' ... . A ED LECAl K3LIDAY April 20, primary election day, will b a legal holiday, and consequently no chool will b held that day. A decision to.this effect ha been given by Attorney General Crawford, and notice has been sent to the various county superintendents by State Superintendent Ackerman. ASnSlAW ATTENTION All Artisians are requested to meet this evening at the home of Mrs. Mary ' Aldrich, on Fourth street. Following the business session, refreshments will b served. Service This drug store tries to serve everj customer so well that they will not thin! f going elsewhere for drug store goods. A. f. It-. .; i ) t NOTICE TO SETTLE ' All persons who are indebted to J. Bui. & Company are notified to call at the old place of business and settle same b May 1, 1906. J. Bull & Company. KOUISTER-8 ttacicy Mountain Tea Nungefc Bust Modiolus far Buy Fwpl I.--!! (hides Health and Benewed Vigor. t-x-clPo for C-imrtttwtlnn. Indlirertlon, Uva nca kiiltwy Troubles, Pimple. Eczema, Impur Blood, Bad Breath, Slmrtrinh Bowels, Headache end Uaekaehe. It' Booty Mountain Tea In tab lot r.irm. enta bos, (tenuine mad b IlnujjTn Dm Ctmpamt, Maillann. Wis. tOt-Sr """n B"B iMXOW PEQPl.t NOTICE The Blue Mountain Creamery Co. wishes to say to their patrons, that they wil make tests of each delivery of cream for all who desire same. Those who ship to the creamery may have tests, weight and ce per pound, butter fat, returned i n each can, by simnly writing that same is desired, The Blue Mountain Creamery Co. trys to please its patrons, and espectfully solicits the patronage of the farmers of Grande Ronde valley. ifSHEEPj DIP SILPHER- Kentucky Black Leaf and other dipping mater- ials in WHOLESALE QUANTITIES Write for prices ' . THE PENDLETON i DRUG CO. Pendleton, Oregon FOR THE FEAST alter tne Lenten season, you can nna ' ' nothing better than our choice BLEF AMD VEAL, Any portion of any kind of Fresh Meats which you may prefer, is here ready to your order. All are of fine quality, rich in nourishing juiciness, and of delicious flavor, etc. Rohr& Company TIMBER LAND. ACT JUNE 3. 1878.- NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION, V. H. Land Office at La Grande. Ore. March X, Jwn. Notice Is hereby riven that In com nl lance with the provlnloDvof the act of Oougrawi 01 Junes, I"', entitled "An act for the aale of Umber land In the "la tea of California. Or fon, Nevada, end Waalilng-ton Territory," as exieuueu loan uic mono iana ntates Dy act of A uk ml 4,1,-eL Bertmnd Kmla, of Portland county jn uiiiiuuinu Qitw Ol vrrfriW baa thin day filed Id this oRles hli aamra statement No. S7t0. for the purrhaae of Ibt Hi Nfcle E' K Her-' to Township Mo. 4 And wllloffe; proof to snow that the land ought l more valuable lor It timber ur tone than for agricultural purposes, and to eaiaoimo oisciauu w eaia tana perore the R fitter and Reoelver at La Grande, Oregou, on Thursday, UmMUi day May IWK. He names as witnesses Adolph Kowlln. Rohtert Nawlln. Hardy Hamll andueorie Wbiilark, all or I a Orande, Omroa. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described land are rwjntated to Ble their claims In tbla otnos on or before said Silhday ofaUj, luus. ... . E. W. Davis. Eefliter. at wis crna (Scrlpps News i Association) New York April 10-John D: Rocke feller went to his office, 26 Brcadway this morning and permitted the newspaper men to photograph him. He smiled pleasantly at the people whom he met. ADMlfilSTRATirS K3TIC Notice is hereby given that tho under sicrned has bean rlnlw np;nj l .l - "KHwufccu oy me County Court of the State of Oregon for Union Countv. aHmini&rrt-i. . m or tne estate of Herman C. West, deceased. A'l persons having claims against ...... are hereby required to' present the same nmrAvl l l . ..