i ! A GOOD EXAMPLE IS THE BEST SERMON Therefore it is not necessary for ue to preach about the necessity of paint, so we will only tell you the best kind to use, which is SHERWIN WILLIAMS' X It is cheaper in the long run, there- X X fore it is most economical It is X better than other makes because it J is careiuiiy ground, and mixed with the best material, and as it comes ready foruse, anyone can apply it STANIELS & JARMAf!, Paper Hangers and Decoratoratars . Second Hand Bicycles One Rambler $6.00 One Ideal 10.00 One Colambia Chainless 16.00 One Ladies' wheel 1 0.00 New Bicycles Cleveland and Princetons $25 to $100 PHONE RED 61 C L. SMITH CREAMERY BUILDING jlPHOLSTERING AND CABINET MAKING Furniture repaired and upholstered No order too small or too large. All work guaranteed. Old furniture made good as new E. E. SCOTT, Shop 1420 Adams Avenue Phone Red 672 UUSE CLEANING MADE EASY With the assistance of JOE WILLIAMS Charges reasonable and Prompt Service. Leave orders at the Red Cross Drug Store or phone blk 271 THE LA GRANDE NURSERY SHADE TREES ; Is one of my special ties. Delivery to be made on or after March 16.- Special bargains on Roses I also have a fine lot of Apple, pear, prune, plum, cherry, appri cot, peach, mulberry, shade trees and ornamental trees, grapes, currents, gooseberry, kTperry, d ben.'f vines, dewberry, rasp- creepers, and hedge plants. Phone 1611, Thome' grocery. Geo. W. Powell, THE OXFORD PAR JAMES FAP.QUHARSON. Prop. CwpleU MMrtmeDl of WINES, LIQUORS AKO CIGARS Cold lunches and mixed drinks a specialty. Fair and impartial treatment to all. You are invited to call and get acquainted. JUDGE TH3S. f. RYAN .. OF OREGON CITY Candidate For Republican Nomination As State Treasurer. Candidate of the Peorjte and not the choice of the Banks and Corporations. Judge Ryan's record as a public officer proves him a man of business ability, well fitted to perform every duty required of the State Treasurer. Betnir neitKer u-t J. ... or employe of any banking institution, he is under no obligation to any corporation and stands squarely on the following plat form: - "That the funds of the State belong to the people, and should not be used for the benefit of any bank or money-loan:ng institution; that moneys of the State de posited in banking institutions should draw Interest, which should ne paid into the State Treasury. That the State Treasurer should be prohibited from speculating or using the State Funds for his personal benefit, receiving for his ser vices only the salary allowed by law; that it be made unlawful for the State Treasurer to have any interest either di rectly or indirectly, in any bank in which any of the moneys of the State are de posited or loaned." This platform is a good one, and as the other prominent candidates for this office are bankers or employes of banks, it looks as if Judge Ryan will surely be the 1 reasurer. PRESBYTERY AT ELGIN The Spring meeting of the Grande Ronde Presbytery opens at Elgin today. A program has been arranged that will keep the ministers and delegates there until Thursday. Rev. E. B. Hays, of La Grande is going to preach the sermon to night in the absence of Rev. Mochel. This presbytery is a gathering of all the Presbyterian ministers in the Grande Ronde valley district. Those who are attending the pastorial meeting are Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Robertson of Half way Oregon; Rev. A. H. Keatchem of tsi Vi , n c t- r i i i oaner wny. nev. o. c. a asr or dumpier i Elder Isaac Dale of Union; Mrs. Townly ' of Union, and Rev. E. B. Hays of this city. ' . A BARGAIN A 7 room house .with bath, cellar, and two lots on First Street near Main all fur nished. A bargain if taken at once, will sell real estate seperate from furniture. LCfakce Investment C Take Hollister's " Rocky Mountain Tea this month. Drives away spring tired ness, gives appetite and sleep, makes you well and keeps you well. Great family tonic. 58 cents. Tea or Tablets. Newlin Dhuo Co. Woman's Trials. The bitter trail In a woman's life Is to t childless. Who can tell bow hard the nrufrijle roar have been ere she learnt to resign herself to her lonelv lot? The ale sence of this link to bind marital life together, the aWnco of this one pledge to mutual affection Is a common disap pointment Many unfortunate couples become estranged thereby. Even if they do not drift apart, one mavreari the whole extent of their disappointment In Die eyes of such a childless couple when they rest on the children of others. To them the largest familydoea not seem too numerous. In many cases of barrenness or child lessness the oMtai'le to child-hearing is easily removed by the cure of weakness on the part of the womiin. Dr. Pierce's Fa vorite Prescription has been the means of restoring health and friiltfulnegs to many a barren woman, to the great Joy of the household. In other, hut rare cases, the obstruction to the bearing of children has been found to tie of a surgical character, but easily removable by painless operative treatment at the .Invalids' Hotel and Sur gical Institute Huffalo. N. Y..overwhich l)r. Pierce of the " Favorite Prescription " fame presides. In all cases where chil dren are desired and are absent, an effort should be made to tind out the real mum, since it is generally so easily removed by proper treatment In all the various weaknesses, displace ments, prolaiisus, inflammation and de bilitating, catarrhal drains and in all cases of nervousness and debility. