La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, April 05, 1906, Image 1

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Fair tonight
Tomorrow warmer.
(Scrlppa Newa Association)
LineoliV Nab. April 6. The Puget
Sound Flyer of the Burlingtoi road was
thrown into a ditch, at seven this morn
ing near Mitchell, Nebraska, a hundred
and twenty five miles west pf here. The
engineer, ran several miles to the nearest
station and reported the wreck. The
man ws nearly crazed because of fear
m nn r bi A nliof tram w
immediately sent to the scene.
- Later announcements say that no one
was killed. - The train was a double
header and when the accident came,
eleven coaches left the rails. The only
serious injury was to the baggage man.
although no doubts of his recovery are
entertained. .
(Scrlppa News Association)
Berlin. April 5. The Black Stag, a
large hotel in Nagold.. Germany, collap
sed today during the celebration of a local
fete. All who were in the building were
buried, and the dead esitmated from tne
to three hundred.
Fifty-two were killed in the building
and seventy injured. .The guests were
eating lunch wheu Ilia crash came. Many
of the bodies have been recovered and
some are still in the ruins. .
Walla Walla. AdhI 6. Miss Mamie
took of La Grande., who visited in Pen
dleton the past winter, died with tuber
culosis in the Walla Walla hospital. Tues
day. - - -
Miss Cook was bom in this city, being
a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Y.
Cook, and has two brothers now living in'
this city. Deceased has been Tn poor
health for several years. She was about
20 years of age.
(Scrlppa News Association) v
Chicago, April 6 "Apostle" Dow'a
left Matico tonight. All of the of
fleers of the Zion were in secret confer
ence this morning. It is admitted today
that Voliva possesses letters from Dowie
to Ruth Hofer and it is said . that they
have proof that Dowie advocated poly
gamy because of the "Hardness of hearts
prevailed in Zioh" and says David per
mitted the Jews to have more than one
wife on account of the hardness of
hearts. Mrs. Dowie swooned this morn
ing in the : dining room of the Shiloh
house and is reported to be seriously af
fected with nervous prostration.
(Scrlppa News Association)
Washington D. C. April 6 Henry T.
D.:... - J j . i it . j . i.
. iamjr uufHu uio nuuse today on - uie
sinsational tariff question.' He said that
industries which become so strong as to
be able to maintain two prices, one ex
port and one for home sale, are enough
to dj without the protective tariff.
(Scrlppa News Association) ,
Denver, Col, April 6. The Plants-
I l.illack Lumber and Supply Company,
covering twenty acres, burned Ufa morn-
ma - hi Inem im ut m, ,-. -i h Ik,
three thousand mark.
(Scrlppa News Association)
New York. April 6. President Mitchell
announced today that the sub scale com
mittee made the proposition to operators
that settlement of all difficulties .be re
ferred to a board of arbitration composed
of the present board of conciliation with
Justice Gray as chairman, and that the
decision of this board be binding upon all
parties. '
(Scrlppa News Association)
Chicago. April 6. The appelate court
today affirmed the tower court's decision
in setting aside the legacy of $53,000 be
queathed by Frederick Sutton, of New
Zealand for Dowie's Zion. The court
sustained the contention of the heirs that
the bequest was secured under undue in
fluence. ;,
The conference of the church board of
deacons have presented to Voliva the
charges in detail of the alleged polyga
mous teachings, his relations to woman,
and the financial operations of Dowie.
Deacon Wilhite. a personal friend of
Dowie and recognized as a representative,
made a statement in (he conference say
ing he hoped the great good Dowie has
done will not be overlooked nor under
valued. He also said he hoped even now
that some way of adjusting the affairs
without resorting' to courts, could be found.
''1 am speaking only for myself," He said.
A board, to consist of seven ecclessiasts
and business men to have control of
affairs. Was recommended. This board
is to work under the spiritual head of the
church. j ..
(Scrlppa Newa Association)
.. Rome. April 6. Mount Vesuvius is
again in eruption. Five streams of lava
are running down the sides of the mount
ain and people living in the villages near
by are fleeing from their homes. Ashes
from the eruption are floating as far as
Naples. -
(Scrlppa Newa Association)
Washington D. C, April 6 John C.
McMillan of the state of Washington was
today elected president of the., Railway
Commissioners. He secured his majority
on the seventh ballot ' - '
(Scrlppa Newa Association)
. Chicago, April 6. Wheat opened at
78,lfc closed 78; corn opened at 446.
closed at 45; oats opened at 30.
closed at
(Scrlppa Newa Association)
Berlin, Germany, April 6. Prince Von
Buelow. a German chancellor, was over
come by a fainting attack in the Reich
stag today and earned unconscious to an
anti room. The Prince had just finished
ai address to the Reichstag on the Alger
ian agreement, when he turned suddenly
pale and fell heavily forward. The sitt
ing adjourned although the gravity of the
attack is unknown.
After an hour the physicians restore''
the stricken chancellor to consci ousness,
aud declared him put out of danger.
