J NAPLES REMEMBER - WINDOW DISPLAY - 10c! f The Great Prize Contest at THE GOLDEN RULE STORE Closes Saturday at 9 p m. Every cash purchase of $100 entitles you to an estimate on the value of goods in our show windows. 1 he party estimating near est to value of goods in any one window receives a present of $2.50 in merchandise. The party estimating nearest to va'ue of goods in all windows receives a present cf $5 00 h merchandise. I A GRAND TOTAL OF IINTERESENTS Nsples. April 13 The sky wis clearer this morning and the fall of cinder ceased for the time being at least. Relief Darties are constantly finding mora dead bodies. Domestic animals in the stricken districts nave been dying continually and their carcases have added horror to the already unhealthy conditions. Order is beino rapidly restored and the government has rushed every aid to needy and everv lacility for organizing military law is being pursued. The still crippled lines are hurrying provisions and clothing into the districts. Relief operations are bains personally conducted by the king. Six thousand people are encased in clearing away the debris. Perfect sun shine has restored high spirits to the people, and the bright colors are again seen in the clear air. Everything helps See what 10c will buy at Mrs T. IV. Murphy's In Tin ware. Granite, and Glassware. Come and make your selections before it is all gone. I also have a nice line of better ware, such os Cut Class and holiday Goods which I am giving one fou.'th off in II May 1st Just received a complete stock of Garden Tools such as Pakes. Hoes. Spading Eorks, Shovels and Spaces. My assortment of Fishing Tackle is com plete in very way. MRS. T.N. MURPHY j Hardware and crockery, In addition to this we give you, for cash purchases profit shareing bonds which en titles you to one or more of a thousand beautiful premiums. Everything from fine Silverware to a grand upright Piano. REMEMBER TOO our prices are always the lowest. The quality of our goods the highest. Trade at the GOLDEN RULE STORE and save money. We carry everything, I THE GOLDEN RULE COMPANY 1308. 1310. 1312 Ada tna Avnn Largest Stor- ' Smallest Prices RIO GRANDE RAILROAD TO EXTEND ITS Llfit Ml Company Secures Option on last Pass ThrauSfe Wisitcft Rane. First Line to Penetrate Jackson Hole Country (Scrlpps News Association) Ogden, April 13. It was announced this morning that the Rio Grande rail road, owned by tha Goulds, had taken options on valuable property in the Ogden canyon, the only remaining pass through the Wasatch range. They will construct a line from this city throughout Northern Utah and branch into Wyoming with the intentions of tapping the rich coal region in the Jackson Hole country which has a yet never been touched. When the lin completed, over two hundred miles'of rails will have been laid. LOCAL ITEMS 1 : SHOES The Mew Spring Styles now Come etc xamine in i-A. V. ANDREWS,! TAILOR and HABERDASHER There's nothing belt! Swift's Premium Mains Bacon and Lard, Remember "Swift's Prem ium Brand" stands for that is best all A full line always o.i hand THE CITY GROCERY AMD BAKERY E.POLACK, Propr. C. E. Conley of Islandcitv" business here last evening. I. M. Eubanks came over from Imhlur yesterday. Richard Beck of Baker Citv was In tha city this morning on busness. W. T. Hislop of Portland is in the city today looking after some land interests. Chas. A. Payle. of Alical. e&nHirUt. in. lomination for Sheriff in LI nlon Mint. m w union wis morning. Attorney C. H. Finn expects to leave Saturday for Wallowa county to attend court .' The official Democratic primary ballot will appear in tomorrow" or next day's Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Earls returned from Union last evening where thev n.nt m. past week visiting relatives. J. H. Peare returned this mnm;n - ......nig I Will Portland where he has been trn.,rf;- business the past few days. Tomorrow, a SDecial m(m.. u. beautiful Irish comedy "Kathleen Mau verneen" will be sriven at 2 n m r. .... James P. Price of Salem uhn ha. I.... .. ..w no. ioou visiting his daughter Mrs. A T u;n this city left this morning for Boise City, i ne time has passed when m. vote for a candidate for an important office without ascertaining whether his qualifications fit him for that office. Judge Watson of Portland owes hi. i in his present campaign for United States senator to this fact u n.u80rge s. Shepherd, candidate .or me nepuoiican nomination for Re- k.