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is the most efficient remedy thatcan possibly be used. It has to its credit hundreds of thousands of cures more in fact than any other remedy put up fur sale through druggists, especially for woman's use. The Ingredi ents of which the "Favorite Prescription Is composed hive received the most positive endorsement from the leading medical writers on Jfei1i Mcdkn of all the several schools of practice. All the Ingredients are printed in pltiln EwjlUh on the wrapper enclosing the bottle, so tbat any woman making use of this famous medicine mar know exactly what she Is taking. Dr. Pierce take his pa tients into his full confidence, which ha can afford to do as the formula after which the "Favorite Prescription" Is mad will bear the most careful exam ination. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pllet are the bwl at:d safest Mutative fur women. AMUSEMENTS GOOD SING1NO The Northland singer, Mr. Ben Hend ricks, the celebrated Swedish coTiedian, comes to Steward's opera house, Monday. April 23. His rranajer. Mr. William ray, has this season provided Mr. Hend- A ricks with a brand new company. Mr. Hendricks has one of those enjoyable types of Swedish character to which he is so peculiarly adapted. During the action of the play he will sing six new songs, "Philopene," "Northland Lullaby." "Swagger Swedish Swell" "Strawberries," "Open your mouth and shut your eyes," "Fair land of Sweden," and others. Mr. Hendricks is a graceful and talented actor, and his songs, charming as ballads, are full of romance and pathos; they are a feature of the performance and each one is a hit They are soft and sweet and full of sympathy. By a happy utilization of diversified talent he also combines drollery and dignity and makes the part of Ole, the hero of the play, a memorable picture. ANAEMIA GIRLHOOD'S SICKNESS It is easily verifiable in chlorosis, anae mia, (green sickness, as mother call it), that the patient suffers from greater or ess difficulty along the spine, to which all Ithis needless suffering in girlhood is due. t is equally well demonstrated that no system of treatment save Ostaopathy pays any attention to these conditions. Osteopaths hunt out these spinal and other deviations from normal healthful anatomy, and remove them by plain com mon sense, mechanioal means, just as you would straighten or replace the wheels of a watch. The blood-making organs are thus let free to resume their work of making blood. ' There is no attempt to supply by in ternal drugs the lacking qualities of the blood, for if once supplied they are soon used up and the patient is where she was before taking. How much better is the Osteopath s way of setting the natural organs of supply into action that the proper quantity and quality of the blood may be maintained in the way Nature de signed? ADMINISTRATES NOTK Notice is hereby given that the under signed has been duly appointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Union County, administratrix of the estate of Herman C. West deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present the same properly verified as by law required, to Wm. B. Sargent my attorney, Foley Hotel Block, La Grande, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Maooib A. West, Administratrix of the estate of Herman C. West deceased. stjImprWemenTnotki Be it resolved. That the sidewalks on K Street between Second Street and Fourth Street in the city of La Grande, Oregon, shall be put in good repair by the abutting property owners and such repairs shall be made by the 20th day of April, 1906. Passed by the council of the city of La Grande, Oregon, on the 4th day of April A-D- 1906. I. R. Snook, Recorder of the city of La Grande. " FOR FAMILY USE Every family In town should have a box of soap from our window this week at 20 cts. Come in or telephone us. Newlin Druo Co. PASTURE""- Well watered good grass 'adjoining Morgan Lake, horses or cattle $l.00!per month. Thos. Broadhurst. I A' hi -T...,ii,,.li..i.... -itM.iiiii1;ji,liir--wT fr- , FOR REGRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS, ' Second District. I 21 (X) George S.Shepherd, of