-k".. .ouiivu as oy law required, to Wm. B. Sargent, my attorney, Foley Hotel Block. La Grande. Oregon, within ix months from the date hereof. . Maccie A. West, Administratrix of tha ttn u .... wvwi, ui ..giiimii C. West, deceased. TABLETS A new line of tablets just arrived. ' ' ' W. K. Davis. 1316 Adams Avenue. Have vou Dains In tha hr tion Of anV kind. rhanmtiem spells, indigestion or constipation, Hollis ters Rocky Mountain Tea makes you well, keeps you well. : 55 cents. Newuh Druo Co. RECORDS l-ev iHmnwknt. rt ParAnl. 1 1 us this morning from the factory. Come and hear them. You will likAltf vuanr some of them. " W.K.Davis, 1316 Adams Ave. . IIMBhB land ACT lUVR ,8,1 NOTH'R mij PDRLiCATIO.H U. Land OCkm; Ladrande iireaon, Martb. tth. IIWix ,Nu "r ' BTh S1"" thai In rompM.no. iih ih pnvilom ol the act of CuUKreiiaor Junes IkFh... .nth "An act fo? ih, a-TTof timber l.nd. in the KUto of California, i H-on. evada and WB.hinition Ter ltory aa ea UndMltnallih Hnbllo Land Hta-4bvactui Anana.4, Wliiard Cou, h ul La Grande, conntv of r'nlim. Main of . r.Kon b Una day Bled lo thia office bia wor.. ntHtrmeul .JU J "'!! of tha EH NEu An?. 7"1 9T Proo to show that tha land siiUKhf I, mora valuable for Ita Umber o """'""for agrlcnltural purpoaea, and to eol.bllab hl-claim toaaid Und before the Rea lUr and Heeeivcr at La Grande tsoT"' Tha',d' ' f JSC.: He niljw m wltneeani; Jamei McC.ll. Tliomaa Hhetwood, William Bt.erwood SwJoSSS: u"nde- Un,- Any and all perums olalmlur adveraely the above deacribed lad ara reu'i.tl to file theli Ol June wt on said 2Ut da K.W.Davla, Reiater TIMBKHLAfiD ACT JUNBSW78 . . NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION . IT. 8. Land Offloa La Grande, Oregon ., , . . Febrnar i, 1UUH Notice In hereby (rlvn that In oompllanor with Hie provision of the t of Conirreas of Junes, IH7S, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands In tha States of California, Ore on, Nevada, and Wahlni(Un Territory." aa extended to all the Public land Bt .tea by act of Auiiust i, WW. Frank K. Brown, of La Grande county of Union SUite of Oregon, ba Ihia dav filed In tbls ofrtoe his sworn state- muni Sfn utu . . .. . .. .ui piirouaae 01 una i ann X of Mection No. Id; In lown.hlp No.ifboutu llun twm V a tjal 1? Uar a M And wlliotler proof to show that the land aoiifrht Is mora valuable fiirilta timber or tim.lfa.n A.,,.kl..nl.....l . ' . . eatahlliih bis claim to said land before the MviMurftDu neoeiverai ia uranae,; Oregon on Meturday, the U day of April, IVU6T He names aa witneeaea: t llam T. Under. Grande, and William H. Ltao,of Kamela, Any and all poisons clnlmlnc adversely the above deacribed lands are requested to Ble their claima In tbls oflloe on or belore aald 21 day ol April, 11)06. E. w. Davis. Bos liter TIMBER LAND. ACT JUNE I. I87S NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. P. ft. Lnnd tiftlee, la Orande. Orwnr Feb W iVt hntlcela hereby alven thai In enn pllann alihlhe pmvtaiona of the act of ronitrrw ol lupex. IHTS. enllil.-d "An art for lh aale TO tlmbor Up.1 in , Htale of rnillhmla. fr. son, Nevada, and Waablngton Territory,' as tlrnilt-ri lo all the filhllr lulul Hlatea hv ai l "f A uxori 4, lids. Emad. l D. Clark, tv Cros by, ivitoiv or Iiii.uk KlMteofN. Dakota, baa Ihta dav 0lei m thl office Ida .won laiempn No. 7.18. for the pnrrh of h n'i DK'i H. tai T. &a.nd Lot 2eiid HWU NEu of M-c'iou Nv 8 In Townhbtp Hit, onih Hair- . V W M. And wnl nnfr pnml in how thai the lano aouiint la moiv valuable for It timber ni tout- thin for aifrtrultoral porpoam. and t eaubil.h his rli.im to aaM land before tht Keiiiaier and Kcelver at la Ornde un ton on lutrday. Mie 211. day of lay, IWKI He nainm w witnera: Santuel 11, Will laniHon. Burt H 11 lira. J hn T wll lamaon. riioniaa U, Wilhamaon, all of La Uiande rr ifon. Anv.ndall persona rlulmlns adversely th above tftNrrllH'd landa are rwineated to f)i. their lium Uithia oltwon or before aid J2d sy ol Ma. Uuv. K. W. Davis. Reuisler. Timber Land, Act June 3, 187S.