La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, April 17, 1906, Image 1

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Fair tonight
Tomorrow warmer.
. ' . - . , .N ;
111 ORES
(Scrlpp Newt Association)
New Yortc, April 17 Woilethe exports
of finished .iron and steel product broke
all records last month, the Import of
various raw materials ware also the
heaviest iri the history of the iron and
steel trade. The total imports of iron
or, manganese or, iron pyrites, pg
lion, ui- iMwini iu-,uti -uu. Iu
February they amounted to $40,641 tons.
These figures only refer to the arrivals
via New York, Philadelphia and Balti
more. "
Although the March imports on iron ore
came chiefly from Cuba, large quantities
also arrived here from Europe for use in
Western Pennsylvania and Ohio plants.
, t owing to the urgent demand in the inter-
ior. The most marked increase over the
. pievious month's imports were in manga
l nese ore and pig iron.
Ninety six thousand three hundred and
eighty seven tons of iron ore came in
through Atlantic seaboard last month.
From the Cuban ore properties controlled
by the Pennsylvania Steel Company 68,-
. 260 tons were imported, the port of
of Diaquiri shipping 61,910 tons in six
vlots, while Santiago sent four shipments,
; totalling 16,260 tons; Spain consigned
" 29.627 tons. Port Mahon sending 7,400
. . tons; Garucha, 6,272 tons; Seville, 2,
800 tons; Almeria, 3,800 tons; Mara
bella, 2,700 tons; Huelva, 2.770 tons.
, Three thousand five hundred tons were
; imported from Seriphos, in the Grecian
fSoripps News Aimoclatlon')
New York. April 17 Miss Mignon
Critten, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
De Frees Critten, of Grymes Hill. Staten
Island, witl be married this evening at
her home, to Mr. Swager Sherley, who
cornea from an old Kentucky familv.
Both were members of the Taft party.
Pittsburg, Pa., April 17 The weddinu
of Miss Madeline Laughlin and the Rev
Maitland Alexander, pastor of the First
Presbyterian church of this city, will take
place this evening. .- .
Mrs. ' Chas. Melquist of Enterprise,
came to La Grande this morning.
rScrlppa New Association)
Fiji. April 1 7Considerabl interest, in
widest circles is Manifested in the sale of
the ; Fanning and Washington Islands,
wh ch will be .offered at auction- h t-h.
British register of the High Commission
er S Court at this Citv this afternoon
The islands near neighbors of Christmas
Island, are situated on the northeastern
fringe of the archioeleoros. the mir.ln nr
of which is Fiji, about 1,100 miles south
of Honolulu. Fanning Island was annex
ed in 1888 fot cable station purpoe.
It is nnderstood that representatives of
wealthy bidders from several countries,
including the United States are her with
a view of purchasing the islands. The
British Government does not intend to
surrender to the purchaser tbe sover
eignty rights. Th principal reason of
that reservation is the protection of the
cable station. -
(Scrlpps News Association)
Sprifield, Mo April 17 Sorinfffiuld
this morning is a sleeping volcano, tut on
we surrac tnings are quiet Ther are
five thousand negro residents in five dis
tricts here and the officials expect riot
at any time. The negroes are on the
war path because of the three negro
innocent The police are out with five
bench warrant charging alleged leader
of th mob with murder in th firt de
gree. '
TO H0H0R fUlXlIlt . :
(Scrlpp New Association)
Philadelphia, Pa., April 1 7. Scientists
and statesmen of note, both from the
United StaUs and other countrie will
pay homage to the work and memory of
Benjamin Franklin at the general biennial
meeting of the American Philosophical
Society for Promoting Useful Knowledge.
wnicn will open her tonitrht for a fnnr
day cession. Special efforts have been
made to make this session of the cociety
the most successful in its history. The
society was founded in 1743 and Ben
jamin Franklin was one of the prime
movers and founder of it ,
5120.000,000 LOSS
(Scrlpp New Association)
Rome, April 17 Scientist who. hv.
been designated to estimate the damage
done to the land in the Vesuvius dis
trict claim that a hundred and twenty
million dollar ! a moderate district.
Watch For
Our Silk Announce.
ment the Latter Part of This Week I
Made in double breasted, and single breasted suits . from Worst
ed,. Scotch Tweeds, Chevoits and Cassimers, with full or skeleton
lining, and every suit fully warranted free from imperfection, and
perfect in workmanship, in fact just such suiU a. particular dresser,
of today demand. When you want a . nit don't buy until you have
seen our line of Kirschbaum Warrant Suits. Prices ,
$8. to to S20.00 i
(Scrlpps News Association)
Washington, April 17 The President
will probably be a candidate to succeed
his successor in 1912. Ther is no doubt
In his , mind that ha intends tn stir.k tn
hi determination to retire at the end of
hi present term. No condition can pre
vail upon him to be a candidate in 1 908.
many nmie now and would be an easy
man to beat The President mav era in
the senate In 1908, from New York, and
back to the presidency again. . The ene
mies that he now ha may be his friends
The California delegation held a eaiicii
this afternoon and decided upon the ad-
yisablityof presenting what they term an
improper interference, to the state de
partment The Californians are findinor
fault in the way the Chinese ministers
ere interfering with legislation affair by
writing letter about Representative
Danby from Michigan.
The Persident and the Chinese govern
ment interchanged congratulatory mess
age oh th completion of the Dostal cable
connecting the two countries.
