La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, April 06, 1906, Image 6

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    (wsm)) Bill
Every day in the week at Mrs. J. R.
Forrest's. Prices lower than aver known
Trimmer from Gage's of Chicago.
L.. Jg vv v. Ah? ' a i
ra caused by Indigestion. If you eat a
little too much, or if you art subject to
attacks of Indigestion, you hav no doubt
had shortness f breath, rapid heart beats,
heartburn or palpitation of the heart
Indigestion causes the stomach to
expend swell, and puff up agwnst the
heart. This crowds the heart and inter
feres with its action, and in the course of
time the heart beconos diseased.
Dyspepsia Cure
digests what you eat, takes the strain off
of the heart, and contributes nourishment,
strength and health to every organ of the
body. Cures Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Sour
Stomach, Inflammation of the mucous
membranes lining the Stomach and Diges
tive Tract, Nervous Dyspepsia and Catarrh
of the Stomach,
After tallnf . my food ould distress me by maklnf
any heart palpitate end I ivould become very weak.
Finally I got a bottle of Kodol and It gave me Immr
SiAte relief. Alter using a few bottles 1 am cured.
i had stomach trouble and was In a bad tiste as I
had heart trouble with it. 1 took Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure (or about lour months and It cured me. ,
D. KAUBLB, Nevada, a
Digests What You Eat
Poll m tMrttt. holds r-i
tltft M M iaM
trlitl, r 10 tat tit:
rrrevr4 tvt U Lb
r evwrr r 1 . 0 . D W 1 1
0e),,6hlxtO,P A.
A.T, HIIL Dru..
(First publication March 12th, 1 90S.)
In the circuit court of the state of Ore
gon for Union County.
John Wilson Plaintiff
C. A. Staples Defendant
To C. A. Staples, the said defendant:
In the name of the state of Oregon, you
are required to appear and answer the
complaint in the above entitled cause and
court on or before April 25th, 1 906, or In
default thereof, the plaintiff will take
judgement against you for the sum of
$87.78, with intertst thereon at the rate
of six per cent per annum after October
2d., 1904, together with his costs and
disbursements and order for sale of at
tached property. This summons Is serv
ed upon you by publication in the La
Orands Evening Observir, published at
La Grande, Oregon, for six consecutive
weeks, by order of Hon. Robert Eakin,
Judge of the above entitled court, dated
March lOtn, 1906.
Attorrey for Plaintiff,
In t' -tltcnli Ohm hi ih-m o On iinn for
I'll Inn ('utility.
Ma'wi Ward, Matnlltl, 1
V". Hurrmrn.
Ws tvr A ward IVftnclmu )
TnUi li.r A. Wnrd, Ilia Bamtii de
OUKJIt.N ),tiar,' ireb. mmmciiHl . an
iair end enwe. ur otherwise nluad -o Hi
rvimpiM'nl flird avatnl yu in tn a''nen
tlil.d u I, ivu or tnKjr, thi trd day ul Febru
ary, Its.
Y,i will rttrthrr Inks fotliw t at ir ,011 full
piMirt or rvfU't luen aip -Mr iif five I within
wild illiif. the plalntjft will tl ereufler tjil
to the abiiv. entt'led court t r the relief de
inuiutrtl In her cuiuplMiiti. lo-wil; (hi For a
drr tllesnlvliia til- intmla enntrnoi he.
tw.en jou mid jliu (Taint lur almo'utc dl
von- fr,m H; tb) thai ahe Le rleereed tlir
leitialv, rnet.idy nf Arthur E. War, tnluo
eon of plain trraod aVfeitiliint: (i) for her on-la
mnl di.burtiufiiie lit thla auit: id) l.r aim
f-:illMrandnitier nrdera as ehat be tipeesaarj
and uronrrlut inaklnii u b derue attunive:
I) and lur ucli o'iiit attd lurtb r relil ae
eliail be Hin t and ntullabi.
'1 hie summons la puil anxil by virtue of an
rrder HiBite anil e' I led herein, by ilie Iktu
II. A. Hur aim I'.iiinlt J ml jr. fi.r lit ..n
imu, rt le ,r miti n, dated .laminry Sth
llan. p' th'a autmn.iiia nhmd ! pui
ltlii lur am I'otiwcvttv wv-k. nnd mi
a vii pii'llcutlnne ln-mif in the l-a i. ramie
Wtealy ih-rvi", uua tli.l if So pnniics
tlun tlirrtxif hon d be tb I'itli day ol J-inuiir
iMib. and the umi nmuh'atitiu hi'nri , ill ltd
day w February, lis, r'. . iViMI K.