-N tice For Pbblicitioti t. 8 Land Ofllce, La Grande, Ore on. Maren It, iwua. Notice 1 hereby given that In compliance with tle provlalona of the act of Convreias ol luneS IMTs. entitled ''An act for the Ml of timber lanl.ia the 4iab-a of California On goo Nevada, and WaalilnKton Territcry," aa ez lended to all the I ublljLand Hut tee bv act of Ansuate, IMri, lleurv Ml rkca ot Banaack, county of Bte er Head, Hiale of Montana, hialblsday bled in tbla offloehla 'Worn eiate im t No. for the purchase of Lot lt-4 HKW WlteoUia9 ndNtS4 NWol section No. SI In 1'uwnablp No. i, U, ttauja lo. ft E. W. And will offer proof to enow that tha land ought U mora valuable Or lie Mmber or une than for tricullnral parpnae. and to eotabluih bis claim to asid I ad before the KaitltYand Receiver at La Grand, Oregon. 01: WedaeMlav. tne jntb day of June IWk. Ha names aa wllnaaaee: Albert C Lamp, Ed ward liemp. John Drlacull, Joacpu A. liunler all of Bolae, Idaoo. Ant and all eraonsd lmln( adveraely Ihe abveHl.acrlbed lands ara leqneatad to file l bolr claima IniblaoOlceoa or before amid lot b day of Juua. IV06. . K. W. Da via. krguter MOu.irc a - locky Mountain Tea Nugrjoti A Basy MalWas In Wttf Fanla ' Brian Oaldan nVtlik aai KaasW VTjee. a. sjMclfM for Oirutlpatloe, IndUraatlon. TJv aM Kidney Troubkee. nmpiea. Ecaawis, Impure Hood. Bad Breath. (llulh Bowela, Headaeba SndBaokaoba. It's Kooky Kouataln Tea la tab. t form, as oents a boa. Geonlne made by SouiSTaa Daoa Oompavv, Mad aw. Wis. mum wnosn ru tuxov nona At BRITISH COLUMBIA OPERA HOUSE AMUSEMENTS A crowded house saw "Around the Town" last night as presented by the Murray and Mack Corrpiny. From the time the two Irisli comedians stepped on tie boards ti I the curtain fell on the last last act, it was one continual round of laughter. Tha repartee carried on at the expense of Murray as Michael O'Brien was full of humcr and original wit, When ever either of tnese two art s ts appeared a real joke was sun to follow. Inter mingled with the trials of these tw per- HEW RtAl ESTATE Of fid I have moved my real estate and 2 insurance office to room 3 over J M Berry's store, where I am better equipped than ever to handle farm 2 lands and city property. I also write fire insurance on farm prop- arty. Q. H. Powers. 2 The Minnesota Land Man. J TIMBER LAND. ACT JUNE 3. 'S78 NOTICE FIR PUBLICATION. 0. . Land Office ai Ln Orange. Ore Maicn 7h. IWM. Nolle- la hervl.y irlven ihl in compliant with Ih provi'i,iu of Iheact of Ootitirtt JnneX, i7.elill,led 'M'" ! Il.r III ..e o' timber landi t , inc. iiMto or l allfomln, it. icon. Nevadi. rfiol VVHflfiialon T.tritoi-v.' a extended -o " o nii.li.. I..,d m bv H ' of Ausul 4, ! M hia Molitor of la Giaud'.t'oo. t - f Unt. ii, sit of urK 'O. hur thi. dav fii-! in tliip Ira Ida woru Kim, NO StuU. for the luirrlli.ae ofthe N K W of Ser No IHI T lrp Xo. Is, Hanae j K W .V. And will o' er root b enow thai the afMtxhi i Ttiori. vaioab . for lt iimiier rr U'ie Than fot i.tfrlcllliiiral purpoait. and lo tHthh I lK'-lnlin lomil.l Hnd Ik-fore 11. Kicii-r hiwI Knilvrt at L ilmnd h-i KO, op H.ilurliiy. lite V !' ' M y IW16 He tiainen a. !tn.: iiiii. shiil ur, John Hlilill' v. Ii , Aiina 11 i .'tor-. .! tin 1 W ill..ni o 'loi a tii .ii r. ur. oii Ant Mlid all iiii,i. clallollia . a.l v.