t ' GRAND PRE-EASTER SALE ! JUST ARRIVED j AT' LOCAL ITEMS , : l - ; UO Si $2 1 THE GOLDEN RULE STORE I SPECIAL BARGAINS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT This store dons its be t drs$ that the people of U Grande and Grande Ronde valley may have a opportunity to inspect under the most favorable conditions our Immense stock of grral merchandise, the greatest ever shown in Eastern Oregon. No expense has ben spared to make the event one long to be remembered, and which will go down in store history as the most successful exhibition of its kind ever attempted in La Grande GET INTO STYLE, STEP WITH EASTER'S GAND MARCH Friday ana 3 aturuay Specials Ladies' tailored Skirts and Jackets. Men's Clothing and Fancy Neckwear. Infants and Children's Shoes. All Crockery arid Glassware. THE GOLDEN RULE COMPANY I 1308, 13 JO, J. U 2 Adams Avenue. ! Largest Storo- Smallest Prices J 44 aa. A f lllllff III SHOES : The Mew Spring Styles now in Come and Examine !A. V. ANDREWS,! AMUSEMENTS TAILOR and HABERDASHER BUY A LOT IN H0AF INVFSTMENT ADDITION ; Each lot nearly an acre with water right. We sell these tracts on installments $25.00 TASH, AND $5.00 PER "AvOMT.t'f These tracts are the best bargains to be ob tained in La Grande. I JLa o ran do investment Co. We writ Insurance, make abstracts, and want your loans. AROUND THE TOWN Murray and Mack, the popular pur veyor of Irish comedy will be teen this season in en entirely new effort entitled "Around the Town" which ha been written with a view to fit their Dersonal- ity. That the author has sueeeadad ia an established fact It i a story of Irish life in new York City and the complications follow in rapid order. As a laush Dro- ducer It Is a wonder. Strong specialties. big company, beautiful costumes. ' full equipment of scenery, a chorus of male and female voices are some of the feat ures of this new production. Monday April 9th Stewards opera house. - RETURN OF THE FAVORITES It is with the greatest satisfaction that he management announcee a return en gagement cf -The Mack Swain Theater Co." for 6 nights commencing Tuesday April 10th. The Swain Co. is with out doubt the strongest organization of its kind in the west, and in starring the the talented and versatile actress Cora King Swain has won the most flattering endorsement of both press and public through-out the entire country and in Vancouver, B. C. Tacoma. Portland and all the large cities has broken all records in attendance and popularity. Dr. T. R. Monk, of Summerville is In the city today transacting business. U E. Swop, of Elgin, returned this morni ng from a business trip to Portland. Orvil Hall, a lending business man of Joseph, was in the city the first of the week. Mrs. James McEwen returned this morning from a visit with her son and daughter at Perry. Mm. C. H. Finn, who has been trend ing the past winter in Portland, raturnad home this morning. L. H. Russel who has been in Chieas for the past six weeks writes that he will return in a few daye. T. B. Woodcock of Boise. Idaho ia In the city today. He is connected with a large hide and fur firm at that place. LeroyLomax and Will Hutchinson Jr. arrived home from Canada last week where they purchased three sections of land and will go into the stock busineaa on an extensive scale. Scout. Mr. Charles Palmer, Mrs. John Palmer arrived from Baker City on last nighfe train to attend the celebration of Grand ma Palmer's 9 2d birthday which occured cooay. MM j. j- r . maul in i Jmrrnn ia rtm r rr ... l ... - . Bwniy w urn m great event in Portland soon, f Ralph W. Hoyt Is a native son and has become the popular candidate for State Treasurer because he says: -State funds collected in a county must remain on dann.it in mat county. Kev. John Dressier whoaa hnma ; in Nebraska but who cama from Pvrt. Idaho will take charire of the Cova M K k..k X 1 L . . uiiuikii. minost immea ate v artjir Mr Dressier s arrival he was aummonad tn the bunal of his son who lived in Rnift with his wife and two children. The members of his church cave him a enrdinl welcome to his new field on his return to Cove. Col. F. S. Ivanhoe returned last even ing from an extensive trip through Wal lowa county in the interest of his cam paign for district attorney. He states that he is well pleased with the outlook and will get a good vote. . He lived so many years in that county and has kept in such close touch with it since that after the tour he has just made he certainly knows the conditions as they exist. The city teachers are in North Powder today attending the teachers' m.M.irm . that place. Miss McKinlay will deliver a lecture on "Literature." and a miarratto composed of Mesdames Martin and Neill! Misses Williams and Aldrieh will fnmi.k the music for the occasion. Those who went from here were: Prof, and Mrs. Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Bragg, Misses Deal, Williams; McKinlav. Huff. Batvar' Ritrnra Kuhn, Qrimmett Chambers. Aldrieh' McIIroy. Eva Neill, Wilkinson. Mrs. Neill, Prof. Hockenberrv and Pmf Twt,... 