I I o of U tt y MOW MANY? ; Time3 have you wished for a daintily decorated room? well, what's the use of stopping at the :' wishing gate? Push it open and you'll find yoi r , self well inside our com fortable showroom, with ; an attentive array of ',. 7,'cl!!. c?'"n5 and border ; paper, that will make day h delightful by eyesight, the night by dreams of de signs artistic. Here, then -; ' for interior decorations. ; ; 5TANIELS & JARMAN, Paper Hangers and Decoratoratars Second Hand Bicycles Ont Rambler '. $6.00 On Ideal 10.00 One Colambia Chainles 15.00 One Ladies' wheel 1 0.00 New Bicycles Cleveland and Princetons $25 to $100 PHONE RED 281 C L. SMITH CREAMERY BUILDING UPHOLSTERING , AND CABINET I ' MAKING Furniture repaired and upholstered No order too small or too large. All work guaranteed. ? Old furniture, made good as new E. E. SCOTT, Shop 1420 Adams Avenue 1 Phone Red 672 HOUSE CLEANING MADE EASY With the assistance of JOE WILLIAMS x Charges reasonable and Prompt Service. Leave orders at the Red X Cross Drug Store or phone blk 27! . . I THE LA GRANDE j NURSERY j v SHADE TREES Is one of my special ties. Delivery to be made on , or after March 15. Special bargains on Roses I also have a fine lot of Apple, pear, prune, plum, cherry, appri cot, peach, mulberry, shade trees and ornamental trees, grapes, currents, gooseberry, blackberry, dewberry, rasp berry, vines, creepers, and hedge plants. Phone 1511. Thorns' grocery Geo. W. Powell, THE ! OXFORD PIR JAMES FA10UHARSON. Prop. WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS Cold lunches and mixed drink a specialty. Fair - and Impartial 1 treatment to all. You are invited 1 to call and get acquainted. j I x NOTHING BETTER IB OUR OJSHIOiUND : RUBBER TIRED EUOGIES RUNABOUTS AND TWO SfATfD t FULL LINE NOW IN STOCK Our steam Rolled Barley can't be beat ' All kinds of feed constantly kept on nana, uioice lot or timothy just arrived. PRICES RIGHT Phone Main 6 : GRANDE RONDE CASH (0. i Lewis Bros. Prop. WAIIftWil f AUNTY of Oregon more pronounced in his opin MrULUITH VUUHI 1 . ions on this subject than Mr. Cake, as Send your collection nd cash items to Tbe Stock Growers and Ems Bank, OF WALLOWA, OREGON. We pay five per cent interest on I time deposit. CAPITAL 5,ouo.oo : C. T. McDaniel, Cashier. A, K. Stbunenbero, Pres. J WE CARRY MEATS for a brief while only. Short for saying that we handle only fresh prcducts. W sell so much beef, mutten. lamb. pork, and poultry that nothinu atavs on our premise long. Food for thought in that truthful statement. If you object to stale meat, let u have your order. Grandy& Russell G. E. FOWLLR Truck and Transfer Wood and Coal PHONE 1611 All orders givn prompt attention Practical Gunsmith Kefirs Strictly Firstciass i-uris re-stocked Kiys fitted totjoor Lfk'ks WM. AGNEW Adaine Aveaae s ' ' t '1 1 S '-"" uMit iuiiii mi hi,...! I'!"' '"'""'M',tm''"rtl't'L' """"""""" "lu'' "".'' .li in Ail CAKE OPPOSED TO TRUSTS Every combination of capital known as a trust should be placed under the ban of the law, not only should trust corporations tnemseives be barred from doing business but the individuals responsible for the combinations should be punished as pro- vwea oy law, says n. m. t.ake, candidate for United States Senator. There is probably no man in the state evidenced by his actions and past utter ances. He is not the attorney for. is not inter ested in, nor does he represent, directly or indirectly, any trust He believes in the absolute freedom of RECORDS A large shipment of Records reached u this morning from the factory. Come and hear them. You will likely want some of them. W. K. Davis. 1316 Adams Ave. MILLINERY OPENING Every day in the week at Mrs. J. R. Forrest'. Prices lower than ever known Trimmer from Qage'e of Chicago. !niuliv liairVnl D. H. STEWARD, Proprietor and Manager, . , . THE FAMOUS MURRAY , n. anLWAKU Krnnniirnr snd ivianarrar i At V v H 4;J il 1-1..'