Alto iiey lur n l.i I t
tUVy lilUJilVuiti iCv '
A Fusy Xedloins for B017 Ftwp e.
n.'-il GMica Bralth sod Ueoevel V.ju
uneolfto forCmellpatlon, In-llireitlon. 1 1
Ad Kidney Trouhlea. Plmpleii. Impi.
BUxkI, Bail Breath, 81iiiflh Dowels, (Tea lm-1
and Dackarhtt. It's Roeky MounMIn Tea In lal
let form, HH cent ho. O-niiinn mad b;
lioujrria Dana Coupat, Madlenn, Wis.
Tl.s p'lt . "'in? ncti n nnil curative pnprtie of this great remedy have
iuik'c V . ;. For The BIdihI " u houwhold sayitt);, ami thousands who are
t ;.' tnjtn inv perfect lienith owe their recovery from blood or skin diseases
to this un.vcr..!ly used blood medicine. S. S. S. is made entirely from roots,
herbs and barks which possess not only cleansing. and healing ingredients,
but building-up and strengthen ing properties to keep the blood in perfect
crder. No one can be well when the blood is impure ; they lnclt the energy
nd strength that is natural with health, the complexion becomes pale anil
allow, the vitality is weakened and they suffer from a general broken down
condition. When the waste or refuse matter, which nature intends shall be
thrown off, is left iu the system because of a sluggish, torpid condition of
the expelling members, it is absorbed into the
GUARANTEED blood, making this vital stream wctk, sour and
r; r f mm acrid, and its condition is manifested by boils
rntt r l( O M pimples, rashes, blotches and other eruptions of
MINERALS. lhe skin' S' S' ptK's inU tlie circulation
, , ' and removes every particle of blood taint or
poison of every character, makes the blood fresh and strong and gives energy
to the entire body. When the blood has been cleansed by S. S. S. all skin
diseases iind eruptions pass away and the smooth clear skin, glowing with
health, shows that the body is being nourished by rich, pure blood. Rheu
tr;it!nm. Catarrh, S ires and Ulcers, Scrofula, Contagious Blood Poison, etc.,
re nil deep ce.ited Mood disorders, and for their cure nothing equals S. S. S.
It dots not injuriously affect the most delicate parts of the body and can be
tal-.'. it with tiu-fit't s-vfety by old or young. Book on the blood and any
lUunicul uJv ice ileaircd without charge.
G. N, Sh p'ey, the wall known Pas
sad i w torse buyer win has visited
Pendleton several times m the past year
for the pjrpose of buying Urn I'.illa Indian
ponies tor the Californ a wir.tcr resorts.
isc I h?ck' com after the fiftii ship
mer.t of thess ponies for the Su.i.iys de
Shetland farm at Santa Barbara, Cal.
n r. Shipley has sent over 103 pjnies
out of Pendleton in thj past two years
nd finds them a favorite class among
the rici tourists and residents of the Cal
ifornia winter resorts. The ponies are
tamed and broken to drive in basket bug
gies, tandem teams and f-ishonib ca ts
and other vehicles usad by millionaires ot
the Golden state and are found to be
highly suited to these uses
He will select a num'oer of spotted and
old colored ponies for the next shipment
and hopes to send out about SO choice
animals. A number of the Umatilla pony
mares have been enssed with Shetland
stallions and bear ah excellent bread of
small ponies of tha best disposition and
highly adapted to family use on account
of their docility. East Oregonian.
TIMBER LM1 i, CT JUNE 3, 1878
U. . 1-ai 1 Orfloe, La Uininle, Oregon.
Murrh, r J,!,,.
Notice la fcn by itlven that I ' iiiiiiiIImiic.
Iui Oic 'ru 1 oiiHoftho iu t of l oiurM o.
JutmH, IUV'H, f tmJ"An m l liir tli wile m
tuiiiM r Ihiiu. In lliv mhIi a or t'Hllloritlii, tin
tfon vi,ua a ,ri waHlilii)toit IVi-ritori," u
FXUMiiltil to 1 Hid I'lilillr, linil Hliu.-c b hi
of Atitfiiil 4, Met I ia loa I. I. In . n 1.
ul ikrni , oil' ly of Ail 1, -itHii o 1 ImIii..
Iiaa 1 hit ily filed In llila tiflUr h ,
aworn -.itifioni fo. UTiVi. for tin purt-lutNe 01
In- i.r me -vtm fk 'tj ftrH 1,1 .iMiiii
No i a l'ownntilp No. ,1, rMiutli IU : trc No. a.
