1 BCJU1 COCHRAN In Union. Friday, April 6, 1906, to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. E. Coch ran, a daughter. HE at re MINNICK-In High Valley on Friday. April 6, 1906, to Mr. and Mrs. John Minnick a daughter. AT T The : s,.. V if.'- CORA KING AT THE THEATRE On of the largest houses of the week witnessed the Swain Co't production of "U Belle Marie" laet night Ladies were epecialy in evidence on eccount of ite being touvenir night. The numeroue and difficult role recleved a finished and clever Interpretation. Without exception the work of the entire cast being fully up to the high atandard that ia a characterised of all the Swain pro duction, Thi afternoon "Kathleen Maurerneen" is amusing a good - sized audience of children. , - . " . .. . - ; -. : : PASTURE Well watered good grass adjoining Morgan Lake, horses or oattle $1.00 per month. 1 . v Thos. Broadhumt, v ' rOR fAMUY USE Every family in town should have a box of soap from our window this week at SO eta. Come In or telephone u. Newlin Druo Co. , La Grande National Bank " ESTABLISHED 1 887 Capital Stock, Surplus and undivided profits $160,010 00 . . ? . - .,, Pr.'J9?M AHO DIRECTORS 1E0RQE PALMER, Prmioent. I M, BERRY, Vice President. F. L MEYERS, Cashier. CEOROE L CLEAVER, Assistant, Cashier. . . W. L BRENHOLTS, Assistant Cashier. . BERRY, . F. M. BYRKIT. , A. B. CONLEY. C. C. PEN1NOTON, , F. J HOLMES. General banking business, Drafts drawn on all parts of the worjd, HIS APPRECIATION THE BUSINESS MAN thoroughly appreciates the advantages of a checking account with a bank. Those who do not keep such an account miss many of its advantages. We are always glad to explain the workings of a checking account to those who are not familiar with banking. Interests paid on time deposits and in savings department .CAPITAL AND SURPLUS TJho J'armors 9atonat " t. v 1 t SWAIN Tonight this popular Co. closes their engagement with a epecialy written comedy drama from the pen of Oliver Dodd Byron entiMed 'The Plunger Naturally anxious to leave a most favor able impression behind him, . Mr. Swain has reserved this, the greatest play In hia repertoire for the farewell perform a nee and in Consideration of the splendid ' productions already offered during their engagement this still greater effort will undoubtedly pack the house with the ' many theatre goers who will mourn the departure of the Company tomorow. , .: KOTKt Of INVESTMENT I have four houses and lots which I will sell In a lot at a great sacrifice, for cash. I must have money. These houses are rented and in good location and bring $55 per month rent. I will let the first one to call have a bargain, . ae they must be sold at once. , Fred Jacobs. $74,000.00 and TJraders SSank 4 ' " I i : A 1 "v ! j ' ' ! i is" .' . is . '"ltir""t" l"ll""wwMMMMrtwMafc(jfc.iniiiiiiii iiiiiiiriirn.A'1 ma nidi ,i& WM. HUTCHISON, OF THE I " if, VfXWfftm CRAaiNi Zuml News SUNDAY SCHOOLS-RACK TEAM The Methodist Sunday school is con templating something new this spring, and that is a Sunday school athletic team. Rev. B. F. Merredith hae started the movement and hae called a meetirg of the Sunday school boys to be held next Monday night at the M. & Church at 7:50. Officers, such as captain and man ager, and the other details win be arranged. The event will be arranged especially for the young boys and the team is anxious to meet any organization from this or other citiee of similar age. The events will no doubt be the dashes from 60 up to 220 yards; the standing, tni running vrpd jump; the standing and running high Jump, and a half mile relay race. Every boy in the city who ie Interested in track work Is welcomed at this meeting Monday night, ATHENA 10 WALLA 4 Athena defeated Walla Walla for the third time Thursday after Walla Walla had made 10 hits nine errors. The teame are scheduled to play today and tomorrow. Battery for Athena Osborn Willard and Shea; Boosters Rummel and Lankard. NATIONAL LE1QUE OAMES The National league opened with a great crowd and fine weather In all parts of the country. New York defeated Philadelphia t to 2. and down at St Louie there was a thirteen inning game resulting in Pittsburg's favor the score being 2 and 1, Chicago ran up the big gest score of the opening games by de feating CincmatU to the tune of 7 to 2 Boston administered shut-out to the Brookly aggregation and Boston got two runs. ' PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE Sporting Woa Lost P.C. San Francisco . 