. J'""aa-x, j j n ; CALL AT MRS. J. R. FORREST'S eeeeeeeeeeei competition in all lines of business the preservatisn of the equal right of the entire citizenship of the country free from interference by combinations of capital Mr. Cake is a firm believer in the right of the American workinsman to orotect himself by means of labor organizations against the oppressions of organized cap ital. The great common people of the country can depend upon it that Mr. Cake is friend to their interests, for he is one of the common people. He is friend to every section and inter est of the state, and if elected to the Senate, will do everything he can for the developeinent and prosperity of all Ore gon. FOR GRANTED We take it for granted that everybody wants pure soaps, so have no other. We will sell any box of soap in our window this week only, 3 cakes for 20 cts. Newlin Druo Co, LOST On the eighteenth, a pair of gold spectacles between Christian church and National Bank. Return to Obser ver or owner. Reward paid. Mrs. Job Spencer. . ORIGINALS & MACK; AND THEIR ALL-FIN CROWD j 40--Pecplc--40 I The latest Musical Satire of New York life MONDAY, APR. 9 : PRICES -Boxes S so : Orchestra, Orchestra Center 1.00 Dress Circle .75 Galery .50 and .25 2 ee LATEST in 'fill! NSW CARPETS PR A U riFUL CARPETS The vtry Latest Designs HANDSOMEST LACE CURTAINS ever shown in ti;e city. j w. fi. BOHNFNKAMP CO. Ribbons All the Much Needed Spring NEW E. M Wellman &, Company ADAMS SAVF. THE TOOK : Lawson Bros have added a line of J complete line of groceries and all now prepared to furnish your table want complete from Cookies to Baken. with Mayple Syrup and Honey thrown in. All orders promptly delivered and full weight and ample measure guaranteed. 2 : SEATTLE GROCERY CO. LAWSON Centennial Hotel Under new management. Board and Room $5 per week. cash. Meals 25 ct. Special rates fin nishe Monthly patrons. No. 1417 Adams Av Phone No. 1161. Mr. W. E. Murchison, proprietress ARE YOU AFTER GOOD GROCERIES? Don't run or walk past this place. Capital place to stop, anyhow clean, lots of good things to look at and select from, courteous treat ment and lowest pricing possible when quality is counted. Finest staple and fancy groceries at. , .... PHONE MAIN 46 QEDDEJ BRIT NORTH FIR STREET I. R. OLIVER. (' NION lOUfJTY ABSTRACTS Farm Loans a Specialty Best equipped abstracter in Union county. Many years experience with the Union county records gives me a great advantage. It i folly to purchase real estate without first securing a proper abstract An abstract from my office will show the title just as it appear on .the official record. I. R. OLIVER, - i S5ssakiaogSiA IfcsZG5) 4 VW 1 j Room 3 1 Sommer Building Ribbons; Shades for Waists and Sashes. HATS AVENUE : Bakery GOOdS to their already BROS. Prop. MUST MOVE ON A man may graft and a man may lie, And a man may puff and blow; But you can't get trade sitting Jn the shade. ' " x Waiting for business to grow. - Fred Jacobs. WON'T HURT YOUR TEETH- not these confections because they're purity personified. The old idea that all sweets are harm ful to the teeth, hurtful to the stomach, was exploded long ago, for soldiers often live on sugar and gain in strength and endurance. But our candies are not only pure and wholesome-they are delicious as to flavor. You can get a trial pound of chocolates for 60cts. SELDER, The Candy ividll MTKf The Blue Mountain CrAam.ro r ...:.i.. to j wi, wisnes say to their Datmn. th,t u . Mili IrllVV wit make tests of each Hsliuoru . tll Blkn J ' ' W" 'Or all who desire same. Those whn w,n - the creamery may have tests, weight and .-H.. wuuna. outter fat. returned in each can, by simply writing that same is des,red. The Blue Mountain Creamery Co. trys to Dlease it. ,., ... . ftth-una. ana specif ally solicits the patronage of the .-.., ui uranae Konde valley. Brick furnished in any quantty or any 'yle. No contract t,3 ,rlll. or , 'arge. See samples M our pressed brick. GEO. KREIGER. III