PfcOfESSirm CARDS PHY&tLANS Q. L. BiGQERS M. D, . Physicm end Surgeon Office Ralston Bid. over J.M.Beiry's store Office Phone Black 1221 Residence Phone Red 1001 DR. A. L. RICHARDSON Physician and Surgeon Office over Hill's Drug Store. Office Phone 1562 Residence Main 65 MOLITOR M. D. AND ' , SURGEON PHYSICIAN Cor. Adams Avenue and Deoot St I Office Main 68 Residence Main 68 W1LLARD SMITH PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Lewis Building, opposite Sommer Houso Office hours, 1 to 4, 7. to 8. p. m. Phone Main 71 BACON & HALL PHYSICIANS AND SUROEONS Office in Foley Building, Phone Main 1 9 C. T. Bacon residence, Main 18 M, K. Hall residence. Main 52 DR. H. VOLP. Physician and Surgeon Office: Corpe Building. Telephone Main 80 . Call answered day or night. VETERINARY SURGED. W" DR. P. A. CHARLTON VETERINARY SURGEON Office at Hill's Drugstore, La Grande Or Residence Phone Red, 701 Office Phone 1561 Farmer Line 68 ATTORNEYS CRAWFORD & CRAWFORD .., Attorneys-at-Law U ORANDg OREOOON Office In Foley Building J. w. Kisinwr PC Attorney and Counseu.or at Law Office In Ralston Building La Grande, Oregon. H. T. Williams A. C. Williams WILLIAMS BROS ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Office In Ralston Building a Grande. Oregon . L. A. PICKLER Civil, Mimino, Irrigation Engineering and survbyino . ' ', Estimates, Plans, and Specifi . cations. Office In Bohnenkamp Building. . . La Grande, Oregon Dentists : REAVIS BROS I DENTISTS Office Sommer Building Office Black 61 Residence 1171 C. B. CAUTHORN DENTIST Office over Hill's Drug Store La Grande, Oregon Have you pains in the back, inflamma tion of any kind, rheumatism, fainting spells, indigestion or constipation, Hollis ter's Rocky Mountain Tea makes you well, keepe you well, 55 cents. Nbwlin Druo Co. o fOR BENT Two story brick building, two store ooms and upstairs, provided with modern conveniences. Prefer to rent to one party. Will give a long time lease. Apply to La Grande Investment Co. am up notice Property owners are hereby notified to clean up their alleys and repair their side walks at once, John Wilson, Street Superintendent RECORDS large shipment of Records reached lis this morning from the factory. Come and hear them. You will likely want some of them. W. K. Davie. 1516 Adams Ave. . MILLINERY OPENING Every day in the week at Mrs. J. R. Forrest's. Prices lower than ever known Trimmer from Gage's of Chicago. NOTICE TO SETTLE All persons who are indebted to J. Bull & Company are notified to call at the old fece of business and settle same by fAy 1. 1906. ' " J. Bull & Company. Classified Advertisements. Rates One cent a word, one-half a cent a word each subsequent inser iion. Classified adds bring quick re sults. Try one today. FOR RELIABLE ABSTRACTS OF TITLES go to the La Grande Invest ment Company, La Grande, Ore., in Foley building. REAL ESTATE LOANS Any amounts on city and country real estate. Loans closed promptly, as soon as title is ap proved. La Grands Investment Com pany. HIDES, PELTS, FURS. JU NIC-Highest price paid for hides pelts, furs and junk Harris corral, one block east of Geddes' grocery store.. Mqse Harris. WANTED Tie-makers for work on P. & I. N. Ry. Extension, north -of Council, Idaho. Wages 12 cents per tie. In spection monthly. Good timber. Trans portation furnished over P. & I. N. Ry. Apply to Lewis Hall, tie contractor. Weiser, Idaho. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms in suites of two, three or four. Phone Black 601. . FOR SALE Two modern cottages in the residence portion of Walla Walla. Inquire of Mrs. Simmons, ' corner 8th and N Streets. FOR RENT-Two story house on Wash ington Ave. Rent only $12.00. In quire at La Grande School of Music. " MONEY For loans on city property see tr . n ... . "m. urani s agency. Also real estate and insurance. FOR RENT-Pleasantly furnished rooms suitable for lighthousekeeping. Mrs. E. C. Moore, 1617 Fourth Street FURNISHED HOUSE-Furnished house, centrally located. Inquire at this office. FOR RENT Two desirable roomsnear Depot St Enquire at this office. FOR SALE A fresh milch cow with young calf. Also a single driving horse. Inquire of J. W. Scribbr, La Grande. FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms. Mrs. A. E. Jones, corner of 5d and Adams Avenue. WANTED Girl to do general house work. Must be competent Steady em ployment Inquire at this office for particulars. FOR SALE Two 10 acre tracts. 