E. V. M.
And will otTer phMif to how that IMp limn
ouirtit la iiuir - vhiuhI.ih lor I in tiinlmr 01
stone thai, for HKrivuiUirul porpiiHra, and to
MtnbllHb tied uiu alil 1,111.1 twiora Hie
KKlter 1 nil , kiwrnt hi La
(irutide, Oiefcon, oa Tuwluy, the louli dav l
M, lUUu,
He names aa wlttieneat Chailes E
VfrbtofB' line, Idaho; Hnrb-rt F, L. m ol
Hoia, InHlio, Henry toeenbetg of Uo t,
lilnhn; Jim K. Haleman. 1j r. niln, "re,
Any and all peraona claiming adveraely the
aliove deaorllied luauta are rviiutaited to ftl
ttietr clHlma In till- ofttoe on or before a.!.
Will day of May, ItWi.
K. W. Davis, kaflatsr.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878 Notict
For Publication
I'. H Land Office at La Grande, Oregot
- " " ' ' March. 4; inns
Noll a la hereby flvn that In complianr
with the proelnlona of the art of Cooi(ir o
June IkleVn. anlitiod "An act Kir Ilia aaleo
tlmlier 'a daiu thk atea of fjahfornia, or
gun, Nevada -nd Waaiilrgton Territory", a
ext. nded to all tha I ubllc Land Hialea by an
of AuauKl ittt lhtrj, Herliert V. Kemp, ol
Bolaa euuni of Ada, elate of idsho
baa this day Died In tbla olHce hla awon
tatem'nt No, .47M. for the purehaae ol th
HJj NKH endE', KKVo Heel Ion ' So 4
lu t 'wn.lilp No. o, Houtb Knnaa Noa5 K W M
And will offer prooi to ahow I but the Uor
sought la more valuable for lla Umber 01
tone thee fin aarinllurul piirpoaea, and It
twiahlmh 1 la claiia to a'd lend befoie th.
Kigleierann turelr of the U H lnd Otflc
ai La Urande, Oregon on Xueeday tht
Will dyorMay, lU6.
rle n am aa WilD,aaaa. rharlaa t. T Mna.
cn'elti", ofllolHi Inaho: Hei rr Wewnbe'g,
Iki ae. Idaho: Ul erlra K. 'A hb, iktiae. Id b :
J. K. Beteman, La Urande Urasou.
- Any ami a't persrn, claiming ad vr reel th'
above deacrlbed 'anda are reo,uated lo dl-
ineir i miinK in ra omce ua or DeliHe aal'
W da of May, MUD.
r'reh a lomi
. . IT, H, Land Office at La Grande, ore
Notice la hereby given that In compliance
wiin me pruviHiima 01 inv act or vonyreaa 01
mile- o, ipio, en,i,ieu -n.n act tor me aa e tw
timber lamia In the MUtea of Calirornla. fin
.in, Nevada, and Washington Territory," ai.
miriiiini t all toe f uimc UHIIII taiee ny act
of Aiigual 4, Itotl, Chirm K. ehn ol
nuiMi, county or Ada, Htate of Malic,
haa thla day hltd In tltla orttce hi.
worn atateinent No, e'fr , hir the purvhaae ol
the riwi, of Heo Nik aj In Towualilp No,
4, Houth. Range No. K. W. M.
And will ottiir proof u allow that the land
ioukIiI la mora valuahla for lu timber ot
stone than for agricultural puriHwes. and to
aaMbllah hla claim to enld land before the
Keglaier and Herelvvr at La Urande.
Oregon, on Tuesday, the Wud day of May
He nainea aa wKneaaea: Herbert K. I.inip,
of Holm) liHIlo: Iiilc I, l lliuenliltir. ol
Kol-a Miih'i; rienrv W m nlnirx of Hols
i ien.i;jN r. n li in.n.ol a ttrande.
ABV and all lumin. ,.Uhna u.i.avuIh
he above described lamia noueated to Hie
Uielr claims In Una ornoe no or before aald
nu uay 01 Ala, mitt.
K W n.vls, KeglHter
'' '
; . 'j
' ; i
Dr. James Withycombe. of Corvallis,
Republican candidate for governor, was
in the city last evening on his way from
Salem to his home. He has filed his peti
tion and is ready for the primaries, when,
aosording to the reports coming from all
p rts of the state, hi wilt dojhtless be
nominated to head the Republican ticket
at the June election fo- the position of
chief executive of the State of Oregon.
From all parts of the state come the
most encouraging reports to Or. Withy
combe, and it is becoming more evident
every day that he is one of the best cam-
(Scrip pe News Association)
London, April 6. The Bill introduced
in the House of Commons last month and
aiming at the removal of the embargo of
Canadian cattle, cans up for a secend
reading today and an interesting debate
followed. Tna supporters of the measure
include several Canadian members,
There is every hop that the Bill will
eventually pass the lower House, but
it is feared that it will be defeated in the
House of Lords.