(Scrlppa News Association)
Wilkesbarre Pa April 5 The Constat
bulary here has determined to make an
example of the miners who are alleged to
be guilty of violence. A mounted squad
went this -morning to the Fernwood
colliery from which place shots were
nred at the works from passengers
on an eastbound train last night. The
squad will also go to Mocanaqua where
men drove off workmen and have threat
ened to shoot any one who would go to
work today. The troops have threatened
to burn the village and drive the Italians
out if any more shooting occurs. The
threat seems to prove effective and quiet
has been restored.
In silver and gold Galoon, -Faney
leather effects, and a large assort
ment of white belts in Eylet embroid
ery end plain effects.
25c to $1.25
Just received by expres in embroid
ered linens, heavy lace, embroidered
silk and many others in the most pop
ular effects.
I5c to 50c
With white and all other desirable
colors, leather and canvass, in fact
all the new offerings,
25c to $4.00
Reached us Saturday. Every r.ew shipment brings some
thing entirely new in style and makeup. There never
has been a Mason of so many and varied styles. Styles
to suit every individual taste and figure' Our assortment
now represents all the good and wanted styles and the
prices will prove an agreeable surprise to you. Visit this
department now.
Suits $9 up . Coats and Jackets S5 up
Another Shipment of
New Wash Goods
This represents a choice lot
of new goods that have made
their appearance nee the
regular spring stocks were
bought Priced, yd Jg yp
Real German
Direct from German
mills, without starch or
filling, positively the best
damask made, for service
the yd $1.00
New Ladies' Ready-to-wear Hats Coming in every Week
Hats that Please at Pleasing Prices
of the famous Kirschbaum make
9t placed on our stock counters. Suits in all this sea
son's best colorings and patterns; in double and single
breasted suits. A Kirchbaum guaranteea suit means
perfection in clothirg.
$10 to $20
In endless variety
Coat shirts, shirts with attached cuffs, shirts with de
tached cuffs, and shirts without cuffs, in any color your
fancy may dictate. The largest assortment of dress
shirts ever shown in La Grande.
50c to $2.00
.The city council met last evening and
every member came loaded for business,
and before they were anyways near
ready to adiourn. they saw that they had
work before them that would keep them
ngaged for many hours. They adjourn
ed to meet again next Monday to espe
cially consider a resolution which we
publish in full as it contains the basis of
several changes, one being the foundation
for an occupation tax. another raising
saloon licenses from $400 to $600.
C. C. Rockwell was granted a rebate
of $69 on his saloon license.
The petition to have 6th street im
proved was refered to the street com
J. W. Redhead asked for a renewal of
his lease for one year, of the pest house
The water superintendent recommend
ed that two water stands be placed in
the alleys for the. street sprinkler in
order to save the hydrants, referred and
approved. ; ' . ..
Ways and Means committee asked for
further time to investigate the city (ark
proposition, as did likewise the street
committee to report on the proposition
submitted by the Grand Ronde Electric
Co. to furnish lights.
The city treasurer's salary was raised
$80 to $180 per annum.
L. Remillard was refused a license for
a saloon in the building just completed by
Johnny McKenna, on Adams avenue on
the grounds that it was an undesirable
location for a saloon.
The street committee was given power
to investigate and place a light on east
Adams avenue also a wider bridge over
that small revine.
The recorder was instructed to write
the city of Walla Walla to ascertain
whether or not they considered the use
of oil on their streets superior to sprint
ling wagon,
The street committee was instructed to
secure data as to cost of a rock crusher,
and roller.
in writting and no report shall be received
as the report of a committee, except
the same is signed by a majority of a
committee, but a minority report may be
received In connection therein.
2d. That the Fire and Insurance com
mittee be authorized ta inspect th en
trances and exists to all places of public
assemblage, and they may be empowered
to compsll all owner or m merer of
such buildings to comply with the ordi
nances of La Grande in providing means
of exist In case of fire or other causality.
Also, that said committee be authorized
to cause to be removed or torn down
any building or structure that may be
dangerous to lifo or property or that may
be the cause of fires. That said commit
mittee be authorized to assume super
vision of the police department in connec
tion with its other duties.
Farmers Phone No. 27
City Phone Black 1301
Whereas. An efficient service in all the
departments of the City's business is es
sential to the public welfare, and the
providing of ample funds to pay running
expenses, to meet outstanding obligations
and to make needed improvements is
among the imperativedut'esof the Council,
therefore be it.
Resolved 1st. That the judiciary com
mittee be instructed to have copies of the
revised Charter, ordinances, rules and
resolutions printed as speedily as possible
with a number of blank leaves in the
back to past new ordinances and amend
mer.ts 'n.
That the said committee report to the
council at the next regular meeting a
mendments and alterations as follow i
Amend rule No. 7. to change the com
mittee now called "Fire department.chiin
ney's, flues and insurance" to '..'Fire and
Police" committee.
T.iat in rule No. 8, under the 9th order
of business the words "General discus-
sion" be stricken out.