-"w in congress, is in the city today meeting old friend, and makino nitut An.. M ci . . . ..... ........ ... ,epnera nai uneqU8 v,.,., cara upon wnjc(j js himself m a sailors costume standing at RECORD BREAKER anerm r. B. Johnson is makinga re cord in this way he. is collecting and turning over the monav rr;A Yesterday he turned over to the treasurer o.o. making a totalof $158,761. Pru , ascompareo with the re,. oo lMt of only "u oou ou; nas about $20,000 yet I" . "V'n,cn 'urn over just a. 'r.""1"9 rece,Pu be made out wn.cn out or a total tax roll ofJS 198.000 oniy aoout so nnn -.:j ttj - - -. miilmiu aiiu oniy a smau portion of which is due," Mr Johnson states tha rfr,. ...... . :. j .oe va will wu much of this will be paid before the list is adverti. k. i... . ... " me year, union countr is e.rUmi. - r" trous or sucn a show no .m . tants. ATTORNEY CETS PRAISES (Scrlppe News Association ) ' Washington, D. C, April 13 Attorney General Mondy sent Attorney Erwin, the man who conducted the orosecution against Gaynor and Green, his and Presi dent Roosevelt's conirratulatinnt thi morning, for the able wav he had secured the conviction of these embezzlers. ACTIVE BURGLAR KILLED (Scrlppe News A.inorirttlon) New York, April 1 5. Herman Miller and his wife were awakened by a knock at the door; the woman arose to open the door, and was attacked by a burglar, while a second thief attempted to strangle Mr. Miller. The man of the house fired a shot but the bullet deflected by a button. hit the woman's leg, scaring away her assailant. Miller killed the man strugg ling with his wife and the police caucht the second. Miller recocnized the dead man as Ed Scanlon and the prisoner as Pat Donovan. Miller says they knew he had money in the house. KILLED !!i TEXAS-(Klflllf (Scrlppe News Amoclntlon) Dallas, Trttas, April 1 3. It was re ported here today that six were killed and many injured in a cyclone which swept Briggs, Texas, yesterday. The dead are: Mrs. R. Hickman and daughter, Arnet Targbor and wife. R. A Patteson and wife. Many buildings and other property were destroyed. PRESIDENT ER01S AT EEMERS ANNOUNCEMENT TO THE REPUBLICAN VOTERS OF UNION COUNTY I hereby announce myself at Candidate for the Republican nom ination for Sheriff of Union County, subject to the primary nominating .a in ... nii . m. m v -r -- .... J. M. Murphy TABU BOARDERS Mrs. Grace Barria Vould like six table boarders at No. 1808. 4th. St For par ticulars call up red 881. Washington D. C. April 13 The Pre sident after repeated conference with his cabinet, has determined to inaugurate a vigorous campaign to reclaim ths government land unlawfully fenced by large cattle owners. So far these men have escaped through technicalities. QUIET LITT1E IUN0I or dinner in a well appointed dinins room where the food is excellent and well serv ed, will be a treat for the nicest girl in tne world or a pleasant change for your wife. The Model Restaurant is just tha place to bring the ladies. Everything comes up j!y,j to their idea of what is good and the cost won't bother the man who pays the N' check. The Model Restaurant J. A. Arbucklr, Proprietor ND SHUT w m1 weekly C J eft lltltluKM fj AGENTS LADIES' HOME JOURNAL PATTERNS CHICAGO STORE AGENTS LADIES' HOME JOURNAL PATTERNS WHEN IN LA GRANDE B we invite consideration of our complete stocks of spring ap parel for women. , our perfect store service and our greater, values. Among other lines that we are particularly strong on are The PALMER Women's Street Suits and Jackets Values from $10.00 to$35.00 in Twueds, Cheviots, Worsteds, and Serges. Colors Blacks, Blues. Grays and Brown mixed. CORSETS Royal Worcester or Bon Ton, Princess Hip and Straight Front Models with Hose Supporters tt ached. $1.25 to $5.00 L.R, Grande, Oregon E. P. REED S FINE SHOES FOR WOMEN Tne fit in our women's shoes like the QUALITY. STYLE and general WORKMANSHIP is the best to be had when price s to be considered. All leath ers. Prices $2.50 to 1$5.00 LADIES' HOME JOURNAL PATTERNS We carry in almost "all sizes Our style book containing more than twelve hundred illustra tions will be mailed to you for twenty-five cents, postpaid The Closing Sale on Our Men's and Boys' F CLOTHINGS and FURNISHINGS We find it necesssry to enlarge our Ladies' and Misses' ready-to-wear department, therefore have inaugurated the biggest closing and price cutting sale ever held in this city. Clothing Suit Cases Gloves Shoes Caps Hats Underwear Trunks Neckw.ar Pants Shirts Collars A savingof $1.00 on every J3.00 on any of the above flnnarei POSSIDI.