Murray and Mack, tha popu'ar pur
veyors of Irish comedy will be seen this
season in an entirely new effort entitled
Around tha Town" which has been
written with a view to fit their personal
ity. That the author has succeeded is an
established fact.' It is a story of Irish life
in New York City and the complications
follow In rapid order. As a laugh pro
ducer it is a wonder. Strong specialties.
big company, beautiful costumes, full
equipment of scenery, a chorus of male
and female voices ara soma of the feat
ures of this new production. Monday
April 9th Stewards opera house.
The Mack Swain Theatre Company
will oDena five nights engagement at
Stewards opera house Tuesday evening
This Company is well known here and
though the show gave satisfaction before.
Mr. Swain promises an even better show
this time, the Company is stronger but
the Drices rema n tha same. 1 0-20 and
So cents. 1
paign orgen'zers In the state, and it is
conceded by the most skillful politicians
that ha is a successful campaigner. If he
is as vigorous and careful in his campaign
far the election as he has been in the
primary campaign, he will come nearer
polling the prty vote than try other
man in the state. He is a m i )f iction
a speaker of ability end tr pid th nker
and will give a good accDur.t 5 himse'f
when the time comes. On cv;ry puolic
question he has boldly and fearlessly
taken a stand without quibo Inj or -quiv-ocation.
and his opponents h& left him
severely alone throughout the cvn.a gn.
Albany Herald.
. a a. a a
''We see so many little' boyi r.nd girls
about town who are weak. tliin-Ugged
and hollow-cheeked,'' aaid Mr. Newlin of
the Newlin Drug Co. "It seems a shame
to allow them to remain so f.r chey wil
grow up into weak, sickly and nervous
men and women, without the v'tality to
work or enjoy life."
"If," continued Mr. Nev.Iln. ' tie fathers
and mothers of such children would be
lieve what we say of Vinol, we wiuld see
a great difference in tha appearance of
the younger generation of this city. You
know Vinol is not a patent medicine, and
s just tha tonic growing children need.
It will make for them good, het'thy flesh
sound bona, hard muscle, and rlc l blood
True, Vinol is a cod liver oil prepar
ation, but it does not contain a drop o
oil, or any bad tasting feature. It is so
delicious that all children love it. yet it
actually does contain all the madUal cur
ative elements found in fresh cad's liveta
and is the most wholesome and best
medicine for children we eVer sold.
'It is because we know what Vinol
will do that we guarantee,' if it fails to
make your children well, ruggsd and rosy.
to refund your money." Newlin Drug Co
A large shipment of Records reached
us this morning from the factory,
and hear them. You will likely
some of them.
W. K. Davis.
1316 Adams Ave.
Every family in town should have a
box of soap from ouf window this week
at 20 cts. Come in or telephone us.
Newlin Druo Co.
i mm i i ai naii in wareei
A- ; :
f A ClczUl:"
Is the vrorst Vinrl of poverty. However
rich a woman may be, if her health is
poor" she is poor iiuleerl. She hn no
ai)tite for fixxl and the choicest di'-e
cannnt tempt her. . Slir and tosse.
through a rest ess niyht on a .
vhti'i.i uiifjht woo an empress to slumber,
she has no t&renfrth for household cares.
:io ilslSeht in soci.".l pleasure. She sit
"pcri.eil u; in a glistering grief wearitii
a golilen sorrow.'' She is a wiie uu.
mother. But she has no hnppiness in
either relation. Shekttoi slier htiilMind'f
life is set in tune ami time to the miliar
inus'c of her own misery. If her child
laughs or cries , her nerves quiver with
" . ...
Aslc sucn a woman it sne wouin nice to
be well; to hex husband's comrade,
her child's playmate. Could there be
but one answer i
Such a woman can get well if she will.
All her symptoms indicate a diseased
condit on of the delicate womanly or
ganism. Cure that condition and the
woman will be lifted up to the full en
joyment of health. ' '
In liiitetv-entlit cases out 01 every hun
dred Dr. Pierce s Favorite Prescription
will cure womanly diseases, will restore
the womanly health. It has cured tens
of thousands "f women ninny of whom
bail been given up by phvsicir.ns anil
menus. 11 is essentially a medicine , tor
woman's ills. H dries enfeebling drains.