7 room houses on each. . One in orchard. Furniture goes with one place. One tract in Cove, other close in. Also one town lot in Cove. Inquire Oscar Lund, Cove, Oregon. FOR SALE A two acre tract with am ple water right One acre in fruit, four room house with pantry and cellar barn and other improvements. Cheap if sold at once. No agent's commission paid. Inquire at this office. FOR SALE Two Registered yearling Shorthorn Bulls one Red and one Roan J. E. Reynolds, La Grande, Ore, ' BOARD AND ROOM Inquire at 1507 Madison Avenue. LOST Gentleman's red leather purse containing card and five dollar gold piece. Return to this office and recieve reward. LOST On the ei ghteenth. a pair of gol spectacles between Christian church and National Bank. Return to Obser ver or owner. Reward paid. Mrs. Job Spencer. APPRENTICES WANTED Inquire of Mrs. J. R. Forrest the milliner, at once. FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms. In . quire of Mrs. Pollman, corner Sixth St and Washington Ave. Phone Black 1181 WANTED Girl to do general house work in small family. Inquire of L D Reavis. ' WANTED A competent girl or woman to do general housework and capable of taking complete charge can secure a permanent position at good wages ' by calling at this office. Brick furnished in any quantty or any style, No contract too small or to large. See samples of our pressed brick. GEO. KREIGER. La Uranrie, Oregon. lilt III mm HI (Scrlppi News Association) New York. ADril 16 The annual Jefferson Day banquet of the Democratic Club which will be given at the Waldorf- Astona this evening, promises to be an unusually interesting affair. President Woodrow Wilson, of Princeton University will discuss the subject of Democracv from the academic atanHnn'mt. nhiii Judson Harmon, of Cincinnati, who was attorney-general under President Cleve land, will discuss national politics from a Democratic standpoint. The anti-Tam many Democracy will be represented by Mayor McClellan. who will da livar an address on political lines. . Although notntng positive is known, it is believed that he will make some pointed reference to the political situation in New York City. The mayor will be followed by W. Bourke fWWmrv tha ailvar-tanintari nratnr. who will bravely represent Tammanv Hall' and.will answer in case Mayor McClellan snouia make an attack on the Ticer. The number ofjguests has been limited to nve hundred. GREAT ENCOURAGEMENT That the voters of Oregon are earafnllu reviewing the character anri the different candidates for the important office of United States Senator, is a great encouragement to men whose character to repuiauon are above reproach. Those who have investigated the splendid record of Judge E. B. Watson are anthuniaati in his support for the office of United States senator. i , THE BIG PIANO HOUSE WHAT ITS COMING MEANS With a chain of fifteen retail .t.Ml.K. mente In every Important Western trade center, the Eilers Piano buainaaa In paratively few years has grown to be the wonaer or tne trade world. ..Its methods and tha conductor tha h. won the admiration of artiste, music lovers, and the general public. This success is due r First To Uoholdinff at all fin. k. artistic element in pianos. Second By Dlacimr niann aallimr . rational business basis. Third By makinir tha k,,; -i w w WUJ 1 1 Ig j thoroughly high-class instruments poss ible io ail. Tersly stated, tha Eilera nl.n ..... - the piano buyer everything that systema tic, economical careful business methods can effect Thus the Eilers plan enables you to secure the highest grade piano for the money that has heretofore been paid for a medium grade piano, or to secure a piano of medium grade for the former price of a poor one. More about our methods of business will be given tomorrow. Watch for it Just as we anticipated, Saturday was a big dav and wa nn.n. n i....: - - -1 up wuamvsa this morning with one Piano in the store. several new ones arrived early during the day and as a result we have a fine lot on display. Nearly every train this week will brine new raod hi.t ..n not last long at the present rate of doing ome early and get first choice. . , Eiler's Piano House. 1516 Adam. r;.K, DAV,S-maM8er' meHT4aHmm ....... I HORSE SHOE I CHOP HOUSE Havino- 1 -0 uiiugcu WJO J above named chop house and thoroughly cleaned and renovated the prem- 2 1SP.S. I am nrAnn -...J A- furnish the public with , , ciean, nrst class meals ; ; for 20 cents, o Only white cooks em- o ployed, and the best of o service. Ben Cotnery Proprietor X HORSE SHOE CHOP HOUSE X Fir Street near railroad crossing t at SIRLET LnpROVEMISI Beit resolved, that there shall be con structed a sidewalk on the East side of Fourth St from the south side of I St to the North side of C St in the City of La Grande, Oregon, where no sidewalk at the present' time exists, and such side- wilks as are already constructed on the said East side of Fourth St shall be placed in good repair, between the south side of J. St to the north side of C St That such sidewalks shall be constructed in accordance with the ordinance govern ing the construction of sidewalks in the City of La Grande, Oregon, and the same shall be seven feet In width, and shall be done at the expense of the abutting property owners. That the said side walks shall be constructed or repaired by the 20th day of April 1906. Passed by the council of the city of La Grande Oregon on the 4th day of April A. D. 1906. I. R. Snook Recorder city of La Grande Have you weakness of any kind stom ach, back, or any organs of the body? Don't dope yourself with ordinary medi cine. , Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea is the supreme curative power. 