That all the rules be amended so as
not to conflict with the charater as a
mended and to agree with the increase of
wards and the number of councilmen as
now constituted.
That rule No. SO be amended to agree
with rule No. 7.
That rule No. 28 be recinded for the
reason mat it is in conflict with section
1 28 of the charter.
That the following rules be added to
the Council: - . .
i. aii reports, resolutions, remon
strances, reccommendations, petitions, or
propositions, when submitted to the coun
cil by the public, members of the council,
committees or officers must be In writting
Z. When a question has been decided,
it shall be in order for any member who
voted with the prevailing side to move for
a reconsideration therefore, but no motiop
for a reconsideration of the vote shall be
taken after the ordinance, resolution or
act shall have gone out of the possession
of the council, and that the motion to re
consider must be made on the same day
of the matter in question.
S. All committees shall report the fact
in relation to matter or subjects referred
with their opinions and recommendation
hereby empowered to employ a compet
ent and expert accountant to audit all
the books and records of the officer who
have kept any part of the city's books,
and that under the direction of said com
m'ttee, tha said eipjrt be employed to
devisa a complete filing system for all
papers and documents that are a part of
the city's business, and that complete
forms for account books, record books,
stub or duplicating books be prepared
and proper forms devised and printed
tabulated and ruled in in columns with
proper head lines so that all funds, re
ceipts disbursements may be properly
U balated and indexed. That when said
auditing of accounts is complete i and
said tystem of filing is prepared, and the
forms of account and stub books devised
the report of the committee covering all
tiese matter to be submitted to the
ouncil for final action.
4tn. that the Health water and
Sewar Committee be instructed to salect
anu g prices on sunaDie land tor a
dump ground for garbage and a ' place
for the burial or burning of dead animals
and report to the council for final action.
i nai mere oe ordered and placed at
the disposal of slid eommittea a warrant
on the general fund for $2.50.00. said
warrant to take precedanci over other
naiiiin uuibunaing so me money may
oe at once available without discount.
Said money to be used by the committee
n defraying expenses Incurred in carry
ing out the instructions of the council
given at the mee ing of Mirch 53th 1906
wherein said committee was delegated
the power and authority to investigate
any ana an available sources of water
supply, make surveys and estimates of
me cost or conveying Water to the City
otn. That the Streets and Alleys
committee is instructed and empowered
to cause all, sidewalks to be renal rad
CarUioued on paje 3
MaJ A Ultsuun W4ii4tbvw
(Scrlppa Newa Association)
Washington, April 6 Commander' .
Sutherland, commanding the American;
naval forces in the Dominican waters,'
cables the department that a small revo
lution is on at Samana. He adds that no
American property is endangered. Two
gun boats have been rushed to the scene.
(Scrlppa Newa Association)
Washington, D. C. April 6 The presi--.
dent is today holding a conversation with
the Democratic senator among whom
are Overman. Daniel Clay and Foster':
It is supposed the senator came at the
invitation of the President. ''
(Hcrippe Mews AMouimiunj - a
San Francisco, Cel., . April 6. Judge
Dehaven today sentenced Frank Johnson.
convicted of naturalization frauds, to ten
years at San Quentin, and a fine of four ;
hundred dollars. Johnson was a water
front politician and a ringleader of the'
crowd which made it a business to net-;
uralize sailor for fifty dollars each. Judge;
Dehaven is well known in Eastern Oregon.;
having sat on the bench which tried Sen
ator Mitchell some time ago. J It
(Scrlppa Newa Association) ', ,
Winlpeg, April 6 James J. Hill writes':
a letter to the president of the board of ,
trade, confirming the report that he . is t
to build a transcontinental line over
Canadian territory. He
000 for terminal's her.
paid .$2.000,-J
(Scrlppa Newa Aiwoclatlon) , '
Cove, Ore., April 8. Mr. Emma Le-1
Doux, who is awaiting trial for th mur-1
der of McVicar, at Stockton, has a sister
and brother-in-law here who have just 1
heard of her trouble..
(Scrlppa Newa Amoolatlon)
Berlin. April B A weekly paper today
published an article saying: "After I
Morocco oomes Siam. The program is J
thought to reflect governmental sentiment
for a division of the German Interest 'in I
the commercial spoils of Slam. Germany
cannot agree to existing . arrangement
between England and France." ' I
(Hcrlppa Newa Association)
Washington, April 8. Seattle, ha been
chosen as the next meeting place of the
national association of railroad commis
sioners, " . " ,'
I Satisfactory Tackle for j
Critical Anglers
We are always gjad to have experienced fish
ermen come in and look over our stock of fish-.
ing tackle, for they appreciate the up-to-date
character of the assortment. We have some
things here now that you will want to take
with you on your next fishing trip. Good time
now to "stock up" your kit with anything lack
ing: Lines, spoon hooks, artificial bait, flies,
hooks, etc., If you need a new rod, reel or
anything of that kind we have them, 'tod.
Prices right on all you may be sure; '.
La Grande, Oregon. , t