4 . w a hua M 1 VI Island City. A carload of doors and windows atl sizes and kinds guaranteed first class. If you are going to build let us figure with you for anything in building ma terial. Also a complete stock of poultry netting. Good fence and wire gates. Do not forget about our fishing tackle, you will need soma soon 22 Calibre Rifles : I have all kinds, and prices, in proportion; the kinds S that kill. - MRS. N. MURPHY I Hardware and crockery. T (JUMUklD In PukILAMJ (Scrtppe New Association) San Francisco, April 7. News was re ceived here this afternoon of the caDtura at Portland of Pietro Tortorci who killed Biagg-a Vialdro in this city last April by dismsmbering the body with a cleaver. Water Superintendent Giiman is uinr Mill creek water now and the city pumps have been shut down since a week aao Thursday. The result is Quite a avina to the city. The city fountain Is again readv for the public use. The water was turnea on this moming, and Water Superintendent Giiman has ordered the repairs for the broken trough. Mrs. C. H. Finn return sd home this morning after spending the w.niar in Portland. Mre. William Morrison Is convalsscing from an operation performed some weeks ago, - B. Croiner is her m the interest of Colliers Weekly. Manager Steward drove to Eloin yes terday morning returning in the after noon by way of Summerville. A orattv good drive for one horse. APPOINTS WS FRIEND (Scrlpps News Association) Washington. AdHI 7. The told Senator Carter todav that ha would appoint A. W. Merrifleld. of Flathead, to be United States Marshal of Montana, up on the expiration of Cant in r.h.ri.. Lloy's term in December. Merrifleld is an old ranch friend of the President and was a member of the Rough Riders. BAD MAN (AUGHT (Scrlpps News Association) Portland, Oregon, April 7 Jack Mitch. ell accussed in five states of horse steal ing, train robbery and the murdar of f om deputy sheriffs, and who has repeatedly secured ne would never be taken alive, was captured near Eupana here this morning. He will be taken to Idaho to stand trial for murder. He rob bed a Northern Pacific train in Montana two years ago killed on of the possee was next hunted for hors sterling in Idaho. and at that time, it wa whn he killed hi pursurer. . church at imbur ; Last Monday night Rev. D. S. Smith of Elgin organized a Methodist society at Imbler. Lots were secured for a church and the work of building wilt commence at an early date. &Sa . HIGH LIVING s possible at low cost. Our patrons are particularly well fed. vet none could be accused of spending too much money on th "inner man." At 1 THE MODEL RESTAURANT excellent meals are served at a very reasonable price. The food is of the finest Quality: well cooked and well served. Dining room is well appointed and comfortable. The Model Restaurant J. A. At buckle, Proprietor AND NI Hit V.i weekly J Cft Mrs. F. S. Ivanhoe is over from, Pen dleton to spend Sunday with the family. fflf STRIKE There's nothing better Swift's Premium Hams Bacon and Lard, Remember "Swifts Prem ium Brand" tends for all that Is best A full line always on hand. THE CITY GROCERY AND BAKERY C. POLACK. Propr. MAM (Scrlpps New Association) Springfield. Ill, April 7-The end of the Bret week of th coal ttrik shows little chang. Th operator have lost a few adherent. Th on hundred mine which hav signed represent only on million ton. Thr are nine hundred thirty two mines in the fifty-four counties. of these 808 produce all but two million ton of th total output of thirty-seven million ton per year. . FINAL CONFERENCE New York April 6 The anthracite road and Independent operator met in secret conference today to aiv their final consideration of th proposition to arbi trate mad by President Mitchell, of th t444 Ttttt IIIHI MS MMMMMOMIMM 7 I .. i. ...... j i; STEIN BLOCK AND ADLER'S CLOTHING AT Wholesale Prices Means a great saving to the man who would dress well. We intend to discontinue our men sand Boys' department, therefore our money saving opportunities on all lines, including new spring and summer apparel, should interest every man and boy. READ ON f a $ 7 ft Will dres, you with a new spring style sack, they are well worth to th - . I ,0 J wearer $12.00 9 7 S f0'11001, in1 ,urcutMclt.vry best of srg lining and hair cloth I J 'ront A nw spring uit that any man would pay $12.60 to $18.00 IA 7 f 3r!.lin,!.0f-uiU ef.t.il ity of upwards of six styles, in black, and U. I O XZTxRX&'vt Thrar. regular $18.00. 16.60 and 1 A C C !,lud? hieh ,tandar1 c,oth tht you pay any reputable merchant X J J u,lor trom 50 to $0 for. Th Stein Block and Adler's suite wiU be found M in this offer. You can sav on thee garments a th regular pric rang TO i Q A A froni8to$27 1 OsUU We Invite you to Investigate for yourself : - , . II ' ' , .. Agents for the Ladies' Home Journal Patterns CHICAGO STORE Agents for the Ladies' Home Journal Patterns . United Mine Workers.