55 cents. Nbwlim Druo Co. tablets" A new line of tablets just arrived. W. K. Davis. 1516 Adams Avenue. FANCY LAUNDRY Persons desiring fancy laundry done, such as lace curtains, extra iiim ut .u- cate lace work, and can have same done properly and promptly by leaving orders at C L. Thorns Grocery Store. Mre. R. H. Davis. 7 STREET IMPROVEMENT NOTICE Be it resolved, chat a new sidewalk shall be constructed on the west side of Fourth street from the south' side of K street to the north side of I street in the city of La Grande, Oregon, and that said sidewalks shall be constructed In accord ance with the established grade and shall be seven feet in width, and shall be con structed in accordance with the ordinance governing the construction of sidewalks in the city of La Grande. And be it further, resolved, that the sidewalks already constructed on the west side of Fourth street from tha south side of I street to tha north side of "C street, in the said city of La Grande, shall be placed in good repair, and tha con' struction of the new sidewalks or repairs of the sidewalks already constructed, shall be done at the expense of the abutt ing property owners, and that said side walks be constructed or said repairs made by the 20 day of April, 1906. Passed by the Council of the city of La Grande, Oregon, on the 4th day of April, A. D., 1906. I, R. Snook, Recorder of the city of La Grande. thf TAVinp CTitnin t Remember the Taylor Studio has moved next door to the Observer office and has a nice line of the T latest mounts and styles for photos, just arrived. Call and see them and get prices. THE TAYLOR STUDIO UiwoNPACinr 1I DEPART t'jff rKOM No. S Halt Lake. Dmr, Ft Mo I 8.W m Worth, Omaiu, Kan- fcMem No. 2 "aaCltr-SLLoaia, Ctoi- No. 0pm amo anil Laai. tgUSpat Portland. Daika, Pea. No. 1 dl". Wlla Wall., Nnl Iyton, Ponwror. to? No, fcS6 a OS. f"i Vnaeow, spoken. .M , KOO"- and puiuta ni and ""Dm ort iaapoaar Portland. D.ilea, P,n- dlaton, Umatilla, Wal o I ola, tawl.toa,7'olli. Ho Mokow, Wallace, V r g.0t p. m. nar.Hpokaiwand othar 8:40 am polnu caat and nonu Tin Hpoaane No. 32 lalaod Clt, iic.1, Im Dally ex- bier and . .io. Con- Ho II rc-pt n. liooa at fcltr.n vtB Hnimay ata-cior point a Hal- tifcam S-.Uam Iowa. ()cBn Hteamem botwven Portland and Han FrDiTooerj flTa dajr, K. C. MOOBK Aeent. A It CUAIO, General Paaaeoser A grot z . I DON'T READ THIS! MORE THAN SIX TIMES J . . Without calling at Goolidge's paint and wall paper store and examining the largest and I most complete line of N E W WALLPAPER Ever shown in La Grande We Employ a Force of Skilled Paper Hangers and Painters. and are prepared to handle all kinds of work in this line to the entire satisfaction of our customers. Get our prices in lime, cement, etc. O. F. GO Field and Garden IN PACKAGES AND IN BULK For several seasons we have been the leading seed ,' ; . distributors of Union county and our present stock Is latger than ever Everythirg in the seed line Sccuie our prices on either small or quantity purchases K VOLiyER Slater "Build ino: JEFFERSON AVE Main 57 HAY MARKET WEAKER Our Storage No 1 is still filled with the Choicest Hay. 'All grades Timothy, mixed and wild. We offer you choice hay for $12.00 per ton. We are giving local consumers all the benifit of thejdecline in the market. ::: ::: ::: , ::: ::: ::: ::: : ; ON SALE, SEED POTATOES W have several cars of true varieties In transiet. Rural Yorkers; Burbanks; Shippers Pride; Mill's Prize; and Early Rose, will have them here in a few days. We offer these at $1 per cwt. In order to secur true varieties in the future we will pay the largest market price for your present stock and sell you Imported seed. PHONE MAIN 2 Oregon Produce Company ; Beautiful Hair and Face May be had by having scientific J Shampooing and Massage. The - HOTEL FOLE. Tonsorial Parlors are prepared to do these specialties and Friday of each week will be J for LadX customers. Pribate par- 5 lor for ladies. Lady attendant in chare. C. T. COLT Prop. ! CITY BREWERY I I JULIUS ROESCH, Proprietor. t Largest Brewing Plant in Eastern Oregon 2 Ask for La Grande LA GRANDE BEER IS AND SHOUI.D HAVE 2b IB GE A ROYAL WELCOME Is accorded every gentleman AT DONNELLY'S All the leading brands of cigars and the kind of smoking tobacco you have ben looking for, DONNELLY'S CLIB ROOMS art at your disposal at all times Confectionery Periodicals Beer and get the Best MADE IN LA GRANDE THE PREFERENCE 1