I - HOW MANY? Times have you wished for a daintily decorated room? well, -what's the use of stopping at the wishing gate? Push it open and you'll find your self well inside our com fortable showroom, with an attentive array of wall, ceiling and border paper, that will make day 2 .J 13 U t. - I l - ueugnuui oy eyesigni,ine night by ' dreams of de signs artistic. Here, then for interior decorations. STANIELS & JARMAN, Paper Hangers and Decoratoratars Second Hand Bicycles One Rambler $6.00 One Ideal 10.00 One .Colambia Chainless 1 5.00 One Ladies' wheel 10.00 New Bicycles , Cleveland and Princetons - $25 to $100 PHONE RED 261 CL. SMITH CREAMERY BUILDING UPHOLSTERING AND MAKING CABINET Furniture repaired and upholstered No order too small or too large. All work guaranteed. Old furniture made good as new E. E. SCOTT, Shop 1420 Adams Avenue Phone Red 672 , - 1 tiOUSE CLEANINU MAUt EASY With the assistance of JOE WILLIAMS Charges reasonable and Prompt Service. Leave orders at the Red Cross Drug Store or phone blk 271 " THE LA GRANDE NURSERY SHADE TREES Is one of my special ties. Delivery to be made on or after March 15. Special bargains on JRoseg fine lot of Apple, I pear, prune, plum, cherry, appn cot, peach, . mulberry, shade trees and ornamental trees, grapes, currents, gooseberry, blackberry, dewberry, rasp berry, vines, creepers, and hedge plants. Phone, 15 11. Thorns' grocery Geo. W. Powell, the : : OXFORD PJR JAMES FARQUHARSON. Prop. CoaptaS MMrtroeol ol WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS Cold lunches and mixed drinks a specialty. Fair and impartial treatment to all. You are invited ... ii .nil eel acQua'mted. I m mm I RECEIVED A CAR LOAD OF RUBBER TIRED BUGGIES RUNABOUTS AMD TWO SEAIfD Just the thing . for this summer The prices are right, call and see them. All new designs. We have the very "rig you have been, think ing about. TIMOTHY HAY THE BEST. EVER Phone Main 6 GRANDE RONDE CASH CO Lewis Bros.. Prop. . .... iv ii i nun smiuTV - WALLOWA COUNTY Send your collections and cash items to - Tbc Stock- Growers and - farmers Bank, OF WALLOWA, OREGON. We pay five per cent interest on time deposit - CAPITAL.. $25,000.00 ' C. T. McDaniel, Cashier. A. K. Steunehbero, Pres. WE CARRY MEATS for a brief while only. Short for saying that we handle only fresh prcducls. We sell so much beef, mutten, lamb, pork, and poultry that nothing stays on our premises long. Food for thought in that truthful statement. If you object to stale meats, let us have your orders. Grandy& Russel G. E. FOWLLR Truck and Transfer Wood and Coal PHONE 1611 All orders given prompt attention Practical Gunsmith Repairs Strictly Fretdass Guns re-stocked Keys fitted to door La ks WM AGNEW Adams AvtiM f OUKD IKE BAIOOS (Serlppa News Association) ' New York, .April 4 Life savers this morning reported the finding of the baloon in which Paul N. Sculpor ascended yes terday on Long Island Beach. The tracks about the badly damaged baloon, indicate that the aeronaut esjapjd. ' CL1 BLANCO DEAD (Serlppa News Association) . Madrid. - April 4 General . Ramon Blanco, who succeeded General Weyler as governor general of Cuba, died here today. WHY ROT MM? - The county court of Wallowa county has lust issued a pamphlet, descriptive of Wallowa county. They have taken advantage of the "opportunities offered under the law passed by the last legisla ture, giving counties authority to spend $1000 for advertising purposes. Union county could profitably do likewise. There is nothing of a general descriptive nature in Union County for distribution. OSTEOPATHIC PEB31ES . Get right with Nature. Osteopathy aims to help Nature. Osteopathy is the reaction against drugs. "Pmv all thine, hold fast that' which good." ..'. - - All Wat is asked by Osteopathy, invest igation. Health means perfect physical adjust ment of the body. Adjustment is the eynote. Offtii sma.l anaio.nicdl defect reme- ied will cure a most stubborn disease. Pain is Nature's warning that a pinched nerve or blood vessel is struggling for freedom. Whatever interferes with blood or nerve supply is a prime cause of disease. Osteopathy is an appeal to rational liv ing and the common sense treatment of isease. Osteapathy, rubbing." When a verte bra of your spine is being forced Into line or a twisted rib righted, you will hardly call it rubbing. Tha "How" and "Why" of the treat ment in any form of disease, acute or chronic, is explainable to your understand ing by Osteopathy, if the Osteopath is educated. ' Will Osteopathy help you?"' None but the Osteopath can tell. If he be compe tent, a careful -examination will answer your question. . ' records A large shipment of Records reached us this morning from the factory. Come and hear them. You will likely 'want some of them. W. K. Davis. 