9 0 1000 Portland $ 2 .600 Los Angeles 4 1 .800 Oakland 1 4 .200 Frense 2 5 .400 Seattle 0 6 ; .000 WILL PLAY BALL Elgin will be in the diamond this sum mer witn a Dan team. A meeting was held in the City Hall Tuesday evening at which time it wae decided to organize and incorporate a ball club with a capi MACK - SWAIN COMPANY mm . ... simimtn I Ik An ItacTia Haul.'- tal of $500. A committee was appoint ed to solicit stock and up to the time of going to press a considerable amount of the money had been subscribed. Another meeting will be held Monday evening to complete the organization and arrange for the season's playing. Elgin Recorder ESTRAY NOTKE - Notxe is hereby given that there came to my place seven miles north of the citv of La Orande about the fifteenth of Nov ember last one light red heifer. Said an imal is coming three yeare old and hae brockle face. There are no brands visi ble. The ear marks are crop and under- bit in each ear. The owner of said ani mal may have same by orovintr DroDertv and paying charges. A. Daw Dated this thirteenth day of March 1906. WHY La Orande People Should Take Vinol. Mr. Newlin of the Newlin Drug Co. says, "We do not believe there Is a man, woman or child in La Orande whom our famous cod liver oil preparation, Vinol, will not benefit at this season of the year. We believe there Is no need for so many people to drag around run-down, tired out and debilitated, or for old people to remain weak and infirm when we guar antee Vinol will restore health and strength." Continued Mr. Newlin: "For centuries cod liver oil has been recognized aa the grandest of all body-building agents for wasted human strength and vitality, but on account of the heavy, nauseating and system-clogging oil which enveloped its curative properties few could take it with any benefit. In Vinol you get in a concentrated form every one of the curative and strength creating elements of cod liver oil actually taken from fresh cods' livers, and without a drop of oil to upset the stomach and retard its work. Vinol ie not a patent medicine, and you know what you are taking, ae everything it contains ia named on the back label of every bottle. Vinol ie guaranteed by over two thousand of the leading druggists of the United States to create strength fcr old people, for the run-down, tired, and de bilitated, weak, sickly women and child ren, and after a severe sickness.- We ask every person in La Grande who have hacking coughs, chronic colds throat and bronchial troubles, to try Vinol on our guarantee. - It costs nothing if it fails." Neun Druo Co, MILITARY WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY (Sciippe Newe Association ) Paris, April 14. For some time com munication by wireless telegraphy has been possible between the Eiffel Tower and Belfort, on the Eastern frontier. At present the engineers are trying to dis cover to what degree their wirelese mess ages can be intercepted and falsified. An apparatus fitted in the grounds of the Military Aerostatic school at Meudon has been communicating with the office of a divisional commander on the eastern frontier and at the same time messages have been exchanged between the Eiffel Tower and an apparatus fitted in a cap tive baloon, lying over one of the frontier fortresses. No statement has been made ae to the result of the experiments. ARTLSIARS ATTENTION All Artisians are requested to meet this evening at the home of Mre. Mary Aldrich, on Fourth street. Following the business session, refreshmente will be served. STREET IMPROVEMENT NOTICE. Be it Resolved, that the sidewalks on the West eide of Second St. between the eoucn eide of ft bt. and tne norm siae ot J St. shall be put in good repair by the abutting property owners, and that such repaire shall be completed by the 20th day of April 1906. Passed by the council of the City of La Grande Oregon on the 4th day of April A. D. 1906. I. R. Snook Recorder of the City of La Orande NOTICE OF RESTORATION to Settle ment, Entry, Filing and Selection of Lands within the former Baker City Forest Re serve. Oregon. Department of the Inter ior, General Land Office, Washington, D. C, March 28, 1 906. In pursuance of the proclamation of the President of the United States, dated March 16. 