It 'reals iiipntntnutioii anil ulceration. It
tires female weakness and Ixtaring down
tiains. It traaiuliiies the nerves, re-
Stores the appetite and gives refreshing
"Favorite Prescription" differs from
almost all other medicines put up for
-.tuiiinii s use 111 in.ii u contains no hico
hoi find is entirely free t'rotn opium, co-
vaine and ail other rarcot cs. It is in
the truest sense of the term a Urn- medicine.
A Constant Sufferer,
t had been a constant auffrrer from ufrrlna
ilra.e for five years.' writes J. A. Steorts, of Van.
kte IMm. Cl.iv Co.. West Virginia. Hand for sis
month previous to taking your medicine 1 was
r.if oi or my room. i.ouia not walk or staua,
as thrre was such pain and drawing: in left side
and bearing down weight in region of uterus.
sccomtMiiiied with soreuesa. 1 suffered con.
stimtlv with hradnche. pain in back, shoulders,
amia and chert; had palpitation, nervous prostra
tion, constipation. clisxincM, ringing in eara:
could tjt sleep, and lirenthiug was sodifricalt at
timea I could not lie down. Worda fail to de
acrihe inv sunerinss when I wrote to you for
advice. In a short time I received a kind letter
from you telling me I would be greatly bene
6ted. If not entirely cured, by the use of Dr.
Pierce's Favorite Prescription. When I had taken
one bottle of the ' Precriitiou.' tovuhtr with Dr.
nerce a rieasmtt reiiets ana the local tteiilnient
which -ou advised, I could walk (with the sup
poil ola cane), the drawingand pain in side aid
bearing down weight were not so bad. anil wnen
I had taken three bottles of the medicine the
Dcriuda were reuulatcd. I was unt so nervnua
could sleep well, and the pain In side sad lienr
mg uown nnu vauiHiieu. i nave taken six net
tles of Favorite Prescription,' two of 'Golden
neaieaifMcivr ana lour vtils or ' Pellets,'
and my health ia better at this time than it hat
been u ave ycara. - - i
With grateful thanks for your kind adviet
aad with best wishes.
Dr. Pierce s Pleas
ant Pellets are
ant i-euets ae a tiY '
most effective laxa- 8sAtvV
tlve for women. KT T '
They cur bilious- 3j
ness and sick bead- M L. ' yli
ache. , V,r
Get acquainted with
xnA VTatl AFe rr II Ctm Atm i-lll mmrxA
J as (UHUajMa " , TV 414 aTS-IIU
you the magazine three months
rrea tut you may eet acquainted
q SMITH'S is the biggest ifius
trated migions in tlie world 1 70
piges of reading matter and pio
turss, the same size page as the big
stindirj magazines like Harpet't
and Century.
q SMITH'S is raade up of the
Klf nf vmnttUtnn tl -A .
t'.it can be obtained, best iHustra-
tions that clevor arusb) can draw,
and the best special articles, written
by writers who know their subject
tHoroughly and write as entertain
ingly as they are instructive.
3 SMITH'S also prints every mooih a
tcxe or store pretty portratts, k colors, of
beautiful women Taken all in all, there
is so better naguine than SMITH'S
ia iaet, sons aearly aa good, M Buitex
wast the coat,
q Write day. A postal will do.
Afdreae Dept F, Smith's Mafaxtaa,
83 Sosrenth Avenue), New York City
jckszx- r??5ri i
Don't run or walk past this place.
Capital place to stop, anyhow
clean, lots of good things to look at
and select from, courteous treat
ment and lowest pricing possible
when quality is counted. Finest
staple and fancy groceries at. .....
not these confections because
they're purity personified. The
old idea that all sweets are harm
ful to the teeth, hurtful to the
stomach, was exploded long ago,
for soldiers often live on sugar and
gain in strength and endurance.
But our candies ara not only pure
and wholesome they are delicious
as to flavor. You can get a trial
pound of chocolates for 6 Octs.
SELPER, The Candy
., ,,. ,',""
Farm Lons a Specialty
Best equipped abstracter In Union
county. Many years experience
with the Union county records
gives me a great advantage. It
is folly to purchase real estate
without first securing a proper
abstract. An abstract from my
office will show tha title just as
it appear on the official record.
I. A fiRAyDE, OREO N j
. Room SI Sommer Building . I
Vo'tke" 1 ' " "
We have made arrangements to have a
special line of the season's later and en-
tiiely new Creations in Ladies' pattern
and tailored hats arrive here in time for
our millinery opening which will be tha
early part of April. Watch for announce
ment. The Fair Department Store
Brick furnished in any quantiy or any
style, Nj ciitrast too a-iisll or to
large. See samples " our pressed
P brick.
. Li rn!wie Or"ern'