1316 Adams Ave. JTCWflRW' OTOWI. HOUSE D. H. STEWARD, Proprietor and Manager.' ,: ": THE MACK SWAIN THEATRE CO. A BIG CITYHOW 5 Mights Comme icing Thur. Apiit 10 NEW PEOPLE NEW 1 Popular Prices ' - Seats on sale Sunday CALL AT MRS. "N X ' .'V.iX AMUSEMENTS AROUND THE TOWN '; ' Murray and Mack have this year sur rounded themselves with a very capable company. Their leading lady, Miss Mam ie Taylor, is a well known local favorite. Others in the cast are Walter Dale, Thomas ' Spry, Joe Birnes, Walter S. Brower, Stephen Pridean, and J. L. Sam ple. These are the principal who will be assisted by a male and female chorus. Murray and Mack have made greater efforts this year than aver to get their erir tertainment up to the high water mark. They are now tha only exponents of their line of comedy before the public. ' Of all the farce comedy star who began thi line of work many years ags when farce comedy first became, popular, jnone are left, having either branched out into other lines of work or the teams have separated. This makes the fourteenth ' consecutive year for this team and their success' for many years has been a ' wonder- among theatrical people. All .of their specialties this year are bran-new with the excep tion of their grotesquely humorous bcumg match. This they discarded two years ago, but have decraea w iwic.l i: the famous old boxing match will be hand ei out in its usual manner;' Nothing' fun nier has ever been devised. : MAC SWAIN COMPANY . . ' Theatre goers will be pleased to know that the Mack Swain .Theatre Company has consented to play a return date in this city. Mr. Swain now has an up-to- date company which is justly termed "A big city show." It Is unnecessary to en ter into details regarding the merit of the Mack Swain Theatre Company, as during their previous visit her their ability was thoroughly demonstrated, and the re membrance of the company is such as to insure the member a hearty'' welcome. Many new people have been added tb the company and much special scenery fntn duced into the plays.' They will 'open a five night's engagement r here'. Tuesday, April 10. A usual, the Ma:k Swain Theatre Company will play to popular prices. 10, 20 and SO' cents. As Mr, Swain says, it has alway be'ert hi "fad" to civ a dollar show, but he ha found that it pays better 'to charge ' aV'lowe price. Your i ohey ' worth pr your money back. ' ","., fOR f AMILY USE '. Every, family in town should have a box of soap from our window this week at SO cts. Come in or telephone us. Nkwlih DHud Co.' NEW SCENERY PLAYS -10c, 20c and 30c morning at Van Burens ' " . LATEST - V IN 11RT ! J. R. FORREST'S j W. H. BOHNHNKAMP CO. j ' " 11 1 ' 1 : e Bicycles, Fishing Ribbons All the Much Needed Spring Shade for Waists and Sashes. NEW . E. M. Wellman ADAMS a SAVE THE COOK Lawson Bros have added a line of Bakery GOOdS to their already complete line of groceries and all now prepared to furnish your table wants complete from Cookie to Baken, with Maypl Syrup and Honey thrown in. All order promptly delivered and full weight and ample measure guaranteed. . . ' ' "' SEATTLE GROCERY CO,! LAWSON Centennial Hotel Under new management.. Board and Room" " $5 per week, cash. Meals 26 cts. t Special rates fmnishe Monthly patrons.' No. liif Adams Ave. Phone No. 1161. .. Mrs.. W. E. Murohiton, proprietress Don't run or walk past this place. Capital placo .to stop, anyhow clean, lots of good things to look at and select from,' courteous treat ment and lowest pricing possible when quality is counted. Finest staple and fancy groceries at. PHONE MAIN 46 QEDDEJ BRLT ' NORTH FIR STREET I. fe ll NION OLIVER. IOU NT Y ABSTRACTS 1 Farm Loans a Specialty Best equipped abstracter in Union county. Many years experience with the Union county records gives me a great advantage. It is folly to purchase real estate without first securing a proper abstract. An abstract from my - office will show tha title just as it appears on the official record. ). R. OLIVER, U ORANDE, OREG .N Room 31 Som.ner Bu.kling a i ' ! . ARE YOU AFTER OOD ;i; ,..CRQCERIES7- Guns Tackel Ribbons !' HATS & Company AVENUE 'ft j v. BROS. Prop. '." MUST MOVE ON t V A man may graft and a man may lie, ; ' And a man may puff and blow; But you can't get trade sitting in t ; . .shade,. . .- .' . . , ii Waiting for business to grow. ' 'J ' . Fred Jacoi WON'T I1UR1 YOUR lEETH- A' not these confections because they're purity personified. The'! old idea that all sweets are harm-l ; ful to the teeth, hurtful to the ' stomach, was exploded long ago, ? for soldiers often live on sugar and gain in strength and endurance. ' But our candies are not only pure and wholesome they are dolicious as to flavor. You can get atrial'. pound of chocolates for 60cts. SELDER,;-', NOTICE The Blue Mountain Creamery Co. wisl to say to their patrons, that they make Usts of each delivery of cream 'k all who desire same. Those who ship the creamery may have tests, weight a I j i psr pouid, bulur fa;, returned J each can, by simnly writing that sams k desired, The Blue Mountain Cream Co. trys to please its . patrons, i es tactfully solicits fie pa'.roiageof I fanner of Orande Ronde valley. ' BI1ICK BliICK Brick furnished In any qaanUy or'an style, Na contract too mil or t i . . ' , ; -i large. See sample n' our presse ' ( '. brick. ' ; il GEO. KREIGER. Li (Irandr, OregOQ f . . - - - j i r