Multnomah County. "Make dirtily at Panama 5 and save ANNOUNCEMENT TO THE REPUBLICAN VOTERS OF UNION COUNTY I hereby announce myself as Candidate for the Republican nom ination for County Judge, subject to the primary nominating election to be held April 20th. J. C. Henry. ANNOUNCEMENT TO THE REPUBLICAN VOTERS OF UNION COUNTY 1 hereby announce myself as Can didate for the Republican nomination for Representative for Union county subject to the primary nominating election to be held April 20th. S. R. Haworth. I ANNOUNCEMENT e -rn . . , OF UNION COUNTY. e a I hereby announce myself as Candidate for the Democratic nom- e ination for Sheriff of Union county, W j w on, pi una, j liUMMiiaMIl ( election to be held April 20th. i. tS. JOHNSON. ; ANNOUNCEMENT I hereby announce my candidacy J County Judge on the Republican 1 Ticket subject to the will of the f Kepuoiican electors, at the primar ies to be held April 20th, 1906.' Wm. B. Saroent. ANNOUNCEMENT TO THE REPUBLICAN VOTERS OF SOUTH LA GRANDE DISTRICT I hereby announce myself as Candidate for the Republiccn nom , Ination for Justice of the Peace, subject to the primary nominating election to be held April 20th. Wm. Grant. ANNOUNCEMENT Desire nomination on Republican ticket for re-nomination. JOHN E. HOUGH Justice of the Peace i ANNOUNCEMENT J TO THE REPUBLICAN VOTERS ! OF UNION COUNTY I hereby announce myself as ! Candidate for the Republican nom- ination for Sheriff of Union County. ; subject to the primary nominating election to be held April 20th. Cha's Huo. e TREASURER'S (All FOR WARRANTS Notice is hereby given that the under signed, Treasurer of Union, CountyJOre gon, has funds on hand , with which to pay all County Warrants that were pre sented and endorsed by the County Treasurer prior to March 1, 1901. Also all Contingent Warrants outstanding. No interest allowed on the above war rants after March SO, 1906. John Frawlbv Treasurer of Union County. TREASURER'S (All FOR CITY WARRANTS Notice is hereby given that there are now funds on hand to pay all out stAndinu warrants issued on General Fund of La Grande City, up to and including No. 6116 endorsed August 17th 1904. Interest on all warrants on General Fund from No. 4901 to No. 6115 inclu sive, ceases from this date. There are also funds in the treasury to pay ail warrants issued against Road Fund of La Grande City, up to date. Interest on all warrants on all Road Fund ceases from date of this call La Grande, Oregon, April Mth 1906. J. K. Wrioht City Treasurer. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, d. 8. Land Offloe. L Ormnd, Ommn. Notice la hereby 'given that tlx following named settler fau nfed notice of tali Intention .!!'!'.. 0l"i erooln aopiiort of hi claim, and that uid proof will be made befor tbl u'. ,aA r the U. H. Land Offloe, at Uinde. Oregon, on AprW, iwus, l: H. K, No earn, lame hskrr or Meachsm, Orepon, for tlx Lot 6 6 7 'ah UWA2l.,Tn IB., kI at K W It! following witnesses to prove tterinrvi opon nd cu'u" od;i?ri,n.nmk &ticivrd Abb, of fendlMou, Orei.n. aro It W. Davis. e twelve thousand miles to market" You can do this and not spend cny more uiuiiey man you arc spencing now. Hie secret is trade at the SEATTLE GROCERY CO. Our prices are right our detlvery system is right, our groceries are rirht f Trv our fi cent Crxr.kAr .n.r,. -Th ,.iu .. are ' go 1 thamtoo -e- .... SEATTLE GROCERY CO LAWSON ! STEWIi)5! : D. H. STEWARD, Proprietor and Manager THE FAMOUS NOtf THLAMD SINGER BEN HENDRICKS ! and the screaming comedy MONDAY. CALL AT MRS. , i ! ! WVVVVV WW WW WWWW W WW WW WW LATFST W l!i LA GRANDE IRON WORKS D. FITZGERALD, Proprietor, C .mplte Machirw Shops and Foundry General Blacksmiths, We manufacture The Fitzgerald Roller Feed . Mill., the best and cheapest mill on the market. Our shops are quipped with machinery to handle any sized work, nothing too large or nothing to small. Highest prices paid for old cast iron. eeeeeeeeeeee HIS APPRECIATION THE BUSINESS MAN thoroughly appreciates the advantages of a checking account with a bank. Those who do not keep such an account miss many of its advantages. we are always giaa to explain trie to uiose who are not familiar with Interests paid on time deposits and CAPITAL AND SURPLUS Uhe farmers and TJraders Tfationat SBank f ' X Srnct Off on ..,.., wiy iwr mem. xou will ik BROS. Prop. 0PBM HOWIE I that has captivated millions ,..,. , .. .. u-Z.. APRIL 23 Ole Olson New Songs ' New Company A Swagger Swedish Swell Northiand Lullaby New Laughs Strawberries New Features Open Your Mouth and Shut Your Eyes. New "Ole Olson" Fair Land of Sweeden Prices Orchestra and orchestra center 76c Dress circle and balcony 50c. Children in balcony 25c. J. R. FORREST'S eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee e e workings of a checking account banking. in savings department $74,000.00 i .