly by leaving orders at C. L. Thorns Grocsry Store. Mrs. R. Ji. Davis. STREET IMPROVEMENT KOTKE Be it resolved, that a new sidewalk shall be constructed on the west side of Fourth street from the south side of K street to the north side of I street In the city of La Grande, Oregon, and that said sidewalks shall be constructed in accord ance with the established grade and shall be seven feet in width, and shall be con structed in accordance with the ordinance governing tha construction of sidewalks in the city of La Grande. And be it further resolved, that the sidewalks already constructed on the west side of Fourth street from the south side of I street to the north side of C street in the said city of La Grande, shall be placed in good repair, and the con struction of the new sidewalks or repairs of the sidewalks already constructed, shall be done at the expense of the abutt ing property owners, and that said side walks ba constructed or said repairs made by the 20 day of April, 1906. Passed by the Council of the city of La Grande, Oregon, on the 4th day of April, A. D., 1906. I, R. Snook, Recorder of tha city of La Grande. THE TAYLOR STUDIO X t Remember the Taylor Studio has moved next door to the Observer office and has a nice line of the X T latest mounts and styles for photos, just arrived. Call and see them and get prices. I THE TAYLOR STUDIO a OREGOJV WUiuoNRiaHr DKPABT Time Hchedul LA i.HAnun, OR FROM No. 8 S.W m No. t vflbp ra h Lake, Dem.r, ft. aft'. No 5 ttfpa won ti, unum, Mn aaa Citv. St. Uraia. ci.i. kaaoead Last,. No. 1 15 am. kUcton, Walla Walla, Nol tMpta jrmjMtn, r-omaroy, col fax. Muacow. Muokana. Uad polnta emt aod wis via apoaare I'ortland. D.llea. Kn. rtlelon, Camilla. Wal- rot 01 p. D. lula. Lawk ton, Collai, Moacow, Wallace, k r oar, Mpokam and uthar polnta wms aad aunti via Wpokaae No 6 SrfOain No. n Dally M Sun nay sl a as falaod Clt, Allot!, 1m blcr aod .- rlo.1 Con na ttooa at Main v'th So SI kta- lor point a teal. OWN, Oomn Htaamar betweaa Portland and Has Francl'so every Ore days. B. C. MUOKB Afant. A L CHAIO, Oawral paMD(r Agent. mm DON'T READ THIS j MORE THAN SIX TIMES t Without calling at Coolidge's paint and wall T paper store and examining the largest and most complete line of NEW WALL PAPER Ever shown in La Grande M'c Employ a force of Skilled Paper Hangers I ' and Painters. nd are prepared to hand e all kinds of w;rk In this line to the ertire utis'a tio i of our c Co rners. Cet our prices in lime, cement, etc. O. TV. 0.0 2 Li IB. GE Field and Garden IN PACKAGES AND IN BULK ' For several seasons we have been the leading seed distributors of Union county and our present stock Is larger than ever Everything In the seed line Secuie our prices on either small, or quantity purchases Slater BuildimrfV JEFFERSON AVE Main 57 HAY MARKET WEAKER Our Storage No. f is still filled with the Choicest Hay. All grades Timothy, Mixed and Wild. We offer you Choice Hay for $12 00 per ten. We are giving local consvmers all the benifit of Ihe decline in the market. ON SALE, SEED POTATOES We have several cars of true varieties in transiet. Rural Yorkers; Burbanks; Shippers Pride; Mill's Priie; and Early Rose, will have them here in a few days. Wa offer these at $ 1 per cwt. In order to secur true varieties in the future wa will pay the largest market price for your present stock and sell you imported ssed. " PHONE MAIN S - Oregon Produce Company tseesa4ttaaasttttHmttt(MMtHM(tm 1 Beautiful Hair and Face 2 May be had by having' scientific bhampooing and Massage. The HOTEL FOLE Tonsorial Parlors S are prepared to do these specialties and Friday of each week will be t mAC ri: L . g, i u i uu uuomjiiiqi a. riiuan par lor for ladies. Lady attendant in cnare. C.T. COLT Prop !"'" """"" "! CITY BREWERY I JULIUS ROESCH, Proprietor. ; Largest Brewing Plant in Eastern Oregon t I Ask for La Grande J LA GRANDE BEER IS AND SHOULD HAVE HHvvHtvvvTtvHttH ! A ROYAL WELCOME Is accorded every gentleman AT DONNELLY'S All the leading brands of cigars and the kind of smoking tobacco you have been looking for. DONNELLY'S CLUB ROOMS are at your disposal at alt times Confectionery Periodicals Beer and get the Best MADE IN LA GRANDE THE PREFERENCE SEEDS !