1906, ex cluding from the former Baker City Forest Reeerve, partly embraced in the Blue Mountains Forest Reserve. Oregon, the area described below, and restoring to settlement the public lande therein, notice is hereby given that the said public lands will become subject to entry, filing and selection, under the usual restrictions, at the United States Land Office at La Grande, Oregon, on July . 1 8, 1906: In Township eight (8) South, Range thirty eight (58) East, Willamette Meridian, the west half of the north-west quarter and the west half of the south-west quarter of Section thirty-five (56); in Township nine (9) South, Range thirty-nine (59) East, the west half of the north-west quarter and the west half of the south west quarter of Section twenty nine (29), and the west half of the north-west quarter of Section thirty-two (52). W. A. Richards, Commissioner. Approved: Thos. Ryan, Acting Secretary of the Interior. FOR THE FEAST after the Lenten season, you can find nothing better than our choice BtEF AND VEAL, Any portion of any kind of Fresh Meats which you may prefer, ie here ready to your order. All are of fine quality, rich in nourishing juiciness, and of delicious flavor, etc. Rohr& Company SHEEP DIP SULPHER- Kentucky Black Leaf and other dipping mater ials in WHOLESALE QUANTITIES Write for prices , . . . THE PENDLETON DRUG CO. Pendleton, Oregon eeeeeeeet f The War on Dirt goes merrily on when good house keepers rule the roost. Here's a fine place for ammunition soap, sapoho cleaning powders, house hold ammonia, ecrubbing brushes, brooms and mops. All you need to do is to supply water and mus clar energy. Another thing you'll find out if you visit us: Whatever you buy here is as represented and as low priced as possible. PHONE MAIN 46 QEDDLf BRLf NORTH FIR STREET eenrmeMT AN EASTER EESTIVAL will be very incomplete without a good supply of Selders' confection ery. We furnish it put up in a large variety of forme, boxes and baskets, which make it very de sirable to eend as greetings to your friends. ' The well-known purity and delicacy of flavor of our confections make them par ticularly attractive to all lovers of good, delicious and wholesome candy. SELDER, The Candy Man J. R. OLIVER. UNION COUNTY ABSTRACTS Farm Loans a Specialty Best equipped abstracter in Union county. Many years experience with the Union county records gives me a great advantage. It ie folly to purchase real estate without first securing a proper abstract. An abstract from my office will show the title just as it appeare on.the official record. ). R. OUVER, LA GRANDE, OREG ON Room SI Sorrmer Building i" JACKS and STALLIONS C. R. Hibberd will stand two Jacks and two Stallions on the Bennett ranch. TROGAN is the largest Jack that was ever in Union county, stands 17 hands weighs 1180 lbs. terms Insured for $12. Another Jack weighs 1000 lbs., $10. TIB Jr is a road stallion with a record of 2:22 of the Nutwood Glen Wilkes bred, weight 1200 lbs, insure for $ 1 0 BEN is a 6-year-old Clyde weight 1800 lbs. of the Boyd stock 5Jor,th? ,eason W 10 to insure Would be pleased to have breed ers call and look ;these animals over they will bear inspection. 1 also have one Jack 8 months old and four Jenniee which I will sell or trade for etock. Vergere phone. ImblerP. O. e)e) RICIUOAM Extra rich black loam, for filling gar dene, etc.. for sale and delivered. I also have gravel for str ct filling, close in delivered on the pla:e, J. L. Mars. : t ! if i? I illlttvvtti .. .