-PM V Ihenliov d-crlh lun art- rwiu ld o tie thf-lrcli'ii'. I?. ihlHnice.tt o iforpMiid Vh ii.v ni My Iw w. Iiavw. Befiatei SHOULD CE INVESTIGATED AMattor of . utmost importance Residents of La Grande. You cannot afford to ignore this oppor tunity to secure one of the strictlv new and high-grade pianos at the ridiculously low figure at which wa ara offering them in our introductory Sale. This sale includes such strictlv hiah- grade pianos at tha Weber, Chickenng Kimball, Hazelton, Steek. Hobart M. Cable, Schumenr, etc.' Besides tha fin assortment of brand new pianos which ar being sold at ab solutely wholesale cash cost, wa have also slightly used and rented piano which art being aold at last than ona half their orginial cost. Her ara a few of the remainins enact. A nearly new Sherwood. in handsome oak cass is going for $168, a beautiful Stutzand Banci in walnut case onlv $184, a Kimball piano most as good as new, in fin condition formly sold for $300 can b bought now for $190. Now la th time to get a piano. You cannot afford to mis this .chanc. It coma but once in a life time. Remem ber tha place, Blar Piano House. IS 17 Adam Ava. The T J WHERE THE MACK SWAIN THEATRE CO. BROKE " STANDING: CHECKS c.c 'on'lersaf 1 ni 3n and hapoy Hoo i gan. was a lot of cstchy sorgi and dances by principals and chorous girls, Miss Van made a hit In sing:ng aa ledaing lady and especially "Lindy Lou.'V "In my merry Oldsmobile" wis well liked as sung by Mist Parcell. An other excellent musical number was Miss ParceD'a rendition of "My Hindoo Man" assisted by the chorous. . The Trodade- o quartette brought down the house witn their singing and was encored many times. During the 1(S' act the swing ng scene elic ted much applause. L;ng swing-, carried the singers way out over tha r chettra circle. A beaut ful arrangem nt of incddtsoent light, made this the pretty est stage setting during the performance. The bjxing match between Murray and Mack, tho crossed lovdrs, was really fun ny. . ....a S;.. . , ilKHK l.AfD ACT JI'NK a. I7 .Mil H K FOR IT HI irTiO . f. fc. Ipd Office at La f-tir Ken. 'I lw-6 Nnllna In nerehv alven thai a enn i Iimi . Will the trovtlnpr ot the art el Vol rr-e. t I mum, ll7. . piMefl "A .c 'or th. (i Mnwv edele ibwiate. ol raitfon b. ( on. Nevada. NPd WrhIiIi'itiip Trrii rv " troderi tr all Pol lr l.r 'Imim I Jrl 'W""it l1f. MHiileMc!inlHi.i of I. Oihi (1. countv Ol rnlon, Mate ol Into i nna iii'adav fli.,i m tl.la optc. tt l'.U-oeiii No. M7II. for the i prla- of l jjWl ul No M ' lown.li N. - t snnt-. Hur en No hi K. W M. A.oi will nffer priMti to ! i a i?u tl lat altl le mote VHln hle In tl. llnhrr t one tpan for aerietittiirai rPipo. ard ianilh hfrclaiir in ald land Win. ! Kiiatr and Kecee ai La e di iaw--o Mon ia? Ilia, iny - I Met-, 'h oro l'ir.- (in h. Konivt iuini'a K. Hiiteman, ' h irlen Kki ur L U a ide ta.r . hii i u.i lrd P. Hiirueii, -o at key, iwirun . api wi irioiia clalniiit adveravl me above rtearr'b d i d an. r ii aieo l.irti. il-iir claliri in Ihli office ttunr i eto a n ii Win l i . or May, hj ' " ' ' ' a i li Timber , Land Act June 3, 878 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. 11. H. Laud OtTlca. ' t.rHnde, r. M rob M. IK16 Nmioe In hereby aiven lb . ,n .iiniilniiHu villi UK' i.iih UI011. of the aci of ioiKieaa iii.ie i. ihik, voiiio'd 'An act lor tin' xiie if ; iii.n. r mioi-. in tnr 10 uiiiorniH, (i.. foil. Vwviidn ami WiiNh.naion Territory," a. ".xtenitfil lo Hli the Pniiitr ijtnd huili o ac: Voir. 1, m All erl U. Leo p o H-Ue tantnty ol A ,' Mii uf l i'o, h Ihlii lov tlli-il 111 (hia olTlc his soru lHli 011M1I. No 'Ho7. for 1111 ini-t-i'niM hi ii.e -K . W HK! -K- ol r- rtlmi Ni :i, 111 .01 01 it, R.Mo. . K .ll.,i'. will oiler 1 Tool I..V.IOW 1 inn 1 he land aoiixn Iff more valuable tm ita ilmtier ot ktoiiftliM foraKnculluml puipwa,atid i. oxlolill.li hi claim Ui