The President this afternoon sent Con
gress a communication advocating the
passage of the insurance law for the Dis
trict of Columbia, recently introduced.
embodying the recommendation of the In
surance commission. He urired that tha
bill be passed at the earliest possible date
with such changes as Congress may deem
Senator Tillman mid a re
markable speech in the Senate today
which was directed against the alleged
corruption of the national banks. He
urged the adoption of the Dracnat
tion which directs the Senate committee
on finances to investigate the report
whether criminal or civil nmr.,ihinn
snouid follow the discovery if suchdiseov-
ery round national bank in irregularities
He continued bv declaring th.t th.
democrat were aware of the fact but
suppressed him. Nothing had been done
to correct the abuses by legislation al
though the committee had promised him
three weeks ago that they would report
01 hi bill. Tillman resents the idea that
the committee attempted to neglect
their duty. '
Suitable for young and old in white and colors with
corners of polka dots and many novel flower effects, also
in checks and two toned effects in colors to match every
50c to $8.50 -..
Jfy Direct from the importers.
For men and women in Patent Calf, fine Vici Kid and :
White Canva. Full assortment of this season's newest
last in Welt and Turned Soles.
$1.50 to $4.00
0 R EC. OH
(Scrlpps News Association)
Batavia, N. Y. April 17-Th ecclesi
astical Court composed of five ministers
of this diobese of the Protestant Episco
pal Church, began the trial of the Rev.
Dr. Algernon S. Crapsey, Rector of St.
Andrews' Episcopal Church in Rochester
N. Y. on charges, this morninu. whirh
have loosely been described as heresy
but really do not amount to that
(Scrlpp New Association)
Waukesha w. Wis. Aoril 17 I .
Saturday Captain Amos Bailey aged 78
ws married to Mrs. Marv Billino. .H
79 both of this city. This eulmako. .
romance of fifty years ago. Bailey is an
undertaker at the soldier' ' horn. Th
woman wa twice a widow and tha firt
time she was married to a brother of
the present Bailey. ' :
(Scrlpps New Association) ,
Berlin April 17 A mutinv inh.
garrison a Tifli is renorted. Ar.r.nrAmn
to dispatches, three hundred and fifteen
soldiers were killed and eight hundred
and fifty-five wounded. Half of the gar
rison remained loyal and fought the muti
neer aesperatly.
(Scrlpp New Association)
oacramento, April 17. Charles Craig
wa round guilty of assault with a deadly
wapon on Officer Ryan, and was sen
tenced to two years in San Quentin
prion. Cha. Craig and Cha. Mack
assaulted two policemen. Mack is nno.
in prison awaiting trial.
(Scrlpps New Association)
Salt Lake Utah. AdhI 17 Bu-,-ir
eompletly wrecked the Davis .county
bank at Bountiful, a littl town fifteen
miles north of here this morninc. Tha
door of th vault in th Commercial
bank in th same building was jarred
loose by the concussion. The noise at-
MM --MM. . W
forced to-flee from the building withou
any money. They ran to th depot and
escaped from ther on a hand car, Th
perpetrators ar unknown,
(Scrlpp New Association)
Washington, April 17 Admiral Evan
has cabled his appointment of th board,
headed by Rear Admiral Brownson, to
investigate th Kearsarge accident in
which six tailor were instantly killed.
Th Kearsarge was out on a practice
hoot in . th Carrebean tea when the
accident came.
Mr. Joel Richardson is confined to
home with symptoms of appendicitis.
also an extra good value at $5.00
We sell you the regular $10.00 Panama hats for $8.50
Ladies' Ready to Wear Hats
$1.25 $8.50
The best and most compute assortment we have ever
shown. , Shapes and colors to suit every individual taste.
Ladies $8.50 to $22.50
Skirts $5.50 to $16.50
Don't fail to look these over we assure you these are the
greatest Skirt values offered in Union county. All style,
all sizes, all colors.
Farmers Phone No. 27
City Phone Black I3QI
(Scrlpp New Association)
Saratoga. N. Y.. AdiM 17 Tha
enty-fourth annual lession of th Troy
conference of the Methodist Episcopal
Church opened here this morning at the
First Methodist Episcopal Church, w,ith
Bishop Moor, of Portland. Or., presid
ing and a large number of delegates in
attendance. The morning session was
principally devoted to routine business
and conference emination. The business
of the conference will be continued in the
afternoon session. Thi evening there
will be a meeting in celebration of the
Conference Ep worth League, with J. E.
Mead in the chair. S. Earl Taylor, of
New York City, will deliver the principal
The conference will close on Monday,
April 25. There will be meetings every
morning, afternoon and evening and some
highly interesting program hav been
prepared. Among the prominent speak
ers who will address the Conference are
the Rev. E. M. Randall, of Chicago; tha
Rev. C. H. Tyndall. of Mount Vernon, N.
Y.j L. A. Bigelow, of Ticonderoga, presi
dent of the Conference Laymen Associ
ation; th Rv. Gorg Elliott, of Detroit;
Mr. C. V. Grimr. of Plattsburgh,
president of the Ministers' Wives' Associ
Nothing is more conductive to edu
Cation and to the drvflopement of
the better elemhnts of human nature
than the reading of C00D BOOKS.
Encourage the young fj'ks to form j
reading habit by supplying thf m with
We have the cream of the book world.
Any book you wish we hav cr will
get for you. In some Man es we
can efford sou i substantial sav ni on
ihero t In all instances the orice will
b. as low as can be had, Herr a'e some of the late onrs.
Yolanda, by Major, Nedra, by McCutcheoV "lU Grde"
of Allah, byHickensj RepjlesOunic'e h? Law? The Min of
The Hourj dou:e of IC00 Candles
A full line of the
Celecrated Butter I ck
Patterns just arrived
and ready for your
Ladies don't forget
theotlineator I
ml i
jim!'"7.n J! 1 .iiNiiiiiiji.iiiu.i.r-
La Grande, Oregon.
ation and other. , !