mild land tier. rn the IveittnLeraiid Hi wivor of thia office at La Urunde. i ir. ou. 01 W.'ilnr.dn.v, me JUUI on ol J Un -, IIIDb. He nann aaa wilne-aia: John .iriwui , lo'ep1 lliintei, llen y Kiikrn, aim Edward Lao u all bol-e Mull". Any and all persons claiming adveiacly tl tooviMiewrlhi-d Innna ar.j rK(uei'H u HI thctrotalmaln ibis ifllur on or before at All U U. J Ol nUt, 6. r- w. PaviM, Hmlaiei DeWitt DeWIM's the ram Is look for when ' ft K ro to buy witch Haral Salve. Witt's Wltck Haul Salve Is tha ortrtnal and only tamitne. In fact DeWltt't nth only Wltck hiatal Salva that Is awia from lbs anaduliaratad Witch-Hazel AD others ar eountarfttte ease biri. titk, cheap and worthleas area duitereut. DeWltt'a Witch HaielSahra la a specific for Ptlea: Blind. Bleadln. ItchlntandPratradlncPllaa, AlwCuta, Buraa, Bralaea, Sprains, Laceratlona, Contualont, Bolls, Carlninclas. Eciema. Tetter. Sell Rbaom, and all other Skia '. SALVE naraaat) ar CCDtVmttoe,cua A. T. HILL Drugs'it Theatre . p .i ALL RCOiOJ AND PifSS AG!NT TALKS The greatest attendance any theat rical event in tha N. W. during the cur rent season was that drawn by the Swain Theatre Co in Vancouver B. C. Jan 23th a flash light of which is roptoduced here with. This picture was taken two minutes be fore the curtain rw on the first act of "The Belle of Richmond" t wh'ch time 6 1 8 s a idin j r im cnecks had bean aold and the five offica's had ordered the doirs closed. . - . It is safe to say that this represent probably the greatest house that has i evor greated a Cortpany in Vancouar. Tne Swam Co, now on a furawl' 'oir of tie Wist, preparatory to nth stock engagements in Poruand a id Seattle, open a five nights) engagement here tonight with "The Balls of R ch- f KLLI n. rr til Mil KEY Candidate Fcr Republ cm Nomination For l 'ed Se'at r For The Short Term. A Prominent Citizen and Eusinsts Mar, Of Portland Ha This To Sy Of : Mr. Mulkey. Fred W, Mulkev ws born in Portland Oragon. and s a residon' of .1 native . city. He is a young man with ver accomplishment which shouid qualify him : for thia high office. He is a gradual ot t tha fata Ilnivaralta nt Clrann the hUu. roric law bcnooi or nsw Tor iu:ty. ana is a lawysr of hig.i s ending, a man who ha travaisd azUnsivsly in our own coun FRED ''.''' ' ' ' . . .. i . ;- ' , ! '. :'.... ' . I v-.. " .':' f - P""!W 1 .1 1 . sjt T-ni "it1TTT'pTip iij B, j, ijuiii) iw nniT rnni w . j.. . , j. 11 L.S.a , .t, 'Mi laiiann mm ltaU...L , f. . .. jZ.. .J... PLAYED TO CAPACITY AND 510 "-oid" said by cont ni-irtnnus cties t be one of the strongast and most beauti ful p.ays ever staged. ' In th hanaa of this strong and well bala ced cast with a full complement of schemes and electrical sett ngs the event is one of especial i.vert ta local theatre goers and w ,1 in a,l probability draw tha !ars pitronaga it doserves, LO JT 3ant!e"nin's red leather pursa C5n a;mngcird and five dollar gold piesj. Return to this oiflce and recieva reward. , KUXMAGE SALE The Isd ss of tha Episcapal church will hold tie r regular spring rummage sale ori April 2?th and 2dtn. . try at well as abroad. H has studied .ur insiitjtons and csmpsred them with foreign c wntrie. H !s a log;cai thinker, a fo-ca ul speaksr anJ an adept parlia mentarian. He h .s many fr ends, both rcn and (oor. tn he is a caur;eou iea tlemsn at ll timj. " Hiii a R ipu'V.isan always. Ha has suprted all the nominees )f tha Rpub--lican tcket at all times. He is as loyal to hi party as to his friend. Ha has con. fidenc in th people and witling to aoia oy their decision at td primary election. . Oregon needs such men a Fred W. Mulkey. Tn Republican party red uch mn, and th voters should see that tuch man ar nominated and !ectd. W, MULKEY 3